《For-Getting You》58. Revelations


I can't believe on my ears what I heard He just confessed his feelings to me he said he loves me and wants to share his past with me, tonight I would have been the most happiest girl but again James ruined it,

If I would have known he will claim himself that he is my lover then I would left him in the house or I shouldn't have given him another chance as a friend, and his nerve when I asked him why he said it he said he is habitual of it and thought Troy was bothering me, come on if you are around me then how someone else can bother me, lame exegesis.

Because of his stupidity Troy didn't complete his words let complete alone he didn't even attended the party after it he left I guess as I tried my best to find him but I could I called him but didn't pick up thought it angers me but still it's understandable if any guy who is in the middle of a proposal and out of the blues a man shows up claiming to be the girl's lover I can't even imagine what a guy will go through,

He was beyond hurt the cocktail of emotions on his eyes were evident his rage mixed up with hurt but I don't know it was my misunderstanding or something but I think the way Troy was looking at James correction I mean glaring at him it seems like he knew him and is shocked to find him there or maybe he was just shocked on his words,

I'm sure he'll be thinking that I moved on before even giving him an chance, the reality is that I can never give a chance to James though Troy messes up my mind but James a second with him is a pure torture, I still remember how he used to control me in everything giving him a chance to be my friend proved to be a mistake,

Now the question how do I explain Troy everything he is nowhere to be find he is not picking up my calls idea I'll just show up to his home tomorrow and will talk to him yeah that's it I'll go meet Troy and will clear everything.

"What he wants now?" Erik says throwing hands in air frustrated,

"I don't know I wish I could just kill him" I answer pacing in my office restless after meeting that prick,

"The question is not this the question is what is he doing with Keira how does he even knows her" said the stressed Mary grabbing our attention,

"Yeah you are right" Erik replies biting his lip in anxiety,

"The words he said are roaming in my mind I can't understand what he really mean" truth which truth I'm not able see,

"What's it that we don't know" Erik stares at my pondering self "Are you thinking the same thing" I nod "but it's impossible"

"I don't know all this all I know is that there's only one way to find the truth" they both look at me sensing my meaning "Yeah you think right in order to know everything I need go back"

"No I think you shouldn't" I cut Erik,

"No Erik I'm tired of running away from past I need to face my demons only then I'll feel relived I have to get to the root of it I know I have come far but I have to go back to where it all started" its the only way to know the true meaning of his words.


"Then I'll come with you" Erik says keeping his hand on my shoulder I know he still can't get it out of his head that I was depressed there and tried to kill myself,

"No Erik you have to stay here" cutting his protest I continue "That son of a bitch is here he is around Keira stay here keep eye on him take care of my Kiera I'll be back soon"

Sighing he agrees, without wasting any further time I left the party for my home to pack my things, till then Brandon will take care of my flight to Anchorage.

"Anything else sir" voice of air hostess chimes in taking me out of my trance,

"No Thank You" she leaves keeping my drink in front of me, slowly the plan starts moving I glare out of the window staring lights blinking on airport, slowly flight starts moving making my stomach churn that I'm going back there I swear that I would never go back to the place which took my everything but here I'm going back I left everything there just the things that are leaving behind with the speeding plane, there was the memories I came with now I'm going to find a missing piece in these memories something that maybe I left.

Stepping back on this place feels strange it feels home but it's not home is where your loved ones lives and here I have no one staring out of the big window of my hotel room it reminds me how much I loved this place this place gave me friend like Erik, sister like Mary and gave me my first love Erika,

But they gave me Erika just to snatch her from me breaking me into millions of pieces.

I tried to rest a bit but whole night I was restless I won't feel good until I'll know what he means, stepping out of hotel I get into the car leaving for my destination, these roads these alleys all are as familiar to me as my nerves running in me, this city bought me up and broke me up,

When my father left me here on my own at first I felt strange here but after meeting Erik eventually I saw this as my home yet I never imagined that it will snatch everything away from me again let's just say maybe it's not this place but my fate yet I feel suffocated here.

Standing on the empty street the crisp air of morning touches me like it's my long lost relative who is happy to see me back and wants to touch me, keeping my hands in my pocket I stare at the house in front of me a glimpse of my love standing on window still afresh in my memories,

I see a guy on bike waiting for his love she runs to him happily picking her up he gives her a twirl her melodious giggles fills the air, tear well up in my eyes remembering my moment with Erika,

Sighing I collect the courage to face my fear my past making my way to the house I see an new watchmen he is not the old guy that used to work here.

"Yes who do you want sir" says the small middle aged man eyeing me up,

"I wanted to meet Mr. Dashwood" he looks at me like I'm asking the address of moon,

"He don't live here sir, this house belongs to Mr.James Hudson" his words gives me shock making my eyes widen,

What James owns this house Erika's house "No no this house belongs to Mr.Dashwood"


"It used to but not anymore after Ethan's death" Ethan is dead I can't believe on my ears "He got depressed now he is in his hospital"

I get quickly into my car stressed on Ethan is dead Mr.Dashwood is in hospital and James own their house there's something wrong with all this he must have done something what he is up to raking my hairs in worry I speed up my car.

