《For-Getting You》Chapter 54. Magical


I squint my eyes as the rays of sunshine falls on my eyes making their way through window, I had an great sleep I must admit, it was so comforting.

Wait what's this warm breeze hitting my neck, wait is this a arm wrapped around me, my eyes darts at my stomach where his arm was resting wrapped up tightly like if he'll let go it I'll go, trust me I would never go away from you.

Turning a bit to see him I found my face just inches away from his our nose touching each other, closeness raise goosebumps all over me, I scan his features they look so calmed his usually furrowed brows straight, his eyes closed as he sleeps peacefully his long lashes touching his skin he looks so beautiful,

I trail my finger on his face, he snuggles into me more his arm spooning me, he says he can't sleep but he is sleeping nicely, maybe he feels good with me "Really do you really feel peaceful with me I know you do but why you hide it, why you hide everything from me your pains, your past, your feelings, your love, these walls around you my love will break them my love will always be strong for you I love you" planting a feathery kiss on his temple I felt him stir a bit.

I close my eyes quickly not to get caught by him, I act my best to look like I'm really sleeping, I can feel him waking up his eyes lingering on me, he kissed my cheek lightly and gets off of bed, his surprise kiss just made my day I know how I'm containing myself my every nerve every bone is going crazy.

But at the same time I wanna beat him he loves me but heck hides it, I shoot up as the bathroom door get close, squealing happily in silence my fingers touch where his lips was, I don't know when he'll end this damn hide and seek of love.

After having the delicious breakfast we are back on the road just few more hours and we'll be there my fingers wants my phone.

Troy is thankfully talking not like yesterday but yeah more than usual he even bought me new clothes I said like for thousands times that I don't want them but he was not buying it so we have to buy them, and I'm also loving them the black fitted jeans with maroon turtle neck and a black leather jacket looks cool, we both are now twining in leather jacket like couples I'm loving it.

I look out as we enter in Lancaster county it's a beautiful place I must say the architecture is a mixture of both traditional and new, colorful buildings looks unreal "Wow this place is beautiful"

"Yeah it is beautiful and significant as well it used to be a important munitions center during the revolutionary movement it have many historical places here like museums, houses of historic person and there are several art galleries also see there" I listen to him as he speaks casually yet he looks so handsome his intelligence is a huge turn on, he points towards an lane which was filled with art galleries.

The love of the people for them is quite visible there are lot of them indeed, "Wow this is beautiful but the real fun is in exploring them by walking"

"If you think like this then after Erik's engagement tomorrow we can go on a stroll" he asks looking at me.

Really "I would love it.. I mean yeah if you say so" he smiles at my reaction driving.


I'm really happy to be with him, this place looks even more beautiful with him, my eyes captures every beauty around me, we enter Strasburg, it was a country side and I'm loving it already.

He slows down I look ahead a black car park in corner of road, we look at each other his brows furrowed in confusion, he stops the car as a person comes out of it, Scott what he is doing here in car, he walks towards us,

"Good Morning Sir, hi Keira" he greets us as soon as he downs the glass,

I give him a nod while Mr.Arrogant who is back replies curtly "What are you doing here Scott"

"Sir, Erik sir asked me to wait here for you" he replied clearly scared of him,

I wonder why they all are scared of him all the time I mean I'm never scared of him I even stand strongly in front of him.

"Why? what he wants now" he let's out an annoyed sigh,

"Sir actually Erik sir wants both of you to" he pauses in between hesitating,

"Say Scott" can he be a bit nicer sometimes, I know Scott he is a great guy we get along with each other he is very friendly Erik's assistant is also like him calmed and nice,

He gulps down nervously fixing his glasses "Sir he wants you to have the rest of the ride in that" he points at his left.

Our eyes falls at the same thing but both were having different emotion he was annoyed and I was happy, scrunching up his face he snapped "Do you really think I'm gonna sit in an cart"

"Sir its an Amish buggy its very famous" he speaks only to be cut in middle,

"Shut it we can go in my car" he says hating to leave his car.

