《For-Getting You》Chapter 45. Betrayed


"Good Morning love" she reads his text smiling her eyes still heavy by sleep. Typing her reply she sits up on her comfy bed tying her tangled bed hairs in messy bun, before getting up she picks up framed candid picture of her and Troy, his brother gave her when she came back from prom last night.

Touching the glass on picture she smiles, thinking in herself "After that incident I always doubted that something good will ever happen in my life or not, I never thought that I'll find a guy like you who'll love me more than anything, who can do anything just to see a small smile on my face, everything is so good and beautiful but it also scares me, I hope nothing will go wrong in our life, I hope that everything will stay this beautiful forever" she sighs hugging the picture lovingly.

"Hey angel what are you doing?" he asks from the other side.

"I was just having breakfast and I wanted to hear your voice so I called, I hope I didn't disturb you what were you doing?" Erika stirs her bowl of cereal.

"I was studying for exams, aren't you?" he asks playing with pen in his fingers.

"I'll study later, I see you have stared studying quite early I think someone's going to top in exams" she teases him.

"Hmm.. Yeah I woke up at four today so I could fix the car and then will get on my studies and I don't know about topping in school but I want the scholarship so I could get admission into university then I have to build my own business so I could make a castle for my princess where we both will have our happily ever after" she giggles at his words "And yeah if you want any help in physics or any other subject you can call me"

"I will in fact I have got an great idea what about me coming at your place and we'll study together" She suggests wanting to meet him.

"Though I love this idea but if you'll be here alone with me I'm sure I'll do everything but studying" he says in risque humor.

She blushes "Shut up so you mean I'm a distraction"

"You are everything for me my distraction, my passion, my obsession, my motivation, my love, my everything.. I was just joking love you can come here whenever you want" he reassures her.

"I know now I won't eat your time anymore I'll call you later bye love you"

"Love you more" he replies softly.

She cuts the call smiling, digging into her breakfast.

Wrapping her maroon scarf hiding her black turtle neck she picks up her same color beanie her legs looking long in her Blue Jeans wearing her sneakers she grabs her phone ready to leave.

Closing the door she turns an cold harsh wind touches her face making it red, she breathes smoke comes out of her mouth, covering her ears from her beanie she hangs her bag on her shoulder, normally no one will like to go out in this cold and harsh weather but she is determined to meet him.

"Erika where are you off to?" asks James getting out from his car.

Is he always around to annoy her she thinks in herself,

"Oh.. so you must be going go meet your poor boyfriend" he remarks

"Where I'm going is none of your concern" clarifying him she starts walking.

He grabs her arm stopping her, she gives him an glare "Wait I'm sorry" all the rudeness and arrogance seems to disappear from his tone "I'm really sorry.. I know you hate me think me a jerk but I just said all those things because.. I care about you.. very much" he sighs "I thought that Troy will be one of those guys who like to take advantage of rich and innocent girls like you.. Now as I see that he haven't done anything like that and you also love him.. I won't budge you anymore.. So now we are good can we be friends" he asks extending his hand.


She can't believe on her ears and eyes this is for the first time when she have seen him like this, still she can't believe on him for some reason, she nods putting her hand in his.

He didn't want to leave her soft hand his mind imagining how soft her body will feel, wetting her lips he let's go of her hand smiling trying his best to look real and sweet "As now we are friends so can I drop you"

"No.. no.. I'll go by walking" she answers quickly knowing that if Troy will see her with him he might get angry.

"Look at the weather Erika it's alright I've seen his house I'll drop you" he insists.

Her no goes in vain as she agrees at his consistent insists. She sits in his car quietly, he smiles at her turning on the music. He always looked scary to her and even though he is all smiles and nice to her today it still bothers her.

"I'll just stop the car at my club for two minute few things need to be taken care of you just wait in here I'll be back in a minute and then I'll drop you cool" he asks.

She nods again she doesn't have much of choice as he had already parked his car in front of club, she watches him crossing the road sighing waiting to meet him.

Voice of something falling brings him out of his book, he gets up from his chair, he peeps outside removing the curtain from the window beside the door the fast blowing wind being cause of something falling.

Looking outside he realise that he have been studying for so long "you deserve a coffee now Troy" saying he gets into his kitchen bringing out utensils for it.

A knock on door disrupts his work, thinking it must be Erika he opens it up happily "Love" his smile fades away finding someone else "I'm sorry I was expecting someone else" he apologies embarrassed.

"It's alright, actually I need your help" the blond girl says her blue eyes looking at him with hope "my car stopped in middle of the road can you just come with me an fix it"

"Yeah sure" saying he grabs his jacket hanging on the wall.

A strong wind blows making something fall again, the girl flinches from the voice gripping his arm, clinging to him, he looks at her she was pretty her face plastered with makeup full lips painted in red her closeness makes him uncomfortable still his helpful nature stops him from saying anything.

"I'm sorry.. I got frightened" leaving his arm she says.

"It's alright.. Let's go" he says ready to leave.

