《For-Getting You》Chapter 43. Family


Erika stretches her arms lazily, the amazing night with Troy still is the cause of smile on her face, happily she starts getting ready for breakfast, wearing her baggy light blue sweater with pajamas she ties her hairs in messy bun.

Greeting the servants on her way she gets into the dining area where is father is wiping his mouth ready to leave while her brother is having his breakfast "Good Morning" she says smiling like Cheshire cat.

They both keep looking at her without uttering any word, sensing the tensed particles around her, she stops smiling, and looks at them confused and worried mainly because of her brother who is the first one to greet her in morning his father is always cold but the silence of her brother worries her.

"All good?" stumbling on words she asks them silence comes to her as an answer.

She sees her brother saying something to their father through an gesture as if eyes which seems like he is saying "he'll take care of it" but if that's what he said then what needs to be taken care of.

Frowning his father gets up from his place wearing his dark blue coat, he walks past her glaring at her with a mixture of anger and annoyance crossing his face.

She runs to her brother wanting to know the cause of their strange behavior "Brother what's the matter why you guys are behaving like this, like I did something wrong? Have I done some mistake? If yes then enlighten me talk to me don't be quite" she hates when someone is angry with her and especially the ones she cares and love.

His brother closes his eyes taking a deep breath thinking a bit like he is thinking right words.

"Please say something" she demands with tears welling up in big round orbs.

Seeing tears in his sister's eyes he let go of his anger "Stop crying babysis yeah you are right dad is angry with you as you did a mistake but I'm not angry.. I'm just upset and disappointed that you didn't tell me about your boyfriend"

His words gave her the shock of century feeling like a thief after getting caught she looks for words but her mind questioning her about how did he got to know about it.

"Why you didn't tell me don't you have faith on your brother" he asks

"No it's just I wanted to but I was looking for right moment" she answers looking at her feet.

He cups her face making her face him "Listen having a boyfriend and loving someone is not wrong at all but hiding it is, Dad is raged by the fact that he is not rich"

"But money is not everything" she protests.

"Yeah you are right Erika but dad is also not wrong look you are young and very innocent you think everyone is like you, in reality it's not like that there are very bad and manipulative people out there who are sitting with baits to catch good people like you and we don't want that in fact I won't hesitate in killing anyone who hurts you" he says with serious expression.

"No but Troy is not like that he would never hurt me he loves me brother I love him he cares about me, protects me, helps me and respects me brother he'll never do it" she speaks quickly explaining their relationship.

He sighs "Alright after knowing about it dad wanted to send you to New York but I stopped him" she helplessly shakes her head in no terrified by the thought of leaving Troy "but I convinced him that I'll see it so I want to meet that guy and if I'll find anything bad in him then I'll beat his ass off and if your words are proved true then I'll convince dad" he looks at her.


"Alright Thank You brother" she hugs him sure that he'll like Troy as he don't have any badness in him.

Troy sighs cracking his fingers closing his book after doing his hectic homework he starts to work on the car parked in his garage "Let's see beautiful why are you sad" he speaks to car checking its engine.

Erika sees him working on car looking handsome in his black vest with joggers, tiptoeing quietly she makes her way towards him and slips inside the car from its already open door grinning silently she is ready to surprise him, she honks the horn of car making startle.

"What the fu.." he steps back closing the bonnet with a thud, his eyes falls on the little devil sitting inside the car laughing "Damn it" saying he runs at her.

She hops out of the car running laughing,

"Stop Erika" saying he gets her holding her from behind his arms wrapping her up on waist picking her up he walks inside his garage making her sit on car "When did you came you are such a little mice"

"Me mice you were the one who got scared like a mice" she crosses her arms.

He chuckles "Okay you got me now where's my kiss" he says keeping his hands on both of sides blocking her.

"Today no kiss" she sulks making face like a kid.

"Why is that?" he pouts,

"Where were you whole day no text nothing" she complains.

"Yeah I was doing homework then work sorry" he replies feeling guilty.

"Hey, I'm just joking I know how hard you work" she gives his hand a sqeeze "I came here to tell you something"

"Say" he looks at her.

"My dad and brother know everything" she confess bitting her lip.

"So what it's a great thing that you told them about us" he says confidently.

"I didn't even I myself don't know who did it" she shrugs her shoulder.

"I really wanna thank whoever he or she is even I don't like hiding our love from anyone in fact I want to tell everyone about it" he smiles.

"Same Troy.. But you don't know my father he is.. He believes in status and class a lot.. He is angry with me, so my brother has decided to help us" she looks in his eyes.

"How?" he asks.

"He wants to meet you he have promised me that if he'll like you then he'll talk about us to my dad" she says playing with her fingers nervously.

"Do you think he'll like me? what if he'll reject me?" before he could further say anything else her soft lips touches his making him quite.

"No one can hate you, I know he'll like you" her eyes shinning she gives him an squeezing hug.

The crackling of fire burning in chimney is the only voice in room, Erika looks at her brother who is working with his glasses on, he notice her staring "What?" he asks.

