《For-Getting You》Chapter 39. Doubt


"Erika you are late" the men asked in his strong voice standing with his hands behind his back.

"Dad" she was shocked she knew he'll come back from his business trip but she didn't know it'll be this early,

"Care to tell me where were you?" he asked again narrowing his eyes, lines coming on his forehead, he was getting old but he was quite fit and strong man, with grey hairs and sharp features, his facial features were enough to tell that he was an strict and stern person who wants everything perfect.

And this was one of the two things Erika don't like about her father he always wants to control everything and everyone he wants all the beings to walk as he want them to "I was with my friends dad" it's feel a bit strange calling him that, she is not used to it, Mom was the only word in his life few months back and now she have to live life she never thought of.

"Dear you are drenched in rain don't your friends have a car, if they don't you could have called driver he would have picked you up" he speaks noticing the odd looking oversized black leather jacket she was clinging to.

"No dad there was no need for that besides I'm fine it was just a rain" he may sound like he is all concerned a part of him is but the other part is always thinking of luxury, he wants to stick this expensive tag of luxury on her as well and she don't want that.

"Hey baby sister had fun" before he could say anything else Ethan comes, she blesses him for his entry that save her from his interrogation, she nods at him, "Look dad came because of your birthday"

She smiles slyly remembering how she used to celebrate it with her mother.

"It's already late you both should sleep I have work tomorrow" saying he leaves.

She sees him going to his room, and feels bad, after so many months they met but he didn't even care to talk to her with love, that's what he always do that's the reason her mother got divorced his obsession, his passion, his love, his life is just his work his business and money, he can leave anything and everything but his work and money, he have time for his work but not for his family "I don't think so he even remembers my birthday" she said to her brother controlling her tears.

"Hey, babysis I remember it and I will remind him your alarm of a brother is here, and as long as I'm here I would never let you cry" he wipes her tears hugging her.

She sniffs thinking maybe his father is always absent still he have a brother who is not just a father figure but her strength.

"Now you are drenched babysis, go get change, and what's this odd looking jacket, you know four girls like you can fit in it" he says looking at her.

"Yeah I should just go I feel sleepy Good Night brother" she thinks what to think, as she comes up with nothing changing the subject seems good to her.

"Good Night babysis" he let her go but sees at her sceptical about her change of subject.

Getting ready she looks at herself in mirror untangling her hairs once again, she looks at her fitted pink high neck sweater tucked inside her black jeans and boots "You look good Erika" she says to himself smiling.

Excited to meet him knowing that he'll come to pick her up, she leaves her room greeting the maids Good Morning happy because of her new love, she just feel like a kid who gets excited and happy for the things they love.


"Babysis no going to school without having breakfast" his brother says seating on dining table alone his eyes on his phone but he can feel her presence behind him.

"Good Morning Brother" she pecks his cheek having seat, she could have avoided it, if his dad would have been here, she don't like when he asks questions "Where's dad?"

"He left for work" he replied putting his phone aside.

That's good or he would've asked questions about school friends their families, who were their forefathers etc, etc.

"What's the rush Babysis the food is not going anywhere" chuckling he says looking at her eating quickly.

"No it's just I don't wanna be late for school.. He.. I mean Mary would be waiting for me" she was about to fumble about him, taking a pause in mid she controls her tongue.

"You won't be late after all your handsome brother will be dropping you to school" he says checking his phone once again.

"No" she quickly retaliates. He stares at her sudden reaction "I mean you don't have to bother, brother I'll go myself, I can see you are checking your phone again and again it means you are busy so you can just go at your work I'll go myself" she tries to find excuses to stop him, she bites her lips in stress of Ethan seeing Troy.

"I know you are worried for your brother but dropping you won't bother me at all, and I'm not busy it's James who is texting me from New Mexico about work, I'm pretty much free here so I'm taking you school, and didn't I tell you that I have already missed an amazing part of life by not spending childhood together so now I want to fill all the gaps to show you that I'm here for you"

She wanted to protest but his brother's emotional words left no room for protest, his words made her overwhelmed "I'm so lucky that I have brother like you" she smiles with watery eyes.

"Love you my babysis" he pats her head messing her hairs, she frown he chuckles.

"He is not picking up his phone, it's off maybe I should leave a message he'll see it" she talks to herself while waiting for her brother in car, he hops in smiling at her leaving for school.

After ten minutes Troy reaches her house excited and guilty of being minutes late, he parks his bike, checks rose in his jacket pocket and sets his hairs looking in mirror, he keeps waiting watching her, his eyes shifts from her door to her window but there's no sign of her even of anyone,

"She left maybe she got angry that I get late" he sighs, he approaches the watchmen to ask "Good Morning, Is anybody home?"

"No everyone is out what you wanted" he asks looking at him suspiciously.

"Nothing I was just" without completing his sentence he leaves seeing the watchmen picking up his phone.

Disappointed and upset he starts his bike and leaves her place, he was disappointed because he couldn't meet her and upset because she didn't waited for him, his practical self tells him that there must be a reason but she could have called him told him but she kept him in hopes of picking up his first girlfriend.

