《For-Getting You》Chapter 42. The Promise


"Good Morning beautiful" Troy whispers in her ears.

His raspy sleepy voice sounds like a velvety melody to her she hums in reply.

"Wake up it's your birthday" he says again, that goes in vain as she does not wake up but snuggles up to him more.

After protesting a bit like a child she opens her eyes looking at him.

"Good Morning Happy Birthday" he chimes again.

"Morning, Thank You" she speaks in sleepy voice.

"You always look this beautiful in morning" he sides her locks from her face.

"Shut up I know I look like a zombie right now, it's too early Troy I think we should sleep a little more" she says with puppy eyes, not wanting him to leave.

"I would love to but I don't think so your brother will like me here like this" he points at his shirtless self.

"Okay and yeah it was the most peaceful sleep I had in long time, you are very cuddly feels like you are filled with jellybean" she removes her arm from him

He chuckles "Happy Birthday, I'll come at ten to pick you up"

"Where?" wide eyed in excitement she asks.

"Surprise" he puts on his shirt and jacket.

"Promise me you won't do something stupid like last night" saying she sits.

"Promise Love You" he gives her an tender kiss on her lips.

"Love You too" she watches him leave silently from window without making any noise, looking at her stupid lover she smiles thinking about him, falling on her pillow sleeping again.

Erika looks at herself in mirror, her maroon solid sweater and black jeans suits her pretty much and is totally comfortable, applying her gloss she smiles at her reflection.

Ethan knocks her door, she tells him to come in, he gets in wearing suit shirt and expensive looking black coat ready for work, "Happy Birthday babysis" he opens his arms.

She hugs him tight "Thank You brother" she grins.

"So ask whatever you want I'll make your every wish come true" he looks at his only sister lovingly.

She really want him to tell about Troy but she scares of his reaction, he may look like sweet guy but he is very aggressive as well, she have seen him how he glares at the guys who stares at her, it almost seems like he'll kill them "No brother I don't want anything"

"My little sister don't want anything but I'll give her something" saying he brings out an small beautifully wrapped box.

She looks at it with curiosity.

"Open it" he urges her smiling.

She opens it up and finds beautiful shining diamonds earrings in it, an paper flower single drop earring with an aquamarine gemstone engraved in middle surrounded by diamonds, she is in awe in beauty of it.

"Liked it?"

"Loved it Thank You so much brother it's so beautiful" she hugs him.

"Anything for my babysis" he strokes her head gently "Dad also bought you a dress though he won't be able to come in evening he have an seminar and conference"

She knew that he is not interested in her birthday and the things you knew saves you from getting hurt. She nods.

"Okay now come downstairs and have breakfast" saying he leaves.

Putting her gift in her cupboard she goes downstairs, she turns to kitchen and bumps with the last person she wanted to see "You?"

"Yeah me" he says amused by her, leaning against the wall.

"What are you doing here?" she asks crossing her arms.

"I was waiting for you" he replies as his cunning eyes scans her, looking at her legs he licks his lips.


"You don't have to" saying she starts to walk away but he stops her grabbing her arm, she didn't like the way he grabs her she glares up at James in anger.

"Happy Birthday" saying he loses his grip his menacing eyes still holding the gaze, he picks out an long black box "For you take it"

She hates him, she don't want to accept it but she have to, he is his brother's friend, disinterested in his gift she takes it from him "Thank You" she says in low voice.

"See it first" he says.

She opens it, and shining of diamonds reflects on her face, she looks at the delicately lying necklace in black box, the chain studded with diamonds a square cut red ruby pendant in middle with small diamonds around it. It was beautiful no doubt she would have loved to buy it, but she don't want to accept such an expensive gift especially from him.

"I knew you'll like it" he says looking at her amused by the thought of her wearing it, he had secretly engraved an mine on the back of the necklace, he already feels satisfied by the thought of her wearing it.

"It is very beautiful Thank You but" his smiles fades "but I can't accept it"

"Why?" he asks angered by her reaction.