"Sir but Erik Sir said that you cannot see the whole place properly in car so it's better to have a ride in it, and the house is also not that far" he tries to reason with him but I guess it's of no use Mr. Arrogant do what he wants to do.

My eyes again darts at the beautiful buggy I wish we could have a ride in it, "Okay we will have the ride in it" I look at him in shock did he just reverse his decision how why?

Maybe he saw how much I want to have experience of it. Still annoyed he huffed and gets out of his car "Would you move?" awkwardly Scott moves a bit backwards, I really feel bad how he is behaving with him.

He opens my door his blue eyes covered with his glasses, staring at his rude behavior I come out of it, we start walking in the direction of cart.

"Take care of my car" he turns and says to Scott curtly.

This is an very beautiful village indeed, my eyes takes in the scenery around me fields on my both sides, the brown wheat dancing with breeze and green grass shines in sunlight the blue clear sky with sun shining brightly.

Smile comes on my face seeing the beautiful buggy, brown horse tagged to the black buggy glass window making it look elegant.

"Hop on kids" said the fat cute looking men as he fixes his golf hat, letting out an breath he opens the door at his remark extending his hand to me to hold it, eyeing him up I put my hand in his getting in the buggy his gesture reminds me of Darcy, it feels like I'm in Victorian era or in some book like Pride and Prejudice, he is also a bit like Darcy reserved type I can be his Elizabeth.


He looks out of the window catching a glimpse of his car as it speeds ahead he huffs again.

But Erik was right it's so much better to experience the place in it in car everything was leaving behind, but in it I can even see the nice friendly looking people of village, many huge farms various cattle, barns, fields and beautiful houses.

And Mr. Arrogant is just busy thinking about his car "You really love your car" I said.

"Yeah of course I do Keira it's my car after all I made specially for myself" he replies proudly.

"You make car son" it sound like he says Carson

"Yes Sir" he answers the old men.

"Can you make my buggy an car" I giggle at his words as Troy thinks what to say.

"I" he still can't figure it out how to answer him.

"Anyways leave it son I'm pretty content with my Jared" saying he pats the horse "Dear I just say you are beautiful you look like a princess"

"Thank You sir I do feel like one sitting in is beauty" how sweet he is, Troy gives his usual annoyed expression,

"But you son you are not that good" giggle escape my mouth hearing the men's words "You look rather grumpy I can give name to your story The Princess and Mr. Grumpy"

I continue laughing at his words Troy just frowns.

My eyes captures the strange looking bridge, and this place is full of them, it was looking odd and scary as well but it also had a strange beauty in it, the rusty appearance shows they are old they were long covered, both the ends having shape of hut, it's red color had bit shade of brown as well, some of them standing above small brooks as it flows carelessly some joining two estates, though they have a little resemblance to tunnel bridges yet they look different "Wow very unique bridge the county have I must say"

"Yes Dear they are also an part of our beautiful village they were made for young kids like you, want to know what they are called?" asked the men.

"Of course" I beamed looking at Troy who is listening to us.

"Kissing Bridge they are made for young couples like you so when they will go for stroll they can share kiss in privacy I also kissed my wife for the first time in one of them, Before leaving don't forget to have your kiss here" he speaks joyfully.

Our eyes looks into one another he sees me with tender and unreadable face, while I go all red and embarrassed clearing my throat I also cleared the thoughts my stupid mind was getting.

"That's Erik's house" Troy points at an grey colored house or I should say mansion it was in front of us looking magnificent it's clear it's an old ancestral house, with a huge green lawn with a fountain as well it looks really like castle.

"It's magnificent" words come from my mouth,

"Yeah it is they also have an stable with horses it's his ancestral house actually, his grandma used live here he really loved her after her death Erik renovated it he says that when he'll get old he'll come here with Mary and they both will spend their rest of life here" he tells me with a small smile as I notice how lovingly he talks about it,

"Erik have already planned about the future he want to spend it with one he loves" he nods "And what about you have you planned anything yet like with whom you want be with for the rest of your life"

My question took him off guard he was clearly bothered by my very words, but I kept my eyes on him searching waiting for his answer,

He let out an breath "Keira future is a very significant part of our lives.. on the base of our past and present we make the future.." he speaks slowly pausing in mid "But when there's just ashes in your past and smoke in present.. then you can't see your future it gets covered with an thick fog of uncertainty and you can't think anything about it.."