"I'm here to meet Mr.Dashwood" the woman scans me sceptically it's clear by her looks that no one comes to meet him I'm the only one in years who asked for him,

"Second floor room number seven" as soon as my ears catch her words I hurried towards it,

There's an unknown feeling of urgency running in me a feeling that something bad is happening and I need to stop it. Creaking voice of door cuts the silence that is living in white room entering in my eyes darts at bed expecting to him to be there but to my surprise he was sitting in front of a window, voice of door voice of my steps did nothing to him he didn't even care to look back,

Taking slow steps I reach near him he was the same man I knew years ago yet he was not, the strong persona he used to carry was no where to be seen, his proud face had lost all his colors it was dull lifeless, the eyes that used to carry pride in it were filled with emptiness, I stand beside him but he keep on staring out of the window,

Crouching down I sat in front of him touching his hand to have his attention, he looks at me blankly taking in my face his expression shifts from nothing to something,

"You look like a gentlemen Troy, she always believed you'll become something" his low weak said,

He recognized me "Mr.Dashwood what" I really don't know what I should be asking,

"Troy today you have to listen to me you know the first time I saw you with my daughter" her name only is enough shatter me "I hated you I never wanted to see you but now all these years I was praying to meet you once so I'll be able let go of this burden from me"

"Mr.Dashwood what happened to you?" why he is behaving like this,

"This is nothing but my punishment Troy, punishments of my deeds" he breathed "When men walks on path to become god this is how he fell all the things he is carrying with him scatters and shatters in front of him"

"I'm sorry for Ethan got to know about his death" he lost his both children it's clear he is depressed, I have been through I know how it feels,

"Death or murder" he said lowly,

"What?" shocked I asked,

"Yes Troy he is murdered by the one whom he believed more than anyone look how unlucky I'm I have no one now, my son's gone forever and my daughter she is here but I can't meet her"

His words shakes my world not believing on what I heard I thought it to be his mere delusion "What are you saying" standing shivering I asked,

"Yes Troy I was waiting for you all these years I knew you would come and I'll tell the secret the darkest secret of my life"


"Erika open your eyes.. You can't betray me Erika.. You promised me" he keeps saying out loud struggling to get out of his grip her hand still in his Ethan keeps dragging him away aparts their hands Troy shouts her name as they take him out from room.

Erika's hand falls on bed parting from his her eyes moves an inch still in state of unconsciousness she sees an blurred image of someone crying screaming and being dragged but it all last for less than seconds soon the same darkness envelopes her.

"You can't betray me Erika.. You promised me.. Get away from me.. Leave me.. Let me be with her.. Erika" he shouts like mad everyone turns to him as he seems to be going out of control.

"Troy calm down Troy" Erik chants feeling helpless to see him like this Mary cries at his situation.

But Troy doesn't listens to any of them and just keeps repeating his words like his mind has stuck on it "Let me go" he tries to walk inside again but Ethan pushes him, enraged he punches him, everyone tries to stop him.

"Troy please listen brother stop" Erik speaks but he doesn't listens.

"She can't betray me Erik.. She promised" with his blood-red eyes he says to Erik like crazy.

Seeing him going out of control pair of nurses rushes towards him holding him, he exclaimed to leave him struggling like an caged animal he feels an piercing pain on his neck soon his voice goes down his body goes light, he falls on his knees Erik holds him "Erika.." he whispered as darkness his nightmare embraces him.

Nurses starts taking him to room, Erik and Mary following them worried for their friend.

"How is she?" Ethan asked the moment his father and doctor enters his cabin,

"She" the doctor gulps down,

"Say it damn it" he shouts at him urging him to say it fast,

"She is out of danger" hearing him he lets out a sigh of relive staring at his friend who smiles a bit,

"I'll go see her" hurriedly he starts to leave the grip of his father's hand stops him,

"You can't meet her" his father says looking down defeated,

Furrowing his brows at his words he asks "Why?" why he is not letting him see her Erika is out of danger then why he looks defeated he thinks in himself,

"Because she won't recognize you" he mutters,

"What? Why? Is this some kinda joke she is out of danger you just said it right" he asks both the men standing in front of him,

"Yes sir I said it but due to the fall her head was severely injured due to which she has gone into dissociative amnesia" not understanding him he squints his eye at the doctor "She has forgotten most of her memories she don't remember anyone even herself,

Her name, her family, her friends everything she don't remember anything she can't recognize Mr. Dashwood as well"

Ethan shocked and hurt by his words curses under his breath "I'll try to talk to her maybe she'll recognize me"

