《For-Getting You》60. Safe


I enter my house with Erik and Mary, after coming from airport I went to my office to tell them everything, they were shocked couldn't believe it, started to blame themselves for it,

After a hour of educating them that right now saving Keira I mean Erika is more important they stopped it, I got a call from Luke but it got disconnected in between, I tried to call him again an again but he is not responding and my instincts get the best of they are screaming of something bad,

I was not wrong, finding Luke bloodied confirm everything that I feared, I rushed at him "Luke, are you alright Luke" I got no response from him,

"I'll call help" Erik says dialing,

"He is breathing" I checked and I'm thankful about it,

"Who did this?" asks the terrified Mary,

I think I know who did this, I run inside my home, only to find it in turmoil, carpet was scattered like somebody dragged something or someone here, decors were fallen everywhere, it looks like somebody struggled here,

Erika, "Keira" I screamed my feet climbs the stairs but finds emptiness, she was here, I'm sure she was but now where is she, worried I run my hand on my face wiping the sweat.

Camera, yeah let's check the it damn it, opening my laptop I played the recording of today, Erik and Mary watching closely, Erika came here I was right, I see her entering my house talking to Luke, she enters my in looking around and she goes upstairs, what the fuck the screen turns black after few minutes, someone hacked my cameras,

I know it's that son of bitch behind all this, "Brandon asks all our men to find that bastard James find out where he is"

"OK sir, If you think he is one who attacked Luke and kidnapped Miss Keira then I'm sure he'll give a call we can catch him then" said Brandon

"What if he won't he always wanted Erika now he have her" Erik replied sounding concern,

"He will he always wants more than he have and he wants me dead" I'm sure he'll.

Two hours passes by like an eternity as we wait for his call, Brandon is trying to find as well I swear I'll kill him I'm really worried for my love, what she must be doing what he'll do to her, why my love is enduring all this, why, I wish I could just end all this sooner and will hold her in my arms, I promise to protect her I'll do anything to keep that promise Erika where are you.

I open my eyes my though it's hard to open them up, my head is still throbbing oh no it's throbbing more now, like someone is hitting hammer on it, as my eyes settles with the light or I should say the dim light around me I start to scan the room, hissing I manage to sit up my feet and hands tied up in a tight bond, I'm sure they are going to bruise me, this is killing my wrist,


Thank God my mouth is open, I searched the room it's dark but the evening light is illuminating it, it's about to sunset I guess it have been many hours, shit this place reeks of alcohol, and drugs, there are barrels as well it's look like an warehouse or something,

It means James sells drugs, his character never fails to surprise me it keeps on getting better and better, jerk, my eyes frantically searches for an escape but all it can find is walls, my whole body on the alert switch if it as I hear a voice of footsteps coming from behind me, he is here gulping down I try to see where he is,

"I'm here" he breathes out in my ear scaring me,

I drag myself away from him, as his eyes scans my tied figure,

"It hurts right" he speaks tracing his fingers over my tied feet, with a sudden movement he grips them pulling me towards him, I gasp "Shh.. I haven't done anything yet you are already scared, see your rejection hurts more than this nothing of it could have happened if you would have chosen me not that piece of shit"

"I don't love you and I'll never would" he tugs on my hairs I hiss in pain, he have done it so many times I really want to kill him "You think you scare me, I'm not a single bit afraid of you"

"Really" he arches his eyebrow in amusement "I see you have become quite a fight after loosing your memories I prefer old you weak you, We shall see it when I'll kill your little lover in front of your eyes then they will have fear in them fear of me" he let's go of my hairs harshly "Let's start the game let's see what he can do for you" I keep my glare hard in anger not afraid of him, he wants my fear he'll never get it, he don't even deserve my fear.

It have been hours my men were able to find where he have warehouses in city but I have no idea where he have kept Erika, I wanted to go and shoot on every location but Erik stopped me saying that it can make him alarmed and he'll harm Erika, I can't take this risk, I'm certain that they are still here he didn't leave the city,

Brandon have asked me wait for his call for few more minutes and then we'll look on every location, I feel like he'll call me because it's not just Erika that he wants he wants to torture me he wants kill me and I'm waiting to meet him.

The ring of my phone gets attention of all three of us, I pick it up quickly it's Erika "Hello Keira" I asked desperately, dying to hear her voice,

"Hey pal" his maddening voice answers expected "yeah you hear it right it's me your old friend James" he chuckles,

I'm gonna break every teeth of yours wait "Where is she?"

