《For-Getting You》Chapter 55. The Engagement


"You look great" patting my friend's shoulder I grab his attention,

He smiles timidly,

"What were you thinking? It's your engagement stop thinking about girls now or Mary will kill you" I know what's on his mind he is thinking about Erika he always wanted us to get engage on same day, but now she can't come back so it's better not to think about it,

Yeah I'm saying it the one whose everything has been stopped on that very moment, I can't come out from the deep hole of my past, I live in it and there's just darkness that's why I don't want anyone else to even look into it,

That's why I didn't say it to him or he'll be like if you think like that then move on and I can't do that,

"Now who's thinking" I chuckled at his words,

"Seriously brother I'm very happy for you finally you are giving Mary what she deserves she have waited a lot because of you" a genuine smile crept on my face.

"And I'm happy for you" his reply made me confused, Is he really happy with my engagement with Diana, I'm sure he is not "Don't bother your brain Troy I'm not talking about Diana, I'm happy for you because of Keira I can't explain how I felt hearing that you love her from you that little word is back on your mind on your mouth, it's back in your heart now I'm certain that it will seek it's way in your life I'm certain Troy" saying he gave me an hug, I hugged him back he is emotional soul and makes me one too,

"Now stop or people will think that you are my daughter" I chuckled "Now I'll go and check on my sister" he nod smiling.

I knock on the huge wooden door I have to admit that Erik's house is a masterpiece, I remember when the first time I visited here with Erik it was not this beautiful but after becoming capable the first thing he did was it's renovation, he really loves this place he is attached to it, my friend is also like me emotionally attached to few things and people strongly.

"Come in" Mary's voice comes behind the door someone can tell even from her voice how excited she is, she has whole right to, I can't imagine how they both will be in their marriage.

Pushing the door slowly I enter her room, Mary standing in front of mirror taking a selfie, seeing me she turns around her eyes wide in happiness.

"Wow look at you Mary I couldn't even recognize you" I joked giving an fake surprise expression,

Jokingly she slaps my arm "Let's see if you'll recognize her" what does she means,

"You look beautiful Mary"

"Thank You I know this red color always suits me" she says swaying her red ball gown,

I nod my hand rubs her head blessing her "This happiness suits you May God always keeps you this way" her small frame hugged me cutely.

"Thank You Troy I wish the same for you" her voice low she wipes off her tears "These will ruin my mascara" she babbles "Troy can you do one thing for me"

I don't know why but I feel it's something related to Keira,

"This is for Keira could you please go and give her this" see I was right.

"I think I look like a butler to you" I'm not falling in their trap now.

"Oh come on Troy please I could have gave her this myself but I need to see Erik please won't you do such a little thing for me" she makes a perfect puppy eyes she acts just like a kid.


Huffing I take the small velvet box from her hand as she squeals joyously hugging me "Thank You you are the best"

"I know" frowning I left her room.

This is the third door in the evening that I'm knocking I guess my whole evening will spent like this roaming on this long pathways knocking doors.

My heart's speeds up as I step in front of her door, stop it Troy you are just here to deliver this box to her I can't figure out why my whole self reacts like this when she is around why?

Because you love her, as much as I want to shut up my conscience I know it's right I do love her madly yet I can't say it.

I knock at her door, the melodious voice replied "Come in" I enter the room it's filled with her scent "Thank God you are back can you just help me zip it up from back I tried a lot but couldn't" my eyes falls on her busy in wearing her heels as she keeps saying without even realizing its me not she was expecting, I was not able to take my eyes off of her she looks like most beautiful thing, her curled up hairs dangling around her face, her flawless glowing face, her makeup was minimal still she looks like a fairy "Can you" she said again when she didn't get any reply.

Seeing me there standing like a statue she slowly stands up from her place her eyes locked in mine, there was an strange kind of feeling in me a happiness seeing her looking gorgeous in her dark blue illusion gown, that hugs her body at right places, I want to touch every single bit of her,

Soon her face goes red appearing like a strawberry because of the blush she has on her cheeks, she quickly turn clutching the back of her dress tightly.

Now it hit me her dress is unzip but I didn't see anything I was lost in the beauty of her, stop drooling over her Troy you are blinded by her shine so much that can't you see that she is getting embarrassed "I'm sorry.. You said come in.. I thought you are ready.. I just came to give you this.. I mean Mary asked me to give this to you.. You look good.. I mean you look beautiful.. I didn't see anything.. I'm going" now I'm acting like caught up kid,

"Wait, stay" her voice reached my ears halting my steps moving further "I need your help" I can do anything for you "I was waiting for the girl who got me ready but she is gone so can you help me zip up dress"

Her words leaves me stunned, I stare at her as she keeps waiting looking at floor, stupid say something "Yeah I can" really can I sure I can do it I would love to,

I approached her there's just my shoes that are speaking and nothing else, I can hear her soft breathes her face looks more pink, there are so many emotions dancing on her face she is anxious, she is excited, she is nervous and she is confused.