"Wait.." he turns "I mean the weather is not good right now.. If you don't mind can we wait inside till its get normal then we'll go to my car" she asks with an questioned look.

He pauses for moment thinking what should he say for some reason he is not liking her presence around him, yet finding her not harmful he agrees "Come in" he opens his door.

She gets in murmuring a thank you, she looks around, the small house with a small living room an kitchen attached to it, stairs going up at another floor, her heels taps on the wooden floor, it was an cozy comfortable house.

"Your house is very homely" she states having a seat on sofa.

"Thanks, would you like to have a coffee?" he asks,

"Oh no you don't have to bother" she says in her stylish voice.


"It's alright I was making for myself so it won't bother me" he replies making coffee.

Not giving her a glance he keeps doing his work, as she put off her long coat revealing an black tight short bodycon dress with a deep neck. She seats on sofa casually staring at Troy.

He comes up with two steaming mugs of coffee still not noticing her. He seats beside her keeping his distance.

"Thank You, it's great" she compliments the coffee "You are in highschool" she says looking at the books over table.

"Yeah" he answers looking outside to see if weather is normal now.

"But you look quite a men" she slurs leaning towards him suggestively.

Clearing his throat he gets up "The weather is better now let me clean these mugs then we'll leave"

She nods. He starts washing the mugs quickly so he could get rid of her, he feels her presence behind him, he turns around and finds her standing close to him with lusty eyes batting her fake lashes "Why do I feel like you want to get rid of me"

He chuckles "You came here for my help to fix your car I want to help you miss"

"Yeah but in return of it I wanna help you" she whispers in his ears her breath hitting his skin.

He gulps, having no idea what should he do "Listen miss"

She hushes him with her long finger on his lips "You don't have to say anything all you need to do is to feel me" with that she slowly closes the gap between them kissing his neck sensually.

He closes his eyes feeling tormented he couldn't believe on himself his body was reacting against him his heart was screaming it to stop his head was telling him how wrong it is but yet his body was reacting on her kiss, it feels like his body is not in his control closing his eyes he tries regain his senses and sanity he grips the kitchen counter behind him tightly turning his knuckles white.

"What the heck I'm doing it's wrong I can't do this to her, I can't betray her she doesn't deserve it I love her, she is only girl in my life and she'll always be, I belong to her, I love Erika" her smiling face comes in his mind the promises he have made with her comes in his mind and he comes back from the illusion of this girl's lust.

"Thank You" saying she hops out of his car as soon as it hits the break in front of his house, for the first time she is thankful of James, Thank God he gave her lift or coming here by walking could have been tough in this harsh cold weather, she walks with silent steps ready to surprise him, outside is silent just the voice of breeze and nothing else, she raises her hand to knock but stops herself and thinks to see first what's he doing if he's still studying or not.

Smiling she stands in front of his window beside the door, the fog have put an curtain over it with her gloves covered hands she cleans the glass to look inside, along with the fog her fog of believe she had on Troy also disappears as she sees Troy with an girl in his kitchen, the picture in front of her was like nightmare, she never thought that Troy can betray her and here he was standing with a girl leaning over him kissing his neck while he seems to savour the moment with his eyes shut, streams of tears starts flowing from her eyes to silent her sobbing she clenched her mouth with her hand.

All she could feel was pure pain, her head starts spinning seeing her castle of love shattering today and by the hands of the person she loves most, all the false promises and moments he gave her starts playing in her head, Troy possessively grabs both of her shoulders at this her eyes could not take it anymore crying she runs out of his house, she keeps running with tears running on her face everything in front of her looks blurred, finally her legs gives up and she fells on ground snow around her, she cries hurt beyond repair, she never thought that today her love will vanish from her life.

"Stop it" he shouts grabbing her shoulders.

She flinches at his voice and gets away.

"Just get out of my house" he demands showing her the way to door.

Huffing she takes her coat and leaves, closing the door with a thud strong enough to break it he seats on his sofa, running his hands in his hairs and on face he sighs, he knows that he haven't done anything wrong but still he feels like a guilty, he wants to tell this to Erika, he picks out his phone to call but stops thinking what she'll think that he was about to lose senses, he dials the number of Erik "Hey Erik where are you?"

"I'm going at my grandma's she is sick and wants to meet me" he replies sounding worried.

Listening to his problem he drops the idea of telling him.

"Troy are you alright? Why you called?" he asks concerned.

"Nothing.. I just called to ask about maths no problem you go an take care of her" he cuts the call throwing his phone on table feeling helpless.

"Are you sure the girl saw everything" she asks sitting in car.

"Yeah I'm sure she have seen enough atleast the way she was running crying says it" He replies "Heres your money now get the fuck out of this place" he throws bundle of money on her.

She puts it in her purse laughing with her self-respect in minus "I'll be gone James don't worry but before it let me help you more I can do many more things for you" her hand stroking his thigh.

James looks at her with a smirk.

