《For-Getting You》Chapter 53. Wishes


We get in to car embarking on our long journey happily though I wanted to ask him many question yes wanted to be angry with him but after hearing his words and that he wants this journey to be memorable I just couldn't make myself to say no to him.

He told me that we have to drive for five hours to reach our destination, it's gonna be night when we'll be there, normally the thought of travelling in night is not that enticing to me I'm kinda scared of it, but with Troy on my side I'm not afraid of anything.

Whenever I'm with him I feel like I'm in safest place, he have saved me many times and the way he always say to me that he is with me he won't let anything happen to me, his every word seems like he really means it as he speaks it with his heart there is something in his heart for me but why he always hides it.

I wish I could ask him, I really want to know about his past but my heart fears that it might hurt him I have noticed that he is always in his past and still hates to talk about it, he is so happy today I can't ruin his smile.

Thinking I see the trees and things leaving behind us why he can't just leave his past behind and move on.

The pink and yellow color of sunset is poured on sky my hairs dances in wind as I take my face out of the window my scarf flowing along tied up in my hand I close my eyes it feels so beautiful the nature is magical.

A voice gets my attention as I look above I see the roof opening up, my eyes shoot up to Troy who opens it up so I could feel the breeze properly.

"Wanna feel it then let this wind touch you" smiling I carefully stands up on my seat holding the car.

The wind hits my face my hairs blows with it slowly I stretch my arms doing a titanic kinda pose breathing in, it feels amazing my lips stretches in a wide smile I know many people will think that I'm mad but I don't care all I want now is just to feel and flow with the fast air.

"Wow it feels so good" I say looking down at him, I start to record it in his phone, slowly I get down to sit I was about to lose my balance but he holds my hand I rest my other hand on his stiff shoulder to get my balance I look into his eyes as they stare into mine.

"It was amazing thank you I always wanted to do something like this"

"It's perfectly alright after all that's what I want to see you enjoying and happy" he is so cute when he talks like this I want to kiss him.

I keep recording our video he waves at the camera couple of time with a smile that's it, he is not very expressive even this is also a big deal I keep talking to him about my friends and family the funny things I have done he also shared few things but not about him but about Mary and Erik he don't like to talk about himself I also got to know that he have parents but they left him ending all the ties between them though he helps them with money whenever they ask for it, I have no right to say but they are so selfish broke all the ties with him but are ready to take his money explains why he don't believe people easily.


I always thought he is just like other rich brats who thinks with money they can do anything, buy anyone insult everybody, and cares about no one but he is opposite of what I thought, he is kind, mannered, caring, loving and have a big heart, it's just I think he have seen a lot of evil and betrayal in his life that's why he have build these walls around him to protect himself, I thought he is selfish on contrary he is just reserved.

He rolls back the roof as the sky covers with clouds and lighting, we stops to refuel the car and to buy some snacks.

Munching on Doritos I wonder when we'll reach there it's already dark "How long it will take to get there?"

"We'll reach there around one" he replied taking an Doritos into his mouth he looks so casual today I always saw him all professional and strict now seeing him like this is a mix of strangeness and beauty.

The sound of thunder breaks my chat with myself I shift on my seat a bit not everyone knows but I'm kinda scared of storm, in such weather I just want to sleep so I won't see it, yeah I love rain but not storm "It's not safe to drive in such weather" highway dark and thunder a perfect scene for horror film and I'm not a fan.

"Don't worry it's just a little lightening it won't rain" as he completes his words looking at me with a smile to make me understand a thud on roof gets him squinting his eyes he looks up, in a blink of second drops of rain starts falling on car.

"It won't rain" I eye to him.

"Yeah.. I think you are right we shouldn't drive in such weather let's find a place to spend night" saying he starts the car again.

We stopped by many hotels and inns our bad luck all were full, I just pray two things in me first to find an place to stay or the rain to stop though both of them look far from fulfilled.