His words were deep proving how deeper his wounds are, sometimes even I wanna forget about knowing his past but his such words forces me to know about it.

Before my lips could utter the ride comes at halt, his words always seem like lyric of an melancholy song, without saying anything further he just steps out of buggy leaving me with my thoughts running around me.

He opens up my door again giving me an hand to come out, my eyes wanders on his face thinking what is his past why he is hiding it with so badly what's in it, it's clear there's pain but what's the root of it who gave him this pain.. Am I ever gonna know the truth or I'll just keep on trying.

We both enters in the mansion, Erik is visible as he walks towards us wearing blue jeans and cream knitted sweater.

"Welcome finally welcome my friends" saying he gave an bro hug to Troy warm smile to me "It's so good to see you guys together" Troy eyes him "I'm mean to see you here I hope you had a nice ride right Keira we were very worried for both of you"

"Maybe you should have thought about her when you left her abandoned at my place" Troy replies before me sarcastically.

"I'm really really sorry Keira but it was not me Mary asked me to do it trust me" Erik starts explaining quickly saying sorry for like hundred times.

"It's alright Erik I'm good and I'll see Mary" I'll see you Mary.

"Sure you can but first have some rest Mrs.Barton" a elderly women wearing uniform comes over us "Could you please take Keira to the room next to Mary" she nods "Thank You"

In a low voice she said this way and I follow her, seeing around myself the house was huge we enter in and it was even more luxurious and elegant from inside, the wood floor two big stairs in middle going up from both sides, sitting area in mid with an beautiful chandelier, lobbies running into four different direction one can think it as an hotel it's as big as one but yet it have the homely feeling to it the decors are simple and most of them antiques half of the house is covered with wood work, it's cozy huge and beautiful.

Following her behind we finally reach where I have to stay, this house is so big that one would need an scooter to roam around, she opens the wooden doubled door gesturing me to step in "This is your room Ma'am if you need anything else you can tell me or other maids"

"Thank You" bowing down slightly the nice women left me, my eyes scans my surroundings which is amazing the room is big with an queen sized bed which really looks as if its for some queen, the cream and golden color dominating the room my feet digs in the fluffy expensive carpet, the ceiling is alluring the designs engraved on it around the chandelier are just magical, there are two wooden bedside tables standing on either sides of bed a chimney in front of the bed with a huge TV screen just above it, the whole room gives an vintage castle kinda vibe and then your eyes falls on the TV screen its unknowingly funny to me, anyways I keep on my tour of room I opened the door which led to an big bathroom it has an medium size bathtub along with an walk-in shower, the combination of cream and golden is here as well my reflection in mirror proves that I'm in awe.

After praising the bathroom I opened the glass door which was filling the room with light, it led to an balcony the cold air hit my nose it feels refreshing, there are fields with farms everywhere, then my eyes falls on one of the bridges we found today I mean the kissing bridge, it is not that far from the house, I want to see it with Troy I hope I'm not in an one sided love,

My thoughts were interrupted by the voice of door opening, I turn around finding Mary walking towards me like a child who broke her mother's favorite thing, I don't want to make her feel guilty but I'll not forgive her easily, frowning I started walking in room again.

"Keira I'm glad to see you here and I hope you liked your room you know I was waiting for you" she speaks smiling awkwardly,

"You were waiting for me" she nods quickly "at my question "If you wanted me with you that much then why did you left me"

She looks for words "I.. It wasn't me it was Erik's plan"

They both are so cute "He said it was you"

She gasp in shock clearly acting up "He is lying" I stare at her and she gives up "OK fine it's me but you know why I did this, I did the wrong thing for right thing I just wanted both of you to spend time together and I can see my plan worked"

"Really" I arched my eyebrow smiling with her as we both fall on bed "Maybe but I'm still mad at you so I will give an small punishment"

"And what's that" she acquired smiling.

