《For-Getting You》Chapter 49. End


Opening his eyes lights hit them making him blink several times to get his vision to normal, groaning holding his head which feels heavier than an mountain he scans the white hospital room sunlight coming through window seeing it's morning he quickly gets up from the bed "Shit" he curses under his breath breaking the drip attached to his wrist.Wearing his shoes he grabs his jacket ready to leave.

Mary enters his room wiping her eyes "Troy" finding him ready shocks her.

"How long I was out?" he asks stuffing his phone in his pocket.

"For twenty-eight hours" he looks at her in disbelief and annoyance.

"Troy you.. Ok?" Erik comes stopping him from leaving "Where are you going?"

"What does that suppose to mean Erik" he looks at him "Of course I'm going to Erika"

They both gulps down witnessing their strange behavior his body goes tensed "What? How's Erika? Why you both are standing like this answer me" impatiently he walks past them.

Erik grabs his hand "Stop Troy.. She is not here"

"Not here then where is she?" he searches his friend's face for answer.

"She is alright.. She is fine it's just she still needs extra care so.. Her father has took her into his other hospital" Erik says Mary gives him an stare.

"She is alright" smiling he sighs "Thank God" saying his hugs Erik "Take me to her I wanna see her I know she must want to see me" his heart getting anxious to meet her.

"Alright first you calm down.. Wait here.. I come taking care of the papers then I'll take you to her cool" Erik reasons with him like an elder do with child.

Letting out an frown with sigh he agrees.

Patting his shoulder Erik saunters out of the room Mary following him.

"What you have done?" trailing along with him she hisses sadly.

"I didn't had much of a choice" he replies curtly stressed out by situation.

As promised Erik guides Troy into car and gets in with Mary sitting on backseat, silent and stressed.

"Mary you look tensed you should be happy that Erika is alright" Troy speaks to her looking at her from the rear view mirror.

Caught by her expression she searches for words "I'm.. I'm very happy but she haven't yet came home so I'm just worried" she let's out an breathe chuckle.

"She is out of danger.. And I'm sure after seeing me she'll be very happy she'll be alright very soon she is very strong" he says with hopeful eyes waiting to see her.

Mary nods trying to control her tears, Erik glues his eyes at road licking his

dry lips.

His heart was just thinking about Erika and nothing else "what she'll do after seeing him what if her father and brother won't allow him to meet her no they won't do anything to hurt her, how long it will take to recover how hurt she is when did she wake up, meeting her I'll hug her for like hours will look at her face for hours won't leave her side even for moment now"He was knocked out for hours yet the effect of anesthesia his eyes and head still feels heavy, his head resting on door he keeps looking at the trees from the speeding car, his eyelids starts closing again as he drifts to sleep.

The car stops at the place "Troy" Erik wakes him up softly.

"We are here" excitedly he hops out of car but the place in front of him makes him petrified, he stares at Mary and Erik questioning.


Holding his hand Erik guides him in the deserted cemetery filled with leaves cracking beneath their feet. Sensing the things Troy ambles behind him.

Erik stops and moves away from the middle Troy could now see Erika.

"Erika Dashwood 11 November 1998-9 March 2016"

Reading the name on stone his body goes numb everything leaves his body, his soul, his mind, his senses, his breath, he falls in front of her grave as his legs losses their strength, he wants to say something but just heavy breaths comes out from his mouth "Erika......" he screams in agony crying he touches the grass "You can't leave me Erika you promised" he hiccups sobbing.

Mary cries with a saddened Erik standing with her.

Troy puts his head on ground touching it, he can't believe that his love is dead lying beneath ground, he wants bring her back, he wishes her to come to him, sobbing he keeps repeating "You can't go.. You can't do this to me.. Erika please come back" when he lost his mother he didn't cry or got hurt he was an infant didn't know anything, and he had his father with him, when he left him he was hurt, yet got over it but today when the girl he loves is dead words can't express his pains.

