《For-Getting You》Chapter 41. For You


"Man I have no idea what I should do on her birthday to make her feel special" Troy huffs falling on bean bag.

He looks at Erik for answer who is busy chatting, he looks around for something to throw at him, finding an paper he makes a ball of it throwing at him "What the.. bro you aimed at my eye" he says rubbing his eye hit by paper ball.

"As your eyes were in your mobile, and stop exaggerating it was an paper ball not an metal one, now cut this crap and help me" he says.

"Alright.. alright when's her birthday?" he asks.

"This week on sat.. Thank God I somehow managed to know it or she didn't want to tell me" Troy replies.


"She thinks that if I'll know it I'll do something which will cut my pocket and she knows that she fell in love with an poor kid" he chuckles.

"So still you want your pocket to get cut" he arches his eyebrow "buy her a dress or some accessories"

"That's not enough although giving her all the precious things is also not enough but I want to make her feel special.. make her birthday unforgettable" Troy speaks with dreams in his oceanic eyes, dreams for giving his love all the happiness.

"You can make her feel special and make it unforgettable by simple thing" Erik says with mischievous smirk.

"What?" he asks not understanding his reference.

"Sex" he smirks.

"Do you want me to throw wrench at you" he shows him his tool "Shut up"

"Joking hothead" he raise his hand in surrender "Then take her on date to an expensive restaurant, buy her an elegant dress"

"I like this idea" Troy thinks about her reaction, how happy she'll be at her surprise, he was lost in his imagination but Erik brings him back a splash of reality.

"But damn it's gonna cost you a lot, from where you'll manage the money I can offer help" Troy looks at him "but I know you would say no so I think we should do an robbery in bank" he jokes to lighten the mood.

"You are right.. I have to do something" he murmured, running his mind to find some way.

Troy walks on the empty street, he tried many things to earn money but those were not enough, tomorrow is her birthday and it's his last chance, the cold December breeze hits his face as he walks with his hands in his pocket, the beer and liquor shops filled with people looks alive, he is at the bad side of town, in night not good people comes here at least this is what everyone says but Troy doesn't care all he cares is to make her happy and he is here for that, he heard from one of his friend that there's a club that organise underground fights here the winner gets money, he knows that it's dangerous to be at such place, he knows that he can get hurt but he don't care about himself but her.

He knows she won't like it when She'll know it but he'll make her understand, that's why he didn't even tell Erik about it or he would've started giving him lecture, he turns in an alley it's dark around him it's lighten a bit by the light board of club, he looks at it which reads "Prisons" finally reaching his destination he sighs speaking in himself "I'm sorry Erika but trust I'm doing this for you"

"Hey, kid I think you are at wrong place we don't sell milk here" a man with bulky muscle having facial hairs more than his hairs on head says eyeing him up.


"I'm at right place, I'm here to fight" Troy replies with confidence.

He laughs "Listen kid it's not some movie you must have watched this is reality, fight in there is not for young boys like you, so I advise you to leave and go home your family would be waiting for you" he points at the club and then to exit.

"I don't have anyone to wait for me, now let me in" Troy says,

The man stares at him for a moment seeing the stubborn guy he finds an weird unrest in his eyes he sighs letting him go "Kid all the best" he says making him turn, the man was able to see that this boy was not messing around.

Troy get inside the club filled with people and smell of sweat and alcohol, he hates the smell of it, the club was huge, filled with all of bad peoples, few making out in corners few on couches some taking drugs and dancing like they are in their own world, dressed in almost nothing girls dancing on stage hanging on poles mens of age of their father abusing them calling them with derogatory words, he feel really bad for them, with music playing around him and his vision partially blind due to the continuous show of laser lighting in club, he looks here and there for place he have come for, a scantly dressed girl walks up to him, he looks at her face which was beautiful but all covered in makeup.

"Are you looking for something maybe I can show you" she slurs in his ears seductively, her hands touching his face and other one holding him close.

