《For-Getting You》Chapter 57. A Visitor From Past


Tapping my finger on my table I try not to think about her, yeah I'm crazy it have been month when she left me, after she said she wants to know my past and wants me to forget it I couldn't say anything my lips were sealed shut,

I couldn't tell her, from that day she left me but her thought her face is still flashing on my mind not a moment passes by when I'm not thinking about her, she has clouded my soul my heart I can't think anything else but her the tears she shed I can still feel her pain, the last kiss that we shared my lips still have her touch on them craving for more,

This whole month was mess yet it was successful in telling me how much I love her, my stupid self has realized that I can't live without her, my brain my heart my soul my everything is painted by her love,

But she is not talking to me that night I hurt her bad I tried reaching her but she don't want to see me and I can't live without seeing her most of days have passed by watching her from distant standing in front of her window I saw day changing its color standing outside her window catching few glimpses of her sometimes even she caught me as her eyes met mine I saw pain, pain that I gave her.

Now I want to heal her now want to say to her that I love her but how I'll do it will she give me another chance,

"Stop thinking Troy do something" my thoughts crumbles from Erik's words,

"I'm thinking what should I do" I hissed.

"Go barge in to her house and confess" like everything is this simple,

"I don't want to kidnap her I want to confess my love for her I want to make it special" I replied.

"God I want to punch your face can't you stop being in castle of confusion and dilemma" he runs his hand in his hairs,

"I didn't tell her my feelings that day because she also wanted to know the truth about my past" I start to explain,

Huffing in annoyance he got up from his chair "Your past Troy you didn't kill anyone you didn't do anything you did nothing wrong still you act like you are guilty stop being guilty for something you didn't do"

"I know I have no fault in anything but I couldn't say anything because I was afraid afraid that her knowing about the fact that she looks exactly the same like my dead lover will make her think that maybe her face is the only thing I ever loved and then I can't escape the fear that what if my love will harm her" I said looking out of the huge window,

Erik looks at me like I'm insane "You are dumb nothing is like that" he puts his both hands on my shoulder making me face him "Troy you yourself told me that she was hurt and tired of this game then end it give her the love she deserves the love you deserves, this month the fifth anniversary of our company is coming invite her talk to her tell her everything tell everyone that you love her"

He is right I'll make that say special for her.

"Mary I don't want to talk about it" I may say that I don't want to yet deep down my heart is crying to see him to

Listen to him, I know how I was cutting this month without seeing him wherever I went he was watching me, standing in front my window I found him looking at me still I pretended to avoid it but I can't I wanted to run to him taking him in my arms,


Now I'm certain that he do loves me after I left him alone the first thing I saw was announcement of his breaking his engagement with Diana, I know he loves me but I don't want to see him because unless he tells about his past or I won't forgive him.

"Please Keira for the sake of my friendship please listen to me please" she says,

She gives me an requesting look sighing I sit on sofa facing her,

"I know you are hurt from the things he did but trust me his love for you is very true and that's what he wants to prove you" Mary tries to explain,

"You don't have to be his lawyer Mary I know he don't love me or he would have told me about his past but didn't" I wish I could read minds, people wants to see the future but I wanna see the past,

"He wanted to but he was afraid of losing you" her voice goes down on the last words,

"Why he is afraid what is he hiding" I replied annoyed,

"He wants to tell you everything he wants to meet you please he wants you to come at the anniversary of firm on Saturday night please" she squeezed my hand "Give him one last chance please"

Looking into her eyes I thought for a moment it's a true that I want to see him but what if I'll again get hurt then I'll endure it for him making up my mind I nod at her.

Happy by my answer she hugs me "I knew you'll say yes"

"You know I'm stupid" I snorted sarcastically,

"No I know you are a darling now I gotta go but don't forget you have to come on Saturday we'll be waiting for you" saying she picks up her purse.

"Stay what's the hurry" I protest Betty is off on a business trip being alone bores me a lot,

"I really want to but I have to see the preps I'll come again promise"

I nod "Take Care"

"You too" beaming she leaves.

Closing the door I sigh, should I really go to meet him, a knock on door brings me back from my thoughts, Mary must have changed her mind smiling I open it up but the smile of my face vanishes seeing his face "You"

"Five years ago when I started this company I didn't know that it will excel too fast but I believed that it will see the heights for world, this firm is my family it's success is not just mine it belongs to my loyal companions who have contributed in its progress I have nurture it, I have seen the hardships of life I think that's the reason behind my cherishing every single success of our firm, but this success is not mine it belongs to all of you and that's why I want your hardships to end the moment you step in this company, Thank You so much for all your support this evening is yours" raising up my flute I praise my employees who in return filled the hall with applause,

Proudly I look at them, it feels good to achieve what someone wished for you, and it feels bad when the one who wished all this is not with you.

