《For-Getting You》Chapter 50. Engaged


Drops of tears glides on the picture in my hand, I keeps it over my heart closing my eyes "I'm sorry Erika I was.. I was losing my way.. but now I have realised how wrong I was.. I can't fall for Keira just because she has your face that doesn't make her you and my love for you was not confined to your face I loved you I love your soul the whole of you.. Keira can't be you"

"I promise you I'll never let her take your place I'll do anything for it" I have make up my mind that I'll do everything to keep her away from me even if it means hurting her, I feel tormented where on one side I want to protect Keira I want her to be happy on the other side I'm gonna hurt her but I'm doing it for her own good being with me will only give her tears and pains.

If keeping my promise to Erika and keeping Keira safe needs her to get hurt I'll do it "I'm sorry Keira but I'll have to do it"

I can't believe that he left me just like that without even glancing at me once" I sob.

"I can't believe it myself that I was gone for few days this happened Keira please don't cry" Betty speaks trying to calm her.

"I thought that he have fallen in love with me I'm a stupid it's like he is stuck on one page of his life he don't want to move ahead" I sniff I hate crying because of these two reasons first my nose leaks tears more than my eyes and secondly when I cry the whole nerves of my head starts aching.

"I hate it that he always hurts you if you'll allow me then I'll teach him a lesson" Betty states.


"Yeah I'll send Stefan and he'll teach him a nice lesson" she swings her hand in air as punch.

My mind drifts to his moves the way he was beating Jack were so unreal he fights in the same way like a hero does in movies his every punch were enough to tell that he is a professional in fighting, so sending Stefan to teach him a lesson is a bad idea "He is your boyfriend or henchmen"

"Both" she replies smiling I ended up chuckling with her still half crying "Hey don't worry everything will be great but there's one thing I wanna know why he is like that?"

I wish I knew the answer to "I don't know all I know is just that there's something in his past thats holding him back from moving ahead"

"But what? Breakup?" Betty asked seriously.

"I don't know and I don't think that any girl will leave a guy like him" I'm certain thats it's not the reason.

"Let's leave it come on we'll watch a nice movie" saying my friend starts dragging me in living room.

After struggling with myself for an hour I managed to drag myself out of my bed, walking slower than a sloth yawning I make my way to washroom, I look in to the mirror an my tired face with dark circles wishes me good morning some thousand year old witch will look more prettier than me its all because of him I hate you Troy..

Sometimes he annoys me so much that I want to run away from him and don't forget all the time I want to run to him Damn he is annoying and I'm weird, let's brush it off and brush my teeth.


I sigh looking at myself in mirror "Why it all has to be so complicated" after ditching me that night he didn't even bother to call me though he texted me informing that I can take day off to relax his text was just like him void of every emotion just words hitting me like stones he didn't even care to ask how I'm..

You are dumb Keira after ditching you hurting you do you think it's a question he should be asking, loser wants me relax how can I do it under your influence.

God I really don't wanna see his face I wish I could just run away, but I'm not coward like him I won't run away I'm gonna face it.

You can tell that I'm annoyed by just looking at me its too obvious I hope no one will mess with me or they'll regret.

"I wish I could add some brain, emotions, sweetness, love in this coffee then will splash it all on your face asshole" I walks into his room knocking he allows.

I stare at him sitting like a majesty working intently maniac twisted soul, I put his coffee on his table a little to hard making few drops to jump out of it, he looks at me with irritated expression.

Without apologizing I starts pacing out he thinks only he is capable of attitude.

"Keira" hearing his call I turn around his blue eyes looking at me its clear in his crystal eyes that he is tensed, I think he'll say sorry "I want you to organize an press conference at sharp 4pm today, inform all the media I want all of them there"

Work.Work that's all he know,

"Is it clear Keira?" he asks sounding annoyed.

"Yeah.. Mr. Adams I was just wondering that why you want to have press conference" what he wants now.

"Let media do their work Keira I want to answer their questions not yours now go and inform everyone you can leave Miss. Peers" he orders me acting like I'm irritating him.

Here we are Mr. Arrogant is back "Yes Mr. Adams" saying I stomp out of his room.

"I hate you.. I hate you.. You moron you are hopeless I drag you forward and you drag yourself backward I'm the one who is hurt and he is reacting as if I kicked his pompous arrogant ass.

I wish that some reporters will ask him what's his problem why he is so complicated and twisted, there are like thousands ohh sorry I mean millions of knots in his character I untie one then he builds another even more tightly knitted then before, spiders can stop making webs but Troy can't stop making these knitted maze around him.

He don't even cared to ask how I'm. Rude kook, now let's get to work or he'll again start on his lecture venture.

People starts gathering in the conference room, reporters taking their seats in front of the podium in big white room, seeing their rush to get here it feels like they all were just sitting to talk to him I wonder they want to talk to him why they are full of excitement as talking to him usually kills mine.

Waiting for him with reporters is the only thing I can do, a light pat on my shoulder makes me look around,

"Hey Keira" smiling of Mary asks "I heard about Jake what he did was horrendous but I can imagine how you felt" she speaks with concern.

"It was scary.. But he got what he deserved" Troy's punches were enough to teach him an lesson.


"Yeah Thank God Troy came on right moment" Mary says widening her eyes.

"Yeah.. He saves me only to regret it later" a frown comes on my face.

