《For-Getting You》Chapter 44. Prom


"You can't get me" laughing she runs.

"Wait Erika" he chases her, their heavy boots sinking in soft white fluffy snow leaving marks behind "I won't spare you kitten" he shouts running after her.

Laughing and out of breath she keeps running, she stops making faces at him to tease him, running on snow is tough but he manages to get her, he pushes himself on her making her fall with Troy on top of her, thanks to the fluffy thick clothes she doesn't hit hard on ground.

"I got you kitten, don't you think now a days you tease me a little too much" he speaks narrowing his eyes.

"Ohh.. really I don't think so" she acts innocently, widening her eyes.

"Then let me tell you that it's my turn now" he starts tickling her.

"No.. Troy.. stop.. I'll kill you" she says between her giggles.

He continue doing it laughing along with her "Commit it you lose"

"No I won't" out of breath she states pushing him to get off of her.

"Alright then" saying he bounds her both hands in his stopping her motion, she stops squealing her eyes sees the blue sea in front of her his pupil dilated making them look more deep, she feels like she is stuck in a spell of his eyes.

He keeps admiring her angel like face looking in her eyes, he is sure that he can spend his whole life by just looking at her, her white skin has gone red by the cold and by his closeness making her look more beautiful, her pink plump lips parted breathing out hot breath like breeze of summer, her long blond hairs sprawled on white snow, in her cute woolen beanie and fluffy soft woolen clothes she really looks like some beautiful painting.

His eyes shifts from her eyes to her lips leaning dangerously close to her, she closes her eyes waiting for him to kiss her, instead she feels a stinging cold wet feeling on her neck inside her sweater, she opens up her eyes "Damn you put snow inside my clothes" she screams.

He laughs at her getting up from ground.

She stands on her feet quickly removing the snow from her neck and sweater "I hate you"

"I know you love me, I love you too" he laughs, a ball of snow hits his face making him shut, he looks at Erika it's not her he looks around and Erik comes out from behind a tree "Erik you son of a gun" he swears.

He comes laughing loudly mimicking him and gives a hi-fi to Erika.

"Who's side you are motherfugder" he asks cleaning snow.

"Mine" Erika replies wiggling her eyebrows.

"Love here's your beanie" Mary hands him his beanie cap winking at Troy, confusing him.

"Thank You baby" he wears his cap and white snow falls all over his head "Mary you wacko"

"We won" Mary gives hi-fi to Troy.

"She serves you right" Troy grins.

"Let's go skating" stating Mary pulls Erika dragging her along.

They both following suit pushing each other jokingly. They all skied for hours enjoying each others company laughs and giggles like have embraced them, all of them wanting this happiness to never go.


"Yeah I'm starting to get ready" Erika puts her phone between her ear and shoulder her hands busy in caressing her lavender colored long gown.

"The theme is ballroom do you think I'll look good in ballgown I have never wore one" Mary asks nervously from the other side.

"Of course you'll look great I'm sure of it and peach color suits you" her friend tries her best to ease her worry.

"Okay if you say so, but seriously Troy's way of asking you for prom was amazing he really did it in front of the whole school" Erika blushes at her words reminding her it again.

"Yeah even I myself never thought that he'll ask me after winning his match it felt amazing" she says smiling.

"Exactly the whole school was going crazy, okay so we'll meet in evening bye see you"

"See you" she cuts the call and gets up to start getting ready.

After taking an hot bath she starts preparing herself, she applies her mascara, blush, wears her brothers gift in ears, the rollers in her hairs unwraps from her blond strands making them curled, she pins them up in a hairstyle she learnt and practiced from YouTube, at last she completes her look with soft pink color lipstick painting her lips.

She slips into her gown and sandals, to have a final look she stands in front of mirror twirling around, the lavender colored sleeveless gown with sweetheart neckline hugs her on waist and then cascades down falling like a waterfall little crystal stones on the neckline till her waist looks like stars.

With watery eyes she picks out her mother's watch tying it on her wrist, wearing it she feels like she is with her.

Anticipation running in his veins and excitement screaming in head and heart how she'll look today Troy rings the bell of her door, he fixes his tie one more time, her brother opens the door asking him to come in.

He follows him in living room.

"You wait I'll call Erika" he says walking upstairs, he nods pacing in room waiting for her.

"Here's your Erika" he turns his head in their direction, Ethan moves away from front of her.

His eyes falls on her she really looks like a princess, in her long lavender sleeveless gown her shiny blond hairs curled beautifully, he keeps looking at her in awe. He walks towards her slowly, "Beautiful" he says in breath "You look more beautiful than I imagined" she blushes nervously he struggles and picks out an corsage made up of pink and lavender flowers "For you"

She was excited by the fact that she'll see him for the first time in a tux, and when she finds him wearing it she couldn't find words to describe it, he was looking like cutout of some model from some fashion magazine, he looks more tall in it his usual messy hairs combed and glued back he looks like gentlemen what he truly is.