"Because it's very expensive and I can't accept such an costly and precious thing I'm not good in even handling them, sorry" don't know why but she feels like Rose from Titanic and he gives her the vibes of Hockley like he wanted to buy Rose by jewels and he is doing the same thing, handing him the box she starts walking.

He get hold of her arm tightly stopping her "I just told you that I bought this for you the moment I saw this in store I knew it's made for you you worth it and when I said take it I didn't ask you I told you so you have to accept it or I'm gonna break it in front of you" his words looks like threat.

For the first time he scared her she is usually annoyed by him but today his threatening tone scares but a part of her hates it the way he is ordering her trying dominating her like she is some submissive of his, it angers her, he doesn't own her, writhing she manages to get out of his grip.

He stares at her squinting his eyes irritated by her disobedience.

Before she could say anything Ethan's voice booms in corridor "What's going on?"

They both look in his direction, thinking about consequences what Ethan will do if he'll know about his behaviour with his sister, he changes his demeanor.

"Hey man I was waiting for you" Ethan walks toward them without saying anything.

"So Erika what's going on?" he turns to his sister.

She really want to tell him about his jerk of a friend but she don't want his brother to get into a fight because of her, she don't want to involve him in it she have to handle James by herself.

"Nothing man I was arguing with your sister" Ethan looks at him "Look I bought an present for her but she won't accept it" he speaks calmly.

She can't believe he is such an bipolar he switched his personality in an snap he is a total fake she thinks in herself "Yeah brother I can't accept his gift it's too costly"

"Let me see" Ethan examines the box he opens it whistling at it amused, he looks at James with an unreadable expression, he know him how he is with girls and he giving expensive gift to his sister bothers him but he thinks that maybe he bought it for her as an brother just like him "Erika I know it's too much and you don't like such things but as now he have bought it for you as a present then accept it"


"But brother" he cuts her.

"Yeah I know you think it's costly but don't go on his face he may look poor but he can afford it" he mocks him making her laugh.

James frown at his joke, giving her the gift again.

"Thank You" saying she leaves them.

Erika applies her mascara, ready for the party, she told Ethan that she don't want an huge party but he didn't listen, just told her to be ready, when she started getting ready she find two dresses in her room one was from her father and one from James, James gift was again too much for her first it was expensive and then not her type, it was an long fitted black gown with an high slit and an very deep neck and back, looking at the dress made her uncomfortable imagining herself in that makes her hide herself, she don't like wearing revealing dresses and wearing that in front of her brother is a big no.

So she wears the gift from her father, an cute looking baby pink off shoulder dress with transparent short sleeves, the two layer of dress makes it look more pretty thick solid fabric inside and transparent fabric hugging it from outside gives it a nice flow as it fits perfectly on her waist and flows all the way down till her knees, her long blond hairs curled and cascading on her back making her look like a princess, happily she twirls feeling beautiful in dress "Happy Birthday Erika"

Smiling she comes outside expecting her brother will come to pick her up, her smile disappears seeing James leaning against his car wearing black suit smoking.

His eyes looks at her, he finds her beautiful in this pink princess outwit but he really wanted to see her in that dress he gave her to wear.

Slowly she walks towards him, her good luck that he without uttering any word opens the door for her, she gets inside his car, he closes the door with thud.

"Where's Ethan?" she asked wanting to know the cause of his absence.

"He is at club" he keeps driving looking straight, "Why you didn't wear the dress I buy for you" he finally asks his question, he was annoyed by her going against him.

"I don't wear dress like that it was not my type" she answers him with surety.

He frowns keeping his head straight.

Finally the awkward and silent ride comes to an end, his car stops in front of their club, without giving him chance to get out she hopes out of it, looking at the posh club, annoyed by her he sighs handing his keys to the wallet. They both walk inside the beautiful looking club music engulfs her ears as she gets inside.

"You look like a princess babysis" Ethan comes from behind her.

"Thank You my handsome brother" she smooths his tie.

"Look who's there" he points in direction of her friends Mary Erik and others even people she barely talk to have also come in her party.