He feels nothing for her expect bad, for few money she had to do things no one likes, he thinks his condition same for money he is also here to do something that can cost his life, he is getting uncomfortable and annoyed by her touch, he don't want and don't like someone else to touch him expect her love Erika, he manages to find the board of Fight Club without insulting her he gently removes her hands from himself setting himself free and leaves the girl staring at him wide eyed clearly experiencing rejection and respect together for the first time.

He walks in the other room much bigger with men crowded around an boxing ring, they were giving money to an punk looking guy with piercings and tattoos even on his face, he personally wants to run away from this club but his love stops him, walking to the counter in corner an guy with red colored hairs almost looking like flames with piercing on his lips glares at him "I want to sign up for next fight"

"Alright so you wanna die, cool if you won you'll be rewarded and if you lose than we will not pay anything and you are doing this willingly lastly we won't be blamed for anything that happens to you in there" he says eating gum.

"Agreed" he hands him an paper to write his name and sign he almost feels like he is doing a deal of his life with devil, he looks at the ongoing fight where an huge guy beats the heck out of his opponent.

"Second thoughts" he chews his gum.

He gulps down his fear and signs it. He sees the ongoing fight looking the guy who is winning it, he was older than Troy with brown hairs and beards, tattoo of a huge lion roaring craved on his chest, he was very taller than him, he looks at the moves he is doing the most in fight and he noticed that he is throwing his opponent a lot, he is scared but he is also confident on himself, finally the match comes to end with the lion guy winning it.


The lion tattooed guy could have won the money but now as Troy is the last participant he have to fight him, Troy get into the ring shirtless his black faded jeans had little dust over it like his opponent a cloth tied around his fist, his opponent have blood on them already, the guy looked at Troy and smirks seeing a young easy opponent.

Troy's lean physique, nothing in front of his gigantic body, Troy stares at him trying to find the right spot of his weakness, he know he is stronger than him hence he needs to be smarter.

An girl wearing shimmery clothes which will be tighter on kid, comes between the ring to announce the start of fight, the crowd starts cheering, before Troy could do anything the huge guy punches him on face making him fall, the cheers doubled from the crowd, moving his head from right to left Troy gains his vision which was blurred by the impact of his punch, he stands again wiping the blood from corner of his lips, the guy runs at Troy, he moves away failing his attempt, he is strong but Troy have an advantage he is fast.

The massive bag of muscles sort of guy growls at his speed and runs for him again this time he catches Troy, to get free of his tight grip Troy punches his face, turning his face to left though it doesn't hurt him much, he slowly straights his head glaring at Troy, Troy looks at him surprised that he is not hurt by his punch just a cut on his cheek that's it, picking up Troy like a rag doll he throws him in the middle of the ring.

He hiss in pain it feels like all the bones in his body is screaming his body was bruised bleeding the crowd was shouting Hunter but all he could hear was a sound of beep he could hear a bit of counting going on around him he breathes, his throat dry his eyes getting tired his self is about to give in but then the face of his love Erika smiling at him comes in his mind reminding him that he is doing this for her for her happiness he can't give up he opens his eyes, still groaning in pain he turns finding him charging at him with an metal rod, his all instincts comes in attention, just as the Hunter swings the rod to hit him he kicks him on groin.

The massive Hunter steps back with metal rod falling from his hand, he screams, the cheers goes silent seeing the winner crying in pain, Troy takes the opportunity standing again, and punching him across face, drops of blood along with his saliva comes from his mouth, seeing Troy beating him the cheers again start, Troy feels powerful he had been in fights with many guys but this is first time when he is beating an professional sort of fighter, the guy manages to hit Troy twice he dodges his other hits kicking him on chest making him stumble, Hunter get hold of Troy again trying to crush his bones, Troy shouts in agony making him laugh showing his bloodstained teeth, Troy takes his head backwards and hit him with it with full force, though it hurt him as well but sound of broken nose was clear, as he leaves Troy, clutching his nose shouting, angered he runs at Troy screaming, Troy delivering an uppercut makes him stumble back again.