Erika gets into her house and sprints into her room not wanting to face her brother.

"Erika.. Erika are you alright" he shouts from behind her.

"Yeah I'm fine just wanna sleep I'm tired" she tries her best to sound normal controlling her sobs.

Ethan could tell that she was not fine and is hiding something from him but he didn't insist just to give her time to herself.

Getting in her room she slams the door locking it, her legs gave up the power she had as she falls on floor, her eyes red and face stained with tears, she picks up the framed picture of her and Troy and stares at it, her tears falls on her smiling face in picture "Look that's what love gives a handful of smiles and then millions of tears, I believed you Troy everyone said that you would break my heart but I didn't listen to anyone of them I was following you blindly, the curtain of your deceitful love hide everything from me, every truth, every reality were all gone"

"Today you did the thing that always scared me I always feared of our separation.. today you broke me Troy you have broke everything inside me" thinking in her head her eyes fells on the locket he gave her dangling in her neck, she grips it tightly in order to break it to throw it out of her life, but she could not her grips loosens doesn't matter how much she would try to throw his gifts and memories out of her life she can't do it, it is his love which is not true he never loved her but her love for him is true she still loves him.

Ethan watches the time waiting for Erika to come out of her room, he feels uneasy about her behavior he needs to talk to her.

"Good Morning partner" saying James come looking happy then ever.

"Good Morning" he replies lowly.

"What's the matter Ethan you look stressed, all good" he asks in fake concern.

"Yeah I'm good but I'm worried for Erika" he answers.

"What's with her?" he asks again acting unknown.

"I don't know I just feel that she is hiding something from me"

"Wait I think I know what's she hiding" he says quickly.

"What? And how do you know?" he goes doubtful.

"Last night she was going to meet Troy So I gave her lift, she was with him last night maybe they had a fight" he explains.

Ethan thinks over his words, can Troy hurt her.

"You don't worry such fights are quite normal in teenage relationships, anyways I just came to give you this see you in office" handing him the file he leaves whistling.

Ethan still thinking what could have happened puts the file on table, he turns and see Mary walking fast to Erika's room "It's the right moment she'll tell Mary everything" thinking in himself he follows Mary.

"Erika" Mary says walking in her room concerned, as she steps inside Erika runs and hugs her sobbing "Erika stop crying tell me what's the matter" she cups her face wiping the tears, her friend's eyes were blood red puffed and all the colors were gone from her face.

She tries to say something but her sobs doesn't let her.

"Erika did someone hurt you?" she asks again making her sit on her bed.

She nods weeping.

"Who is it tell me and he'll pay for it tell me"

"Troy.." Mary's eyes widens hearing his name in disbelief she never imagined that he can hurt her "He.. cheated on.. me.. He betrayed me" saying in between her cries she manages to tell the truth.

"What? Erika I think there have been some misunderstanding he can't do it he loves you" Mary argues finding it difficult to believe.

"I wish it would be an misunderstanding but.. I saw him.. I went his home to meet him just to found him in arms of some other girl" she says her voice sounding harsh because of cries.

Mary hugs her friend "Did you tell anyone else"

"No I didn't and promise me that you'll also won't tell anyone, everyone said that he'll betray me break my heart I didn't listen to them.. They were right his love was just an game but my love was not a game I love him I don't want anyone to question it and make fun of my love.. I'll endure it alone" she says wiping her tears strongly.

"So you wanna go to school if you want we can skip it" thinking that she might don't want to see him Mary asks.

"No we'll go.. If I won't then my brother ask about it and I can't answer him" she gives a mere excuse in reality she knows that if Ethan will know it he'll kill Troy, he hurt her yet she can't see him hurt.

Hearing that door is about to open Ethan hides in corridor, hiding he sees his sister leaving for school with Mary whispering, he sighs trying to ease his anger, listening to Erika's wailing and the truth he wants to go straight to Troy and shoot him in head but he knows Erika would never want it feeling helpless what to do he comes on decision that he should wait for Troy to come here then he'll teach him a lesson.

Troy wakes up with same feeling that he have done something wrong, he texts Erika wishing her but she doesn't reply, he keeps on sending her texts asking if she's fine, he even calls her but she doesn't pick it up "Erika never ignores my messages she replies right away then why today she is acting like this, I hope she is fine I need to see her I'll tell her everything that happened last night" he speaks to himself biting his lips.

He reaches her house ten minutes early and waits for her like usual, no one comes out it looks like there's no one in house, he stands in front of her house in cold not caring about anything just want to see her, the huge gate opens an car drives out Erika and Mary sitting in it, Erika sees him and acts like he is not there, he smiles at her glimpse.

Before he could get to her the car starts his smiles fades away and he runs behind them "Erika.. Erika stop" he shouts from behind running like crazy Erika keeps watching him running after her from side mirror tear falls from her eye seeing him, the car speeds up leaving him breathless.

He stops chasing it out of breath he looks at the car in distant his hands gripping his knees "Erika" he let's out her name in her breath.

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