《The Ballet Shoes》"Hearing you, talking about you is like fucking torture"



"Can we go back now?" Harry said not because of the rain.

Louis nodded and smiled knowing full well what Harry wanted. Harry smoothly felt Louis was hard as well and he got even harder at this. Louis smacked Harry's bum and they ran back to the cabin chasing each other.

As Louis pinned Harry against the door of their cabin Harry said.

"I don't want sex Lou no sex." Harry said with a soft eagerness.

Louis nodded slowly and kissed Harry's neck gently as they stumbled inside and falling on the rug in front of the fireplace, tangled in each others kisses.

Slowly Louis unbuttoned Harry's shirt, he pushed him down gently on the floor as the shirt fell off his shoulders swiftly. Harry's hips arched rubbing against Louis' hard bulge. Louis let out a moan and pulled back from kissing. Hooking his fingers around the waistline of Harry's pants after unbuttoning them. He pulled them down with his boxers Harry was now naked. Louis kissed down Harry's chest and stomach and stopped just above his length. Teasingly kissing above it along his hips. Harry let out a strong begging moan before flipping them around. He was now on top. He wasted no time getting Louis completely naked.

"Wait we need a condom." Louis said breathless.

Louis reached in the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a condom. Harry gave him a questioning look.

"Something told me I would need this." Louis shrugged with a laugh.

Harry giggled softly and Louis slid the condom on. They continued kissing briefly as Louis stuck into Harry who was still on top. Harry threw his head back and threw himself down straddling Louis his chest against the boys. Louis thrusted into slowly in and out.

Louis flipped them around continuing to thrust. He was so gentle and Harry loved it. It was different from the first time they made love. There was something about this time. Harry could feel the love in every touch and every thrust Louis did. Every kiss was just as better then the last. Louis thrusted deeper taking fistfuls of Harry's hair as he comed after Harry he moaned into the crevice of his neck and kissed it gently as he pulled out and laid next to him.

Louis traced his finger over Harry's scar where Liam had shot him. He remembered how scared he was.

"Do you miss him?" Louis blurted before he could catch himself.

Harry paused a moment.

"Yeah sometimes." Harry sighed.

Harry adjusted himself and laid his head Louis chest. Both lay there naked on the floor. Louis' arm wrapped around Harry's shoulders. Harry's leg was thrown over Louis'. Louis' finger still lightly traced over the scar.

"You know that day I got jumped?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah?" Louis looked down at the boy.

"Well I heard his voice tell me to run when they came up to me." Harry said.


Harry nodded.

"As clear as I'm hearing you right now."

"You sure it just wasn't you?" Louis suggested.

"I'm sure. It was him Lou I know my best friends voice. Even as a ghost or whatever the hell he was that day I heard him and I'm sure if I didn't run when he told me to I would of been hurt or worse." Harry explained.

Louis kissed the top of his head.

"I believe you baby." Louis assured.

"He said he would try and hold them back so I could get a head start but it didn't seem like it cause just as soon as I started running they were hot on me." Harry explained.


"All that matters is that you're okay." Louis said rubbing his shoulder.

Harry nuzzled into his chest hugging his waist tighter.

"Harry I never been so scared in my life ever! When that shot rang out and I saw you fall to the floor, I thought you were gone. I was scared I lost you and Will when you both had only just become my whole world. My heart dropped into my stomach when it happened. I never want to lose you!" Louis' voice cracked and Harry looked up at him.

"Lou I'm not going anywhere!" Harry said kissing his cheek.

"I have nightmares sometimes about that night about me not being able to save him for you, about you actually dying and William." Louis was now crying.

Harry sat up looking at the boy who was now hiding his face in his elbow. Harry moved his elbow and straddled his lap.

"It wasn't your fault don't start thinking that now. Yes I lost my best friend and yes some of me died when he did but I'm okay even though I miss him a lot," Harry's eyes watered "I'm okay."

Harry leaned down and rested his head in the crevice of his neck. Louis continued crying onto him and Harry hugged him tightly.