"Let's check in this one, you wait I'll go check" I nod as he leaves me in car he runs trying to cover himself from rain, I look at the inn it was big looks expensive as well I just wish we'll find an room to stay.

He was back after few minute sitting in car he said "Let's check somewhere else"

"No rooms here as well" it's super strange it likes everyone has left their house to stay in hotel.

"No they have" so "But just one room and we are two" he completes his words.


"So let's go" he says.

We can check more hotels but the weather is not good as well as its night what if we won't find any hotel then we'll have to spend the night in car, I think spending the night with him in car is more troubling than spending it in room.

"It's alright we can manage it's just one night after all"

He stares at me replying "Alright"

I may have said it easily but inside there's a storm, I'm nervous, a little scared, shocked, confused, worried and what not, I'm nervous as we'll be spending the night together under one roof, I'm scared because this is for the first time I'll be doing this with someone yeah I was in an relationship but there was nothing I never let him touch me and I'm glad about it, I'm shocked at the scenarios, confused as I myself don't know what I exactly want I mean I said that we can spend the night together then I'm not sure, I'm worried what's gonna happen, I hope now you all can understand what's going inside me.


We get out of car, stepping out the car I shiver as the cold drops of rain falls on me, I love rain but it's too much in seconds I'm drenched, my arms wrap over each other looking for warmth, I look around me, a cloth covers me from behind, my eyes meets his blue orbs his jacket envelopes me he is so thoughtful.

We both look at each other, his dripping hairs, damped face reminds me of the night when I was drunk and he saved me when he kissed me the feeling of his lips awakens in me, it's funny that we never talked about it I wanted to ask about it to him so badly.

"Let's go" he says without breaking eye contact.

I nod walking hand in hand. We enter in the huge hotel it is very beautiful I'm sure it's not his type I have booked many hotels for him he always wants the best hotel with most expensive suit as for me I'm a normal girl even this is enough for me, I'm happy with it but it's clear he is not, now I don't know it's because of hotel or spending a night with me.

I'm trying my best to avoid it but I feel uncomfortable in me, the thought of spending a night with him in same room is a bit troubling, Yes I believe him but I have never done something like this before sleeping with a guy in same room.

"Scared?" I look at him "Stop thinking so much your thoughts are too loud" really but how can he "Stop thinking its your lips which told me" without uttering a word "Whenever you are thinking something you bite them" that makes sense.

"No I was just" when this elevator will open.

"I get it you are feeling uneasy with our sharing rooms" I open my mouth to say something but he hush me "It's alright but you don't have to worry at all yes we are spending the night together since I'm an insomniac that forces me to drink and eat pills only then I'm able to take a nap and tonight sober the sleep won't visit me so I'll settle somewhere on couch you can sleep on bed so stop bothering yourself" he said cupping my face.

He is so sweet, stepping out of my worry and elevator feels relaxing, I look around the lobby it's quite yet it's clear that all rooms are booked, walking on red carpet which looks good in contrast with cream walls, we stop in front of our room as he opens it up I keep looking around.

Stepping in we pass an narrow entrance which led into room, my eyes scans everything in room, creamish color walls expect the wall behind bed it's orange color with white leaves painted on it with a queen size bed in middle the on left there was window not big but big enough to look out of it on right an armchair and ottoman of orange color right in front it's TV hanging on wall, in short the room is clean and tidy I liked it though it's clear that he don't like it a bit, come-on a person who always wants a huge room would never like it.

He clears his throat "You make yourself comfortable I have to make few calls I also need to inform Erik that we'll be coming there in morning" with my nod he leaves me alone.

He must have calls to do but I know he also left me alone so I'll feel relaxed.

Let's take shower first an hot one, I step in the bathroom which is of moderate size a seat to do your business, big mirror on wall, a sink and glass walk in shower places to put your stuff in it even have a dryer hanging in wall and Thank Goodness everything is clean.

