《ballet sod》suspicious🩰


Gina was sat at her desk, scrolling through Twitter like usual when the elevator pinged. Out walked Rosa and Jake. Jake looked like he was rambling on and Rosa looked very pissed off.

"Gina," Amy turned round to face the woman on her phone.

"Mhm," she got in response.

"I need you to log these files for me," Amy placed three files on Gina's desk.

"And I need you to get a sense in fashion but that is never going to happen either," Gina said honestly quite rudely not even bothering to look up. Amy picked them back up and turned around sighing.

Gina wasn't in the mood. She had been at home all weekend and she quite missed being at Rosa's. There was a part of her that was furious that she didn't just kiss her when she had the chance but another part of her wanted to run for the hills. But the feeling of being at home alone just didn't seem right. Now she was in work and Rosa was about 6ft away, yet she had no idea what to say. They had Gina's first dance practice tomorrow so hopefully that would lighten the mood to some extent. Gina's mind was racing with all of this, when she saw Rosa approaching out of the corner of her eye.

"Regina, can you log these for me?" Rosa dropped a pile of files on Gina's desk. Gina looked up. Rosa was standing, arms folded, her eyes dark and angry. After seeing the reality of who she was this whole situation felt so strange. She found it almost funny and was trying hard not to laugh.

"Sure thing," She replied but when she opened her mouth giggles came out with the words.

"What's funny?" Rosa asked, though she had an idea.

"Oh nothing," Gina smirked.

"Weirdo!" Rosa said shaking her head and went back to her desk.

As soon as she was gone, Amy put her files back on Gina's desk.

"If you can log hers, you can log mine!" She protested.

"I have no clue what you are talking about," Gina said sarcastically. "It's been lovely speaking to you but I gotta dash and do... urm.... things." Gina stood up and walked off in the direction of the basement. It was obvious to everyone where she was going.

"What the hell just happened?" Amy said confused.

"Gina did a Gina and ran off when asked to do work, the usual," Jake said laughing.


"Shut up you!" Amy shot him a glare. He stuck of his tongue and then surprisingly got back to work. That didn't last long because before long Charles was on his feet coming over to his desk.

"Can I talk to you and Amy in the briefing room?" He asked, his tone and expression felt different.

"Yes of course," Jake stood up and grabbed Amy's hand. "Come on sugar plum."

"Don't call me that," Amy rolled her eyes and allowed Jake to drag her into the other room.

Boyle looked out of the window in the door. Rosa was still working and not paying attention. He closed the blinds and turned round to face Jake and Amy.

"What's this about Boyle?" Amy asked, her tone was annoyed. Clearly she just wanted to be working.

"Did you see what happened back there?"

"Gina being rude to me, yes. Yes I did," Amy folded her arms.

"No not that! With Gina and Rosa," Charles replied.

"What about it?" Jake said confused.

"When Rosa went to Gina's desk she didn't say Gina she said 'Regina'! We all know that even Rosa isn't tough enough to take on and angry Gina after being called Regina. That would even scare Rosa and you know it."

"So what's your point Charles," Jake asked.

"Well Jake, my point is the only person living on earth with the Regina pass is her mother. The woman that gave her life. And if you ask her why she says 'getting the Regina pass is a blessing. It is the rarest thing to ever occur.'"

"Are you telling me you think Gina gave Rosa the R word pass?" Amy asked straightening her stance.

"Yes that's exactly what I'm telling you," Charles beamed.

"But why would she do that?" Jake said narrowing his eyes.

"That's what I'm going to get to the bottom of. Who's in?"

"Me 100%!" Jake said high-fiving Charles.

"I don't know it seems like a risk. Interfering in their business," Amy warned.

"Oh come on Amy loosen up, it's an adventure," Jake playfully punched her shoulder.

"Ok fine I'll do it," Amy rolled her eyes.

"Ok great," Charles squealed. "Let's make predictions."

"I reckon Diaz cornered Gina and forced her to give it to her so she could seem more powerful around here," Jake stated, confident in his answer.