He says to himself "You are gone because you saved me.. Everyone is right I was wrong for you from the start, I ruined your life.. I ruined everything I should have stayed away from you.. But I tried I couldn't do it my love always keeps pushing me towards you and I pushed you in death.. It's all because me.. It's all my fault"

Erik keeps his hand on his shoulder to comfort him, Troy shrugs of his hand enraged, standing up he pushes Erik, Mary gasps, but Erik keeps his eyes low and takes his anger he know why he is doing this.

"You.. Lied to me.. You said she is alright she alive.. Where is she.. Tell me.. Bring her to me or take me to her" he says crying.

"Troy.. I didn't had any other choice I was sacred for you" he replies lowly.

"Sacred for me.. You Know what you have done.. You took away my last chance to see her you could have let me out of that fucking sleep but you let me knocked out so I couldn't witness her death, but you didn't let me see her for the last time now she is gone where I'll find her.. Where I'll see her.. Where.." saying he throws himself in Erik's arms crying.

He feels empty, he always feared of Erika leaving him and today the very moment he is living that moment he feared, his whole self feels ended, to him there's nothing left for him, when he met Erika he thought she is the missing piece of his incomplete puzzle of life they completed each other.

Spending his life with her for her was all he always wanted, he wanted to achieve something in his life to be worthy of her, so he could give her every thing she desires, every happiness of world defeated by his own fate he sits on ground in front of her grave.

"Troy" Erik tries to say something.

"Erik leave me alone, I want to be here with her" he says staring intently at her name.

Erik try to reason with him but Mary stops him, sighing he leaves with Mary, while Troy keep sitting in same position staring at her, he closes his eyes and her smiling face flashes in them, tears overflows in ocean like eyes, he still can't believe it, everything seems lie, he can't believe the fact that Erika is dead and won't come back.


They say nothing is constant change is root, everything changes seconds changes into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into week and weeks into months, yet in between these months what's not changed is Troy, to everyone he is changed, teachers say he has lost his concentration, coach says he have lost his spirit, friends say he have lost his mind but no one understands that he have lost everything he have lost his love.

He barely talks to anyone smile has forgotten the way to his lips, he spends his most of the time alone sitting in corners drawing her eyes her face, going and sitting in front of her grave is his daily routine he keeps sitting there till the watchmen asks him to leave or Erik comes to take him, finding him for Erik is quite easy either he is there or he finds him spending his time sitting against the tree where he used to come with Erika.

Seeing his friend like this kills Erik he have tried to make him understand but he don't want to listen anything it seems that he is talking to a dummy.

Sleepless nights has gifted him sunken eyes and dark circles the blue eyes have lost their shine making them look like dull polluted water, and lifeless, he wonders why he is living this life.

"Troy" he diverts his eyes from the window looking at his psychiatrist the middle aged men looks at him through his spectacle lines forming on his forehead clearly telling that even he is tired of Troy "Troy did you slept previous night"

He thinks about sleeping he tried to but closing his eyes he sees Erika dying in his arms bleeding her face her last words that she loves him echos in his mind he jolts up sweating, panting and chanting her name.

Seeing him shaking his head in no he clears his throat lightly "Troy are you taking the medicines"

"No" was all he said.

"Why don't you wanna be alright"

"No" he utters again.

Sighing he picks put an frame a picture of Troy playing basketball in game "have look at it" he keeps it in front of him.

Uninterested he haves a look at it his picture playing basketball sweat shinning in lights on his glowing skin his concentrated shinny blue eyes fixed on ball, his hairs disheveled his muscles all bulging prominently he don't care about eating as well explains his present skinny situation his once broad and strong shoulders which were strong enough to lift any responsibility are now weaker.

"You are a great kid Troy this world needs gems like you, you should think about it, your academics points are going down if you'll keep doing this to yourself then you are gonna loose your scholarship and your chance go study in university you always wanted to do it didn't you.. Now it's time to forget and live for yourself" sympathetically he pats his shoulder.

"I can't do it" saying in a low tired tone he gets up leaving.