"No.. nothing" she babbles taking a sip from her hot chocolate, his brother have no idea that she had invited Troy to meet him.

The knock makes her jump from sofa, his brother looks at her strange behavior "I'll get it" she runs at the door.

Opening it she finds Troy standing wearing light blue shirt with blue jeans and a jacket over it, he smiles looking at her in her adorable pajamas.

"Brother is in living room" she whispers.

"Who's there Erika?" saying Ethan comes eager to find the who is the guest.


"Brother it's Troy my boyfriend" she speaks nervously moving aside letting him see Troy.

Troy was masking it but he was nervous not because he is scared but mainly of two reasons first, that's it's the first time he is meeting her family and secondly he is afraid of the consequences if he'll reject Troy.

"So it's you come in" Ethan says firmly.

He gets inside the hot cozy house, looking how big it is, he follows him in living room with Erika walking beside him.

Ethan throws his file on table putting of his glasses he sighs "Yeah I'm Ethan Dashwood, Erika's brother" he extends out his hand.

"Troy Adams Erika's boyfriend" he accepts it giving it a shake.

"Have a seat" he sits and so does Troy.

"Finally we met" Ethan observing his attitude and his self, he looks poor yet he don't look like a punk but he do give him an rebel vibes.

"Yeah but I have heard a lot about you Erika speaks very high of you" Troy says looking at sideways at her.

"Oh why not after all I'm her brother and she loves me but she have never spoke anything about you maybe she don't love you" Troy understand that he is trying to bring out a reaction out of him, so he regain his composer.

"Erika's love is the last thing I'll ever doubt on" he replies.

"Troy tell me something about your family?" he asks.

"I lost my mother when I was born and then my father step-mother left me" he answers feeling saddened by his past.

"What you do?"

"I'm a car mechanic" Troy replies not feeling a bit ashamed he feels proud of himself.

Listening to him Ethan clears his throat clearly bothered by his status "Erika why don't you get a coffee for Troy" he asks or tells Erika.

Erika frowns at his words he don't want to leave his brother alone with Troy, she is certain that his brother can say hurtful things to him thinking it as an act for her betterment.

"Don't worry Erika I'm not gonna kill Troy, not today" he speaks with a hint of threat in his tone doing it on purpose to scare Erika.

Slowly she walks out her eyes looking at Troy, who passes her smile giving her a gesture to not worry.

"We can talk more clearly now boy" Ethan breathes out heavily "So you fix cars" he nods "Troy look I'm not saying that you are a bad guy I have seen a lot of people in life, that had gave me an advantage of identifying their true self, and I can tell that you are a good guy but not a guy for my sister"

His remarks makes hurt but he knew he would say something like that.

"Erika is my younger sister I love her like she's my child, she is young and naive she don't know what's good for her and what's not" he says looking at Troy "That makes it my devoir to save her from bad"

Troy was upset from his words he says that he is not a bad guy and on the other hand he says he is bad, he wants to say it to him but he keeps listening to him just for Erika as he knows she respects and love her brother a lot.

"Look around you Troy this luxury, richness this is from where she belongs to, no matter how many times she says that all these things doesn't matter to her but deep down they do she is herself addicted to all this and in future with you she'll realize then it'll be bad for both of you"

He smiles exhaling in sarcasm and on the reality.

"I know my words are pretty harsh for you but it's all true"

"Erika loves me and I love her, maybe you can doubt on her but I can never doubt on her but I also know you are thinking for her good so let me assure you that even I wanna give all these luxuries to her, I know money can't buy you happiness yet I don't want her to see the harsh realities one have to suffer when they don't have money because I have seen them, I will give her every happiness in life" Ethan listens to his words analysing them if they have any lie in them but to his surprise they didn't.

"You really think you can achieve all these, what you are gonna do for that?" Ethan asks raising an eyebrow.

He feels like he is in middle of an interview "I'm getting an scholarship in Ryerson University in Toronto I'm gonna study automobile engineering and MBA there"

"That's great but don't you think your distance will break your relationship" he cuts him in middle.

He just can't figure out why he is trying to prove that their relationship won't work "These distance will not break it but it'll make our relationship more strong, so strong that no one would be able to break it"

"Such lines look good pasted in books Troy" he says with a smirk.

"True but it becomes true when life incarnates into a beautiful book" Troy replies proudly.

"Really are you sure that you can give everything to her" he asks.

"I know it's gonna be hard but it's not impossible" Troy answers believing in himself.

"But I can't play with my sister's life on your promise so I would suggest you to break up with her" his words hurts him he can't even think of breaking up "I'm sorry Troy but it's for the best for both of you"

Before he could say anything Erika enters in room with coffee in her hands, sensing the silence between Ethan and Troy she could tell something has gone wrong, thinking what could have been it she gets tensed and nervous a weird kind of ache forms in her stomach making her stumble, the hot coffee spills on her hand the hot liquid dances on her soft hand producing an burning sensation, she hiss in pain.