He parks his bike on his usual spot and sees his teammate seating on stairs of entrance talking to each other, he thinks that they must have seen her coming and decides to ask it he wanted to find her, wanted to meet her he was clearly desperate "Hey guys have you seen Erika and Mary?"


"Not Mary but we saw Erika coming with her boyfriend" his words make him squints his eyebrow in disbelief and confusion,

"Boyfriend?" he asks

"Yeah they seem very close and must say guy got an amazing car he was looking real rich" saying he smirks.

Gulping down his anger and pain he gets inside to find her ask her who was the guy, though his practical brain was screaming at him to think rationally but all those emotions mixed with anger blinds him the fear of her leaving him like everyone else scared him, after searching for her he finally find her library searching for books.

Erika keeps looking for the book she wanted to read today, she was disappointed that she missed a chance of coming to school with her boyfriend but she was certain that many such times are gonna come in near future, she wanted to meet him, but he haven't showed up yet, his phone was still not reachable she hopes for him reading her text.

As she picks up the book she wanted and turns an hand grips her arm, with force to enough to hurt her but still tight enough to make her uncomfortable, he pins her against the bookshelf, where they were hidden from everyone else, this sudden act scared her, but after seeing his face she calms down, she chuckles softly still a little startled " Where were you I was waiting for you?"

Before she could further say anything else he cuts her "Who was that guy?" he snaps at her.

"What are you talking about?" she was scared and angry at his change of tone and possessive behavior.

"You know what I'm talking about who was the guy who dropped you?" he speaks harshly.

"Leave me" she gets what's he talking about but she didn't wanted to answer him, his words his tone, his possessiveness like she is his property or something hurt her, but more than hurt it angers her, the fact anger her that she was so excited to meet him and he just shattered her, his jealousy makes her think that he don't believe her, all this makes her angery and want to leave him "Leave Me Troy" she raises her voice this time.

He come back to his senses losing the grip on her hands, stepping away from her he stared her in eyes, filled with guilt.

"I thought you loved me, this is your love, this jealousy, possessiveness thinking me as if I'm not your girlfriend but your property, I love you but you don't own me, last night was beautiful I will never forget that but I will also never forget this as well, maybe I was keeping to many expectations from you.. from us Thank You Troy Adams for breaking them soon or it would have hurt me more the sooner the better" saying she starts walking controlling her tears not wanting to cry in front of him.

"Erika" he manage to say,

"And yeah that guy was my elder brother Ethan" turning around she leaves him standing alone.

He sees her walking away, realizing his mistake, he wanted to stop her, wanted to tell her how much he loves her, that he never doubt on her for a moment, it was his anger that blind him, stopping him to see the reality, which was now crystal clear and felt like a slap on his face, he let her go away thinking that maybe it's his punishment for hurting her, he hurt the girl he is madly in love with and it's his punishment to see her going away from him, he was right that as usual he'll mess things up and today he did in worst possible way, his inner voice right all along that he don't deserve her, he thinks in himself stumbling, leaning against the bookshelf seating on floor.

She locked herself in washroom and let out the cry which was threatening her to come out in front of him.

"Erika" Mary shouts from outside to have a talk with her.

She covers her mouth with her hand muffling the sound of her cries.

"Are you crying, Erika you said you wanted to tell me something and now you are locking me out come on don't do this, you know I'm here to hear any good or bad stuff of yours, isn't this what friends are for please come out" she speaks concerned for her friend.

She sniffs shaking her head at her consistency, she opens the door finding her friend standing there all worried for her.

"What's Wrong?" she asks.

Erika was trying her best to control her tears but this specific question worsens the situation and she breaks down in front of her hugging her friend.

Mary comforts her, "Erika stop crying please and tell me what's the problem I know it won't fix it but at least you'll feel better"

She manage to stop crying and narrates the whole story from last night's confession to today's confrontation to her.

"I didn't know Troy is such a ass" she huffs.

"I also said many things to him but now it feels like I went too far" Erika was sad about their argument but the fact that she said so many things to him hurting him makes her more upset.

"You didn't say anything, I would have slapped him, do these boys have the right to hurt us and we can't even say anything bad to them, we can't go out with other guys fearing that our possessive asshole boyfriends might get jealous, I hate this if a guy have more than one girlfriend than he is a player but if a girl have more than one boyfriend than she is a whore, who gives this right to these brutes to judge us, you don't worry Erika I'm gonna punch Troy for doubting on you" Mary says to her friend reassuring her.

"No you don't have to punch him" Erika protest in a low voice hating the idea of Troy beating up.

"Oh you Love him" Mary says making an pity face.

"Troy are you okay?" Erik asked putting on his shirt, keeping his jersey in his locker.

Troy just nod, catching his breath he sits down on bench putting off his jersey, he wipes his sweat from it.

"Are you sure, even in game you seemed zoned out, tell me" his friend asks again noticing the change in his behaviour.

"Nothing new it's just.. I messed up again" he replied his voice full of distress.

