《For-Getting You》Chapter 47. Clear


Sunlight coming from curtains touches his eyes he squints opening them blinking several times, he looks around himself thinking in his head it's not a hospital, it's his home his room, he gets up from his bed confused how he ended up here.

"Good Morning" Erik appears as answer of his question.

"Good Morning" he rubs his bandaged forehead "You got me"

"Like always" he puts coffee on table "You good?" he raises his eyebrow.

He hums sighing "How did you find me?"

"Broken, beaten and fainted but that's not the question the question is who did this to you?" he sits on beanbag concerned.

He don't want to talk about it but he have to answer him "Guys I beat in club and James"

"What?" his name shocks him he knew that they hate each other but wasn't expecting this "That son of a bitch.. I think we should take some action"

"I don't want to" Erik stares at him confused at his reply.

"What do you mean by that huh.. Do you know how worse it could get thank goodness that I came to check on you or you would have gone in danger you understand" Erik raises his voice "Why the hell he is doing all this?"

"For Erika" he replies his voice low.

"Erika" at start he don't get it after moment of thinking he gets it "And still you don't wanna do anything"

"Yeah.." Troy keeps looking out of window.

"Why? You know it means that he can be behind all this fiasco" Erik shouts in annoyance.

"Because I'm tired" Troy's voice echos in his room as he shouts frustrated "I'm tired of Life.. I'm tired of seeing my loved ones leaving.. I'm tired.." tears makes their way from his eyes "I could have saved myself last night but I just didn't want to.. death is easier than living.. Erika.. I saw her how upset and depressed she was she wants me out of her life and if that's what she wants then I'll give it to her" saying he paces out of his room.

"But I can't leave it Troy" Erik says to himself determine to fix everything.

Impatiently Erik rings the bell of her beautiful house, to his surprise Mary opens up the door, a small smile that was on her lips leaves her face seeing Erik.

She was happy to see him but masks it "What brings you here?"

"I'm here to talk to Erika" Erik answers avoiding eye contact with her.

Frowning she let's him in, she hates to behave this way with Erik she love him but after misunderstandings between their friend they can hardly agree with one another leading to things between them sour.

"Erika.. Erik wants to talk to you" saying Mary sits on sofa.

Erika closes the book she was reading putting it on table in front of her "Erik if you are here to defend Troy then leave it.. I don't wanna talk about it"

"Yeah you are right I'm here to talk about him and why shouldn't I he is my friend and I'm here to tell you the truth" Erik raises his voice, he realises he shouldn't talk to her this way and controls himself.

"Gonna say he is innocent" she mumbles.

"And injured" hearing his words she looks at him with questioning eyes.

"Injured.. What do you mean?"

Erik takes a deep breath "Listen Erika after police took him I managed to get him out, on his way to home he was attacked"


She gasps "By whom?"

"James and his men" Erik replies shocking her.

"James he attacked him why?" she asks confused.

"Because of you.." he answers.

"Me" Mary keeps looking at them.

"Yeah Erika he wants you that's why he hates Troy.. Last night he bought you in club on purpose he knew that Troy was there and he'll be jealous seeing you with him.. Then when you were not around he taunted Troy to bring out reaction from him" Erika's eyes goes wide "He wanted Troy to fight him to prove in front of you that Troy is dangerous for you"

"How do you know all this?" asks Mary.

"He himself said all this after beating up Troy. He can do anything for you and I think maybe he sent that girl at Troy's place.. Trust me Erika I have always seen a sister in you I would never lie to you Troy don't even know that girl, She came at his place asking for help in fixing her car because of weather he allowed her to stay but she started trying to get physical with him.. I know you saw them but if you could have waited a few more minutes you would have seen how Troy threw her out" Erik explains her everything with an sincere face.

Erika couldn't believe how wrong she was she was hating herself for thinking so bad of Troy of not giving him an chance to speak, the picture of Troy running after her car, of leaving him alone, of hurting him, of slapping him keeps playing in her mind, she wants to slap herself of not giving him an chance to explain she can't get it out of his mind how he was begging for her chance, frustrated she clutches her hairs crying "I'm so stupid he kept saying that he is innocent and I.. I don't deserve him I love him so much and still I couldn't believe him"

"Erika it's not your fault it's just what you saw.. And you deserve him you loves him so much that thought of Troy cheating you blurred your senses it's just your love you were hurt in love it's alright" Mary wraps her arms around her friend.

"He'll never forgive me" she says crying.

"He loves you he will I'm sorry last night so many things happened I wish I could have been their" Mary replies.

Sniffing she says "It's alright you were busy"

"No I wasn't I could have come only if I knew"

"Wait a minute.. Didn't James called you asking you to come to club" Erika asks.

"No how can he call me he don't even have my number" Mary answers casually.

Erika couldn't believe how easily he lied and she believed him, it's more clear now that he wanted them to go alone so he could mess with Troy.

"Where's Troy?" Erika asks Erik with teary eyes.

"Home" listening his reply in anticipation she runs for him, seeing her Mary and Erik smiles slyly they both look at each other their smile disappears things have been hard for them lately.

The awkward silence between them getting sharper with every passing moment, thinking leaving the best option Erik starts walking. Mary grabs his hand stopping him, he looks at her "Erik please.. I have realised how wrong I was.. I'm sorry"

"It's alright we both were doing the same thing" he smiles lightly.

