《For-Getting You》Chapter 46. Separated


She walks lin school her steps falling on ground fast, her eyes looking everywhere around her to see him if he's following her or waiting for her, but she gets a bit relaxed after having no sight of him.

It's stings that just yesterday he was the first person she wanted to see and today he is the last person she wanna see, she is hiding from the person she used to find, sighing she keeps walking towards her next class.

Someone pulls her in a classroom closing the door, she whimpered by its grip and the way he pulled her, startled and scared she gets her balance her eyes scans the culprit, Troy's blue iris filled with hurt and questions stares at her.

Without uttering a word she starts to leave. He holds her hand stopping her "Leave my hand" she warns glaring at him looking at him reminds her of his betrayal.

"You know I won't" he speaks in deep tone. She tries to get her hand out of his grip, he keeps looking at her tries going in vain he pins her against the wall closing the distance between them.

His sudden move scares her but she masks it, "Let me go" she seethes.

"Stop it Erika just stop it, you didn't reply my text, didn't pick up my calls, avoided me, pretended like I was not even there running like crazy for you just to see you to talk to you, whatever game you are playing just" before he could say anything further she cuts him.

"Game.. I'm playing a game" she chuckles sarcastically "Troy it's your thing after all you are an player that what you do you play with love, you play with life, you play with feelings, you play with believe, you play with everything" as she speaks in hurt mixed with anger tears forming in her eyes.

Her teary eyes confuses him, but more it scares him, the girl he want to see smiling was crying, accusing him thing he don't know anything about, he places his hands on her shoulder.

She slaps his hands away as the picture of him touching that girls flashes in front of her eyes.

Her behaviour messes up his mind which is already overwhelming with questions "Erika what's the matter why are behaving like this did anyone said something to you, did someone hurt you tell me and I'll kill him just tell me who's it"

"You" his eyes goes wide on her words "Yeah you are the cause of these tears I'm hurt because of you, did you hear me you are the reason of my state" she says loudly her finger digging in his chest as she points him.

"Erika if it's me then at least tell me what I have done, I deserve to know the reason behind your anger for the sake of my love just" she cuts him again.

"Love this pure word doesn't look good from your mouth full of lies"

"Erika I have never lied to you" he argues feeling helpless.

"You have always lied, all your promises, your love all was nothing but a big lie" she cries "And what hurts me even more is that everyone warned me that in the end you'll break my heart but I didn't listen to any of them I was so much lost in the maze of your lies that I lost the way of truth"

"Look Erika if someone have said something to you about me then that's the lie not me" he tries to make her believe.

"If someone would have said it then I would have never believed on it.. about your true face until I saw it myself" he stares at her "Stop this acting Troy I saw you last night with that girl" she says her throat heavy as she controls her cries.


"Erika it's not what you think" stunned he struggles to say as his body go freeze.

"Stop it.. just stop it, I saw how perfectly she was pleasuring you and how much you were enjoying it, you don't have to act around with me now, you don't have to make fool of me" she shouts crying.

"Erika I haven't done anything its not what you think just listen to me" he tries to hold her hand speaking hopelessly trying his best to reason with her.

"Don't touch me your touch disgusts me" she corners herself shaking her head tears running down her face.

Seeing her like this breaks him, he stops approaching her stepping back, he always wanted to see her happy and today he is seeing her in an state he is scared to even imagine. Erika without wasting any more moment starts leaving wiping her tears not giving him a last look.

He keep looking at her leaving, standing alone in empty classroom with no one, tear makes their way from his eyes as he closes it containing his emotions.

After literally bearing the school and each and every classes she finally reached her house, dragging herself she walks on the snow covered garden, before she could enter her home his voice rings in her ears.

"Erika wait" hearing his pleading voice she starts walking faster, he grabs her arm stopping her "Erika please just give me one chance I'll explain everything to you I didn't even know that girl she is nothing please believe me I can never do this to you please just listen to me" she snatches her arm from his hold.