"It just kills me because he was so broken sounded and nothing I said helped he just shot you and then himself and there's nothing I could've done." Louis said sounding disappointed.

"Lou," Harry said kissing Louis' salty tears off his cheeks, "I know you tried baby but Liam chose to do what he did."

"How long did it take you to reconcile with that?" Louis said staring into the boys green eyes.

"It wasn't easy and being mad, totally heartbroken, and scared about our baby's life at the same time wasn't easy either. None of it was, it still isn't," I sat back looking at the boy "hearing him when no one else can scares the hell out of me."

I looked down at his bare lap. Louis leaned over kissing Harry gently. I played with the beautiful ring on my finger admiring its beauty. I didn't want to know how much it was because a ring looking like this looked quite expensive.

"Hey princess," Louis caressed his cheek, "2 more days then we go home to our baby boy." Louis said hoping to make Harry feel better.

Harry still had a pressed frown on his face. He was happy that in two days they were going to see Will, it felt like years since he's seen them, and not being able to check up on him was hard and added to his natural anxiety. Still every time Liam was talked about his heart ached and his throat felt as if he had a giant rock stuck in it.

"I'm sorry I brought him up I shouldn't have." Louis said softly.

"It's um okay." Harry shrugged.

The rain was still coming down and Harry wished it wasn't. He needed fresh air. He could hear Liam's voice again talking to him. He was saying don't be sad Harold.

I've been sad whether you know it or not. Leave me alone please Li, hearing your voice it kills me, and talking about you is like fucking torture. Harry said to Liam in his head.

Harry sprung up.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Harry said feeling suffocated.

He was going to the bathroom to Liam to be quiet and stop talking. Once in the bathroom Harry locked the door sitting on the edge of the tub. Before going he slid on his boxers talking to his dead best friend naked would of been awkward.


"You're ruining everything Liam." Harry said lowly rubbing his temples.

"I'm not." Liam's ghostly voice said.

Harry stood up frustrated his balled at his sides.

"Yes you are Liam every time I hear you it destroys me! Even more, little by little every day." Harry's eyes glossed with tears.

"You need me Harry, you do. I didn't do anything to you." Liam said softly.

"Didn't do anything?!" Harry huffed now crying "you've got to be kidding me!"

Harry sat on the floor bringing his knees to his chest hugging them.

"You broke my heart Liam. Everyday I miss you." Harry said letting the hurt he's felt for so long show in his voice.

He flinched feeling a ghostly touch belonging to the hand of Liam.

"I'm sorry," Liam started.

"No, you're not. Don't feed me that! It's absolute shit! You shot me then killed your self I cry over our pictures whenever I'm alone." Harry snapped.

"I was afraid of what you would have thought of me if I didn't kill myself." Liam explained.

Harry sobbed hard. He couldn't stand it the pain he felt.

"Liam I would've forgiven you maybe not right off but eventually." Harry still was talking lowly.

"I hated myself for doing that to you," Liam said, "the guilt I felt when I saw you fall to the floor. I couldn't live with myself."

Harry couldn't listen anymore so he balled himself up on the floor. Saying leave me alone! Lower then screamed it after saying it lowly 10 times.

Louis bolted up the stairs who was now in his boxers as well. He jiggled the locked knob.

"Baby, princess, Haz unlock it what's wrong?" Louis said tapping the door frantically.

"LEAVE ME ALONE LIAM!" Harry screamed again in his fetal position.

"Harry!" Louis said worried and scrambled to the room grabbing a card from his wallet to pick the lock with.

Luckily the door was easy to pick and it opened easily. Louis pushed open the door seeing the sight of his seemingly broken fiancé in a mess on the floor. He rushed over to him.

"What is it," Louis cradled his boy in his arms "what's wrong?" Louis rocked him gently trying to calm him.

"I can't stand it anymore he won't stop talking to me. It's hurting me Lou." Harry cried into his chest.

"Do you think—" Louis started running his fingers gently through the boys hair, "do you think,uh, seeing a therapist or something would help?" Louis suggested nervously.

