《The Ballet Shoes》I'm ready to marry you


"I don't believe this little act she's putting on Harry not one bit." Louis said as he laid sleeping William in his pack and play.

"You don't have to believe it Louis, I do." Harry said from the edge of the bed.

Louis sighed hard.

"I just don't trust her." Louis said.

"Again Louis you don't have to I do." Harry said pointing to his own chest.

"Yes I do," Louis argued "you are my fiancé and I think I've got a right to worry about what you do and don't do."

"She's my mum Lou, you don't see me arguing with you about you talking to your mum do you?" Harry pointed out.

"I made my own choice of doing so." Louis said stupidly.

Harry and Louis both made their own choices of talking to their mums again. Neither of them were forced to.

"I did too." Harry said shaking his head.

"I want you to be happy Haz, but it's just after all your mum has done and said to you I don't know if I can trust her." Louis said looking down.

"I'm giving her one more chance just one more. If she messes it up then no more chances. I'll continue to talk to Gemma but not her." Harry explained.

"I talked to my mum before I came here." Louis said.

"Oh?" Harry said wanting to know more.

"I called her up, because I felt so horrible and I wasn't sure if I should of came after you or just let you come back on your own." Louis explained.

"What if I didn't?" Harry said raising a brow.

"I would've came after you eventually." the boy said.

"If your mum didn't tell you to come you wouldn't of came at all you would've just waited?" Harry questioned.

Louis nodded.

"I'm miserable without you." Louis said softly.

Harry smiled at him and kissed his cheek before taking his laptop out and logging into his email. Louis wrapped his arm around the boys waist pecking his shoulder with a kiss before resting his head on him.

Harry's eyes widened when he saw he had a reply from Mrs. Bramble. He read it out loud.

I'm replying in regards to the previous email. I would love for you to come back, however you would not be my lead as I have found another dancer for that position.

Mrs. Bramble.

Harry sighed disappointed.

"I'm not going back there!" Harry said annoyed.

"You don't have to, I think you're the best dancer ever." Louis said.

"I can't believe her!" Harry slammed his laptop shut.

"Babe calm down I'm sure there's other schools you can go to." Louis said calmly.

"Yeah most likely private which are more expensive." Harry said.

"You just said you would get your mum to help you if things got better and as far as I can see they are." Louis reminded him.

"Fuck Ballet I'm done with it!" Harry was being a little irrational.

"Babe come on don't throw it away because you didn't get back in where you wanted." Louis said.

Harry sighed feeling the tears in his eyes. Louis pulled him into his chest and cuddled him.

"I'll even try and help as much as I can baby, yes a private school may be expensive but we can do it. I want you to have your dream." Louis said softly.


Louis grabbed the laptop from Harry and opened it. Typing into the search bar Ballet schools in or close to London. He found a few one wasn't private school in fact it was a small studio it was privately owned and semi cheap and Harry could go there and get what he needs to teach a Ballet class of his own.

"We could do this one babe without your mums help." Louis explained.

"Where is it?" Harry questioned resting his head on Louis' shoulder.

"Right in London just a few minutes from the apartment." Louis said with a smile.

"It's £150 for the class I need. You sure we can do that?" Harry questioned.

"I think so if I put in extra time we could."

Harry nodded.

"So? Do you want to sign up?" Louis questioned.

Harry nodded with a smile. Louis slid the laptop over on Harry's lap. Harry took about 20 minutes to finish signing up for it. Louis gave him a smile.

"I've got this really good feeling that it's all going to work out princess." Louis smiled and pecked the boys lips.

"I hope your right." Harry said.

Louis leaned back on the pillows of the bed, patting beside him for Harry to join him. They stayed like that for the longest time, until Anne knocked softly on the door.

"Come in." Harry said.

Anne walked in and smiled falsely at William playing on the bed in front of Harry and Louis. Anne forgot why she came in here and stood awkwardly.

"Did you need to something?" Louis questioned.

"I've decided as a way of paying you back all the grief I've given you to pay for all the Ballet classes you need." Anne said.

You couldn't of said that earlier? Harry thought.

"Oh, um," Harry was at a lost on how to say that they've already paid for classes for a month.

"Mrs. Twist I've already paid for one class for a month and will have to every month." Louis spoke up.

"I'll pay the other classes until he is done!" Anne said sternly.

"Mum you don't–" Harry said.

"Yes I do." Anne said simply.

She started towards the door and stopped.

"Tell me your billing information and I'll pay off the rest, dinner will be ready in a bit." Anne said.

"I don't think–" Harry began again.

"Enough Harry please accept it, it's my way of saying sorry for everything." Anne said and left.

"She's starting to give me whiplash with her sudden mood changes towards me." Harry laughed.

Louis did too. They watched their baby play and smile up at them. They were so in love with their baby boy. They would protect him from anything.

"He looks so much like you and I love it but hate it sometimes." Harry smiled at the boy.

"Why?" Louis scrunched his brows.

"I'm just sad because I wanted to have at least my eyes or something but instead he has just my hair." Harry said with a giggle.

"Well he was just made like that I guess," Louis smiled "we made him and he came out like that." Louis said softly.

Harry smiled at the baby.

