《For-Getting You》Chapter 52. Journey


She looks so cute I'm controlling my smile that's making its way on my face naturally she is so innocent and beautiful it feels bad that Mary and Erik took advantage of her innocence I'm sure it must be Mary's plan she is more sharp in them, but they did it for me.

Accepting that I love her in front of Erik was an bad idea now they both know it and are after to get us together, I want to stay away from her to keep her safe but the thought of spending time with her is tempting and I can't help it I think I should just enjoy it.

She looks so graceful and gorgeous in simple yellow short sundress with brown boots, she shines like the color.

I have been driving for half an hour and none of us have are talking the silence around is sharp and thick maybe I should play some music to light the mood.

I touched my music player playing the radio the music starts playing the song starts "these lips can't wait to taste your skin" it's Adorn by Miguel, the song keep playing making both of us uncomfortable, glancing at her I found her trying to avoid it clearing my throat I changed the channel.

"Sex with me is amazing" Rihanna sings making her shift on her seat, sighing on my worst idea I shut the radio off focusing on road again, clenching my jaws I try to avoid the tensions and embarrassing situation around us, well done Troy you are stupid wanted to make her comfortable look your idea made uncomfortable.

Her sweet laugh fills the silence around us I look at her who is laughing on my behaviour and how embarrassed I look, I have never seen her smiling this much, seeing her beautiful laughter my face lights up and I yes I ends up laughing along with her.

Wow was the only thing that came in my mind after seeing him smiling oh no laughing it's for the first time I have seen him laughing carefree he looks so nice when he laughs he should laugh more often he have an smile that can brighten up even the darkest soul and he hides it.

Finding me staring at him he stops laughing.

Clearing his throat he speaks "I'm really sorry I thought maybe music will lighten your mood"

"That's true music do lights up the mood but that's exactly not that kind of music" I chuckles.

"Yeah it was...." he thinks for word.

"Embarrassing" I complete his line he passes me a smile.


"Why don't you play songs from your playlist" I'm sure he'll have nice taste in music.

"I barely listen to music now a days so I don't have any playlist" yeah I get he is Mr. Arrogant after all.

"So it means you don't like listening to songs" I'm not being nosey just curious.

"No.. I mean I use to" the car stops on signal.

"I love listening to music my playlist is long I wish I had my phone with me then we would have enjoyed songs like, heart will go on, it ain't me, back to you, love story, everything has changed and blinding lights" I keep rambling on without noticing that his smiling has disappeared and he seems to be in deep thought like he is remembering something "Mr. Adams are you alright"

Coming out of trance he answers "Yeah it's just leave it"

Before I could speak my stomach gets the upper hand as it growls in hunger.

He chuckles at the sound and my cheeks turns red in embarrassment.


"I'm sorry it's just to pack the stuff I skipped the breakfast so"

"I should be saying sorry I didn't even asked if you are feeling hungry or not I'll just find an nice place to eat" he so cute.

"No it's fine we'll be late" we are already late.

"I can't leave you hungry and besides I don't want listen to bad singing of your tummy" he mocks.

"Ok" I can't say no to food anymore.

Thank goodness after finally driving for two hours we found an really good looking German restaurant I was hoping to find McDonald's but this will do.

We take our seats, like a gentlemen he took out chair for me he is cute when he does such gestures, this guy is really tough to get one minute he is a gentlemen and other minute he mentlemen he is a complex personality yeah but easier than the name of this restaurant.

The restaurant was beautiful and classy brown wooden work on walls give it a classy elegant touch, taking the menu in hand my eyes goes wide yeah because of prices as well but the name of the dishes were long and difficult to read and pronounce and to understand how I'll order something when I don't even know it's meaning, how I'll pay for my food I don't even have my wallet with me I don't like and want others to pay for me.

Biting my lip my eyes looks in front of me Troy's blue eyes were looking at me amused.

"What will you have" he asked with teasing eyes I think he knows what I'm about to say.

"What I'll have? How I'll pay? I don't have my wallet with me I think I'll not eat then" but I can't see him eat either.