But I won't take this situation as an opportunity I won't take advantage of this, no matter how much I'm dying to see and touch every inch of her I won't till its the right time "Can you stand in front of the mirror"

Giving me an questioning look she obliged what I said, she stands in front of it as I take my place behind her, my eyes sees our reflection together she really completes me like she is the missing piece of my puzzled life "Now you can see that I didn't see anything" hearing my remark there's was an change of expression over her face, she smiles warmly her eyes carrying respect I think she likes the fact that I'm not taking advantage of anything.


I just keep my eyes at on her face her long lashes looking even more longer because of mascara, her skin shining like diamonds, her lips like pink petals of rose my fingers aches to touch all of her, controlling each and every tissue of mine I start zipping her dress up, my knuckles touching her lightly giving me shivers and giving her shudders.

She closes her eyes her face red, seeing her like this makes me crazy my body rebels against me leaning into her fanning my hot breath near her enticing neck, before I could do anything more door cracked ajar, I stopped where I was Keira's eyes shot open we both look at the girl standing there,

"Sorry Ma'am I thought it was just you in there" the girl was clearly scared maybe because my love struck side which wanted to kiss Keira's neck was glaring at her, but my sensible side is thankful to her, she quickly leaves like she never was there.

Clearing my throat I tried to blow away the thick air of tensions between us "I think we also should get going everyone is waiting"

"Yeah" she breathes out,

"Please wear them Mary gave those for you I'm waiting for you" saying I paced out of the room leaving a sigh.

Leaning myself on wall behind me I close my eyes I can still see her I can still feel her soft skin on my fingers. The door opens up she walks out small earrings shinning like stars on her ears,

"Let's go" she said nervously, walking past me.

My hand holds her arm turning to face me, I read her expressions and I can sense a bit of fear it seems like she is over thinking about something, playing with her strain "You look beautiful"

My words made her more pink she looks down in shyness, taking her arm in mine I start walking towards the ceremony.

My eyes were still glued on his face which had a expression of love on it but now it was void, reaching the top of the big stairs my eyes roams around the whole hall that I saw in morning was changed it looks like some ballroom now, the place of furniture has been taken by tables with chairs, whole place decorated with different shades of pink flowers, on the arm of stairs on the tables the chandelier looks more beautiful with night lights around it looking like a stary sky, people chatting to each other waiters going from here to there serving them some standing some sitting, women wearing amazing gowns of different colors, everything looks stunning.

We both took out step on stairs together, and every eye in room falls on us, even of the paparazzi finding so many people looking right at us it makes me nervous I'm not that outgoing I don't usually get much attention neither I want I'm one of those person who will run into there rooms to hide themselves from attention, but now they all are like waiting to watch our every move, my feet takes a step back but he holds my hand giving it a squeeze,

I look at him his blue eyes closes slowly to reassure me, gripping my hand tighter, he is right I shouldn't be nervous he is with me, he walks his head up confidently with his proud handsome face, with our each step the sounds of click the lights of flashes increases, everyone's eyes are on us I can see that more than half of the women wants me dead for being with him,

My heart fears a little about rumors that's gonna be everywhere tomorrow, maybe I'm over thinking about it everyone kinda know that I'm his assistant or I was,

I can't see Diana here not like I wanted her to see it but she is not here or I'm sure she could have killed me, with all this attention it feels like we are getting engaged, finally papaz got what they wanted leaving us before Troy loses his cool, People's starts coming to Troy I know most of them they all are business partners with their wives.

Honestly I'm getting bored, he is by my side but he is talking to his acquaintances, a waiter passes by me with a tray of wines I grab the flute sipping the sparkling liquid teasing my throat a bit it gets down,

"Don't drink much or I'm certain all guests will leave after hearing your song" he tells saying it in my ear,

He always wants me sober "Saying the one who drinks oceans of it"

Cat caught your tongue Troy "I don't drink to enjoy" he speaks casually,

"Then why do you drink" arching my brow I questions,

"To numb the pain" I wanted to tease him but his words ends it all up,

"I think you are taking the wrong medicine to numb your pain this will just ignite the fire of your pain more" I say to him, looking him in eye I can see a change of emotion and something moving inside him from my words I can see clearly in his eyes they are clear as clean water.

The voice of romantic song forces our eyes to leave each other, as the beautiful couple comes down stairs hand in hand smiling happily Erik looking charming as ever in his black tux and Mary looking like a red rose in her heavy red sleeveless ballgown, smile makes its way on my lips as well seeing them even Troy is also smiling a bit for his friends, see this is the smile Troy gives when he is extremely happy.