I look myself in mirror my face screaming that I'm tired my hairs tangled like I haven't combed them for years, seating in one position in car have exhausted me more than an labour could do, I think of Troy not because I'm in shower but because I didn't have do anything in whole ride expect of seating and speaking he was driving the car but he don't look like he is tired a single bit this guy is a programme or something.

Without wasting much time I step in as the hot water trails down my body soothing my aching back muscles, God it feels great sigh of relief leaves my lips as I enjoy my hot easing shower.

I left her alone so she won't feel suffocated by me, alone she'll be able to do anything she want freely, I tried to do reason with her yet she was feeling awkward and caged by the fact of our sleeping under one roof.

I can totally understand any girl will feel this an guy would be happy, I'm not feeling awkward for example, after all I have spent the night with her two times, first when she was drunk and I took her my home and other when I was drunk and she helped me.

After calling by partners and checking my work I called Erik,

"Hello hey Troy, where are you we are waiting for you? And where's Keira she's with you right" he thinks that I'm dumb.

"Drop the act Erik, you know too well where she is, I called to inform you that it's raining at Williamsport so we are spending a night in hotel and will be there in morning" I can tell even on phone that he is telling this to Mary excited.

"That's great" he change his words quickly "I mean it's alright you enjoy"

"Erik" he is impossible,

"I mean you take care" he again switch his words,

"And don't you dare to think that I have forget that you abandon Keira today we'll talk about it as soon as I'll get there so" before I could complete my words he cut the call.

Idiot, smiling at his silliness he did it for the second time abandoning her to get her with me, my friends are doing so much for me so I could give my life a second chance, even I want that but I can't my inner self won't allow it.

Thinking I opened the door getting in the warm room, as I walk in the scene in front of my eyes left me bewitched she was standing near bed lost in thoughts wrapped in that towel, her pure white skin with a tint of pink and her creamy slender legs seems like they are the most beautiful piece of art, and her damp tangled hairs dangling like vines, few droplets of water shines on her skin she looks like an serene siren, I envy these droplets as they are on her skin touching it, feeling it,

Wait what I'm saying....

"Ahh....What the heck" the shrill scream of my siren broke the enchantment she clutches the towel like her life depends on it shrinking herself,

Now I know what I was doing "I'm sorry I.... I didn't see.... Anything.... I'm just leaving" stammering in my every word I turn around quickly ready leave.

"I don't have anything to wear" her words halts my steps,

"Wait" I spoke looking at from my shoulder, without seeing her I made my way to my bag and shuffle something for her, this will do stretching my arm backwards as I look ahead I hands her my grey hoodie "Tell me when you are done" I left the room once again so she could change easily,

I don't want to make her more uneasy I have already did my ogling at her in towel and I also needed fresh air things going in my head and in me are playing with me.

"I'm done" her soft voice tells me as she opens the door for me, I made way in again I hope I won't feel that hormonal imbalance again shit, my eyes again goes wide seeing her small self in my oversized hoodie, she looks so adorable and fragile in it, with her damp hair she kinda look sexy, I wonder how she'll look in my white shirt or in nothing at all,

Shut up, Troy stop thinking things which will excite you and hurt her, this is not the first time you are seeing her yeah I mean I see her everyday I appreciate her beauty but this is for the first time I'm having feelings like this for her that are sexual.

I want take my words back, I said girl feel awkward in such situations and guys don't I was so wrong, I said I have spent nights with her but tonight is different I'm feeling troubled by her presence my whole body is reacting against me.

Troy stop it you are again staring at her stop it before she'll run from here "I'm going to get a shower" quickly saying I get in washroom locking myself up control Troy I sigh.

After fixing myself up I get out in room, where Keira is watching zootopia laughing looking like a kid "Didn't know you like animation movies"

"Wow" she blurted out her voice as low as a whisper,

I see her through my shoulder someone is enjoying the view, a smirk comes on my face, let's say I was not the only one ogling "What" I asks intentionally.

"I mean movie" she babbles on all embarrassed.