"No I'm mean you can but not right it's not the right time she is out of danger yet she is still in trauma her condition is quite fragile right giving her shock or triggering her memories may led to her in more danger I'll request you to take things slowly with her"

Saying the doctor starts leave to inform the same to her friends he was feeling bad for the poor boy who was desperate for her but the firm grip of James's hand stops him,

"Who told you to leave" he asks curtly seeing his weird behaviour Ethan and his father squints their eyes at him asking him the reason for it "You won't tell about it to anyone"

"James what are saying" Ethan asks not understanding his friend's words,

"Oh come on Ethan can't you get it, it's the best for your sister, she don't remember anything, not you, not me, not him, this is the only chance by which we can separate them"


"By telling them that she's dead" Erik stares wide eyed at him,

"Are you out of your mind I can't take advantage of my sister's situation" Ethan snaps at him shocked at his twisted idea,

"This is only way to save your sister didn't you see how crazy he is when he'll know that she have forgotten him he'll definitely do something to make her remember him it's not good for her it's good to keep her away from him" he senses that Mr. Dashwood is listening to his cunning plan more pacing towards her father he continues "Mr.Dashwood didn't you always wanted him to get out of your child's life, didn't you wished their separation doesn't matter how much you avoid it but you know that Troy is a dirt on your reputation and name and this is the time to clean it, Ethan don't forget the fact, who put her in this condition him, it's his fault to save his life she did it, you yourself know that he is not good for your sister I care about her just like you do this is the only chance to throw that filth out of your sister's life" squeezing his shoulder showing his fake sympathy he smiles in himself seeing how easy it was to manipulate them,

Troy I was doing so many things to separate you from Erika but see your fate did something that I couldn't now she will live her life with me but without her you will die every moment in your life, I will take her away from you will keep her to me just to me, he thought in himself with his cunning smile spreading over his face.

After debating for hours finally Ethan agreed on it for him killing his alive sister is more than a nightmare but for saving his reputation her father can do anything even if it means to show her dead.

Tears were gathering in my eyes my ears can't believe on what they are hearing, still a part of me says its a lie it doesn't wants to believe that a father can do it just to save his fake reputation,

"I know you must be hating me, I did it thinking that we are protecting her unknown to the fact that we are throwing her in danger" I glare at him "We asked the doctors to tell you all that she is dead, asking them to keep you unconscious because I knew that you'll find out that she's not dead, we used the body of an orphan girl hiding it we didn't let anyone to see her meanwhile James took her away from there to one of my hospital in Birmingham, and we made sure that no one will ever know the truth"

"How can you do this, how can you do this to your daughter" I asked him controlling my emotions,

"I had to I thought I was saving her but I was wrong, when James took her to Birmingham he promised us he'll take care of her and will gradually tell her about us but he didn't do any of that in fact he started to tell her that he is his fiance and his only loved one paid a couple to act as her relatives, in trying of getting you out of her life we got ourselves out of it, we tried to stop him we tried to reach her but he didn't let us and one day Ethan went to talk to him to get answers to see his sister and never returned, that day I broke I saw my whole life collapsing in front of me, I always paid attention on money never thought how much family is important that day the words of my wife were ringing in my ears I'll realise how much family matters when I'll be alone, and trust me Troy from that day I'm screaming in myself these eyes always hated you and now they were praying to see you" he reach out for my hand "Please Troy save my daughter she is the only one I have now, please I beg you, save her she is your Erika" saying he breaks out in crying,

I was hating him for what he did, yet I was feeling bad for him his situation makes me feel pity for him, I have seen how strong this man was and now seeing him crumbling down really hurts me, I know he never liked me but now he have realised his mistakes "I promise you Mr.Dashwood nothing will happen to her I'll save your daughter will bring her back I promise" holding his shivering hands I give him my word,

Sitting in my car I drove it faster than light, I can't believe all this my mind can't take in all this suddenly, the love I thought left me years ago was alive in front of my eyes and never see it, I was so lost in the darkness of my sorrows that I couldn't see the light of truth,

I fell in love with Kiera unknown to the fact that I'm falling in love again with my love Erika, it all makes sense why felt connected to her why I was not able to control my emotions, why I was not able to hate her, why I was so much drawn towards her, why I found myself in her arms again and again, I always cursed my destiny for playing the cruel game with me but I was trying to get me to my love my Erika,

Knowing that she is alive I can't control myself, I'm happy, I'm sad that she don't remember anything though I'm certain that she'll remember me but the main concern right now is James that fucker is with her and she don't know his true colors I have to get back I have to protect her I want have her in my arms my whole body is throbbing in anxiety, I hope she'll be fine I don't know why but I'm having not good gut feeling it's making my stomach churn,

I just want to reach there as soon as I could, calm down Troy just few hours and you'll be there, Erika my love I'm coming I'll save you from him I'll do anything for it even if it means playing with my life I'll, just few hours more Erika and we'll be together forever.

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