Walking down to greet my guest I try not to think about it, I start to meet my business partners my friends,

"Toutes nos felicitations Mr. Adams" I shaking hands with me Mr.Ricardo said "Je dois dire que votre nouvel hôtel est magnifique" he looks around himself taking in my grand hotel (Congratulations Mr.Adams, I must say this new hotel of yours is beautiful),


"Merci je Mr.Ricardo suis content que tu te régales" (Thank You Mr.Ricardo I'm glad you are enjoying yourselves)

He starts talking to me about different things joking about few things I give my usual tiny smile,

My eyes keeps looking here and there as my heart beats in anticipation that she'll come tonight I'll tell everything to her Mary asked her to come and she told me Keira agreed on it, I'm scared as well what if she won't come what if she'll reject giving me an second chance, then I'll accept her decision but my heart says that she'll come tonight.

Finally my eyes finds the one they were looking for, there she was coming in wearing an emerald color silk frock reaching her till her knees, her reddish brown hairs tied up in an half up down her beautiful soft curls cascading down her back God I want to run my fingers in them,

Having minimal makeup she looks effortlessly gorgeous, her shinning eyes looking around her to find some known face, my feet on their own starts taking me to her, this room filled with people still it feels like I'm in alone in middle of desert thirsty for the drops of love and she is an oasis only she can end my frivolous wandering.

Seeing me coming to her I can sense her taking a deep breath, those beautiful eyes widening a little, she takes in my whole appearance.

"I knew you'll come Keira" she sigh inaudibly,

"Mr.Adams I" before she could say anything I close the space between us hushing her

"Tonight I'll say and you'll listen" gliding my fingers in her soft ones I guide her to somewhere peaceful, we comes out into the huge balcony, cold breeze hits us her hairs starts to dance on it,

There is no one around us here I asked my security to keep this area reserved only for us, I look at the innocent girl who is looking at the city lights twinkling her face lights up as well seeing the serene scenery in front of her eyes.

"Gorgeous You like it" I asked having her attention on me, I don't know why but I can read an emotion of uneasiness on her face "I know you are angry at me you should be a idiot like me deserves every bit of it I know from the start I wanted you to be away from me but" erasing the distance I cup her innocent face I move aside the lose strand from her face behind her ear "no matter how much I try I can't stay away from you I can't stop thinking about you its you always in my mind, it's your scent thats intoxicating my senses, it's you in my in my soul, you are in every breath that I take, you are in my heart you are me" her doe like eyes looks into mine

"Yes Keira the moment you left me from that moment not a second have passed when I have not think about you" with my every word I end the distances between us leaning into her my lips inches apart from her, her nervous breath touching my lips "The moment you entered my life You made me realize how wrong I was to live in my past I was so much lost in the darkness of my sorrows that I could not see the light of your love but now I have realised" her hands rests on my torso "You have filled my heart with your love, you have come in my gloomy life as spring blooming it that night I didn't say anything but tonight I'll tell everything about my past to you I'll tell everyone that I'm yours and you are mine I'll show it to the universe how much I love" her shy eyes which were looking down widens looking at me "Yeah Keira I love you" my lips makes their way to end this few inches way

"Keira I was looking for you" a familiar voice interrupt us I know this voice her hand which were on heart retreat back she makes up the distance between us again why who is this guy he is facing her and I can't see his face but he looks like I know him, why is squirm away from me after this guy came maybe she because she is shy,

"I'm sorry Keira had to take this call, well I see you are not alone won't you introduce us" with her flushed face she avoids making eyes contacts "Don't worry I'll myself introduce myself" with a seemingly fake chuckle he replied turning around,

Rage starts to run in me as my eyes fall on him, the person I want to kill stands in front of me again, I don't know why fate plays these games with me tonight I wanted to close my past but now seeing him again all the pains, all the sorrows starts to arise in me again my wounds creeps out again,

"He don't need a introduction so I'll introduce myself hello Mr.Adams I'm James Hudson Keira's love" my eyes glares at him hearing his words, I can see he is lying the way his words effected Keira it's clear it's not true,

I can't believe what this fucker is doing here I still remember how he beat me how he tried to end my relationship with Erika,

Before Keira could protest or say her phone started to ring "It's Betty excuse me" saying nervously she leaves,

He nod hiding his cunning smile, as she leaves not waiting for another minute I smashed him on the wall grabbing his neck,

"I can see the feelings are mutual happy to meet old friend" he laughs like a psycho that he is,

It intensifies my anger "Shut the fuck up and tell me what are you doing here with Keira what are you up to" I seethes tightening my grip,

"I'm here to spread love Troy" he mocks again his maniac laughter getting on my nerves,

"Tell me what are you doing with Keira or I'll throw you down you fucking bastard" my fist dying to make contact with his face,

"Ohh I'm so scared please Troy don't kill me" he continues his mockery "Emotions always gets the best in you don't they Troy"

His presence fogs my senses all I want right now is to kill him,

"Seriously your emotions blinds you always it takes away your sight you can't see anything in it the lie even the truth" his twisted words confuses me "The truth lives in skin in front of your eyes but you can't see it and you'll never see it in the end you'll be alone your darkness will blind you" trapping me in the webs of his words,

The words he said does something making my heart and mind to ponder my grip on him looses fixing his collars he pats my shoulder "Wise man you are Troy will meet you soon again" emphasising on again he leaves.

I couldn't figure out what he said, Is he really mean what I'm thinking, Is he even saying truth what the heck is he hiding.

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