Mary strode towards him her arms snake their way around his neck Erik keep standing looking at her cute face standing on her toes she closes the distance between them kissing his lips softly, he closes his eyes feeling calmed and content having her lips on his, he kisses her back holding her chin with passion.


"I Love You" she chimes their nose touching each others.

"Love You too baby" saying he steals another kiss from her.

"How stupid I'm.. How much pain he get through in all this.. It's all because my exaggerations.. I should have listened to him.. When everybody was not believing on him I should have believed him but no I acted so badly to him.. He even bear so many beatings because of me.. I'll never forgive myself" thinking in her head she runs down long stairs, grabbing her car keys quickly she steps out of her house.

James stops his car in front of her house finding Erika going somewhere "Hey Erika where are you off to in hurry if you want I can drop you" in his fake polite tone he asks smiling.

Not even wanting to look at his face she avoids his words and him marching at her car.

Her not replying to him ignites anger in him the way she avoided him makes him mad but without loosing his temper he asks calmly "Erika is everything alright why you not talking to me"

"Because you are a lair and cheat" she snaps rudely "Yes now I know your true colors you can't hide them anymore.. I know that you are the reason of our breakup, you are one who sent that girl at Troy's place"

His eyes widens hearing truth from her lips out of words in annoyance he admits "Yeah I'm behind all this but I did all this for you because I love you and hate that shit I wanted him out of your life so I did this to get you" saying he grips her shoulders his fingers digging in her soft skin.

Disgusted by him he pushes him"How dare you hit Troy huh.. Now I'm gonna tell this to my brother.. When he'll know what you did he won't leave you" clenching his jaws in anger he keeps staring at her "And yeah one more thing, doesn't matter whoever comes between us no one can tear us apart we are destined to be together I Love Troy" clarifying it confidently she slips into her car driving away.

James kicks his car furious at her knowing the truth and behaving with him in such way "No I can't be defeated Erika I can't loose you you still haven't seen my true colors yet you don't have any idea what I can do.. I can and I will tear you apart I'll destroy your destiny" he fumes in fury smiling devilishly over his new plan.

Stopping the car in front of his door she gets out, wanting to see him, her heart racing fast dying to meet Troy. Thousands of questions swimming in her mind "What if he won't talk to me? What if he won't want to see me? Relax Erika he loves you he understands you he won't do any such thing to me he loves me" taking a deep breath she reaches to open his gate finding it locked "Locked where can he go?" millions of thoughts forms in her mind "No Erika he can never leave you he'll be back I'll wait for him" gulping down her doubts a fears she waits for him.

She closes her eyes praying "God I know you can hear me please I know I did a mistake of not believing him believe is brick of every relationship it is soul of every relationship, I have done a huge mistake of doubting him but I love him very much, please don't make him leave me even if he won't forgive me I still want him to know how wrong I was and how much I Love him Please God send him to me" the breeze hits her face as she feels something around her she turns around and her teary eyes falls at Troy standing across the deserted road thanking God in her heart tears of happiness falls from her eyes.

He couldn't explain how happy and complete he was feeling to find Erika looking at him in same loving way she used to, her eyes have tears he knew that one day she'll know the truth but he was not expecting today to be that day, seeing her like makes his heart beating again he feels like someone have put life in him.

Looking at each other eager to embrace each other to love each other they both starts walking not even caring about surrounding it seems like its just them and nothing else matters, after so many days they'll be together happiness running in their veins, standing in the middle of empty road their eyes locked in each others neither of them saying anything.

"Troy I.. I'm sorry" he didn't say anything and caresses her face softly.

"It's alright" hearing how easily he forgave her she throws herself at him embracing him tightly, he hugs her back his face resting in the crook of her neck, the same beautiful feeling engulfing them, the smell which makes him crazy acting like a oxygen for him as he breathes her smell from her hairs, he cups her face looking at face smiling with tears in her eyes "I knew you'll come back"

"I'm sorry.. for making you suffer" she speaks between her sobs.

"Yeah I did suffer it used to feel like someone have took my breath away and now I feel alive" he replies leaning towards to kiss her.

He closes his eyes happy to have her, she stands on her toes her arms around his neck pulling him light breeze blowing touching them softly making everything more beautiful.

A sound of car gets her attention as it keeps getting louder and louder she looks on her left and a black car with tinted black window in speed of a storm is rushing towards them with it no signs of stopping, Troy opens up his eyes looking in same direction to see the car fast approaching them finding it few meters away from Troy before Troy could do anything Erika screams his name pushing him with her every single strength.

Already injured and weak Troy stumbles back falling on street.

Her scream echos, the rushing car hits her with so much of force making her fly from the impact she lands on ground with a thud her head hitting hard concrete street.

The car hitting her doesn't even cared to stop.

"Erika" he shouts her name seeing her fall on ground like a lifeless doll, he runs for her desperately. Putting her head on his lap he cups her face covered in blood her breathing slow "Erika.. Erika.. baby.. love.. look at me.. look at me"

Her eyes opens a bit looking at him a small smile over her bleeding lips "I.. Love.. You" struggling she speaks before closing her eyes.

His white sweater now red by her blood his eyes full of tears crying he screams "No.. Erikaaaaaaaaa.."

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