《Restless Ballet (OHSHC)》Chapter Two:


Asuna's POV

I sigh standing up from the comfort of my bed. I grab the remote from my nightstand that sat next to my bed. I press play as a rock cover from Take a hint plays.

I go to my closet looking at the color coded clothes. I grab my skinny leather pants, sliding it on as it hugged my body, showing my hip curves and butt curve. I had my black b-cup bra, grabbing a navy blue off the shoulder shirt. I slipped on mitch match socks. And my classic black and white converse. I put my hair up in its usual ponytail bun, my bangs covering one of my eyes.

I grab my phone, turning my music off, I walk down the long empty hallways of my mansion. My maids and butler's doing work around the large empty building. The whole mansion and it's only me and my butler who raised me because my mother became I'll, when I was young. And my father left with my mysterious older sibling, my mother said my sibling and I were close. But the memories are kinda blurry. So I don't think they'll will remember me at all.

That's right, I have no paternal guide, and l have an older sibling, a brother to be exact.

I also found out he is attending the same school. Ouran Academy. I heard they had hideous yellow dresses for female uniform. But I'd never where that. Yellow just washes me out.

"Asuna..we arrived." I snap out of thought seeing my butler Sano holding the door open for me.

"Oh umm thank you Sano." I step out of my white limo and before me stood a pink...school. Pink of all colors pink. First yellow now pink, what next orange? Because I don't remember ordering sherbet ice cream.

"Asuna, your mother wanted me to give this to you. It's a photo of your brother. I found out that he is part of a club. Called The Host Club."


"The host club..?" I look at him my face blank "well thats unpleasant. Wasting time being a man whore."

After that line Sano chuckled, bowing.

"Text me whenever you want to be picked up."

"Alright bye Sano." I waved bye, walking on campus. The halls were empty which probably meant class had already begun. Helps with the annoying fans, who think they know everything about me.

I made my way to the office. The lady glanced at me wide eyed.

"Ms.Asuna! Welcome! Here is your class schedule and a map, your class is A-1." She holds the papers towards me

I take them bowing, I walk down the hallway seeing class A-1 in view.

I took a deep breath once I stopped in front of the door. Sliding it open, the teacher stopped writing on the board and looked at me in shock which caused her to drop her chalk.

I walk in the room, feeling every single pair of eyes ob me.

"Hello I'm Asuna ." Thats all I said, whispers started up. My eyes landed on a feminine male. Or is that an actual girl? Crossdressing?

Wait a minute..The twins next to the crossdresser.. Look familiar.

-flashback yesterday-

After the interviewer I found my self out of thought. Until loud yelling was the only thing people heard. And it was with four people, a female..two ginger twins and a tall blonde boy.

"Tamaki! Hikaru and Kaoru! Stop yelling at each other!" The female yelled her gaze came upon me

Her large brown eyes went wide. She fell to the ground sulking.

I shrug walking to the limo that waited for me.

"Haru-chan, is everything alright." A kiddish voice asked and thats all I heard.

-end flashback-

I begin to make my way towards her. Sitting in the desk behind her, next to one of the twins who had a more calmer look to his eyes then the other that sat next to the female.


The lesson began, I open the envelope taking out the photo.

He was handsome, sorta looked like a male version of my mom. Just with violet eyes. I looked like half my mother and half my dad. He was the tall blonde that was with these ginger twins and the crossdresser.

I tapped the brown haired girl on the shoulder, she turned around curious and trying to hide the fact she wants to fangirl.

"Do you know who this is?" I hold up the photo

"Umm yea that's Tamaki Suoh. Why do you have a picture of him?" She asked creeped out

"Well I'm from France, and this...is my older brother." I set the photo down with a serious face

"WHAT!!?" She yells which caused the whole class to stare

"Haruhi! Asuna! Would you like to share to the class what your discussion is about." The teacher growls

"No. It's none of their business nor yours, it's only me and my friend, Haruhi conversation." I give a simple close eyed smile, the teacher scoffed and continued to teach.

"Come with me after school, I'll show you where Tamaki is." She smiles and I nod.

For the rest of the day it was boring. After school Haruhi brought me to the abandoned music room three. Other known as the Host Club.

As soon at the door opened the smell of roses over took me and petals slapped my face.

"Haru-chan!" The kiddish voice from yesterday cheers as a tiny blond boy runs up to her and then stares at me.

"You are the pretty ballerina from yesterday. What are you doing here?" He asked

"A new princess! Welcome Princess Asuna." The talk blonde name Tamaki says

It's him, my brother. Why is so much pain and anxiety starting to ride through my body.

"Tamaki..Asuna here is.." Haruhi starts to say but I put my hand on her shoulder.

I'm not ready. He seems happy knowing I don't even exist.

"...is wanting to umm request you.." I say the first thing that pops in my head

Haruhi gave me a questionable look. I gave her a look saying that it was the wrong time. And she accepted it. I think her and I are going to end up like sisters.

I analyze the room, the ginger twins known as Hikaru and Kaoru doing a incest act. The tiny blonde eating sweets as a tall dark hair male stays quiet. Then we have Haruhi and Tamaki.

"Haruhi. You have a costumer." I turn my head seeing a male with glasses typing away on his keyboard. He seem cold and his eyes they seemed lost and unloved. And full of pain.

I soon had taken a seat next to Tamaki and four other girls. I sat bored as he entertained these ladies. I took out my phone and texted Sano to come pick me up.

Without anyone realizing I slipped out and waited for my ride. Soon the white limo appeared. I stepped in and was being driven home.

"Did you see your brother?" Sano asked focusing on the road

"Yes.But he still doesn't know I am his little sister. Just thinks I'm a costumer for his club.."

I placed my head on the palm of my hand staring out the window.

"And why didn't you tell him?" Sano asked yet another question

"It didn't seem right. If I came into his life unexpectedly and said I was his sister..I don't want to ruin the smile he has."

"Fair enough Asuna."

As soon as I arrived home, I took a long bath, slipping on undies and a baggy shirt I flop on my large king size bed.

If only he knew..

I yawned and cuddled up to my pillow as my eyes grew heavy it was only darkness.

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