After Erik's insisting he narrated the whole thing to him, which left him in dementia he was sad for his friend but he was also angry on him, on his lack of practicality.

"Wanna punch some senses in me" Troy chuckles darkly.

"Yes.. but at the same time I'm feeling bad for you after all she is not the only one hurt, by hurting her you hurt yourself as well" he pats his shoulder "But I know what can change it"

Troy looks at him with a little light of hope,

"Apologize.. I know it won't reverse anything but it can prove that you know your mistake" Erik advices him.

"Even if she forgive me do you think I still deserve her, I hurt her bad you didn't see how excited and happy she was after my proposal and today to meet me, she was dreaming so many things making so many plans of us but what I did I thrashed all of her dreams and expectations she had for me" he says and a tear cascades his face.

"Yeah I still believe that you deserve her"

Troy looks at him squinting his eyes in disbelief "Maybe you are thinking just as my friend who thinks for my good only"

"No.. I'm thinking like this because I can see how much you love her, you are hurt, sad and guilty but still you are thinking about her good about how bad you have hurt her, how she must be feeling, this is true love when you forget about your pain in feeling the pain of one you love" he says smiling lightly.

He smiles back at his friend understanding his previous mistake of hurting her, and now of leaving her "You are right I'll ask for forgiveness I won't give up"

"That's the spirit" he slaps his back.

"Erika maid told me that you are not eating anything what's wrong?" concerned Ethan comes in her room siting on her bed.

Laying she tries to hide her face from him, but his brother's insisting force her to get up "Hey brother, yeah I'm not eating, actually I'm not feeling to eat, I wanna sleep"

"I know sleep is important but so the food, come and eat something" he argues.

"Dad have eaten"

"Yeah.. He was asking about you" Ethan says quickly.

"Brother please I don't want to, now you should also go and eat I'm fine just sleepy" he wanted to argue but give up.

"Good Night" he kiss her forehead leaving her alone.

"Good Night" she says lightly, hiding in her blanket again.

Troy's behaviour was playing in her mind on repeat, with her two sides tormented between what she did was right or was wrong, things she wanted to say to him but she didn't keep playing in her mind.

She tries to shut her mind by sleeping, sleep which embraces her every night calmly was also maybe angry to her, a sound takes her attention away from it, she gets up looking at the window, small pebbles hitting it was creating the sound, getting up from her bed she approached towards her window and finds the person who was dancing in her mind standing in her lawn, with guilt and sadness, she looks at him and the same feeling grows in her, but she controlling it starts to walk away, he again throws small pebbles at her glass.

She keeps avoiding him, and he consistently keeps throwing them to get her attention, irritated she finally opens her window, and shouts in whisper "What are you doing here? Just leave"

"I'm here to apologize, I'm sorry for what I did today" he replies, not a bit scared of being caught.

"Someone will see you just go" she protests.

"I don't care, I won't go until you hear me" he says, and starts climbing up with the help of the long tree standing near her window, she keeps on saying him to stop scared for him being fall and scared of her family, she steps back and he enters her window stands in front of her.

She looks up at him her stupid heart want to hug him, then the picture of his behavior flashes in her mind, she starts walking away, he grabs her wrist lightly stopping her.

"Leave me Troy and leave from here if my brother will see you he'll kill you" she threatens him thinking its gonna help.

Troy is adamant in getting forgiveness from her, he gets a bit closer speaking softly "I don't care"

Wide eyed she stares at him and sighs.

"I know I hurt you, I know you are angry on me, and I know you think I'm here to just fix things I destroyed, but no I'm here to apologize for my behavior, for doubting on you, for shouting on you, nobody should do such act with anyone and stupid of me I did that with the girl I love" she looks up at him "I know I screwed up big time, I don't want to justify my act but I want to tell you that it's not what you think, it's not my possessiveness and jealousy that took over me but it was my fear.. fear of loosing you, I never had many people who loved me in my life there were just few of them but soon those few also left me.. I have been alone, and now this scares me, the thought of my loved ones leaving me alone scares me it scares me to core, I know what I did was wrong and my sorry won't change anything but I just came here to say that I'm really sorry, and if you don't wanna forgive me that's fine, I don't want to force you to forgive me, even if you'll never forgive me then I can live with it but I just want you to stop thinking and hurting yourself.. I can understand you.. I don't deserve you and maybe being apart from you is my punishment.. But always remember that I'll be there whenever you'll need me.. and I Love You more than anyone" pouring out his heart he waited for her to say something, but she keep standing looking ahead of her, realizing that she don't want to talk to him he starts leaving with a his head down in guilt and disappointment.

This time she holds his thick wrist in her small hand stopping him "Your behavior hurt me you are right but you know what hurt me more the thought of you doubting on me.. still my heart wanted to see you, know why? Because you are the first guy for whom I fell for.. only guy I have ever loved, I can't forgive you.. But I can give you an chance" a current of hope runs through him "only if you'll tell me why you thought I'll leave you and why you are scared of being alone" she says calmly.

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