"He's every bit of perfect to me." Harry said kissing the baby's head.


"I'm glad we made him, I don't ever regret creating something so precious with you. You two are the best things that has ever happen to me." Louis pressed a kiss on Harry's lips.

"I love you so much." Harry giggled.

"I love you more baby." Louis said caressing Harry's face.

"Lou?" Harry said once they settled into a nice cuddle on the bed.

"Yes princess?" Louis said.

"I'm ready." Harry said flatly.

"Ready? Ready for what?" Louis said confused.

"Forever, I'm ready to marry you Louis." Harry looked up at him.

"What? Are you serious?" Louis was screaming on the inside.

"I'm very serious. I know Louis I've come to realize we will fight and feel like we hate each other from time to time but I'm ready for forever with you. I'm really ready I've realized I want you as my husband a permanently forever!" Harry said.

"Oh my god!" Louis said excitedly.

Harry smiled so hard it hurt his cheeks.

"Let's start planning everything, telling everyone." Harry said.

Louis kissed Harry over and over on the lips excitedly.

"I'm ready Lou." Harry said.

Harry and Louis planned on telling Anne at dinner then they would go tell Johannah on the way home. They planned the telling with in a few minutes. They needed to plan everything else however. The bigger things. Both were excited.

William was going to be the ring carrier. Gemma would be Harry's maid of honor. Niall if Louis and him made up would be Louis' best man. Each decided they would wear different colored tuxes Harry's would be white Louis' would be black or grey.


Eventually rolled around William was asleep so they kept one of their phones in the room on call with the other so they could hear if Will woke up. They sat beside each other. They waited until dessert was served.

"I have an announcement." Harry spoke up.

"Well what is it?" Robin said swallowing some cake.

"Louis and I are getting married." Harry said squeezing Louis' hand under the table.

Anne dropped her fork absentmindedly and it landed on the plate with a loud clank.

"Someone say something!" Louis said after the silence was too long.

"I've got nothing to say." Robin said.

"I can't wait!" Gemma chirped leaning over and kissing her brothers cheek.

Harry smiled and Anne just sat there quietly.

"Gemma will you be my maid of honor?" Harry smiled.

"Of course!" Gemma smiled.

"Mum?" Harry said.

"I knew you were engaged I just," Anne said "I just didn't know you were going to so soon. I'm um happy for you."

"Don't you dare lie." Louis said.

"I really am I swear." Anne said sounding serious.

Louis nodded.

"June 8th, 2018." Harry said.

"We decided we want it to be warm so we all don't look like eskimos." Louis joked.

"We're leaving tomorrow." Harry said.

"But why? You've just got here." Anne said.

"Because Louis has to work tomorrow and his boss won't let him off. I've got class." Harry lied.

He really didn't have class until Wednesday and Louis didn't work again until Tuesday. That suffocating feeling was still lingering here and there was this feeling floating between Anne and them as well.

"Thank you for dinner it was good." Harry said awkwardly and stood up.

"Very good." Louis agreed and stood up with Harry.

They said good night and went in for the night.

"Your mum definitely isn't happy about us." Louis smiled.

"I don't understand her, or her reasons." Harry said starting to pack the bags.

"I thought you said tomorrow?" Louis questioned.

"I did but I'm just packing now so we don't have to in the morning." Harry said zipping the suitcase.

Harry had given her the billing info for Anne to continue to pay for his Ballet. Harry eventually finished packing and set out outfits for him, Louis, and Will.

Louis some how felt Anne was just putting on an act. He felt she wanted to get Harry in deep again and destroy him. Louis wasn't going to allow that.

"I'll be back in a bit." Louis said standing and going to the door.

"Where you going?" Harry questioned snuggling into the blanket.

"I'm not going to lie I'm going to talk to your mum." Louis said.

"What for?" Harry asked.

"I want to make sure she doesn't hurt you." Louis said putting his hand on the knob.

"Don't you think you should wait before you go and be Mr. Mighty?" Harry said.

"I want to make sure Harry that she doesn't hurt you again." Louis said softly.

Harry nodded and with that Louis exited the room.

Louis found Anne and they talked for what seemed like hours. Anne assured Louis she was going to change and become better. That she really was sorry for everything. Louis playfully warned her that she best not be putting on some act. They ended the chat with a nice hug and he kissed Anne on the cheek.

"How did it go?" Harry questioned when Louis came back an hour later.

"I think she really is trying and she understands why we are so on edge." Louis said taking his shirt off.

Louis slid off his jeans and climbed into bed in just his boxers, Harry was only in his as well.

"How about that blow job you promised I could give you?" Harry smirked and giggled.

"I'd absolutely love one princess." Louis said with a smile.

They were both so ready for the rest of forever.

So I'm cutting a few things I've thrown a couple of chapters into this one and then the next one might be the last one. Meaning I will again throw what was supposed to be like the last two chapters into the next one. By doing flashbacks and forwarding. Then a brief writing bit of them finding their suits and what not. Okay? Sound good?

I'm starting this other story after this one. It's going to be called Mr. Styles so if you love smut I suggest giving it a read. It will not be posted until after this one is done!

Please continue to read and vote!

All the love B. xxx

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