Everyone claps for them, I can see Mary's mother getting emotional seeing her daughter getting engaged.

"Hello yeah it's working don't worry guys today I won't bore all of you with my endless presentations" the crowd laughs at Erik's words "Tonight is a very special night for me and for my life" he looks at Mary lovingly "I can't express how happy I'm that we are getting engaged, my girl Mary" taking her name leaves her blushed "She is very different from others in every damn turn of my life she never left me her love is so strong that it never let me feel weak, she is my friend, she is my guide, she is my strength, she is my love, she my life Mary Anne Christie you are my everything I love more than anything will you marry me" saying and making everyone emotional he gets on his knees with ring in his hand.

Squealing happily with tears of joy she answers "Yes" sliding the big diamond ring on her finger she kisses him passionately as his arms embraces her tightly twirling her, her giggles ringing like melody in room everyone starts clapping for the lovely couple.

"See I did it" Erik saying comes towards us with Mary in his arms.

"Finally" saying Troy do the self made bro hand shake, that they usually do when both are happy, I saw them doing mostly when they had a super significant business deal.

"I'm just waiting for you now" Troy shrugs his friends words frowning.

"Congratulations guys I'm so happy for both of you" I hug both of them lightly expressing my happiness, I just know them from months but still they have become so close to my heart like theres some old connection I have with them.

"Look at you look amazing this looks great on you though I wanted you to wear that red one" Mary speaks excited as always.

"Thank You but I think no one is looking more beautiful than you and I really liked that dress but I couldn't took my eyes off of this" its elegant.

"Yeah it suits you but if you would have wore it I'm sure Troy would have gone crazy" her words makes me blush,

My eyes sees him who is already watching me its clear that he is thinking something, maybe that what dress and how I would look in it.

"Can I have the dance please" asks Erik to Mary bowing dramatically like a gentlemen, giggling she gives him her hand.

They start dancing on the soft music other couples dancing around them with their respective partners, from a corner of my eye I look at Troy who is looking at dancing figures he seem lost, is this stupid will ever ask me to dance.

I huff inside myself.

"Hello gorgeous would you like to dance with me" a charming blond guy asks me his hazel eyes scanning me with a smirk on his lips,

Thinking what to say my eyes shoot up at Troy who was no longer looking in distant but at the guy and in anger it's obvious from his face that he is pissed his blue oceanic orbs glaring at him, so he is getting jealous OK Mr. Arrogant now I'll teach that if you won't ask a girl for dance then someone else would,

With a smile on my face I answer him "Of course I'll love to" he stares at me as I keep my hand in his palm, you must taste everything in love my love.

The blond guy smiling takes me on dance floor, we start swaying on music his touch makes me uncomfortable and I'm hating it but I can bear it seeing Troy face I laugh inside me.

Troy's blue oceanic orbs looks more darker he is glaring at the poor guy few moments more and I'm sure he'll throw him a punch at least this is what his white knuckles are telling me.

"I'm Taylor" he tells me near my ear.

"Keira" I reply

"Your name is as beautiful as you" he says smirking making me blush it's not him it's compliment.

That's when I saw Troy approaching us his eyes still shooting daggers at Taylor, soon my playfulness was gone I hope he won't beat him up I don't want it for two reasons firstly I won't like it if an innocent will get beat up because of me and secondly it's Mary and Erik's engagement I don't wanna ruin it.

My heart was beating faster with his each step towards me, he reaches near us his eyes watches me and then Taylor his expression changes as he puts on an calmed face "Can I take her from you" he speaks up making me shocked his hand on Taylor's shoulder as he gives it a squeeze,

"Sure" stammering Taylor gets the peaceful threat as he leaves nodding at me.

I was really not expecting that Mr. Arrogant himself will ask me for a dance, eyeing him up I give him my hand, the gentle touch of his hand on mine feels beautiful, his other hand goes on small of my back giving me shivers, I look him in eyes putting my other arm on his firm shoulder, on the soft music we starts swaying slowly,

I can't take my eyes off of him as his blue crystals hypnotizes me he makes me weak, the more deep I go the more beautiful they become his eyes are perfect blue as ocean shinning as water and deep like it hiding so many things in it,

We keep dancing looking into each others eyes, everyone around us disappears it's seems like its just the two of us here nothing matters to me more than him, he twirls me as I face him again my hand slides on his chest and his hand on my back pulls me closer to himself our faces inches apart his hot minty breath touching my skin making me shudder, my eyes don't want to leave his eyes I keep looking at him,

I think this is the right moment I should tell him that I love him I'll ask him if he feels the same if not then I'll leave him for forever,

But I feel he loves me and I'll tell him that I love you.

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