"I don't wanna hear anything just leave" she says in anger.

"No I won't leave until you listen to me" he couldn't complete his words as Ethan's fist hits his jaw making him stumble back Erika screams terrified clinches to her brother to stop him.

"You filth I knew you were not good for my sister still I said yes to your relationship just because I thought you love her" grabbing his collar he shakes him Erika stopping her brother.

Troy keeps looking at her, Erika's eyes also staring at him and the blood oozing out from the corner of his lips, he could see she can't see still trying her best to save him from her brother's wrath.

"Remember what I said we are good as long as you don't make my sister cry and you dare to break her heart" he spats in fury.

"Ethan please leave brother please" crying she plead.

Having an mind debate he looks at his sister and throws Troy making him fall "Now get the hell out of here before I kill you and don't you dare to even walk near this place or you'll regret it" saying he grabs Erika's arm taking her inside she turns to see him half lying on ground like an fallen angel.

His blue eyes full of tears keeps looking at her going away from him, he could have answered her brother could have stopped his attack, he took it all as his punishment to hurt Erika, even if he'll let each drop of his blood pour out still it would be less for making Erika cry.

Letting his tears to flow from his eyes he sighs, standing on his feet, before leaving he up his face to see her once again, finding her standing in her balcony looking down at him with same tears in her eyes, the two hearts keeps looking at each other one feeling devastated other defeated but both feeling the pain of separation, failing to see her cry he starts leaving.


Watching him go makes her to stop him taking his name but a silent whimper comes out of her lips, her head spins as she thinks what she should do, should she stop him, she wants to hear his voice, want to feel safe in his arms, she still wants it after knowing his true colors, desperately she runs her hands in her hairs, nerves in her head accelerating, it breaks her even more to take in the fact that maybe this was the last time she saw him.

"No James I don't wanna go anywhere" she states staring out of the window looking at the place where she last saw him thinking about how sad he looked those tears it aches her soul.

"Erika come on look at me" he commands keeping his voice gentle "Look Erika now we are friends and I'm also a friend of your brother" he sits on his knees in front of her "he is really worried for you, it have been so many days you don't even come out of your room, I can understand that you are hurt but it's not the right way you haven't done anything it was all his fault then why are you punishing yourself tell me"

She sighs "Then what should I do James, I love him and knowing that he don't breaks me, even I don't wanna worry my brother but.. I can't help it can't just do anything my heart doesn't want to do anything.. It don't wanna go anywhere.. My head keeps repeating that day in it.. I just can't"

"Erika we are friends now please listen to me once okay let's just do like this I'll take you out your brother will feel better after seeing you going out and the whenever you'll feel to get home the very moment I'll drop you home now please don't say no I'll also call that friend of yours what's her name.. Yeah Mary cool" he insists trying his best to be calm and gentle.

She nods agreeing, still she don't want go anywhere but she have to do it for her brother. Wearing an simple dress she ties her hairs in bun, tracing fingers over her face she notices how pale and sunken it have gone in these days, Troy have gone away with the shines and colors from her life.

"Troy please atleast let me try to talk to her I'll make her understand that you can't"

He stops Erik completing his words "You don't have to do anything Erik I deserve it"

" Why the hell you deserve it when you haven't done anything" he asks irritated.

"I hurt the person I love" he says stirring his drink in front of him with a long face uninterested in everything around him, the music in club the girls, his friend, everything seems nothing, surrounded by people but still alone that's his situation.

"I took you to club thought you'll feel good but you" Erik huffs.

"Don't worry about me Erik, it's my share of pain and I have to endure it" he replies "How's Mary?"

"Good maybe.. I don't know" he sighs.

"What does that mean are you guys not talking" he stares at him questioning.

He sighs in reply "She don't believe you so we had an argument"

"Do you believe me Erik?" he narrows his eyes.

"You are my friend Troy of course I do" he answers quickly without thinking for a moment.