Only one person is not here from her life and that is her life Troy. She really wish if he could have come to party, as much as she is scared of Troy meeting her brother and father she also want to introduce him to them.

"Happy Birthday girl" Mary gives her a tight hug looking pretty as ever in her royal blue cocktail dress.

"Thank You Mary" she makes her emotional.

"Happy Birthday Erika" saying Erik gives her an light hug, he looks good, today they are wearing matching outwit Erik is wearing an blue blazer jacket with black jeans and shirt "Your gift" he hands her a small cutely wrapped up box.

"This one is from me" Mary announces happily "Troy is not coming?"

"No he said he'll come to pick me up at ten" she whispers in her ear.

Mary smiles wiggling her eyebrows.

Her brother organised a big party for her birthday though she told him that she don't want an huge one, a small cozy family warming birthday would have been great as well, since now he have done it in an extravagant way then she'll enjoy it as well.

She cuts the cake, danced with her friends, drank, laughed and enjoyed her party, she also found many girls of her school drooling over her brother, the one who envies her was also super sweet with her tonight just to get Ethan's number, she also noticed that James is also quite popular among girls, her brother keeps avoiding them and on the contrary James was enjoying all the attention, she even saw him going somewhere with an girl it doesn't bother her it's just he is always hawking over her and as its almost ten she needs to fled and it's right moment to do it.

"Erika where are you leaving?" Ethan enquires seeing her leaving.

"I was.. I" she really don't know what to say.

"With us" her two saviours comes on right moment.

"Where?" he asks squinting his eyes.

"To my home we'll spend time together" Mary tells Ethan trying her best to save her friend.

"Alright take care" he looks at them for seconds ending up agreeing.

The three of them leaves the club giving hi-wi to each other.

She knew that he'd be waiting for her, her inner voice was right he founds him sitting on his bike wearing his black leather jacket waiting for her with patience.

"Here you go Cinderella your prince is waiting" Mary nod as Erik says with grin over his face.

Thanking both of them she runs to him happily to finally see him. He takes her little form in his arms picking her up giving a swirl as she giggles.

"Happy Birthday love" he speaks in his deep voice.

"Thank You" she replies smiling.

"Now come on let's go" he wraps her in an huge thick jacket saving her from harsh winter weather.

The bike hit the road growling, they both look at each other smiling.

He stops his bike in an empty looking place, there's no one, no sound expect the sound of his bike and insects.

"Where are we?" she looks around and then finds an sparkling light in front of her.

He takes her hand smiling, guiding her towards the light, as they reach the spot, her eyes runs around her the beautiful decoration was captivating, in awe she looked around how nicely Troy have decorated the place making a small place with white curtains surrounding two white chairs and table, box of cake on top resting over rose petals gathered in heart shape, an round big swing with fluffy mattress and cushions hanging on tree a bon fire in front crackling sound of woods seems like a melody giving a soothing vibe to it everything lighten up by sparkling fairy string lights making it really look like a place straight from fairytale.

"Wow Troy it looks straight from fairytale" she squeals happily.

"It had to after all it's for a fairy" he says with amused expression.

Taking her towards the table he opens the box of cake, a small round homemade strawberry cake decorated with strawberries on top "Happy Birthday" he wishes her smiling.

"Thank You, you made it?" she questions though it was clearly a cake by some amateur but still it looks super cute and pretty.

"Yeah I did I know I'm not great at it but I tried I hope it'll taste better than it look" he rubs his back of neck embarrassed.

She cuts the cake he like kid sings happy birthday song for her clapping, she finds him adorable doing it. She cuts out a small piece taking it towards him, eating a bit of it he makes her eat it.

"Hmm" her eyes goes wide from its taste its delicious "It's as good as it looks it's perfect" she says taking another bite while he chuckles at her.

