《For-Getting You》59. Reminisce


I stepped out of the taxi, sighing come on Keira you are just going talk to him, tell him the truth he won't throw you out maybe hope so,

Standing in front of his huge beautiful mansion I look around it, his house also have his essence beautiful, luxurious, rare, but lonely who buys a house like this away from everyone,

Keira stupid he does, you know people runs to him and he run from people,

Opening the gate I enter, taking the steps towards his huge house I take in the beauty of it, it's awfully silent here today, I squealed in fright as a hand comes on my shoulder "Ahh"

"Miss please calm down"

I turn around to find a middle aged man who is he what's he doing here is he a thief oh come on my sense use some common sense why a thief will show himself, seeing his security guard uniform I got my answer, At least my eyes are working,

"Miss I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he apologized,

"It's okay, I was kinda" wait when did start having security,

"Can I know miss who you are and the purpose of your arrival" he asks seeing me observing if I have anything with me or not,

"Well I'm Keira Peers ex-assistant of Mr.Adams, I'm here to meet Mr.Adams" who else lives here anyways,

"But Mr.Adams is not home" what where he is,

"Where is he?"

"He have gone out of country for a very important matter" what matter he is talking about,

"Do you have any idea when he'll be back" what I'll do now,

"Today" he looks at his watch "I think he'll be here in few hours If you want you can wait for him Miss"

"Yeah sure I'll" it's better to wait for him he is a punctual person he'll be here on time "You are new here" I asked the man who opens the door for me,

"No Miss I'm working here for years was on leave, My wife was not well so Mr.Adams helped me financially and gave me leave, he is a very humble and kind boy he is always ready to help others without thinking of himself, I really hate seeing him alone but now I think he have found a girl for him" really Is he saying the truth,

"Whom are you talking about" Is theres someone else as well oh come on I don't want more Diana in my life,

"You Miss" he said quickly,

"What me" I asked shocked who told him this Troy a blush crept up on my face,

"You must be special to him or he never allows anyone to come to his house" yeah of course "Seriously Miss I'm very happy, that finally he is giving his life another chance I have seen him crying looking at an picture of his dead girlfriend but as now you are here it feels good that he'll be alright now, I'm just outside if you need anything please tell me" saying he walks towards the main gate again,

Smiling I enter his house which is silent my steps are the only voice in here, it feels really bad that his girlfriend is dead I used to think her that she left him, I feel bad for thinking wrong about her, I look around his house, putting my purse on his couch, this place reminds me the first time I came here, how we both fell on this very couch, I still remember how intensely he was looking at me how he stopped me from getting from him, how close we were, how he was about to kiss me,


God sighing I turn around to find the same picture of his again, which was not there anymore, he must have removed it why he is always hiding things, a voice of thud gets me alert, I'm the only person in house then what's this, it's coming from upstairs, his house is not haunted, that I can say for sure, I mean I'm no psychic but still you can tell by looking at an house if it is, and his house is very clear, airy, big, white and full of light, the haunted ones are usually very suffocating, eerie, greyish, and light less at least that's what I have seen in movies,

Taking steps towards the stairs I think it's good to call the watchman but what if it's nothing, it's nothing just a voice Keira take a deep breath and check it, walking upstairs now I can't hear anything, I opened the first door, entering the huge master bedroom,

It's his room, yeah this is where I was lying when he saved me the night I was drunk, how wrong I was thinking about him and didn't even see me, his room is filled with his scent, it's spacious and elegant a combination of white and light grey, come one Keira see here's nothing now let's go,

My steps halts on their own as my eyes gets a glimpse of a wooden box, beside his bed on the table, what is it, come on girl it's none of your concern, Yeah I know miss conscience but I'm just curious what's it, did I ever told you guys that curiosity gets the best in me,

I run my fingers on the neatly engraved wooden box, picking it up I keep it on the edge of the bed, Keira don't open it what if it's something personal, yeah I think I shouldn't but he have made his mind on telling me everything about him, there's no harm then, I'll just have a sneak peak,

