《For-Getting You》Chapter 51. Confess


Erik slammed an paper on my desk hard enough to break it, thank goodness it's a wood, I eye up at him rotating my seat to face him.

"Congratulations Troy" he berate me.

"I see you are not happy with my engagement" I know what he is trying to say,

"Stop acting you know what I'm talking about, I don't care about fake engagement I care about this she left Keira has resigned" he lashes out as I walk towards window.

"I don't care about her" I reply raising my voice.

"Exactly you would be happy that's what you wanted from the very moment she entered into this office in your life you always wanted to throw her out but I never thought that you'll do this just to hurt her" he sighs "why are you doing this what's her fault in it that she looks like Erika or she loves you?"

"Yes I hate her because she looks like Erika.. My Erika but she'll never be like her she loves me but she is not her she'll never be" it's to tough to say it, saying that I hate her takes so much my strength after struggling with myself I uttered those words "And isn't this what you wanted right look I'm getting engaged aren't you happy"

"I always wanted you to be happy and I can tell that you are not happy you don't even love Diana you are just doing this to push her away but remember Troy don't push the one who loves you or life will push you in darkness" he again starts to make me understand.

"Trust me Erik I'm already in the darkness I'm pushing her to save her from it or my darkness will consume her" I'm not the guy for her she deserves so much better I'll just ruin everything like always.

"You won't punish someone like this just because of a resemblance I know you Troy I know you would never hurt an innocent then why are you doing this why you are always to push her why you are being a coward suppressing your feelings" he keeps saying dragging me on my verge.

"I love her Yes you are right I'm doing this because I love Keira" I shouted hearing me his angered face goes calm "And I'm doing this to save her"

"From whom?" he asks in a low voice.

"From myself I'm tormented Erik I really love Keira but I love Erika I promised her that no girl will come in my life no one will take her place I gave myself this punishment to spend this long cursed life alone but after meeting Keira I can't help it, I tried to stay away from her to hate her whenever I get away from her I found myself near her more than before still for-getting Keira I can't forget Erika" feeling defeated I sit on floor.

"You love her then don't hurt her" Squeezing my shoulder sympathetically he says before leaving.

"I'm sorry Keira I don't want to do this but it's for your good" I sighs.

"I'm sorry Mary but I can't come"

"Please you wanted us to get engaged and when finally he has asked me and we are getting engaged then you are saying that you won't attend my engagement" Mary speaks making an pouty face.

Yeah two weeks ago I was asking when they'll get engage and after two days they are but I'm not going after that announcement made by him I don't wanna see him specially with her clinging on his arm as she usually do "Mary yes you are right I really wanted to attend your engagement even I wanna be a witness of your much awaited engagement but I just can't"


"Why just because of Troy to avoid him" she says looking at me.

Well avoiding him is tough especially when he is on everywhere on TV with Diana wrapped on his arm like a vile yes I wanna avoid him more I don't want to see that Diana "I'm not avoiding him it's just I think it's for the best"

"Why it's the best Keira I know you are hurt and I also know why you are" how does she knows is that obvious "Yes Keira I know you love Troy and trust he also loves you"

"That's why he keeps hurting me" these are clearly not the things someone do out of love.

"You don't believe but it's true and even if you think that he hurts you then why are you hiding you haven't hurt him it's him who is a idiot why should you skip things you want to do because of him" she is right.

Why I should hide from him I haven't done anything he did.

"Come Keira come with us it's gonna be fun these two days will be filled with dances, brunches, bonfires and fun and our engagement of course" tempting me she giggles.

"OK ok I'll come but none of my dresses are ready" maybe after hearing that I don't have an dress she'll give up.

"You don't have to worry about it I'll take care of it" plan failed she won't leave it I should give up "Just pack your clothes and come with us"

"Why are you doing this much for me Mary"

"Because I see my sister in you" she replies her eyes having traces of tears, her words touched me it feels like I also have a family, before I could react or say something she hugs me, it really feels like she is my long lost sister her hug seems so familiar.

Breaking the hug she speaks "I hope you'll come with us tomorrow"

I don't think so I can say no to her "I'll"

"Great I'll come in morning to pick you up" she claps her hands happily.

"I'll be waiting" just wish not to see him.

Bidding me farewell she leaves, let's pack the bag.

It's a beautiful cold morning yet warm sun shinning perfect for long drive, Lancaster is an beautiful place, Mary told me that her parents and family lives there in their big farm, I searched about the place after seeing the place I'm more excited it was looking place straight from some novel, maybe there I'll be able to calm my mind and soul.

"Keira I'm telling you you'll love my place" Mary said driving the car.

"Yeah I'm really excited to see it after such a long time I'm going on a long drive it feels great" I'll enjoy it.

