《For-Getting You》Chapter 48. Come Back


He runs frantically along with gurney his fingers entangled in hers "Stay.. Erika.. nothing's gonna happen to you.. just hold on love" out of breath scared and tensed he keeps saying to her.

"We'll take care of it you can't come inside" saying they rushed into operation theater, Troy paces outside the room running his hands in his hairs perturbed.

Erika's father comes running not even glancing at Troy he gets inside the room, no one can stop him after all he owns it, Ethan and James with worried looks on their faces also comes.

Ethan gives Troy an death glare, while Troy keeps pacing his every breath praying for Erika.

"Troy how's Erika?" stopping Troy Erik asks with Mary nodding her head concerned.

"She.. is.. in the room" he points at the room.

"How did it all happened?" Mary asks on verge of crying.

"We were together then out of no where a car came rushing towards us when it was about to hit me panicked she pushed me away and it hit her" saying he succumbs to cry hugging Erik.

"Don't worry Troy she'll be fine" he rubs his back reassuring him.

Ethan listens to it the fact that she is here because she saved him pisses him beyond words he moves to beat Troy but James grabs his arm stopping him.

Troy's heart is beating erratically clutching his head he have been sitting outside the room for four hours which felt longer than a century, each and every second have gone passed cutting him the more longer it's going the more worried he is getting, praying in his heart for Erika he waits for her.

The door opens up making all of them standing up, Erika's father walks out his shoulders down his head hanging low tiredly without saying anything to anyone he gets into his cabin.

Ethan keeps calling him but doesn't answer tensed by his silence he follows him into his room. Their behavior scares Troy who is already worried.

Another doctor walks out Troy stops him speaking helplessly "Doctor How's she, what's wrong?"

"She is.." his pause gives him chills his silence feels like someone is choking Troy "She is severely injured there are fractures in her body her legs, in her ribs but that is not serious the serious part is that due to fall her head is very badly hurt, we have performed the surgery but she haven't gain consciousness.." he looks at them with sad face.

"So?" asks Mary impatiently.

"So these hours are very crucial for her if she'll make it through tonight regaining her consciousness then she'll be fine but if she won't make it then.. I'm afraid that she'll go into an coma or.. will die.. I'm sorry" patting Troy's shoulder sympathetically he walks away.

Shocked, distressed and scared Troy keep standing in same position paused by his words, his eyes looking into distant, before he could collect himself Ethan rushes towards him pushing, his back hitting the wall.

Ethan grips his collar enraged "It's all because of you.. You are the one.. You are the reason of her condition the moment you walked into her life you ruined it you ruined her she is there because of you because of saving you" Ethan shouts at him gripping his collar tightly he points at the room where Erika is blaming him "You.. Don't you dare to get near her.. Don't you dare to even see her, if anything happens to her I'll kill you" yelling at him Erik stops his punch staring at Ethan James intervenes he lets go Troy.


Troy doesn't even moves an inch, Ethan's outburst doesn't affect him he feels happy from his words that if anything happens to Erika he'll kill him, that's what he desires living without her will kill him anyway he'll be thankful if he'll do this he'll be free but his word that he won't let him see Erika terrifies him, he is desperate to see her he wants to be with her and he can do anything for that no one can stop him.

Night grew darker all of them still sitting outside her room, Mr. Dashwood is in his room, Ethan pacing his features tensed, Mary and Erik denied to leave sitting together they both have fallen asleep Mary's head resting on Erik's shoulder and Erik's head leaning on wall.

Troy's eyes don't have an trace of sleep his eyes waiting to see her impatiently, James glares at him but he don't do anything his mind can't think anything else other than Erika.

This night seems like a longest night to him with every second, every minute of it passes cutting him he feels empty like his senses have left him.

James phone buzzes looking at screen he walks up to Ethan whispering something to him Ethan annoyingly frowns and walks out with him.

Finding himself alone Troy finds it the best opportunity to see her, silently he gets inside her room. In white room his love is lying in green clothes, sorrounded by machines around her beeping. He walks at her slowly looking at her face the face which always had an kind gentle smile was covered with oxygen mask, his fingers softly traces her hands numerous tubes attached with her hands, seeing her like this breaks him tears instantly forms in his eyes blurring his vision he feels an ache inside him.

"Erika.. Love.. Wake up please look at me" crying he murmurs "I know you can hear me.. Please don't close your eyes on me these eyes have my future my life in them if you'll close them I'll lost myself, you know you are my everything I'm destitute without you nothing matters without you I'm empty without you, it's you who completes me.. Erika you are the only one I have got I have no one if you'll do this to me then I can't live.. I can't do anything without you.. You are here because of me I should have been here but you.. Erika I love you please come back look at me please" crying he kisses her forehead touching their heads tear from his eyes falls on her face "I love you"

"The moment you entered my life the first time I saw you my heart was tied to yours my breathes are entangled in this thread that bound us if you'll break this thread then you'll break my breath I know you won't do it right say something please.. My life was empty dark you came into it like a light please don't throw me into my darkness again please I beg you.."

"Everyone I have loved lefts me I loved my mother she left me I loved my father he left me I love you please don't leave me please.." he holds her hand "I know you can feel it remember holding this hand you promised that you'll never leave you'll always be with me.. You can't break your promise Erika or you'll break me I'll be shattered and no one will be able to collect me you can't betray me open your eyes Erika look at me come back" his eyes darts at the opened door.