My conscience loses and I open it up, to my shock there were few things in it a black velvet box and few pictures, I pick up the first picture which is the same picture I was looking downstairs picture of Troy, Erik and Mary, his smile here looks so beautiful "I promise you Troy I'll bring back your smile"

There are few more photos with it, I pick up another one of Troy playing basketball wearing his school jersey, his hairs all messed up drops of sweat shinning on his skin, he looks so hot, his expression shows how focused he is, I wish I was there with him I would have cheered my heart out for him, stop checking him out now girl I don't know why but I have an familiar feeling to it like I have seen it but this is not the first time I'm having this feeling.

Putting it aside my hand holds the next picture I turn it around, there was something written on it but I'm more into seeing the picture, as my eyes falls the picture my eyes go as wide as they could, I can't believe this I cover my mouth in shock this is me my photograph was staring at me wearing an white top that I don't remember I have I don't even remember clicking this pic,

It's my picture, but my hairs are blond, yeah used to have them until few years back when I dyed them on James's request, but how my picture got here, I look kinda young here but how's this possible, confused running my hand in my hair I turn it around to read what's written "Erika Dashwood 21 October 2013"


Erika, it's not me it's the girl he used to love, she used to look like me, that's why he always act like that around, that's why he used to hate me at first, is this the only reason that he loves because of face, is that the only reason,

My every feeling, my love starts to question me, I start seeing other photographs one which have Troy in it the girl is wearing a beautiful gown they both are grinning, the house seems familiar like I have seen it, my trembling fingers opens the velvet box, finding an beautiful pendant lying in it, the crystal emits the light of auroras in it, running my fingers on the crystal embedded in carefully in snowflake design, the colors blending together in the crystal gives strange vibes it feels like I'm seeing northern lights,

The more I see it the more I get feeling that I have seen it, a sudden jolt of ache runs in my veins, as I clutch my head in my palm, why do I feel like I have seen the places that are in photographs, why do I feel like I have seen this locket as it was mine, I fall on my knees, everything I was holding falls around except the necklace, which still dangles in my fingers.

I clutch my head closing my eyes, on closing them I start seeing blurred images of different things, things that I have never seen before, I had headaches in past but I never saw anything like that, the more I stress on this the more images starts flashing in front of my eyes,

What's happening to me my breath erratic sweats coming on face, fear engulfs me not knowing why I'm feeling such a things, I'm not understanding anything, it feels like my mind is playing a video in it, Its like I see when the picture was taken, I see myself and Troy posing as a guy whose face is cover in camera clicks I'm smiling as he looks at me lovingly,

I open my eyes and close them again and again see myself sitting with Troy on an Ferris wheel laughing, the laughter echos around me it scares me I cover my ears trying to stop it I'm just hallucinating, calm down Keira calm down,

Erika, I hear the name, in voice similar to Troy, I starts seeing different visions and pictures of the moments I never knew existed, I see myself running leafs cracking I turn around laughing looking at someone, I see myself fallen on snow as Troy on me smiling,

I see a blurred sight of a couple dancing in rain I see myself getting hit by a car a crying Troy his shirt coverd in blood, I try to concentrate to have clearer picture, then I see Troy and I are standing near a cliff with a beautiful sky decorated with auroras, he puts the necklace on my neck, I hear his voice "My second promise to you is that, I'll always be with you, even if you want me to leave I'll leave but I'll still be there for you I'll live every second, every moment of my life for you.. I'll be like auroras in sky of your life even if you can't see me I'll always be there for you, I would never betray you, hurt you, doubt you and leave you" his words brings back all memory I had forgotten,

I remember everything, Troy, Erik, Mary, Dad, Ethan and James, all the comes alive, the birthday, the prom, the match, the proposal, the accident, the promise..

