《For-Getting You》Chapter.56 Illusion


Keira it's the right time you have to tell him that you love him or he would never know it, what if he'll say he don't love me, shut up I should not be thinking to much even if he don't then still I need to confess my love,

"Keira are you alright" his low velvety voice asks me,

"Yeah" I breath out,

Holding my hand which is resting on his chest he caresses it his touch feels like feather gentle and light he slides my hand on his shoulder pulling me closer to himself his scent intoxicating as ever.

"Mr. Adams.. I.. wanted to say something" he hums allowing me to continue "I wanted to say what I feel.. I.."

"Love here you are" before I could complete my words her sharp voice chimes in "me and mom were looking for you" she speaks avoiding me like I'm not even standing there I hate it when she does it "Keira is that you I couldn't recognize you" she finally saw me her compliment is actually an insult,

I nod in reply I feel bad I was about to say I love you but Diana she stopped me, she comes stands beside Troy whose hold loses on me those arms which were embracing me were now away, Diana clings to his arm like a snake staring at me squinting her cat eyes.

"How do I look, I wear your favorite color see" she asks about her grey silk revealing dress, he does not response to her just looks at me,

I try but I can't read her expressions, they are like he is controlling himself.

"Let's dance" saying she drags him with her,

His one hand which was still holding my hand lightly parts away slipping out of my hand, it really hurts me my one side wants to slap her but I can't, sighing I excuse myself from there I would like to see something else then seeing them dancing together.

Calm down Keira she is just dancing with him, there's nothing between them remember Troy himself said that its an act, he sways with her looking at me,

It's just an act Troy does not loves her,my reflection stare back at me what if he loves her no he would never lie to me, this frustrates me I wish I could just break this mirror but house his not my ancestral home besides its so beautiful, sighing in frustration I pace out of the bathroom only to find that lizard leaning against the wall maybe she was waiting for me,

Avoiding her I tried to get past her,

"Wait Keira what's the hurry after all I'm here to talk to you" her sharp voice said,

Yeah I know what you want to say stay away from Troy etc "Say"

"You are still after what's mine I thought you are a sensible girl but you disappointed me" my eyes squints at her in questioning manner,

"I also thought you are a nice person I guess we both made a mistake in judging each other" I reply looking her in eyes I can fight you now he don't love you,

"Listen you have no idea what you are playing, he is mine I love Troy and he loves me" in your freaking dreams "We are engaged and soon we'll get married"

"Oh really good luck with it but I think he is not planning the same" her cunning smirk vanishes a bit as she gets the idea that I know the truth,

She starts laughing like a wacko "Dear stupid Keira you really think like that I can understand that you love her and it makes you blind" she pouts in fake sympathy "But don't be so blind to see the truth he may say that he don't love me its all an act and fake yet this fake relationship is stronger than your bond, look at me I'm Diana Mathews I belong to one of the most richest families in country and now look at you who are you what are you Troy knows this and that's why he is just playing with you, this game will go on till he gets what he wants from you" I stare at her in disbelief "Yeah once he will get you on his bed then he will throw you out of his life like you were never even there and I'll still be there with him in the end he will be mine"


"I can also understand that you love him but I'm not blind here you are who can't even see that Troy doesn't love you he thinks you as a friend and just as a friend, and I don't want explain about my love to someone like you who thinks her stubbornness is her love you can never understand us because you don't know what is love" she glares at me looking as if wants to attack.

"You are in an illusion Keira and it will be broken tonight you'll see that our relationship is true and Troy is just playing with you" she said pointing at me coming closer to scared me I keep my feet glued on ground not threatened by her a bit love makes you strong bitch,

"He is not" I seethed,

"My dear Keira believe it or not but he is after you because he wants something from you and you are not giving it him but I can even I do" she whispers in my ears seductively "I know you don't believe it I'll show it to you"

Before I could say anything to shut her up she walks away swaying, leaving me confused and sacred I know she is lying I know Troy is not like that but I don't know why I'm feeling like this maybe because right I'm trapped in whirlwind of emotions, stop thinking Keira are you really gonna listen to her she is headmistress of evil queen,

Right I hope I'm right, I got in the hall again Diana still wrapped up on his arm, his features screaming that he is irritated how can someone be so clingy.