He plays their song on his mobile asking her hand for dance, slowly they both starts dancing, his hands wrapped around her, her arms around his neck, she puts her head on his stiff chest swaying on music, she closes her eyes listening his soft heartbeats, she feels so calm her like this with him "I just had an huge party which I enjoyed but nothing can replace this I feel so good here with you I really wish I could just stop everything and spent my whole life here with you" she speaks softly.

He stops dancing looking at her, he guides her forward, standing on a small hill she looks at the small houses, with an questioning expression she looks at him, he arches his eyebrow up pointing her to look up.

She looks at the sky shinning with millions of stars looking like God have thrown millions of diamonds around, she looks at them mesmerized by them "It's beautiful" she murmured.

"It is" he says but looking at her "I know you deserve much more than this even I thought of buying you an expensive dress and jewels, wanted to take you to an posh hotel with a huge chandelier sparkling above you.. But I failed so I tried my best to make you happy" he smiles sadly.

"I don't want them.. And who need an expensive dress when I have your jacket that keeps me warm protecting me from harsh winter, who needs a posh hotel with huge chandelier when I'm in this amazing place with the most beautiful chandelier of God sparkling right above us, I don't think that any money can buy these alluring gifts" she raises her eyebrow.

Listening her words he feels overwhelmed by emotions "Close your eyes" smiling she does her thick long eyelashes touches her cheek, excited what he'll do, slowly he walks behind her, his presence makes her shudder awakening the goosebumps all the way on her body, bringing out his gift from his pocket he puts it over her slim smooth neck.

She feels something cold on her skin she is certain of it being an necklace and imagines how it looks, he locks it around her neck, she opens her eyes eyes falling on the gift resting on her neck.

She beams into happiness looking at it hanging on silver chain there was a round crystal emitting the colors of auroras, studded inside an silver base with little snow flakes design around it, it looks like it have captured the auroras from the sky in it, she has never seen a necklace like this before, just looking at it makes her feel sublime.

"It's gorgeous it's perfect" she speaks smiling stroking the necklace feeling it.

"I'm glad you liked it" he grins.

"No one can hate it, it's just perfect Thank You"

"But it's not the only thing my other gift to you is special" standing in front of her he takes her hand in his "My other gift for you is my promise, though I have broke them couple of times but this promise will stay with you forever"

When he took her hand in his she really thought he is proposing thank goodness he didn't she is too young and clearly not ready to marry.

"My first promise is I'll give you every happiness of this world, I know money can't buy that and you don't like someone spending it on you but I want to give you everything and I promise I'll make it happen and not by those stupid stunts I did, I'll earn it by working hard I'll achieve the heights of success for you"

"My second promise to you is that, I'll always be with you, even if you want me to leave I'll leave but I'll still be there for you I'll live every second, every moment of my life for you.. I'll be like auroras in sky of your life even if you can't see me I'll always be there for you, I would never betray you, hurt you, doubt you and leave you"

His words brings pools of tears in her eyes, she got so many presents today but his present was perfect gift for her. Crying she embraces him.

They both look above, the magical auroras dances on sky, the green with blue colors seems like hugging each other merging in one another spreading over the sky, they move in synch and her dream of watching them came true tonight and in arms of her love makes it more special.

He raises her chin gently kissing her sugary sweet pink lips, under the dazzling auroras, it looks like Gods themselves blessing them, she keeps her head on his chest as they both watch the alluring auroras.

He sees everything from far hiding behind an tree seeing them kiss makes him to shoot Troy on the spot, angered by what he saw he leaves clenching his jaws and fists. He runs inside his big modern house and starts throwing almost everything in living room in rage, the picture of Erika kissing Troy flashes in front if him, he curse himself why did he saw it, but he feels good on his decision to follow her.

After fucking and discharging all his frustrations on an quite desperate highschool girl he felt relived he was just on his way back when he saw Erika running towards some guy, the guy twirls her and took her on bike, the darkness of jealousy and aggression engulfs him so he decided to follow them and he found that she is in love with that guy, he can't imagine that how can she be so dumb that she fell in love with a guy who is a dirt of streets and how she rejected his expensive necklace but was so happy by that garbage he gave her.

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