This time Troy screams charging at him, he jumps high in air with his fist ready to hit him, he punches him on head making him fall in ring with a thud, everyone starts count but the guy was knocked out, the girl comes again inside shouting Troy's name as winner, a smile shine at his bleeding face he feels powerful, looking at the huge boxer unconscious, the feeling of winning was giving him strength to forget the pain he is feeling in his body, everyone clapping and cheering for him he have seen it in basketball game but this public is telling the reality of society to Troy as he sees them cheering for him moments ago they were cheering for the other guy, it shows the crowd starts to walk with the powerful leaving the weak behind it makes him believe that he always have to be strong.

Troy cleans his jeans wearing his jacket again thank goodness the changing room had an shower he needed an one at least the blood stopped dripping, ready to take the prize money he stands in front of the same guy who wrote his name for fight.

"Here you are, should say bro you were great in there, you can fight for us permanently if you want" the guy says to Troy standing from his chair counting 7000 dollars.

"Thank you but I don't think so my muscles can handle it regularly" he jokes making him smile, Troy is in good mood now after all he have the money to make Erika's day special he feels relieved by this thought.

The guy counting money up raises it towards him, before he can take it an familiar voice booms in room stopping them.

"Wait Lucas"

He turns his face to his left, an dark figure approaches them, he can't see his face in the dim light where he stands, the men walks up to them, his face coming into light, he looks at him squinting his eyes, Troy finally recognize him to be the same guy who came in his garage days ago and ended up arguing.

"Hey pal remember me" he taunts Troy "what's going on here Lucas" he snatches the money from his hand.

"He won the match boss" that Lucas guy replies him confused by his actions.

"Oh.. So this street kid won" Troy glares at him "Congratulations bro" he claps laughing in disbelief "Well they rightly say that everything is possible" he stops laughing his cunning face back to his usual arrogant expression "But beating the fuck out of my fighter and thinking that you can leave taking the money from my club is not possible and when I hate you it makes things even worse"

"I need that money it's mine" Troy speaks in anger every word precisely.

"It's mine this club is mine, I control each and every fucking thing of it everything is under my control I'm James Hudson and remember when we met outside your trash, I did made myself clear that you'll pay for it and now you won't be paid because of that, you won't get a single fuckin penny from here" he says menacingly standing in front of him strongly with his hands and money in his trousers pocket.

His words fills Troy with indignant, his blood boiling, his fists ready to break his face, his fury takes over him he grabs collars of his expensive looking suit shirt "Give me my money" he speaks looking at him if eyes could kill the guy would have been dead by now.

His bouncers approaches them seeing their boss in danger, they all pull Troy away from James, Troy let go of his shirt harshly making him stumble back.

"Throw this fuckin piece of shit out of here" he says fixing his shirt.

"Leave me" Troy screams struggling to get out of the grip of two gigantic mens, he glares at James in anger wanting to kill him he keep struggling but his already wounded body is tired.

With a thud they throw him out of the club closing the door. He stands up from the ground running towards it stumbling a bit "Give me my money" he shouts trying to enter the club but the same men he met while entering the club stops him.

"Hey.. hey.. kid don't go in there, if you have loose then they'll never give you your money back" he says stopping him holding his arm.

"I didn't loose I never do I won, yet that son of a bitch is not giving me my money I need it" Troy explains feeling helpless.

"Listen son this place is not good for you these people in there are way to dangerous they'll kill you and no one will ever know where did you vanished, I can see you don't want the money for yourself then think of the person for whom you are doing this will they'll be able to live if anything happens to you, no they won't that's makes you more important than the money now go home kid" the men gives his wise words to him reminding him of his friends and Erika.

Feeling dishearten he starts walking, he walks down the empty streets with few cars passing, he brings out his phone checking his phone he sees the time it's half past one, he hates himself that he didn't even wished her maybe he really don't deserve her, he thinks in himself.