Well I don't know about every turn and way of the city but I'm pretty much sure that the way we are heading definitely don't go to highway but it leads to Troy's house "Mary why are we heading to Mr. Adams house?" I don't want to see him.

"Actually Erik is there picking him up we'll leave don't worry you won't have to deal with Troy" she explains trying to hide something.

"I don't want to see him and you also promised that he won't be there" I hope she didn't lie.

"Yes I said it but as I said you won't have to deal with him but I must say why you are avoiding him Troy is not that bad you see" she says smiling.


"Yes I can see I saw him engaged with Diana who hates me if she'll See Me with him there relationship can suffer and I don't want that" and I also want to argue and fight that pathetic brat.

Here we are standing outside his huge mansion where the lonely proud and arrogant king resides all alone I think he have been alone for so many years that he himself likes to be like it, this can be another unknown reasons to make walls around himself.

"Keira" snapping Mary brings me back to reality.

"Yeah" I answered her quickly.

"Keira I'm calling Erik but he is not picking up my phone can you go and bring him with you" she says showing me her phone.

"I'm sorry Mary but he'll be there and I can't why don't you go" I really don't want to see him or the more I'll see him the more his picture of getting engage with Diana will dance in my mind.

"I know but from the morning I'm feeling an ache in my leg maybe because of exercising even I don't want you to go there but I don't have any choice" she says with puppy eyes.

I wanted to ask her to call Erik again but she is in pain and as a good friend I have to help her humming in reply I hop out of the car though I don't want to see his face and wish not to meet him but still a silly part of me wants to see him it have been weeks since I last saw him.

Without making any sound I sneak in hoping to find Erik I won't make him realise that I'm here I'll find him quietly and will leave, here's no one that's weird leave Erik there's no trace of the owner of the house, Keira this house is huge there's not just living room maybe they are in some other room or office maybe.

He always thinks of work he would ask Erik to work even on his wedding Mr. Arrogant I'm sure they'll be there.

I open the door slightly it's creaking is contributing in failing my plan, no one is here as well, maybe I should call Mary, fudge I forgot it in car maybe I should leave will say I didn't found him.

With silent yet quick steps I paces out of his house looking behind I hope he won't see me, ouch that's why elders say to look ahead while walking or you'll bump into wall just like me wait when I came this wall was not here I touch it, it feels like an cloth shit with my eyes still closed I turn to see the wall.

Opening my eyes I saw his blue oceanic orbs looking at me with an light grin on his lips, the smell of his strong spicy hits my senses like icing on cake making standing close to him more tough, my hands rest on his torso he looks different today not dressed in his usual suit but in casual clothes the black sweatshirt with arms gathered up and fitted black jeans really suits him he looks younger in this he gives the vibes of bad guy from some novel, even his neatly combed hairs are messy today.

"It's good to see you Keira" his voice goes into my ears after weeks giving me shivers.

"I" my word felt like a sigh I gulp down trying to balance myself his big hand holds me firmly from the small of my back holding me his touch raises goosebumps in me I hate it how I feel around him.

"What you doing here" he asks amusingly his eyes running from my eyes to my lips.

"I came here to find Erik but he is not here I guess so I better leave" I gain the control of my body and emotions ready to leave even he have an bag in his hand why should I care.

"He was here but he left minutes ago" he answers again wearing his stone face.

"Alright" I should leave they must be waiting for me.

Where's her car Mary's car was just standing there and now its no-one here, I'll just call her my phone is in her car where she can go, I run my hand in my hairs thinking wait a minute what if they have left me but why would she lie and why they would do that, gotcha they must have planned all this to leave alone with Troy so he'll drop me.

Damn Erik and Mary how can they just do it again , how can they make me a fool, what I'm gonna do now I can't go with him.

"So they left" he walks near me trying to hide his smirk "It's alright I'm also going there we'll go together"

"No thank you I'll just go back to my home" they lied to me I can't believe it I glare at him before walking ahead.

"What about your bag and phone" shit he is right they have my bags.

"Let's go" he says opening the door of his car.

Crossing my arms I keep standing there avoiding him.

"Come on Keira get in car now" his voice sounds more irritated than before.

"I won't go with you I would rather go back home" I'll get a taxi.

His hand grips my arm stopping me "Erik and Mary wants you to be there it's a long way we are getting late so stop being stubborn and get in the car" glaring at him I agree to go with him, I would have never done it if my things won't be there specially my phone, he settles in his beautiful black sports car wearing his glasses that suits him like they were made for him stop complimenting him inside you outside I'm sulking he is making me crazy.

He looks at me as I sulk avoiding his gaze, I catch his amused smirk from the corner of my eye, I wear my glasses thank goodness I have it the car hits the road it's going to be a long journey indeed.

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