"What's the hurry, she is here" he replies calmly trying to test my patience,


I'm already out of it "If you dare to"

"Touch her then I'll break your breath right you are all about talks no action" he taunts me "Come on Troy she is here tied on my mercy just because of you neither you could have gone to that old fella nor I would have taken this step you really brought it that you'll embark on truth reveal journey and I won't know about it see now she is gonna pay for it"

"Stop hiding James end this game if you have enough balls then meet me and end this how long you'll hide coward" I could sense his amusement vanishing,

"We can meet, we can talk you can meet her, you can take her" I know he won't make things this easy "Just give me what I want"

"What you want?" I seethes in anger,

"I know it was Erika I always wanted but see I'm done of chasing her she is always running at you I'm done with her" liar "I know she is priceless but there's a price of everything so you can have her in return all I want is your money, your houses, your cars, your properties, your businesses, your everything" his every word is what I was expecting from him "What is too much to ask Is it bigger than your love" he asks trying to sound innocent,

"Deal" hearing my word his laugh seizes, "I'll give you everything"

"Cool then I'm giving an hour to prepare the papers, then I'll share you my location, and yeah one more thing I dare you to call the cops though I believe you won't do it unless you want your sweethearts little pieces" saying he hung up.

Fucker, I'll kill him just meet me James and you'll regret it,

"What did he said" asked Erik quickly, Mary staring at me for answers,

"He will give me the location where he is he will give her back in return he wants my everything my mansions, cars, my firms, everything"

"No ways you can't give everything to him you really think after that he'll let her go he'll never" shouts Erik,

"I will give up my everything for her, these things were never with me she was I want her and nothing else" they both looks at me without saying anything "I have made up my mind I know what I have to do"

I look at my phone as it lights up my lawyers managed to made all the papers, they were also feeling bad I asked them not to tell this to anyone I can trust them they are one of my most trusted employees,

Keeping everything up in briefcase, I sigh, I can do anything for Erika still I worked day and night to make this firm, no regrets Troy, Erika is waiting for you.

"Troy please let me come along" speaks Erik keeping his hand on my shoulder,

"Erik you have helped me on every step you were there for me always, but I have to walk on this path alone, I take risk putting her at stake" he nods at my words,

Starting my car I start my journey to end it, my car halts on the deserted place where there's no one, I can see an old building far, that's it, calm down Troy don't loose your calm stick to your plan,

I come out of my car, and starts walking towards it, there's no noise around, it's just the voice of my feet crushing the dry leaves, the place looks abandoned, my ear hears footstep, or I should say footsteps, soon I was not alone anymore but there were standing five gigantic men, must be his henchmen,

They stare at me, as I keep on glaring them I know they are big but I'm not scared, one of them puts his hand in pocket picking something out, it could be a gun I should be prepared,

"Boss he is here" he says on the walkie talkie, "Yeah alone, okay Boss" he cuts the call coming over me,

I clench my fist ready to attack, but he just starts searching me to find a gun or something, he checks my case as well finding nothing suspicious he let's me go inside,

The big wooden doors creak tells how old it is, my steps echos in the huge hall with nothing in it, numerous of barrels explains why it reeks of alcohol, it's dark just the dim light of sunset lighting the it.

I something moving far in front of me, it's not something but someone my eyes clears the vision "Erika" comes out of breath I run towards her lying figure, my hands frantically opens her hands, legs, I remove the the cloth from her mouth, she gasps taking the air,

I look at her state it breaks my heart to see her in such condition, You'll pay James, her tears eyes wanders on my face, it feels like she is thinking something a small smile on her lips, she breaks into tears hugging me, I return her embrace holding her sitting beside her as she cries,

I cup her face removing strands sticking on her face "Don't worry Er" she don't remember you fool "Don't be scared Keira I'm here I'll protect you" I try to reassure her,

"I know you will after all you promised" her words leaves me shock it throws me into my past I made this promise to Erika on her birthday, did she just reminded me of it, she remembers, confused not understanding what to say I keep on watching her dumbfounded,

Her shivering hands picks out something from her jacket pocket, she shows me the shinning auroras necklace I gave her on her birthday, the same day I promised her to protect her, crying she nods her head "Yes Troy"

I engulf her in my arm, as she cries clinging me, burying her face in my chest "Erika I love you" I plant a kiss on her head, it feels so good to have her in my arms again, for Keira I always used to build a wall to separate us but now there's nothing which can separate us.

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