"And Mary is her friend as well" he gets his friend's words "She is just like you loves and care about Erika like you so don't argue with her, if you are arguing with her you are arguing with yourself" even in sadness he still can't see others getting hurt he pats his shoulder with an forced smile.

He looks around in club and his eyes lands on her, standing wearing an simple cream colored dress the long golden silky soft hairs in which he loves to run his finger, whose smell does enchantment on him are tied up in a bun, not hanging down till her waist like always, her face look pale and sunken, brown iris looks dull the shine is gone from them her lips closed in straight line not like always smiling.

She walks inside one of their club, she sees around her music banging on people grooving on dance floor, she feels alone James told her that Mary is not coming this also adds to her loneliness, her eyes then finds the person for whom they seek every moment, he was looking at her standing with Erik beside him looking handsome in his black shirt and jeans with few buttons opened, but his face was not looking the same the person who knows him can tell that he is stressed, his eyes looks tired exhausted the shiny blue seems darken his face lacking the usual smile.

Seeing her standing in front of him after two weeks makes him alive, he breathes out heavily a current flows in his body just seeing her makes him contended. It gives him hope that maybe he can have a chance again to talk to her to make her understand what really happened, his feet starts moving on their own towards her but they halt after few steps as a guy comes between them with drinks in his hand, he turns his face.

Stupefied he can't believe on his eyes he clenches his jaw anger rising in him but James smiles at him cunningly utterly satisfied finding him hurt, Troy tries to pace towards him to break his face but Erik's grip stops him forbidding him with his eyes.

After debating with himself he listens to him, returning on his seat.

Erika was feeling uncomfortable not because of Troy on contrary he soothes her soul it's closeness of James that makes her feel it, and his behavior clearly triggering Troy scares her of his reaction "Thank God Erik stopped him" she chants inside her head.

James keep talking to Erika trying his best to look what he is not, James's fingers softly touches her loose strain which is dancing on her cheek lightly and slowly he puts it behind her ear staring at her tenderly she stirs on her seat feeling vaxatious by his touch.

Witnessing her being touched by someone else tears him apart he closed his eyes not to see it, seeing him touch what's his wants him to kill him right there but he don't want to scare Erika he can already see how stressed she is, trying to control his anger he gulps down the drink it travels down his throat producing an burning sensation, putting back the glass with a thud he keep gripping it tight, he thought the drink will help him but it seem to worsen it his grip gets more tighter the glass in his hand shatters with no one hearing it's voice it mocks his situation his truth is also unheard by everyone.

Erik's heart aches seeing him drink for the first time though he used to always ask him to try alcohol but he never wanted him to drink it ease his pains.

Erika watches his palm filled and scratched with fragments of broken glass she wants to run to him for aid but she can't, she stands abruptly and walks to washroom unable to see his pain.

She walks from there he gets up to follow her in her direction, James stands in front of him with his hand on his chest stopping him.

"Where do you think you are going streetfilth" he pushes him slightly.

He clenches his fist trying his best to control his anger turning his knuckles white "It's none of your fucking business so stay out of it" he seethes in fury.

"Oh really.. a dirt like you wants to follow my girl and you say it's none of my business" he taunts him pacing around him.

Hearing his words makes him to rip his tongue, but he knows it's a lie.

"Seriously Troy did you really think that there's gonna be a fairy tale out there in your rusty life" he chuckles mocking him "Erika have realized how wrong you were for her and how right I'm for her" he keeps on saying to bring out reaction from him "I can't wait to have her all to myself" he whispers in his ears.

His last sentence works like nitrate in fire, he losses control punching his jaw, he stumbles back wiping the blood coming out from corner of his lip he laughs like a maniac, Troy gets his collar with one hand raising other to break his face furious, James keep staring at him without trying to defend himself.

Before he could punch him once again Erika sees Troy ready to hit James who is standing with blood on his lips she rushes between them to stop Troy, she have seen him beating people his furious face scares her "Stop Troy" she says looking at him her eyes scanning his angered face.