He steps on the place looking around this place is purest place to him he can still see them dancing here, the moment when he gave her the pendant under dancing auroras, the feeling of his lips on her awakens again as a soft breeze went through touching him softly.

The first time he came here with Erika he never imagined that one day he'll be standing here alone to end everything. Standing on the edge of cliff he closes his eyes which still have Erika in them.

"Erika I never thought that you'll leave me alone you promised that we'll be together forever but you betrayed me.. You didn't even give me the chance to see your face you left this life like were never in it.. You were my life.. Everyone says I have gone crazy all them says that I should forget you but I can't.. I can't forget you.. How can I forget you when you are in me you are in my breath you are in my heart"

"I know you can hear me you know how much I have suffered in past but I never gave up.. But now when you left me I can't bear it anymore I'm tired I'm tired of this pains I'm tired of these suffering I'm tired of seeing my friends hurt because of me I'm tired of our separation and now I give up.. I can't live without you and today I'm going to end this life you can't come back to me but I can come to you then no one will be able to apart us I love you and I'll always love you Erika" closing his watery eyes he sees her image again in them, he wants to keep them close so her face will always be in front of him and that's what's he have decided to do today he'll end all his suffering by ending his life falling from the cliff with closed eyes he believes that when he'll open them he'll be lying on Erika's lap and her beautiful smiling face will greet him he'll find his heaven with her and no one will separate them thinking he moves his left feet to embrace the death which is inches away from him before he could fall in its arms someone pulls him back.

The harsh pull drags him back falling on ground away from cliff, Troy was furious on the person who saved him, turning to look at his face he finds Erik breathing heavily, he put his all strength to pull him to save him.

They say that one who saves is like God but to Troy at this point of time Erik his best friend seems to him like an nemesis "Erik what did you do why you did this?"

"Are you out of your fuckin mind Troy you were going to kill yourself what you expect me to do huh?" Erik exclaims angered, shocked and hurt by his decision he couldn't believe it he never imagined that a full of life person like Troy will become so lifeless that he'll try to attempt suicide.

"I was going to meet Erika I was going to finally find solace in her arms and you snatched it away from me" he justifies himself clutching his hairs tensed.

Erik keeps staring at him he was stunned how his senses have gone from him he is so depressed that he finds dying easier than living sighing he keeps his hand on his shoulder "Troy what you were doing is wrong killing yourself would never give you solace or peace"

"Do you think I'm in peace here.. Erik you know me I have been alone all my life.. Everyone leaves my mother left me, my father left me and Erika she also left me.. I'm tired Erik I want to put end to it.. I'm just an bad omen whatever I touch it turns into ash I'm sacred.. I don't want to hurt you and Mary that's why it's better that I die" defeated he speaks.

"No Troy you are not.. And you can never hurt us but if you'll kill yourself then you'll certainly break us.. I know Troy you Love Erika more than anything and the pain of this separation is unbearable.. But she is not dead" Erik says making him look at him "Remember you always said that you both live in each other" he nods "If that's true then she can never die as she'll always be alive in you she is alive in your heart in your head in your breath in your memories but if you'll kill yourself then she'll die"

"Erika died saving you that means she wanted you to live it was all she ever wanted you think you are doing what she wants from you.. No you are doing the thing she never wanted"

"Then what should I do Erik?" with furrowed brow he asks,

"You can live this life accepting it as an last present from her.. Troy you can live for the dreams she saw for you, she always wanted you to achieve something in life you can live this life to make her wish come true, her body is dead but if you'll kill yourself you'll kill her in you, you'll kill her soul let her live inside you live to fulfill her wishes" Troy listens to his words intently realising his grave mistake.

Erik picks out an wooden box from his jacket pocket, Troy's teary eyes falls on the box his heart skips a beat he know this box this belongs to Erika with confused eyes mixed with peace he stares at Erik.

"I broke into Erika's house to get it for you" he states.