She claims of loving Troy yet think him that he is one of those who are only after sex, I should not feel that bad about her insulting me when she can't respect the person she loves then forget about me.

I was getting annoyed second by second as her hand was getting tighter and tighter, Diana is my friend I have always respected her and she also controls herself, alright she tries to but tonight she is looking like an whole different person, I think she is drunk.

My eyes were looking out for Keira, this happens whenever she is not around I feel empty she is a part of me, finally my eyes found what they are looking for she was standing in corner alone she somehow looks sad, she is having the face she makes when she is very stressed but who did it,

Maybe she is not upset but jealous of Diana, yeah it must be that as much as I hate it I want to see how she'll react if I'll give some attention to Diana, smirking I turn to her giving her a loving smile from the corner of my eye I see Keira whose fists clenched she gulps down,

You look cute when you are jealous Keira, to make her more mad raising my hand I take the strand of her hairs behind her ear, Diana is herself shocked yet thrilled I'm sorry Diana but this not for you but Keira who is looking right at me, her beautiful eyes slowly starts becoming glossy, stupid Troy you hurt her like always I think I should go and talk to her,

Freeing my arm from Diana's grip I made my way to her, she tries to control her emotions, stopping my steps something or someone comes in my way, irritated by it I glare at the it it's a man my man Brandon "Brandon where are you walking" I snapped at him,


"Sorry Sir but I wanted to have a word with you" said Brandon in his usual professional tone crease on his forehead visible under his blond hairs,

"We can deal with it later" I need to talk to her first,

"Sir its very important" I frown at his words "Sir I have found out who paid that guy to steal your designs and frame Miss.Keira"

My eyes which were on Keira changes their place widening, a rush runs inside me to know the person who did it I will not leave that person there are only few things I love now and my work is one of them fuming I look at her once again before leaving with Brandon.

Brandon told me everything and I was enraged I hate cheaters and after finding who that was I wanted to teach a lesson to that betrayer asking Brandon not to tell anyone else I left the study, I never imagined that she can do, now you'll pay for it knowing how much I love my work my firm she sold my design to my rivals and look at her guts she still have the face to talk to me.

Sighing trying to act normal so Erik won't sense it I really don't want to ruin his engagement, I look around searching for Keira but I can't find her I walk towards Diana who is drinking wine standing with his mother,

"Hello Mrs. Mathews I hope Mr. Mathews is better now" I ask her mother,

"Yeah he is much better was asking for you" she answers in her proud voice,

Smiling at her "Can you come with me I want to have a word with you" I whisper in Diana's ear making her excited.

"Yeah sure" she glides her hand again in mine walking with me,

We both climb the long stairs leading to the corridor which was silent just distant voices of people downstairs audible, standing in front of my room I stare at her blankly, happy from she throws her arms around my neck pulling me closer herself,

"Finally I'll be yours tonight" she whispers seductively fanning her breath on my neck,

Without uttering a word I open the door pushing her in closing it behind me.

I was hurt from how Troy was behaving with Diana he never do like that maybe he was doing it to look real in front of her mother or maybe he was making me jealous, Yeah it can be true he do such kind of tactics sometimes.