"I think Rosa said it to wind Gina up but Gina didn't here because she was too busy so nothing happened," Amy gave her answer.


"Boooorrrrriiiinnnnnggggg," Charles dragged his word out. "Well you are both wrong, they are definitely... smooshing booties."

"Ew Charles gross," Amy grimaced.

"You say that now, butttt.."

"No, no buts," Jake glared at him.

"There is when they are together," Charles smirked.

"Omg that murderous therapist was right, you make everything sexual."

"Ok moving on, we all have our answers. Let's get to work," Jake clapped his hands and pointed to the door.

"Rosa sits right out there so when you come out act like nothing happened," Charles said looking at them and then opening the door. It wasn't really a problem though because when they came back out Rosa was also gone.

"Where's Diaz?" Jake asked Terry.

"She went to the basement," Hitchcock called from across the room.

"I wasn't talking to you Hitchcock but thank you," Jake said kind of grossed out. That's when it hit him. Gina went to the basement earlier and never came back. It seems as though Charles had already realised this because he was smirking at Jake.

"Smooooooshing booooooooties," Charles whispered before returning to his desk.

What if they were? Was his plan working already?


Meanwhile Rosa was curled up on the Babylon couch while Gina was fixing her hair and makeup in the mirror. Gina had gone to Babylon to try and clear her head a bit but shortly after a very sleepy Rosa appeared. She lay on the sofa and hadn't moved since.

"Rosa you cant go to sleep you still have work to do!" Gina protested turning away from the mirror. Rosa just whined and covered her eyes.

"Why are you always so tired ?" Gina asked curiously. Rosa didn't answer. Gina didn't know it yet but she'd soon find out and the answer would most likely break her heart.

"Come on let's get you up!" Gina said hastily. "Chop chop." Gina tried her hardest to get her of the sofa but she wasn't budging.

"Come on, you gotta cooperate," She said in frustration. Again just noises came from Rosa in response. Finally with a lot of effort Gina had Rosa up into a sitting position. Her curls we all scarggy and messed up but Gina was an expert of quick touch ups. She knew it was awkward but the only way to properly reach Rosa full head of hair was in one position. She hesitated before moving and getting into Rosa's lap, straddling her. The sudden weight shot Rosa more awake.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you, I need to get to your hair," Gina smiled down at her. There faces were dangerously close again. Gina ran her hands on Rosa scalp and down through her curls, separating the knots.

"There, good as new," Gina smiled getting off Rosa and heading for the door. Rosa frowned.

"I'll go, you wait here for 5 minutes and then go up," Gina said sliding the files to get out. "Oh and while you are here, make up an excuse to where you have been."

Gina left Rosa laughing to herself. Now there was one problem. Rosa was exhausted and had no energy to think of an excuse.


As soon as Gina appeared at the top of the stairs Jake was all over her.

"Ahhh Gina where have you been this fine afternoon," he said sashaying over to her as she walked through the bullpen.

"Buzz of Jake, I've been in Babylon to try and get alone time," Gina continued to walk.

"With Rosa?" When she heard that question she stopped. It was Charles coming up behind her.

"What?" She asked.

"You were in Babylon but that's where Rosa went aswell, isnt it?"

"Why does that matter? Rosa and I share a bathroom, which for the record non of you can find, so why does it matter that we were both there at the same time?"

"So you were peeing together?" Jake laughed.

"No ew Jake, I was touching up my hair in the mirror while Rosa was on the sofa. This shouldn't be such a big deal I don't know what both of your problems are," Gina finished and went back to you desk. The pair looked at each other and then at Amy. She was smirking, the way Gina had answered that made them now dawg towards the possibility Amy was right and not Charles.

Gina sat at her desk and whipped her phone out.


Gina: I told them I was there with you, just come up and sit back down.

Rosa: Ok cool :)

Gina: if you can walk that is.

Rosa: Shut up Re!

Gina: ;)


She immediately went onto Twitter and started a 2 hour war with a Beyoncé hater.

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