Sobbing he impatiently opens it he let's out an breath he was holding his fingers picks out the picture of them smiling looking into each others eyes and one where Troy is kissing her cheek with Erika beaming like sunrise, the sound of her giggles plays in his ears, his fingers slowly picks up the gift he gave her caressing the crystal and silver chain he thinks how beautiful it looked on her soft clean neck he closes his eyes imagining touching her skin, crying he keeps everything in box and clutches it to his heart, crying hugging it.

Erik squeezes his shoulder reassuring him, still uncertain if he have really convinced his friend.

"Erik is right my life is a gift from Erika I have to accept it it's no longer my life but hers, I promise you Love that from now on there will be just aim in my life achieve what you always wished for me but it doesn't mean that I'll spare myself I'm giving myself a punishment that'll more than kill me I'll spend this whole life alone without you I promise you Erika that no one will ever take your place no one will come in my life I'll spend this life with my all sorrows hidden in my dark void heart and in shadow of your memories and Love I Love you Erika"

From that day Troy was back he started studying harder than before, playing with his full strength, he talks but not like he use to the smile while he greeted everyone was gone there was an stone face void of every emotions, he do his work study and sleep and nothing else his other half is dead, all he wants to do is to fulfill her dream she saw for him.

"I'm proud of you Troy I always knew that one day you'll do something great" Mr. Mathews speaks shifting on his big sofa.

"Thank You sir but I haven't done anything yet" replies Troy with straight face but still he can't stop himself from appreciating the elegance of his big mansion.

"Topping in your school and in university is not a small thing boy one minute" saying he starts texting on his phone.

Troy nods and looks around the big house the huge chandelier above them illuminating everywhere the expensive decors matches it's wooden work, the huge chimney burning warming the room up over all his house was big and screaming money yet it was simple as old men's nature.

"So boy tell me how are you? I got to know about the death of your girlfriend it's very upsetting" he says with sympathetic look.

Hearing about her he gulps a lump of his cry, how he is thus particular question is feels like an salt over his wounds it have been five years and those wounds their separation still hurts.

Seeing him looking down silently he assumes it's better to change the topic "Troy.. It's.. Tell me so you have made up your mind that you wanna work with me"

"I would love to Sir but that's not what I'm here for" he squints his eyes at Troy confused "I'm here to ask for loan actually I wanna do something on my own and that's why I need a favour from you don't worry Sir I assure you that I'll return your money as soon as possible"

He hums thinking "Though I would have loved to have a worker like you but I know you are meant to do something bigger than that, I believe you son and I'll help you, come tomorrow at my office and we'll sort it" Troy's lips stretches in a light smile.

They both stands up shaking their hands "Thank You sir" he was happy that he'll start his own business and will make her dream come true.

"Dad I'll be late tonight" a tall girl chirps coming down from stairs.

"Why?" he asks frowning.

Troy wanted to take his leave but waited for them to finish their talk.

"It's my friend's party tonight" she replies.

"OK but first come here I want you to meet someone" saying he guides her towards Troy.

The habit of greeting and meeting people has left Troy unwillingly he looks at the girl, she was tall shorter than him and thin, her whole appearance seems to him a bit extra accessorised, branded clothes, heels, clutch, jewellery and a lot of make up on her face she was beautiful but simplicity and innocence was no where to be found.

He saw her rolling her eyes at first in meeting him but as her eyes falls on Troy frown was gone, she looked at him in amusement finding him handsome and attractive.

"Hello" she extends her hand thinking when his father asked her to meet someone she thought he'll be some boring old guy but she found an beautiful guy with deep blue eyes.

"Hello" uninterested he spoke shaking her head slightly.

His looks were already doing wonders in her mind and his manners added icing on them, the way gently he touched her as if he was himself scared of her she have met and been with plenty of guys they all are always under her charm and looks for chance to get physical with her but the guy in front of her was not even looking at her she was amazed by him.

"He is Troy and Troy it's Diana my daughter" the old men announces.

"Nice to meet you" her cat like eyes scanning him.

"Same" all he said politely "Alright Sir then I'll take my leave see you tomorrow" bidding his farewell he walks out her eyes following him.

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