After fixing my lipstick I left my room to join everyone else downstairs Mary would be looking for me she wanted to introduce me to her cousins, turning right I sigh my feet hits the break as my eyes watches the field of vision, my eyes can't believe what they see, waves of tears starts flowing out of them, I want to close my eyes but I want to see it I want my heart to see the men I love in arms of other,

Diana seductively comes closer him saying something in his ears, my silly heart still thinks that maybe it's a lie or he'll push her away but on the contrary he pushes her inside the room closing it, he lied to me Diana was right he was playing with me nothing is fake between them anything that is unreal here is my feelings,

I hate him how he lied saying its all an act now for whom he is acting here's no one not her parents, not the press I chuckle darkly at my naivety I fell in his traps, I fell for him,

I can't breath all these emotions makes it difficult for me to breathe out, I wanna go away from here I wanna away from him, running from there hiding myself from the eyes of Erik and Mary I manage to come out of the huge mansion, I breathe heavily taking in the air the cold wind touches me giving me shivers it's gonna rain but I don't care I can't stay here I can't breathe here I feel heavy it feels like someone is choking me,

And controlling my cries is making it more worse not thinking where I'll go my feet starts taking me in an unknown direction I'll go anywhere then here.

"Keira where are you going" Scott's voice comes from behind stopping me,

I quickly wipe my tears to answer him "I.. I.. was leaving" controlling my cries again I answers,

"Where? Why? Are you alright" Don't ask this Scott when you are crying and someone asks this it gets more impossible to control yourself,

Still with my all strength I take in all my emotions gulping down I answers "I'm good just wanna go back"

"Why? Did someone said something to you" asks holding my arm concerned his brows furrowed over his glasses,

"No I just wanna go home" trying to leave I reply.

His hand stops me lightly "Keira are out of your mind how are you supposed to leave by walking" he speaks sarcastically "It's about to rain I can't let you leave like this"

"Please Scott" I huff helpless,

"Okay let's do it like this after four hours I'm having a flight back home Mr.Erik had an very important meeting he can't go so I'm going on his behalf I was just leaving for the airport if you want you can come with me I'll drop you" he said in genuinely.

"Please take me with you" after listening his words lines run out of my mouth,

"OK you stay here I'll go and get your stuffs" smiling sadly he left.

I'm very much comfortable with him going back Scott and I are good friends and I know he is a very humble and nice guy.

My arms hugs myself trying to get some warmth, I can still see Troy's betrayal I never imagined that he'll do this to me he'll break my heart into pieces, I hate you Troy Adams I hate you.

As soon as I close the door she threw herself on me "Troy I always dreamt about it" she speaks inhaling my neck her hot breath fanning my neck "come on take me I'm all yours"

"You dreamt of it and I never imagined it" not understanding what I truly mean she smirks, holding her close I whisper in her ear as she shudders "Cheater"

Before she could comprehend turning her around I pushed her at door, a whimper leaves her mouth "How dare you lie to me Diana how fucking dare you" I screamed at her face making her flinched,

"What are you saying" stammering she said aware what she did,

"Don't fucking lie to me" screaming I banged my hand beside her face on door startled she tries to get away from me, holding her hand I dragged her in middle of room I let go of her hand,

"Troy I don't know what you are talking about whoever is saying this to you is lying I never betrayed you Keira did" I'm amazed at her lying skills,

"Diana enough don't spoil her name I know you are the one who paid that son of a bitch to steal my designs you are the one who framed Keira" I screamed at her face "How could you be so selfish I always thought you as my good friend but you I never imagined that you will fall this low"

"Yes I did it but I did all these things for you because I want you" she shouted back at me "I have seen how she looks at you she thinks you love her she is in an illusion but I know you don't you love me not that stupid whore" she cups my face,

She called her a whore Jerking her hand away I clear her mind "Don't Diana don't you dare to say a word more about her or I'll forget everything and then you'll regret it and you talk about illusion you are in illusion that I love you I never did I love you but as a friend I never saw you in any other way but don't deserve to be my friend"

Her eyes goes wide on my words she grabs my arm digging her fingernails in it to stop me.

"Yes Diana you know me that I'm Troy Adams who don't love many things in his life I love few things and my firm is one of them I have worked hard day and night to achieve all this and you were playing with my hard work just to get your revenge on some innocent girl who never hurt you" removing her hand I continued "from now I'm ending everything between us from out fake relationship to our true friendship everything is over"

I start to leave she holds my hand again trying to stop me "Please Troy don't do this please Troy I want" leaving her scream behind I march out of the room.