Erika keeps the book beside her lamp yawning she stretches out her arms ready to sleep. It's her birthday night her brother wishes her with her favorite cake even her father wished her though coldly and went straight to sleep, Mary and Erik also called but neither Troy texted nor he called, she don't feel bad about it after all she is the one who wanted to hide it from him thinking, he might spend his money on her that she don't want, but now she feels like empty, like a piece is missing from her puzzle, she is puzzled at herself as well.

She is the one who wanted him not to know and she is the one who wants him to wish her, "Erik didn't tell him that's it's my birthday maybe Mary must have stopped him to do so.. ohh.. Erika stop it aren't you the one who asked for it and now you are being upset about his wish missing" she huffs, running her hand in locks of her hairs, she falls on her fluffy bed bouncing a bit, covering herself with duvet she close her eyes ready for the embrace of sleep.

A crackling voice makes her open her big eyes, she looks around and the voice comes again, realising its coming from window she gets scared, thinking its a thief in night, eyeing around to find something for her protection, she finds an showpiece of Eiffel Tower, grabbing it tightly in her hand she made her way towards the window with silent steps, without switching on the lights not to alarm him.

She hides on the side of window waiting for the thief to enter, her hands holding her showpiece of a weapon ready to hit him, but no one enters just the sound of someone or something, scared she slowly approaches her window her hands slowly hold the curtain, she removes the curtain finding Troy, sitting like a monkey, saving himself from fall, his face shines in moon light, she can see a little blood on it.

She quickly opens her window helping him get in, he gets inside, groaning as his muscles aches, his entering makes an sound.

Ethan drinks his glass of water and starts walking back in room, as he passes Erika's room he hears a voice of something like falling on floor though it was not very loud voice but still loud enough to get his attention, he turns and knocks her door "Erika.. Are you awake babysis"

Her brothers voice leaves her petrified thinking the consequences of Ethan finding Troy in middle of night in her room terrifies her, what they'll think of him, he don't even know about him, she don't care about herself but what her brother will do with him scares her the most "What I do?" she whispers to Troy helpless.

"Answer him" Troy replies in whisper.

"Are you out of your mind, if he'll find you he'll kill you, hide somewhere" she says helplessly as Ethan keep calling her.

"Erika look at me do what I say" he cups her face, she nods.

Opening the door a little, with Troy hiding behind the open door in corner she yawns lazily to show her brother that she was sleeping "Yes brother"

"Erika you are awake?" he asks

"No I'm sleepwalking" he looks at her "Of course brother I was sleeping your voice made me woke up what's wrong" she speaks sleepily.

"No it's just I think I heard a voice like something fell" he says squinting his eyebrows.

"Hmm.. Yeah it was my book that fell must have been that" she says smiling thinking words to make up a lie.

"Okay.. babysis you go to sleep then it's getting late happy birthday and good night" Ethan is able to see her strange behavior but he leaves.

"Thank You brother Good Night" she didn't closes the door but keep peeping out, as she finally finds him disappearing into his room she closes it and looks at Troy who looks amuse but tired.

"Are you alright?" she helps him in sitting on her bed, she switches on her light and the sight in front of her makes her cover her mouth in shock, she get closer to him, gazing at his beautiful face broken, covered with bruises and cuts, blood oozing out on corner of his lips, and eyebrow, a brown sort of color bruise on his cheeks, and jaw.

She keeps looking at him in disbelief and pain, keeping one hand on his chest she traces his face with the fingers of other, making sure not to hurt him, but as her other hand touches his chest he hiss in pain, she quickly takes it back worried if she hurt him "Who did all this? Put off the shirt" she says tensed up to find how much wounded he really is.

"Really I thought you'd like to take things slowly" he jokes trying to lighten her tensed up face.

"I'm not joking just do it" she raises her voice in whisper.

He sighs putting off his shirt sure that she'll freak out, and he was right she looks at his body all bruised and swollen from some places "I look hot right" he chuckles.

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