《The Ballet Shoes》"I want you...."


The next few days are strange. Something entirely confusing to me and definitely shocking. Louis, I haven't seen him in days. At least not here in the dorm, but I did see him once in the hall while walking to the studio for practice. I tensed up ready for something to happen but it didn't. He was alone his head was down, his hands stuffed in his pockets. This new? him is giving me whiplash.

Walking back in the dorm from the studio I see Liam is up.

"Hey," I clear my throat.

"Hi," he yawns stretching his arms out.

"You sleep for ages." I say.

"I've been tired so there's my excuse," Liam says throwing the duvet off his figure "I've been meaning to talk to you about that text."

"Oh...I- it's nothing now."

Harry did want to tell Liam all about the incident in the bathroom that night but in a way he just wanted it to be something he figured for himself.

"Harry," Liam urged.

"Liam please I texted you because I was scared. I handled it so now it's okay." Harry lied.

"Okay fine fine." Liam put his hands up in defeat.

"Thank you, I'm going to take a shower I'm sweaty and gross." I say grabbing my bag.

"But Harold you hate showering during the day?" Liam arched a brow.

"I do, but I'm going to shower now cause I want to." Harry rambled.

Liam shook his head knowing that wasn't the real reason. He began to think what happened that night with him and Louis. Neither of them would tell him a thing. It made Liam think hard.


"Louis what's up with you?" Niall asked as he entered Louis' room.

"If you ask that one more time I'm going to go mad, I'm not going to tell you!" I say "go I need to write now."


Louis grabbed his precious journal and started writing when Niall left the room without another word. Louis carried the journal with him everywhere if he was halfway some where and forgot it he would turn back just to get it. No one was allowed to read this, it was filled with so many personal things. Things that if anyone knew especially at the frat house, they would laugh.

Louis hated the frat house but every dorm was taken. He didn't consider himself of that stupid alpha aida stuff, that every frat had. When they had what they called a sacred meeting, Louis would stay in his room or go somewhere. He would actually go to the dorm with Liam for a bit and usually pester Harry to no end with childish insults and picking.

Louis couldn't get Harry off his mind. Harry's words rang through his mind over and over. It was making Louis mad. Louis grabbed his keys and journal and left. The rain pounded against the windshield of his antique Ford 1960 Mustang. He loved that car, the sound of the engine was music to his ears, the interior leather seats was perfect. Everything to him in that car was perfect.

Luckily the car park wasn't full there was one close to the door and it was now pouring. Louis tucked his journal in his jacket from the rain, just as he was about to get out he see's him. Alone his head is down from the rain his hood on his head.

"Come on Louis!" Louis said to himself.

Louis sighed heavily and opened his door. Approaching him putting his hood up.

"Harry." Louis said nervously.

Louis let him pass before stopping him. Harry stopped in his tracks, turning to his bully. He swallowed before answering.

"You're sadly mistaken if you think I want anything to do with you." Harry said.

"I'm sorry," Louis began.


"You are sorry your sorry?" Harry laughed.

Louis nodded.

"Yes I am Harry and I know you-"

"Please Louis save the act. You hate me! You don't care about me Louis. I've never wanted to hate someone cause hate is one strong thing, but-" Harry cut him off only to get off straight back.

"But I don't..." Louis said.

"But you do!" Harry snapped yelling not wanting to believe it.

"No I don't Harry!" Louis moved closer only for Harry to stumble backwards over a stick.

Louis offered a hand to help him up.

"No! Don't you dare act like this! You are hateful to me Louis." Harry stood to his feet leaving space between him and Louis.

"Please believe me Harry, I'm truly sorry for the way I've been towards you. I was a jerk and-"

"And what?" Harry demanded answers.

Louis had fists at his sides fighting the frustration of wanting to Harry to understand.

"And, you don't understand. I was stupid I shouldn't have come."

By now both of them were soaked and it was chilly out.

"Why Louis! Why did you treat me so wrong! Why!" Harry yelled he had tears in his eyes.

"Because... I was afraid," Louis admitted.

Harry studied him.

"I was afraid of admitting how I truly felt towards you." Louis inched closer to Harry but he didn't move this time.

He stood there in shock, Louis has feelings for me? He thought. No way.

"H-how do you feel about me Louis?" he swallowed.

Louis was now mere inches from him. Harry's breathing grew rigid and nervous. Louis could touch Harry if he wanted to hold him even. That's how close they were. Louis reached up caressing Harry's cheek with his hand, leaning closer and closer. Then he stopped just at his lips, he shook his head.

"No." Louis backed away, Harry noticed tears stream down his face.

"There you go again!" Harry cried.

"I can't Harry I'm sorry." Louis cried running back to his car.

Harry was hurt he can't let him leave not like this. Harry ran after him grabbing his wrist. Louis jerked away from his touch.

"Don't Harry I don't want to hurt you. If I let this go now if I kiss you now. It will ruin things." his voice was shaken.

The rain has gotten harder.

"You are already hurting me Louis for fooling me just now," he points to the spot where he nearly kissed him "you are a coward Louis and a good one! You hide from your feelings and I won't be victim."

Harry started to walk away but he was pulled back, his hood knocked off in the process making his head soaked from the rain. Louis looked at him I'm not a coward he thought. I'm not I won't hide anymore.....

His lips met Harry's it was a slow heated deep kiss.

Harry was caught of gaurd but he didn't break the kiss. He deepened it by taking over leading the kiss, his lips surrounding Louis'. He pulled back when Louis broke the kiss.

Louis wanted to kiss Harry again. In fact he wanted to kiss him over and over. He wouldn't though. He wanted to earn Harry he surely didn't deserve him now.

"I want you Harry."

Harry didn't know what to say because the kiss said it all. Harry did still feel the little hate he had for Louis as he stood in the rain looking in front of him.

Harry and Louis exchanged numbers before Louis left leaving Harry standing there watching the taillights disappear. Harry wouldn't admit it but he wanted that hateful boy also.

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