After looking into her eyes which seem to beg him to stop he let go of him with a push, she sighs and he keeps looking at her face, her eyes with so many emotions and feelings roaming in it stares at him without saying anything.

His eyes wanted to keep looking at her for eternity, he knows that his presence is tormenting her not wanting to hurt her anymore he leaves.

Erika wants to run after him to stop him, she don't want him to leave her life she never wanted it but she stops herself from doing it.

His mind recalls seeing her, he hates that he can't do anything, he can't tell her, can't talk to her, can't make her believe desperate by his situation he runs his hand on his face, standing alone in empty parking lot with just cars, resting his hands on car he sighs.

He sees in glass of car a guy behind him raising an crowbar ready to hit him, all his senses gets on alert he dunks and dodges his attack with the men hitting the car instead.

He stands straight his fists curled ready to unleash his fury he charges at the guy punching him on face and stomach making him fall, two more men comes with one having a baseball bat and other wearing spiked rings in his fingers, circling him they both marching menacingly towards him.

He takes his fight posture his both fists ready to defend himself, shouting they both runs at him, Troy kicks the one with bat he falls cursing, the one with spiked rings look much stronger and dangerous but without fear of anything he stands in front of him, the guy tries to punch his face with his pointy spiked rings, Troy grips his arm stopping him just at right moment when it was about to hit his eye, the men glares at him growling like mad dog, without wasting another moment Troy hits his face with his head a voice of nose cracking clearly audible his nose starts bleeding he gets away from him cursing.

Troy turns around and find James standing, this time sure to wreck his face he punches him making him fall on ground dramatically, before Troy could beat him further Erika comes between them again but this time with an angered look crossing her face.

She slaps Troy turning his face to his right the voice of her slap echoes around them. Hurt he looks at her.

"What do you want Troy? Why are you doing all this? Why you are always around, why I can't run away from you? Why?" she screams in anger ending up crying helplessly "Why did you come in my life? Why I loved you" she cries.

With same tears in his eyes he looks for way to stop hurting herself, but to his misery voice of police sirens fills the silence, soon police catches Troy arresting him for violence he did to save himself.

Devastated after witnessing Erika's situation he let the officers do their jobs, his lips sealed shut, eyes blurred by controlling tears, heart aching and soul shattered he let them get him in car his hands cuffed, he keep staring at Erika who is still crying.

He feels like there's nothing left in him his head heavy and nerves pumping he feels suffocated, his eyes still looking at his love who looks broken.

James enjoying their separation standing behind her with an smirk accomplishing in his evil plan, he looks at Erika crying seeing Troy going with police but her tears doesn't matter to him what matters is only the fact that they are separated their cries are his happiness.

Police keeps interrogating him asking why he did it, about his family, do he wanna call someone but all they get from him was Troy sitting still staring into infinity, his lips sealed not moving, his head can't take it out how Erika slapped him the slap which hit his heart shattering his mind, his soul and everything.

Sitting in empty cell scares him the terrors of his childhood when her step mother used to lock him in dark room alone screaming for freedom awakens again unwrapping the covered wounds of his childhood, clutching his head tugging on his hairs he tries to calm himself his breathing erratic, he closes his eyes but the hurtful memories haunt him, he wanna scream out loud but it feels like someone has gripped his throat not letting him to utter anything.

His torture comes to an end with the cell's door opening "Get up boy you have been bailed"

Like a zombie he walks out with Erik "Thank You Erik"

"Thank You seriously Troy you are my brother my friend so you think I could leave you like that" he pats his shoulder feeling bad looking into his bloodshot eyes.

He nods.

"Now let's go" Erik starts walking Troy keeps standing on his spot "What?"

"I wanna be alone Erik" he says his voice low tired.

"No do you think anyone can leave you in this situation" he replies worried about Troy and leaving him in this situation.

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