"Erika" taking her name loudly Troy gets up and rushes towards her "Are you alright show me" babbling he quickly takes out his handkerchief and starts wiping the coffee "Is it hurt, give it to me" taking cup from her hand he puts it on an small table,

"I'm fine Troy it's just a bit of coffee it's nothing" she reassures him.

He blows on her hand "We need to apply something cold on it"

"Troy it's okay" he looks into her eyes.

Ethan kept seeing the way Troy was acting finding her hurt, a small hiss of her pain made him so worried like he can also feel her pain, the way he was taking care of her this small act spoke thousands of words about his true love for Erika this makes him to think over their relationship.

"So Troy what you guys were talking about, tell brother what you think of Troy" Erika asks wanting to know about his brother's thoughts.

Troy stares at him saddened and nervous as he knows that what Ethan would say will break Erika's heart,

"I think" he pauses looking at Troy,

His pause of few moments seems like hours to them.

"That Troy is a great guy and he really and truly loves you" Troy wide eyed looks at him in shock "Yeah though I wanted to separate both of you as you don't belong to our class but after seeing how much care you have for my sister amazes me, I thought only I can care about her that much but you proved me wrong I'm glad on it so I approve your relationship and I'll myself will talk and convince dad on it"

Erika happily hugs her brother, while Troy keeps staring at him in shock.

"Yeah Troy I know I gave you a shock of the year but I accept you as long as you don't make my sister cry we are good" he says threatening and smiling at the same time.

"Thank You brother" she says smiling ear to ear.

"Anything for you babysis" he smiles.

Erika happily and excitedly hugs Troy and he reciprocate it beaming, seeing them hug in front of him Ethan clears his throat.

Erika laughs at his reaction feeling relieved with his brother giving a thumps up to their relationship.

"I love seeing stars with you I can spend my whole life like this" Erika sighs keeping her head on his shoulder.

"Me too" he kisses her temple, sitting beside her.

The huge lawn has put on a white blanket over it, the clear sky above looks studded with diamonds, Troy covers her with the thick shawl they both have on.

"I can't express in words how glad I'm that my brother accepted you" she murmured her head still resting over his shoulder.

"And I can't express how shocked I'm" he replies chuckling.

"I'm not shocked I told you no one can hate you" she argues.

"Yeah but he had a genuine reason to hate me after all I'm a poor kid in love with a princess and such fools like me are destined to get punished" Troy mocks.

"Shut up or I'll spill that hot coffee again on you" she thinks how nice and understanding her brother is not just he accepted her relationship but he also gave them time to spend together "My mother also loves you"

Troy gives her an questionable look.

"There she is she looks at us always and twinkles" she points at star a little big then the others.

He looks at it and it seems to twinkle more than others he smiles his eyes a bit wet "And my mother loves you" saying he points at another star beside the first one.

Erika giggles with tears in her eyes, Troy cups her small face stroking gently on her smooth skin.

"Troy nothing will go wrong right?" she asks "As I'm not strong anymore to bear anything else"

"No Erika I love you and I promise you that nothing can and will go wrong now only great things will happen in our life I promise and now stop crying or if your brother will see it he'll shoot my ass off" they both giggles, Troy seizes his promise with planting soft kiss on her temple.

"Erika" a voice makes them to come out of their perfect moment, she turns her eyes falling on James standing tall glaring at them his jaws clenched.

They both stands and Troy gets angered and shocked to see him in front of him and by the fact that she knows him, he is relived that he told everything about that underground fight or he is sure he could have used it against him in front of Erika.

"Erika it's so cold out here you shouldn't be here or you'll get cold" He speaks his voice decorated with fake concern, he glares at Troy "Who is he your new servant"

"James he is Troy my boyfriend" Erika says quickly piqued by his remark.

"Oh.. I'm sorry man my bad by the way I'm James Hudson though I know you know my name Troy Adams I'm Ethan's friend nice to meet you" he speaks with a feign tone.

"Wish I could say the same" Troy glares at him in vexation.

Erika notices the way Troy is looking at him like he wants to kill him.

"I always thought you are naive Erika but you really are I mean you have literally picked up your love from streets, that reminds me that you said you are not good at taking care of expensive things that explains your choice of boyfriend" he chuckles.

Troy makes a fist of his palm ready to charge at him, but a sensation of her soft hand wrapping it up calms him he looks at her smiling slyly.

He wanted Troy to hit him so he could make a huge deal out of it.

"No James I'm not naive I know what is good for me that's why I have chosen Troy" she answers she is disgusted the way he is behaving with Troy and his comparing love and money disgusts her even more.

"And James I'm not poor I have wealth of Erika's love it makes me the richest guy" Troy states strongly.

Hearing their words he paces out of the house, he punches on his car in frustration "I can't believe this stupid Ethan said yes to their relationship, it means now I would have to take things in my hands, fly lovebirds as much as you can as soon I'll burn your wings" he speaks to himself menacingly.

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