"You look like gentlemen" she fixes his same color flower on his coat.

"Yeah I tried my best not to look a bad guy after all I have to accompany a princess" she giggles at his remark.


"Stop cuddles kids picture time" Ethan comes with an camera.

Usually parents do these things but she knows her father would never do it still she have an wonderful brother to play any role for her. They both stands with each other smiling at camera "One more" this time he clicks an candid picture of them looking at each other lovingly.

"Perfect, so now you can go both have fun don't be late or I'll kick you out next time" he warns Troy jokingly "Take care dear" he hugs her sister bidding them.

"Aww Erika you look gorgeous" Mary screams excitingly in car opening the door for her.

"I look nothing in front of you" her peach colored gown with sheer bell sleeves really suits her, her mother have done her makeup like an professional.

"Thank You" she replies happily.

"Hey Cinderella tonight you truly look like Cinderella" Erik says from the driving seat.

"Yeah and you truly look like an goose the coachman" saying Troy sits next to him, Mary laughs at it heartedly.

They all reach their school tonight which is decorated with lights and balloons and snow of course. All of the young couples walking hand in hand boys in tux and girls in colorful gowns, it really looks like they are in some ballroom.

They enters in the court aka tonight's dance room, though they are in gowns and suits and it may made you forget about present but the smashing music will remind you about the present.

"It looks great" Erik shouts in music.

"Yeah" Troy replies "let me get drink for you"

She nods, looking around both of them starts taking selfies, Erik and Troy comes up with cokes in their hands who'll risk to drink the red fruit punch which have something black in it.

After taking a whole lot of pictures of each other they all stands in front of the stage where the teachers are standing ready to announce the Prom King and Queen.

"I hope you all are enjoying this ball" the principal asks his question answered by shouting of yes, "So now without wasting any time I would like to announce the prom king and prom queen any guesses" the crowd starts taking different names but most of them taking Troy and Sarah.

Erika gives him a stare narrowing her eyes teasing him, he smiles frowning unaffected.

"The prom king and queen are Troy Adams and Sarah Ashley" the whole crowd goes crazy with claps and hooting, they both get on stage walking together, Sarah smiling happily wearing her crown she looks pretty in pink, Troy have a small smile on his face, he looks in crowd his eyes just looking at Erika who is smiling ear to ear clapping for him like a kid, seeing her happy brings the smile on his face.

He gets down from stage with his friends congratulating him.

"Congratulations Mr.King" Erika says fixing his tilted crown.

"Thank You my queen" she giggles "Would you like to have a dance with me now" he says extending his hand.

"Who can say no to the king" keeping her hand in his they both get on dance floor, which have slow dance number on as they both starts dancing dj changes the song coincidentally playing Everything has changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran.

Erika gasps astonished by the song her mind taking her back to the moment where they had their first dance, then the moment he proposed her all those pleasant memories forms tears in her eyes.

"Erika what's wrong? Why you are crying" he cups her face.

"No it's just this song is the same song on which we had our first dance" she sniffs "It feels so strange that night I never thought we'll be together"

"Neither did I but deep down I knew that it's going to be different with you" Troy says her arms around his neck, as his hands rests on her waist.

"When you saw me for the first time what came in your mind" she asks with her big eyes staring at him.

"Nothing" she furrows "my mind thought nothing it was heart which was thinking everything and it was for the first time I thought with my heart, it thought that you are the most innocent and beautiful girl it has ever seen" he answers her questions honestly slowly swaying on rhythm.

"Troy thank you for making my life this much pleasing, whenever I'm with you I feel safe, I feel beautiful all these feeling I feel are so difficult to express in words I just can say that from being the part of my life you have became my life" she speaks closing her eyes, her head resting on his chest listening to his soft beat swaying slowly on it.

"No Erika I should be saying Thank You, I know how my life used to be before you but after the very moment you entered in my life everything started changing, changes that were like spring in the my winter empty forest of life, you bloomed like a flower in it, I never knew how important and beautiful it is to have someone to love you, you showed me this, I was an reckless aggressive aimless fella you gave a new direction to my life"

"I never paid thought to what I have to do in life but after meeting you I know my way the right way you are light of my darkness, and I also want to thank you for letting me being a part of your family this was the first time when I spent thanksgiving and new year with a family other than Erik's" he says in last to ease her.

"I was praying in heart for my Dad to like you now at least he knows you and don't hate you" she replies chuckling and sniffing "Troy I want to be with you forever, this scares me you would never leave me right?"

"I would never leave you and you don't have to be scared last year was the year of blooming of our love and this year it will open it's petals, I promise you that we'll always be together" he states embracing her "I love You"

"I Love You too" she replies closing her eyes savouring this sublime moment.

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