"That I'm not gonna tell you anything about the journey" her smiles was gone,

"No.. no please.. please you can't do this to me I'm your best friend Keira and this is not an small punishment you see" she says dramatically.

"You deserve it and I'm learning to hide things from Troy and you two" the playfulness she was having was now nowhere to seen Troy's past hurts them as well I squeezed her hand "You can tell me" my eyes stare at her.

"I wish I could but when the feelings Troy have for you will awake in him he will tell you himself" she speaks with believe her phone rings "I have to go now Keira but you have some rest make yourself home and yeah the makeup artist will be here in evening with your dress"

"Thank You but can you at least clarify my doubt" she turns around to hear it "Troy is not a vampire right"

Giggling she starts leaving "You got him he is an vampire, Erik a werewolf and I'm an witch"

"That you are" laughing like an witch she leaves.

With a thump I lie on the bed staring at ceiling just praying in my heart for two things first Troy's confession of love for me and second that my love is not one sided it scares me what if he never loved me he was just being nice and silly me I'm just thinking its love but my stupid heart believe that he do loves me.

Waking up quickly I glanced at the time I fell asleep its five it's almost time for the engagement Mary said makeup artist will be here in evening they will be here in no time I must take a bath and clean myself up before it Thank God my slumber broke up.

Wasting no time I get in bathroom, I tried my best to be quick but it still took about an hour as soon as I stepped back in room there was a knock on door,

"Miss.Peers Miss.Mary asked me to get you ready" said the feminine voice,

I was standing in fluffy gown "Come in"

With a click of door knob she enters in room a bag in her hand, she was an girl of my age thin body wearing a pencil skirt with white blouse tucked in her blond hair tied up in neat bun, her face had an monotonous kinda look her features were thin yet attractive, a man enters behind her with a rake of gowns covered in zippered cover hanging in it without saying anything else he left.

It feels like I'm about to perform some stage show it feels good I'm loving it yes I'm not a big fan of makeup and stuff but sometimes it's nice.

"Please sit Miss.Peers and yeah don't wear a bra" she said blankly,

I kinda feel awkward even though she is a girl but I'm a shy baby,

I sat on the chair in front of the mirror as she starts doing my hairs first after half an hour my hairs were ready but I'm not able to see them as she is now starting to do my makeup standing in front of me, I want to see I hope it's not too much, but I liked the fact that she didn't put thousands of pins in my hairs as I hate when the party is over and it's time to remove them.

She applies the whole thing step by step and asked me which fake eyelashes I want, I want none some eyeliner and mascara will do, I look at the red matt lipstick with she paints my lips red, and I'm ready it took one hour in everything usually I take like fifteen minutes to get ready,

"You can see yourself now" She said proudly clearly happy with results,

Murmuring a thank you I opened my eyes to see myself I'm kinda hesitant as well what if I won't look good, but all the hesitations jumped out of the window when I saw my reflection this girl is an amazing makeup artist she did magic I have seen people doing makeup which turns out as too loud fake face, but she knows how to do it she made a messy bun with my hairs curled up and few locks framing my face my skin looks flawless with perfect blush and eyes a bit smokey and sparkling elegant lip color also suits me "Wow you are amazing Thank You" I had to say it,

"I know now come on let's choose the dress" saying she unzips the covers revealing the beautiful and different gowns,

Wow they all are so enchanting,

"Try this you'll look sexy" she shows me an red fitted gown with a deep neck and a high slit which I'm sure will be showing my thigh

It's really very sexy "It's beautiful it looks some bond girl will wear it but not me its just not me" I don't wear too much revealing dresses,

Yes but you imagine yourself wearing it in front of Troy and his expressions ,shut up my conscience.

"Never mind" I think she didn't like me for rejecting the dress,

After saying no to two more I finally found my perfect dress, I love it it's just what I like, not too much decorative but simple and elegant, I love the dark blue color of it, it's design of an illusion gown on top shows an perfect work of net and lace together and it's a full sleeve so another plus point,

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