Watching her I bring out my white tee and black pajamas, her eyes still sticking on me,

"What are you doing" I gives me a stare,


"In front of me have some shame" she states,

"You don't have to see me unless you are liking what you see" her cheeks goes red on my comment don't do this Keira,

"I don't wanna see you" saying she covers her eyes with her hands innocently.

I wore my clothes "You can remove your hand now Keira" slowly checking she removes her hand from her eyes.

She don't want to eat anything so I ordered two mugs of coffee, with my coffee in hand I sit on the armchair, my eyes watches her as she drinks her coffee, heating up hand from the heat of cup then putting her hand on her neck I think she is feeling cold though she is sitting on comfy bed with blanket on her legs, good that she hide them they were making me crazy.

"Troy" my name from her mouth alone gives me shivers Troy what's wrong with you "Actually I wanted to say" she hesitates to say it,

What's it if it's what I'm thinking then I won't say no,

"You.. Can sleep on bed.. I mean you were driving whole day so.. And now spending night sitting is not good.. Besides this bed is big enough we can.. Share it" she is feeling shy in saying it and my insides are shamelessly thinking about it.

"It's alright" she cuts me,

"No please it's alright" for some unknown reason I couldn't argue more, I nod.

"Can I ask something" now what

"Say it" I replied,

"Do you remember that night when we went to Diana's party" she asks out of the blue,

"Yeah how can I forget your sweet singing" I tease her,

Giving me a fake smile she continues "I asked because I also remember everything"

So, wait what I thought she don't remember that we kissed and if she do then she knows that I said I love her and kissed her.

"Yes I remember it" I gulp at her words "I just wanted to know that did you really mean it all that was true or a dream"

"It was an.. beautiful dream" she looks at me with unreadable expression "I.. Keira things are not constillated in my life they are like the more I bring them together the more it goes away I wish I could tell what lies in my heart" I complete my words with several pauses I just couldn't find the right words to say about it.

"Right now you can't but I'll be waiting for you to tell me" she never gives up "I know you don't want to talk about it but remember Troy whenever you want to you'll find me there" She passes me an smile.

I really want to tell you right now but I can't.

"You should sleep" I remarked at her yawning.

"So you"

I chuckled "Alright" she don't know what I have in mind, she lies down covering herself with duvet, standing tall from chair I take off the tee I was wearing, her peaceful and calmed face goes shocked as she sees me approaching bed shirtless I laugh on her shift of behavior inside me.

"What the heck Mr. Adams what do you think you are doing" she lashed sitting up clinging the duvet like its a shield.

"Getting to sleep" innocently I replied to tease her more,

"Like this"

"Like what?" I asked,

Huffing annoyed she states "Like this shirtless"

"Yeah this is how I sleep" She looks so cute as her eyes stares at me feeling shy at the same time.

"No.. no you are lying I know you don't sleep like this" she is right,

"How can you say that have you seen me sleeping"

"Yes" she replies confidently,

"Have you slept with me"

"Yes" I stare at her wide eyed amusingly "I mean no.. no" she quickly changes her words,

I'm really enjoying it "See you don't know it, this is how I sleep and as you said I can sleep here so you have to bear it"

"Oh God why you sleep like this to see naked dreams" she is hilarious,

"Maybe" I answer squinting my eyes at her,

"Put your shirt on Mr. Adams" she orders me

"No" I state,

She goes to pick up my shirt from the chair, I get hold of her hands wrapping them up in my hand, her whole body gets paused sensing the closeness our faces inches apart "You don't believe me or you don't believe yourself" taking my face near her ear I whispers "Don't worry I won't do anything to you not today" saying I lose my grip on her hand.

Gulping she quickly lies again covering herself I laugh at her.

As I said I can't sleep, it's have been hours and I'm still awake looking at the roof, she stirs beside me before I could move she turns towards me snuggling up to me, I was taken back by her sudden move but feeling of her warm soft self soothes me, I look at her sleeping self, she looks like an angel sleeping I touch her lightly with my fingers as she snuggles more into me.

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