My rage was still there I can't stop thinking how she betrayed me thinking that I'm a fool and won't found out ever.

Wait what this Scott is doing here, I think he is leaving for tomorrow's meeting, look at one place there are people like Diana who don't know the meaning of hard work on the other hand there are people like Scott as well just have hard work in their life.

Scott drags the luggage it's just my head or this is Keira's luggage no it can't be maybe I should just ask him, I approach Scott who is struggling in dragging it,

"Sir" he said awkwardly,

"Scott leaving for conference" I asked arching my brow,

"Yes sir" he nod.

"Is that Keira's luggage" I enquired him making him even more nervous he is always like this around me,

"Yes Sir"

His words shocks me why he is taking her luggage "Why do you have it"

"Sir actually I was just leaving when I saw Keira running and crying I asked her but she didn't answer just said that she wants to go back" why she wants leave "so I said I'll drop her"

Thought of her leaving makes me anxious "Where is she?"

"She is waiting near my car" without waiting any second I run to her, making sure that my friends won't see me,

The crisp cold air hits my face my eyes found her standing near the car looking into distant she emits sadness from her, what's the matter my feet takes me to her hearing my footsteps she looks at me, it's dark but I can see the hurt and hate in her eyes clearly,

Seeing my those sorrowful eyes dilated a little and she starts walking away from there or I should say running away from me, taking long steps she creates a distance between us but I'll cross every distance for you Keira "Keira wait"

Avoiding me my voice she keeps on walking, mansion was left behind we reach near the bridge before she could go any further I get hold of her arm stopping her "Keira what are you doing, where are you going"

"Leave me leave me Mr.Adams" stubbornly she wiggles trying to get out my grip,

What's matter with her "Keira what are you doing" raising my voice a little I get her attention "What happened to you"

"You have happened to me" she says tears gliding down her face she is accusing me of something I don't know about,

"What, Keira tell me what's the matter I don't understand" I spoke softly her tears cuts me,

"Really you want me to tell you, do you want me to scream your lies the lies that you have been filling my head with"

I continue to stare at her crying figure still confused having no clue about what she is saying, to console her I tried to cup her face but she jerks my hands away making me shocked at her behavior,

"Don't you dare touch me"

"Keira I think there's some misunderstanding let's talk about it" I again try to reason with her which goes in vain,

"No there's no misunderstand now everything is clear now I can see your true face now Diana was right I'm stupid"

Hearing her name gives me some idea about what happened "Diana she said something to you don't believe her she is" interrupting me shouts again,

"Stop it now please she did say many things about you but I did not believe them but after seeing you both together every curtain of believe left my eyes"

She saw me going with her and thought that we are shit,

"I was stupid from the start that I fell in love with you" her confession would have made me crazy but now it hurts it sounds like she regrets being in love with me "Yes Mr. Troy Adams I Love you the moment I saw you first time I felt like we are connected you always tried to push me away I always kept myself determined to have your love I struggled to pull you out of your past but you always pushed yourself deeper into hollow of your past but I never felt that I'm lost the strength of my love gave me power for it I thought that one day you'll forget about your past and you'll realise that you love me but"

"But tonight you made me lose I'm tired I can't be here knowing that I was living in an illusion and now that castle of lies is shattered, I'm shattered, it was stupid of me that I thought you love me you never did" saying she sobs,

The drops of rain mixes with her tears drenching us, She tries to leave again but this time I pulled her towards me she bumps into my chest with a swift motion I captures her soft wet lips, her hands struggles to push me that's of no use with my hand I get hold of her both thin wrists my other hand resting on back of her neck pushing her more into me,

After few frail attempts to push me she gives in as her lips starts moving on mine, I kiss her deeper sucking her breath like it will give me life, breaking the kiss leaving her gasping I asks her "Please stay don't leave me" my face still near her fanning her lips,

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