Everything is clear now, I feels like someone just splashed a bucket full of memories on me waking me up from a sleep It feels like I know everyone yet I know nothing, I feel happy, I feel strange, there are so many feelings running inside of me that I can't explain, but one that is very prominent is fear, fear of what has happened, why it happened, how it happened?

I was hit by car then when I woke up I was not in anchorage, there was no one with me, not Troy, no Erik, no Mary, no sign of my father and Ethan, there was just James,

Now I get it when I woke up I didn't remember anything, I lost my memories they must have known it and James took advantage of it he told everyone that I'm dead and told me that I'm Keira not Erika, and Troy still thinks that I'm dead this is so fucked up.

I can't believe that somebody can fall this low, he made my whole life a lie that I was living happily in, he destroyed my everything, I have to do something, I have tell Troy everything before its too late James is out here, he can do anything I have to do something to stop him.

Creaking sound of stairs makes my whole body to switch on alert mode, it can be Troy but why he'll come like this, I look around myself to find something at least I'll be able to throw that on him.

I gulp down in fear, don't breath loudly dumbass, but my whole self us just so shocked that it can't control it, the steps keeps getting louder and louder, God help me,

"What a surprise" the voice I hated to hear said,


What I'm doing here?" he completed my words with a cunning smile, taking steps towards me slowly,

God I can't let him know that I remember everything, I have to hide it,

"I must say Troy's house is beautiful" he says twirling around looking at his room,

I see from the corner of my eye the pictures fallen near my feet, as I clenched tightly the locket in my palm.

"Where is he?" he asks his back facing me,


Chuckling darkly he turns around "Don't try to fool me love where is he?"

"I don't know" hearing my words he strolls towards me slowly keeping his shoe on our photographs "You know what I did so many things to keep you away from him yet you are always with him, now I'm done with this act with this pretending" he grabs my wrist harshly "He is fucking stupid if he thinks that he'll embark on journey of truth and I won't know anything, you thought you'll plan to leave me and I won't know about it huh you really think like that" he jerk me harshly.

"Leave me James" I shouted glaring at him I'm not scared of him I can see the shock in his eyes,

"Ohoo someone's trying to be brave" spinning me around he gets closer to I hate his touch, burying his face in my neck he inhales disgustingly "I know how much I control myself around you from the day met you this smell it makes me crazy but soon my wait will be over I'll have you all to me not before killing that Troy first let's see then you'll have this brave glare of yours"

His words of killing him scares me but they also fills me with rage, I have to do something I can't let this psycho win, I took the opportunity hitting my head backwards I hear a cracking noise of his nose followed by his curses his grip on me loses a thrill rushes in me my legs quickly runs towards the door,

"Bitch you'll pay for it" groaning in pain he speaks,

I get out of the room it's better to lock him up here, before I could lock him up his arm comes between it as I try my best to pull the door, his arm moves frantically to open the door cursing, I have never seen him like this he have gone crazy.

I can't close it he is way too strong, pushing the door hard I run downstairs thinking maybe it'll hit him but the steps behind me tells the other story, my heart beats faster than light, my whole body is like on fire, my nerves throbbing, my breath erratic, there's only one thing in my mind to get out of here,

"Wait you bitch" he screams,

His voice boomed around me scaring me more, yet I keep on running towards the door, my hand just an inches away from the doorknob until a harsh grip on my hairs stops it pulling me backwards,

He grabs my hairs tightly, I scream in agony it feels like he's gonna rip them off "Leave me you psycho"

"Yeah you are right I'm a psycho for you" he laughs like maniac that he is,

He pulls my hairs more making me hiss in pain "Troy won't leave you" I glare at him again knowing it will piss him off,

"You know what I never wanted this I mean this was never a part of the plan but now I have no choice" saying takes something out from his pocket, seeing it I start to struggle to get out of his grip, soon I feel a sharp penetrating feeling on my neck as everything goes black.

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