"Woah.. woah Miss. independent I know you are very independent woman and hates to be a burden on someone else and I really appreciate it and like it" really he likes my thinking "I respect your decisions I could have let you not to eat but I don't want to hear that melodious voice of your empty stomach forget about money today and tell what you'll eat" he asks smiling a bit.

"OK if you say so but I can't understand forget about understanding I can't even read the names of dishes so I don't know what should I order" I'm very hungry right now anything will do.

"Alright then let's eat traditional German food then" smirking proudly he looks at the menu the waiter comes standing waiting for him to give his order, he looks like an king sitting on throne on an simple chair.

"We'll have Bratwurst with Sauerkraut, Kartoffelpuffer and pretzel, two slices of Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte with der Apfelwein" I was literally gawking at his accent and speaking skill he spoke those words like he is a German I think he can speak Germany better then germans "What?" as the waiter leaves he asks.

"Nothing it's just you spoke the names of dishes with such an ease I mean you can speak German" I'm sure he do.

"Ja, ich kann" he said with proud smirk leaning back on his chair taking a sip of water.

Whatever he said sounded so hot in his baritone voice it makes him kinda more sexy "What?"

Chuckling he replies "Yes, I can"

"That's cool" hot actually "How many languages you can speak"

"Not that much 24" he said unaffected.

"Yeah that's not much" what's left duh, I always thought he is hard on others but he is also hard on himself he don't think it as a big deal ask someone like me who knows just one language.


"I'm wondering what's Schwarzenegger kirshtorte" sorry no offence but it sounds weird.

He let's out an hearty laugh, oh my he looks so cute like this "That's schwarzwalder kirschtorte"

"Yeah right"

"When you'll see you'll like it" okay we'll see then.

Oh when the food will come the hungry rats of my tummy have died by hunger, finally it's here waiter puts everything on table with precision and leaves.

Everything smells great seeing me smiling at food he is smiling on me.

"Let's start with bratwurst and saurkraut" he points towards sausages with an cabbage salad with eyes.

"Okay so saurkraut is sausage" could have guessed.

"No bratwurst is sausage" wrong guess I guess "cabbage is sauerkraut" he explains "And this is kartoffelpuffer" he tells me about an hashbrown kinda looking like dish he told me that the drink is der apfelwien it's was really good and as for pretzel I know what pretzel is.

Taking a bite of sausage closing my eyes I moan in delight its great upon opening them I found him staring at me with a smirk and squinted eyes "It's delicious I'm sorry"

"You have full right to enjoy your food" he said taking an bite of his food.

Chatting about foods we ate our meal today he is really talking I'm shocked.

Waiter cleans our table putting two plates of dessert maybe in front of us, it's a black forest cake "It's Schwarzenegger kirshtorte"

"Yeah it's schwarzwalder kirschtorte" saying he brings a spoon of cake towards me to eat I'm shocked at his sudden calmness he is so loving slowly I took it in my mouth the soft cake melts in mouth.

"Nice?" he asked arching his left brow.

I nod spellbound, he didn't even change the spoon to take bite himself "It's sweet" he said looking at me his remark made my face like cherry that was sitting on top of my cake.

Collecting myself I started eating it, this place was so good I wish I had my phone with me I would have clicked pictures and videos.

"What is it?" drinking water he asked.

"Nothing was just missing my phone I thought of taking pictures but" he shuffles in his jacket pocket picking out his phone handing towards me "Really?"

"Yeah it also have camera you can take as many pictures you want I'll share them all to you" grinning I take his phone starts clicking pictures of place then I took my selfie, excitingly placing my lower lip in my teeth I see my pictures which were looking perfect his phone's camera is fab.

He is looking at me with a smile on his face "Let's take selfie" saying I get up from my chair standing beside him I bend myself a bit smiling I took the pic in which I was smiling but he was looking at me lovingly "it looks like an candid pic" I showed him but his gaze his still fixated on my face.

I boar into his eyes they are just the same I see in dreams, this is not dream this is reality and he has a fiance, unfortunately gulping down I get back on my place.

He is able to see the sudden uncomfortable shift in me "What?"

