《ballet sod》Linetti Stylez🩰


They sat in silence, not an awkward silence though, cuddled up on the sofa. Gina buried deeper into Rosa's warmth as it was a cold winter night and even with the fire on it was still very very chilly. Gina nuzzling Rosa's chest "kind of" snapped Rosa back to reality and she began to stroke the other woman's aurben locks softly. Her fresh manicure lightly grazing her scalp. Gina sighed and ran her hand up and down Rosas leg, making swirling patterns with her finger tips.

"I'm bored Rosie," Gina said softly, she leant her head backwards and looked up at the raven haired detective and stuck her bottom lip out. Rosa looked down at her, her lips curled. She kissed Gina's forehead and encouraged her to sit up. Gina moaned, a lot, but she finally sat up and crossed her legs.

"What do you want to do then?" Rosa asked her like she was a baby, which she was; her baby. Well....

"Normally I would say go on a walk but it's too cold!" Gina replied rubbing her arms.

"You're inside you silly chicken, its not cold!"

"Is too!!"

"It's really not you're just weak," Rosa smirked and got up off the sofa to get her phone. "why don't we call people and ask for ideas."

"Good idea," Gina said taking the phone. "First, Jake and Amy." Gina deliberately said this so Jake would know they were spending time together.

"Hey Gina whats up?" Jake answer cheerily.

"Me and Rosie are bored, what can we do?" Gina questioned.

"Watch die hard and eat chips, BEST NIGHT EVER!"

"No." Gina said immediately. A muffle on the phone was heard and suddenly Amy was on the other side not Jake.

"Gina just organise your house that's the best way to pass the time an-" Gina hung up before she could finish which made Rosa snort.

"Woah Miss Diaz calm down!"

"Shut up you," she said punching Gina's arm.

"Ok Terry, you call this time." Gina said handing Rosa the phone who dialled the number and waited.


No reply...

They tried again, no reply...

"Try Boyle," Gina said.

"Hey Roro what's up?" Charles asked.

"Ew. Charles no. ROSA MY NAME IS ROSA!" She loved the nickname Roro but she couldn't blow her cover.

"Ok Roro, what's wrong?"

"You drive me insane omg!" Rosa gritted her teeth. "Is there anything you can suggest for Me and Re to do, we're bored."

"Omg Rosa yes shampooing of the hair is the most intermit thing you can do with you lover. You are lovers aren't you?" Charles was still trying to prove it to Jake and Amy.

"I said ew Charles to soon, stop always suggesting that!"

"Well it's always romantic! And you you didn't answer the question!"

"I don't need to,thanks for nothing, goodbye."

When Rosa put the phone down she looked up to find Gina looking mischievous and suspicious.

"What?" Rosa questioned.

"Maybe we should try it??" Gina added.

"No, no and no, I don't wash people's hair I'm not a hairdresser!" Rosa snapped.

"Your due a hair wash anyway Rosie poise, come on we're doing this!" Gina said jumping up and pulling at Rosa's arm.

"Fine but only because it's you and I like you," Rosa rolled her eyes.

"I like me too now come let's go!"

Gina flung the bathroom door open and started to pretend like it was a hair salon especially for Rosa.

"Welcome to Linetti stylez, what can we do for you today ma'am?"

"Just a wash and blow out please," Rosa replied, getting into character.

Rosa plonked her self on the closed toilet lid and Gina grabbed a hair brush. She began brushing the curly mound of hair which grew 5x its size when brushed out.

"Hahahahahhaa you look like you've been struck by lightning!" Gina burst out laughing. Rosa kicked her and she shut up immediately. Once her hair was fully brushed through Rosa stood up and took her top off so it didn't get wet. Gina leant over the bath tub and grabbed the shower sprayer and turned it on.


"You gonna shampoo my hair without shampoo?" Rosa asked mockingly.

"Oh god yes, maybe we need that. I'll be back in a second." Gina scurried out of the room to find Rosa's shampoo.

Ten minutes later she came shuffling back in.

"You took your time!" Rosa said with a slight smirk on her face.

"Yes because someone hides their shampoo so I can't use it!" Gina shot back rolling her eyes and waving the shampoo bottle.

"And there's a reason for that, if you used it, your hair would go all wavy and frizzy, you would moan and make me fix it!" Rosa made a good point.

"Well why don't you just use my shampoo then?"

"Because then my hair will go all un even and dry and I would be the one to fix it."

Gina had no response to that she just looked at Rosa in defeat and turned the shower head back on. Rosa bent over the bath tub and flipped her head upside down so that Gina could rinse it.

"Wait woah it went really curly!" Gina exclaimed.

"Yes because it's wet you donut, it only goes straighter when you brush it because your brushing the curls away." Rosa replied confidently.

"Science shiz!!" Gina giggled and signaled for Rosa to kneel down so she could lather the shampoo in. Gina poured the soft lavender scented suds into her palm and rubbed it into the other, spreading it evenly. Rosa lent her head back gracefully. She sighed as she felt hand come up and tangle in her raven curls. As Gina massaged it in Rosa could feel her fresh manicure graze her scalp every once and awhile. She felt as if she were floating. Charles was right, this was amazing!

"Bend over further I don't want to wet the floor too much!" Gina moaned as Rosa wasn't moving.

"But it hurts my back," Rosa replied with a childish whine.

"So what, you just want me to keep the shampoo in forever?" Gina asked. Rosa stuck her bottom lip out and shook her head. "Well then bend over and stop acting like a child having a strop!"

Rosa wrapped her fingers around the edge of the bath tub and bent over. She lowered her head so it was easier for Gina as she was a bit taller.

The warm water hit the nape of Rosa's neck which made her flinch and tense, but as it started running onto her scalp she relaxed.

"Your hair is so god damn thick Rosie!" Gina exclaimed in amazement. She lent further round to reach the front of Rosas head. This lead to Gina almost falling head first into the bath tub, so Rosa lent round instead but unfortunately she wasn't so lucky. She slipped on the puddles of water on the floor and toppled into the tub. Gina burst out laughing at the woman. She was lay in a weird broken position and her hair was sprawled out over her face.

"Dammit I love these jeans!" Rosa exclaimed.

"It's only water, what do you think happens when they go in the washing machine?" Gina was laughing so hard it was getting hard to breathe.


"Woah calm down babe!" Gina laughed.

"Ok you're right, help me up," Rosa held her hand out. Gina grabbed hold but before she could pull Rosa up, Rosa pulled her in.

"Oi what was that for?" Gina cried lying on top of Rosa, they were both wet through. Rosa responded by tickling Gina. Gina kicked and wriggled trying to get free but it was no use. She was losing her breathe when Rosa finally stopped.

"Charles was right, this is nice!" Rosa said. Gina grimaced but had to agree. She turned around and kissed Rosa. They made out in the bath tub for awhile before Rosa remembered something.

"WE NEED TO PUT CONDITIONER ON!!" Gina just laughed at her.

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