"No.. He never regrets it" Mary puts her hand on my shoulder.

"He do.. One moment he is all sweet and then the other he wants to erase me from his life" I believe her enough to tell her what I feel I know she won't tell this to Troy not that I'm scared it's just it won't change him and a part of me wants him to know that his dual drama hurts me.

"But if you believe me then the truth is that he cares about you a lot" I stare at her "Yeah I know you don't think so but trust me I have seen it how he looks at you how desperate he gets when you are troubled"

Seriously usually he is my trouble "You think so?"

"I know so and Keira whenever you wanna see it just follow my advice Troy's eyes are a glass into his heart whenever you are looking for answers or truth just look into them you'll see reality flowing in them"

I smile at her words that's true that those blue orbs are like crystal clear water I see something for myself in them but as soon as I see it disappears.

"Hey love" Erik enters kissing Mary "Hi Keira"

"Hi Erik" these two are nicest souls.

"Where were you baby?" Mary asks.

"I was preparing my speech ready to see me rock the stage" he jokes

"Always" Mary replies giggling.

"Erik do you know why he asked for press conference?" I happen to be his assistant yet he barely tells me anything just give orders.

"Well apart from this announcement of our upcoming project I doubt I know anything else" waving the file in his hand he says "I gotta go now" kissing Mary again and bidding me he walks to stage.

"You both look great together" they really compliment each other.

"Thank You I really love him" she says looking at him on stage.

"Then why don't you get engaged?" do I sound intruding if yes then sorry but I just want to see an wedding of people who really are in love.

"Well I.. I mean we want to but he don't want to settle until Troy finds someone and I respect his decision" she explains not afflicted at all.

"You guys are doing so much for him, Mr. Adams is very lucky to have a friends like you" sacrificing their love for their friend it's so good of them they are unreal in this selfish world where today people just think about themselves these two are putting someone else above their happiness "then you'll have to wait as I don't think so Mr. Adams can like anyone this easily"

"I think we don't have to wait that long now" I stare at her confused "He have found his love see you" saying she leaves to her seat.

What does she mean, does he have a girlfriend, do they know her? Oh Mary just made my head spin, wait why should I be affected by his life it's his life after all he can do anything he wants..

Nice try Keira doesn't matter how much I try but thoughts of him with someone else hurts me.

It have been an hour and Erik is still entertaining them telling them about the upcoming projects Cars, cars, cars, cars and just cars, he answer their questions and keep going on telling them how differently they have made it showing them their videos on huge screen, Mr. Arrogant asked to call the journalists and now it seems like he is hiding he is weird thank god the company have Erik.

"And now I would like to call Mr. Troy Adams on stage" with his polite tone Erik announced.

With speedy yet stylish steps he climbs on stage showing off his proud handsome face and the dark blue three piece suit his pristine white shirt peeping out with few buttons undone he looks so dangerously attractive, I hope I'm not drooling.

He stares at me from above for a moment before starting the conference, his deep gaze made me check twice if he is really starting at me or not.

"Good Evening everyone firstly I would like to Thank You all for coming here in Adams Automobiles project launch" he speaks in his commanding voice sounding confident and arrogant.

"You all can ask questions now" the voices of press competing each other fills the room.



"Sir there are rumours in market that soon your firm is entering in telecommunication is it true?" a skinny guy asks.

"Yes its true not a rumour Adams industries is soon entering in telecommunication I'm certain that it will excel in it as well" he answers confidently.

"Sir now a days a trend is going on every billionaire is going to space what are your plans about it?" a blond girl asks.

"I don't care about what others are doing I'm not thinking anything like that, right now we have to do a lot of things to save our planet I'm sticking up to this plan you can say I'm a pretty grounded person" his remark steals claps.

"Mr. Adams is it true that one of your designs were stolen and sold to another firm?" touchy topic I still remember that he doubted me.

"Yes someone broke into our office and did this" he always talks point to point.

"Have you found the guilty yet?"

"No but my team is working with police and soon we are gonna find him" he still hates that.

After answering their questions for hours the conference reaches its end, I feel sleepy from their boring questions could they ask about his likes dislikes.

"Before ending this conference I want to thank all of you for coming here I invited you all here to announce something and that is still unannounced, so I want to tell you all that.. I have found my partner and.. I'm engaged" hearing to his words I shoot up from my place and the whole room fills with voices and whispers of overly excited journalists "And here is my fiance" he says looking at me before I could get hold of myself a girls walks past me brushing me intentionally.

Erik looks at them shocked with Mary having the same expression on her face, the girl turns around facing the journalists.

I couldn't explain the pain I was feeling seeing Diana standing with him clinging to him wearing and short red Bodycon dress smiling in a fake sweet smile waving at press.

My head was spinning how can he do this do me, I know he don't love her then why he is doing this just to hurt me his void straight face is enough to tell his happiness.

Seeing him with someone else stabs me, shattering my soul I can't control them as tears forms in my eyes blurring my sight, he keeps staring at me with an unreadable expression he have no trace of happiness. Blinking of flashes surrounds them his eyes are still in mine if Mary's words were true and I can see truth and love in these eyes then why all I can see is exhaustion and sorrow I'm sure he is seeing my tears this time, without breaking my gaze I boar into the blue iris all I could see was pain if he is not happy then why he is doing it.

He may not know what to do but now I know what I have to do.

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