Harry pulled away from him looking at Louis with his reddish glossy eyes.

"Oh Harry I didn't mean—" before Louis could say anything else Harry held up a hand silencing him.

"YOU THINK IM CRAZY!?" Harry boomed.


Both were now standing. Louis eyes burned with tears. Harry stood there gasping from his yelling.

"How dare you think that! I fucking love Harry and you think I would call you crazy because you talk to your dead best friend?!" Louis said sternly.

Harry remained silent his head hung down.

"One second your a mess on the floor the next your yelling at me because you thought, I thought of you as a fucking loon. It was a simple suggestion Harry." Louis said now calm.

He walked cautiously closer to Harry. Who trembled hard as he started crying again even harder than before. Louis placed his hand on his hip and pulled him into his arms against his chest.

"I don't think your crazy baby." Louis rested his chin on top the boys head and rubbed his back gently, "I know you're hurting princess and I hate seeing you that way. That's why I suggested the therapist or counselor." Louis said softly.

Louis really did hate seeing Harry like this. He knew he missed his best friend and it broke his heart that Liam broke Harry that bad. He knew how close they were. Still, he had that small feeling of anger towards himself for not getting up sooner. He knew if he had of payed attention and looked up he would've been able to save both not just one.

Still months later he found Harry looking at pictures of himself and Liam in the bedroom or other places through out their shitty apartment. He would be crying half the time but he would leave them there and let him have his time. Then Harry would emerge minutes sometimes even a hour or two later, completely okay. It worried him.

"I just hate seeing you this way." Louis said kissing his forehead.

"We going home soon right?" Harry questions ignoring what Louis just said.

Louis scrunches his brows together and reluctantly nods his head.

"Today?" Harry says.

"No," Louis said simply, "tomorrow."

Harry sighed.

"Harry, I hate seeing you like this quite honestly it scares the hell out of me.

L—, he puts you in this mood and your not you for a bit." Louis said.

The two were now standing and looking at each other.

Harry shakes his head.

"Sure babe sure, you don't see it but I do I'm not blind and let me remind you, you were just yelling your lungs out at him and was a mess on the floor 20 minutes ago." Louis says.

"I don't want help Louis and I'm not getting it either." Harry said firmly.

"Look what he's doing to you," Louis motions at Harry, "he's tearing you apart."

"So?" Harry said.

"So I don't want him to change you, we have William our son and I don't want him to be scared when he hears you cry so suddenly about someone he never knew." Louis said softly.

"Every time I look at our son I think of him," Harry says "he was born on the day he died. You think it's easy?"

"No Harry I don't," Louis said softly "I know it's not."

Harry walked to Louis hugging his waist.

"I know it's not but you can't let him tear you apart. Come to peace with him some how."

Harry nodded in the crevice of his neck. He knew he needed to do something about it.

Louis grabbed Harry's hand and squeezed it.

"Hey the rains stopped." Louis pointed out.

"Wanna go back out for a bit?" Louis suggested.

Harry nods with a small smile and follows Louis back downstairs so they can get dressed.

"Fancy some dinner?" Louis smiles heading towards the steps.

"Yeah I'm starved."

"Good because I got some reservations at this nice restaurant in town, so an hour away and there will be service." Louis shakes his phone.

Louis walks upstairs changing into a nice shirt and fixing his hair. He put on a plain white button up and changed his shoes to his black vans. He was all set but Harry was still rummaging through his suit case trying to find a decent enough shirt. He finally found one with the help of Louis and put it on. It was really the nicest one he had and it was his sheer black button up and he changed his shoes to the sparkly grey ones Gemma got him for Christmas years back.

"Ready beautiful?" Louis smiled.

"Yeah I'm ready." Harry smiled back.

"You look great."

"Do not." Harry argued.

Louis raised his brows.

"Don't argue love, you look great and I meant it." Louis said pecking his cheek.

Harry rolled his eyes smiling at the boy. He thought he wasn't going to have service at all meaning they would just stay at the cabin until it was time to leave.