Ethan glares at him "Get away from her don't you touch her" he rushes at him to get him away from Erika who is still unconscious from everything.

"No.... No.. Leave me.." he screams Ethan grabbing his collar from behind him starts dragging him away from her.

"Erika open your eyes.. You can't betray me Erika.. You promised me" he keeps saying out loud struggling to get out of his grip her hand still in his Ethan keeps dragging him away aparts their hands Troy shouts her name as they take him out from room.

Erika's hand falls on bed parting from his her eyes moves an inch still in state of unconsciousness she sees an blurred image of someone crying screaming and being dragged but it all last for less than seconds soon the same darkness envelopes her.

"You can't betray me Erika.. You promised me.. Get away from me.. Leave me.. Let me be with her.. Erika" he shouts like mad everyone turns to him as he seems to be going out of control.

"Troy calm down Troy" Erik chants feeling helpless to see him like this Mary cries at his situation.

But Troy doesn't listens to any of them and just keeps repeating his words like his mind has stuck on it "Let me go" he tries to walk inside again but Ethan pushes him, enraged he punches him, everyone tries to stop him.

"Troy please listen brother stop" Erik speaks but he doesn't listens.

"She can't betray me Erik.. She promised" with his blood-red eyes he says to Erik like crazy.

Seeing him going out of control pair of nurses rushes towards him holding him, he exclaimed to leave him struggling like an caged animal he feels an piercing pain on his neck soon his voice goes down his body goes light, he falls on his knees Erik holds him "Erika.." he whispered as darkness his nightmare embraces him.

She opens her eyes darkness greets her, slowly she gets up from the ground where she was lying looking around her she can't hear any sound there's no light in room, her eyes falls on an beam of light coming through a keyhole of a door in front of her, lifting herself up from ground she paces forward standing in front of big door she sees her hand in light, her hand seems to shine in bright light golden particles dancing around it, uncertain about opening it with hesitation she reaches to open it twisting the doorknob.

A part of her feels relieved that it was not locked, pushing the door away, she let's the light fall on her, she looks at her hands, staring down at herself she touches her dress she still remember this dress she used to wear it in childhood it was her favorite dress the white summer dress with a bit of lace work on it she touches it feeling the fabric which feels the same.

She looks around her an beautiful garden sun shining beautifully the green grass sparkling in sunlight, a soft breeze blowing touching her softly, an lime yellow colored shiny butterfly leisurely sits on her hand for some unknown reason she wants to catch it before she could touch it flies away.

To follow her she puts her barefeet on soft grass, chasing it she reaches near an house, her house, it looks same small cottage yet having an feeling of love and comfort it's used to be her borders of life, the place where she opened her eyes, where she spent beautiful time with her mother, stunned by the scenery her feet walks on their on going towards the swing.

Swing tied up on an big tree, there's someone sitting on the swing already, from behind she seems familiar, standing in front of her she looks down at her face "Mom"

"Erika baby come here" smiling she says.

She sits beside her staring at her mother's face having uncanny resemblance with her just her features are more defined and beautiful, her face looks radiant shining in sunlight her brown hairs flowing in breeze.

"I didn't want you to come here but now as you have come here I'm happy to have you" she caresses her face tenderly.

Feeling her mother's touch her eyes goes wet, she didn't know if it's a dream a hallucination an illusion or imagination, she don't want to know having her mother back is like everything to her, sobbing she throws herself in her arms.

She embraces her kissing her head.

"Mom I missed you.. I missed you so much" she rambles on sobbing.

"I know.. But now you are here with me" she makes her look at her.

Again an butterfly comes sitting on her fingers as she reaches to touch it, it vanishes in air transforming into sparkling dust.

"Mom did you see that why I'm not able to touch these butterflies why they are running away from me" confused she stares at her.

"These are not butterflies" Erika gives her an questioning look "These all are your memories"

"Memories" she thinks trying to understand her words "What is this place?"

"Don't you remember it's our home honey.. Now we'll stay here together happily.. Away from hate.. from vengeance.. from agony.. from darkness" her mother replies.

She nods putting her head on her shoulder closing her eyes.

"Feel how peaceful it is here hear the silence" she chants comforting her.

Chirping of birds, sound of breeze, crackling of leaves, an light sound of waterfall. Then she hears an scream coming from distant the voice echos in her ears screaming her name crying in pain the voice feels like it has all the sadness and pain in it, she opens her eyes.

"What? my dear" she asks.

"Mom didn't you hear it?" she asks troubled by his voice.

"Heard what?"

"His voice taking my name screaming crying" she replies.

"No I can't hear it" she looks in disbelief at her mother that how she can't hear his voice that's echoing everywhere around her.

"Mom I can't.. I can't stay here I have to go.. He is waiting for me" she stands up.

"Troy?" she takes his name.

"You know him" she never talked about him to her they have never even met.

"I always see you two.. But how can you leave Erika you wanted to be with me and now you are here we can live here in peace.. This is our heaven" her mother explains it to her holding her hand.

"Yes mom this is our heaven but my heaven is where my love resides.. And I love Troy he is my heaven.. I want to be with you but you are never away from me you are always with me.. And Troy if I won't go he'll die he loves me I'm the only one he have.. I live in him he lives in me and I can't do this to him.. I have to go" Erika tells her mother.

Smiling she raises her hand putting it over her eyes making them close everything seemed like spinning, She open them again but in different place.

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