"Nothing was just thinking something" I wish I could say it.

"First it's nothing then it's something which means there's a thing" he is good at playing with words.

Chortling I replied "I was thinking about your engagement" the amused expression of his face that he was wearing from morning vanishes and his stone face returns.

"What about my engagement?" he asked looking tensed and somehow angered.

"That you are not with her and there's no ring on your finger as well" I shouldn't be saying it I know I'm wrong I kinda give a vibe of an mistress between them but all I want is to know the truth of their relationship because I know what I saw was not truth, I'm doing what my heart wants doing what you want doesn't make you an bitch and if it does then I'll rather be a bitch.

"Observant you are" he spoke with a light breathy sigh "Why are you asking it?" he arched his brow.

"I don't know" after taking a pause I said I can't tell you my feelings like this without knowing yours.

Chuckling lightly he said "I thought maybe it hurts you" yes it do we stare into each others eyes like we'll read the unspoken words of our hearts from it "I'm not with her I'm not wearing an ring because I'm not engaged with her"

What, his words made my mouth ajar really "Then what was"

Before I could say anything he speaks "That was just an announcement I made under some circumstances"

"What circumstances?"

"My life is full of them" he let's out an dark chuckle "Life is hard Keira it really is, we all are always surrounded by people people who claims to be loyal, to be yours but when there's a trouble you'll never find them it will be just you standing all alone with your pains, troubles are loyal than people at least it makes you certain that it'll never leave you" his every word is so deep the more I'm listening to him the more deluded I'm in them.

"The same is with me when I was in need there was so no one none believed that an poor graduate will be able to do something but Mr. Mathews, he believed me he helped me when no one did, I respect him a lot not because he helped me but he is a great men and there are few, he gave me the money to start up my business though I returned him that yet I can't forget what he did and forgetting is not my thing" I really can't believe that he was poor and no one helped him, he is always fenced by people but when he needed them he was alone I always thought that he is an arrogant brat but today I'm seeing him in a new light.

"He always wanted me to befriend with Diana at start I tried my best to avoid it but then gradually we became friends she is a nice girl"

For you sure I frowned unknowingly "She is not nice to everyone"

"I know but she is nice with me I love her" he said softly.

I was fearing that he might say it and he did those words slashed me it feels like whatever I have ate gonna come out suddenly I can't breath seconds ago I was feeling refreshing with him now I feel suffocated, I wanna run away my eyes struggle to control my tears which are threatening to flow out.

"Like a friend I have never seen her in any other way" he completed it and I look at him.

I should teach my emotions to control themselves "Then that engagement"

"Is a lie do you remember the day I saved you" and left me yeah "When I reached home I got a call from Diana she told me that Mr. Mathews is very sick and wants to see me I went there he said that he wants me to take care of his firm after him and that he wants me to marry Diana I wanted to say I can't but his bedridden state didn't let me say it so I accepted it, I called the best doctor of country to check him he said that he'll be fine so I thought as long as he is not well me and Diana will play along she accepted my idea but her overbearing mother forced me to do that announcement I had no other choice but to do it"

I can't believe that he is doing it for others it shows how much care he have in him "How is he now?"

"He is good I'm just waiting for the right opportunity to end this act" he states.

"I'm sorry" I thought so wrong about him and he is bearing so much.

"Don't, I should be saying sorry for being an coward leaving you that night" speaking he breaks the gaze "I know I have always hurt you, insulted you but trust me whatever I'm doing is for your own good" saying he takes my hand in his.

"I'm big enough to know what's good for me it makes me certain that you are not bad for me" I state clearly.

"That is not me let's just forget about everything and start over let's enjoy this journey" he tries to change the topic.

"Alright" If he don't want it then even I can't stretch things up.

"Good I promise you that we'll always remember this journey our journey" I nod "But you will not call me Mr. Adams you'll call me Troy just Troy"

I even call you Mr. Arrogant sometimes "Okay Mr. Adams I mean Troy" he smiles hearing his name from me.

It feels weird to take his name but it feels good, I really love his name.

"So let's go" holding my hand he said excitedly.

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