《ballet sod》The red dress🩰


Gina was nervous. The squad was going to to shaws to celebrate Amy's birthday. It was going to be the first time she was in a room with Rosa off duty in weeks. This couldn't go well at all....

Gina and Milton arrived hand in hand through the bar doors.

"Hey guys!" They were greeted with Jake.

"Hey Jake," Milton said. He turned to Gina, took her order and then left to talk to Hank.

"Sooooo.... how is everything?" Jake asked nosily.

"Everything is fine," Gina sighed. "Rosa hasn't spoken to me in weeks!"

"I don't blame her," Jake winked.

"Oh my god Peralta im serious! I've lost my bestfriend."

"Well you also hurt your bestfriend," Jake replied smugly.

"Oh ye and who's fault was that?" Gina said implying it was definitely his.

"Fair, anyway let's get this party started!" Jake shouted and everyone cheered. Everyone was there, everyone was happy, all except Rosa Diaz who hadn't shown up yet.

About an hour into the party, the door flung open.

Rosa walked in. Jake nudged Gina and nodded his head in Rosa's direction. Gina turned around and saw her. She immediately felt hot. Her cheeks went pink and she nearly dropped her glass. Rosa strutted through the door wearing a tight, little red slinky dress and an oversized leather jacket. Her hair was wild, yet tamed. The black curls perfectly shaping her face. As she walked past Gina she made eye contact. The expression on Gina's face, she couldn't help but smirk at her. You see when Rosa had opened her wardrobe to get her usual jeans and tank top earlier that night, she spotted the dress and had an amazing idea. She'd dress up, she'd look smoking hot and Gina wouldn't be able to do anything about it. She couldn't leave, it was Amy's birthday. She couldn't get close to Rosa, she lost that privilege. All she could do was stare at her from across the room.


"Hey!" Rosa said sitting down next to Charles. "Hi Genevieve."

"Oh hey Ros-" he stopped when he turned around and saw her. His eyes widened and he clocked an eyebrow. "Are you trying to make her regret her life?" Charles asked shocked.

"Was just going for regretting leaving me, but her whole life works aswell," Rosa smirked.

"Well I think you have achieved it, she's gob smacked," Charles laughed looking at Gina.

"I love the makeup!" Genevieve chimed in.

"Thank you! I thought it would be fun to have darker smoked out eyeliner but then a bright lip."

"It definitely exaggerates them!" Charles said. After what had happened, Charles was pissed at Gina and Jake and was spending most of his time with Rosa. She was at the house every Thursday for dinner and it had got to the point where Nikolaj had started calling her Auntie Rosa.

"Well imma go get a drink, is she still at the bar?" Rosa asked getting back up.

"Yes and looking very flushed!" Charles smirked.

"Perfect," Rosa winked and spun around. She sauntered over to the bar and lent on it right next to Gina, but facing the opposite direction.

"Hank, the usual," She said, Hank nodded and went to get her the cheapest whiskey they had.

Being stood with her back to Gina gave her access to look at Charles who could see Gina's face.

"she's staring," he mouthed. Rosa lifted her hand up trying not to laugh. Her drink came sliding down the bar and she grabbed it with one hand. It was pretty impressive actually. ✨qUiCk rElFleX TINGZ✨

(a/n I'm sorry😭).

She took a swig and walked back over to Genevieve and Charles, making sure to sway her hips that little bit more now that she knew Gina was looking.


"Ok it's actually real hot in here, sheesh!" She whined, sitting down. The leather jacket had now been shrugged off onto the back of the chair.

Gina was watching from across the room. Trying to be discreet but it wasn't really working. She had no idea why tho. She didn't like Rosa, she wasn't interested. But when Rosa picked her glass up and the muscles in her arms tensed, Gina had to turn around.

"You've gone all pink babe," Milton laughed. Jake looked at her and smirked. She just scowled back.

"It's just hot in here, I'm going to the bathroom," Gina got up and rushed off.

The bathroom was no cooler but it was an escape from whatever just happened. Gina went into a cubicle and locked the door. She stood and stared at the wall until she calmed down.

*go out there, don't look at her. you don't like her. stop being stupid! pull yourself together*

Gina unlocked the door and opened it. When the door swung open, her breath hitched and ever she just told herself flew out the window.

Rosa was stood, bent over the sink counter, applying her lipstick. She looked up from her lips to look at Gina, who was star struck.

"uh-h-h h-hi," Gina stuttered out walking over to the next sink. She washed her hands, even though she hadn't been to the toilet the place was filthy.

"Hey," Rosa smacked her lips together and put the cap on the red lip stick. Normally, she would dab the excess of with a tissue but she wasn't really feeling that tonight. Rosa stood up straight and turned to Gina. She neared until she was close enough to feel Gina's quick, heavy breath on her. The smaller woman looked up and swallowed.

"What's up Linetti? Am I too close?" Rosa smirked.

"Uhhh n-no," Gina gulped harder. "Just confused, a few weeks ago you were screaming at me to keep my distance and now you are stood trying to put me in a trance or something?"

"I hate you, more than anyone. But if you mess with the devil," Rosa moved her lips to Gina's ear. "The devil will play you back." Before Gina could process anything, Rosa was kissing her. Really kissing her. It was nothing like they had ever done before. It was probably because they were both drunk but Gina went all flushed. When Rosa pulled away she laughed at Gina's face. She turned to look in the mirror to check whether all the excess lipstick had been removed. It had.

"You should probably find a way to get that off before your boyfriend sees you," Rosa brushed a finger over Gina's lips. She ruffled her curls and headed for the door.

"Rosa!" She turned around. "I'm sorry, I promise," Gina said.

"Sorry is just a word baby girl," Rosa smiled, that evil smile. She opened the door and strutted out.

Gina was left stood in the middle of the room, red lipstick smeared over her face.

*what the heck just happened?*

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