Harry fiddled with his ring and waited anxiously for his phone to start beeping with messages about Will. Harry frowned when absolutely no messages regarding his sweet boy came through.

"What's wrong?" Louis spoke up from the drivers seat.

"No messages about Will." Harry holds up his phone.

"That's cause I told Niall not to bother us unless it was an actual emergency." Louis said.

"Louis! He could actually need to know something even if it's not an

emergency." Harry said slapping his hands down on his lap.

"Babe just text him if you want to check in so badly." Louis said.

"I'm going to." Harry said bringing up Niall's contact.

How's my baby? I can't wait to see him thank you so much for watching him!! We'll be home tomorrow. xxx

Harry hit send and waited for a response. 10 minutes or so later there was no response via text. So Harry ended up calling him only to have it ring all the way through to voicemail. Harry felt his eyes water.

"He's not answering Louis!" Harry said worriedly.

Louis pulled into the restaurants car park and parked the car.

"Maybe he's asleep or taking a shower or his phones on silent and he's in the other room with William." Louis suggested.

Harry took a deep breath.

"Yeah maybe your right I'll give them a few more minutes then try again." Harry said.

Louis gave him a smile with a nod and wiped Harry's eyes with his thumb.

"Come on let's go eat." Louis smiles.

Harry grabbed his phone and Louis' even though Louis told him to keep his in the car. Harry still grabbed it and carried it inside.

Once inside they were escorted to their private table in the back of the restaurant. They ordered their drinks. Louis got a soda and Harry got water and iced tea. They were given a few minutes to look over the menu.

"It's a fancy place for my princess so order what you want." Louis says closing his menu.

The place was indeed nice. Harry took a brief moment to take it in. It was fancy. The tables were sat up with wine glasses and a white table cloth made of actual cloth. The silverware was wrapped in a cloth napkin. The center piece was a crystal vase with pretty flowers in it of course they were real. The floors were polished and wooden. Harry loved it and really did feel like a princess.

"It's lovely Lou." Harry finally said with a grateful smile.

Louis reached across the table and laced his fingers in Harry's.

"This week with you was great!" Louis said, "I don't what I would've done if you would have said no."

"I thought about it hard." Harry says.

"What was there to think about?" Louis asks.

"W—" Harry starts but the waiter comes back with their drinks.

"Ready to order?" the waiter asks with a friendly smile.

"Yeah, uh," Harry begins looking at what he wanted "I'll have the chicken ceaser salad with a medium rare steak please."

"For you?" the young boy questions pointing his pen at Louis.

"Right um I'll have a steak as well cooked well done and um a baked potato." Louis shut his menu grabbing Harry's and handed it to the waiter.

The waiter gave Harry a wink which ticked off Louis.

"Fucking pest." Louis huffs quietly before taking a sip of his soda.


"What? I don't anyone making flirty moves on you! You're mine and no one else's." Louis said sternly eyeing the young waiter across the restaurant.

"I wasn't going to say anything about the waiter but okay," Harry pauses caressing Louis' hand with his thumb, "I was going to say I want to try some wine, I've never tried it before. I'll pay for the bottle of it."

"Oh sorry, um I can get us a bottle it's no big deal." Louis says raising his hand to wave a waiter over hopefully not the same one.

"Lou the steaks we got are like 20 each! I'll pay for the bottle, I know I'm your princess and you want to buy everything but your my king and I want to treat you as well." Harry smiles softly.

A different waiter comes over to the table.

"Right my fiancé would like a glass of?" Louis looked at him with a questioning look.

"Red please." Harry says with a polite smile.

"Coming right up." this waiter was a girl and Louis was grateful.

She turned on her heel and walked to get the glass.

"Why didn't you order a bottle?" Harry asked playing with Louis' fingers.

"I've tried wine before and I hated it." Louis giggled.

"When?" Harry smiled.

"A while back at a party at the frat house some loser brought some and I gave it a try and totally hated it I spit it out the minute it hit my tongue. All over some girl next to me."

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