《For-Getting You》Chapter 38. Confessions


"It was amazing I thought it's going to be childish" Erik said putting his hand around Mary's shoulders,

"Yeah it was great but as good as Avengers though" Troy said walking along with Erika.

"Maybe but I liked it as well it was nice light movie" Erika replied shrugging,

"Say whatever you all have in your mind I just have one thing in mine" Mary stretches her arms.

"What is that love" Erik asked smelling her neck "Me"

"No how handsome Chris Hemsworth look in Avengers, when I saw him dark world it was dark world but he made it so colourful, he is so sexy" Mary speaks with dreamy eyes while Erik frowns.

"It's clear Erik she likes Chris more than you" Erika mocks smiling.

Chatting and laughing at jokes they walks in mall going to the food court. Erika and Mary settles down on chairs as the guys goes to get the food.

"Aww thank you my baby you knew what I wanted" Mary squeals seeing Erik with her favorite burger and shake.

"Of course I know everything about you I don't think so your Chris can do that" Erik replied still a bit annoyed and jealous.

Erika smiles at the cute couple in front of her, Troy comes with her food sitting beside her.

"Here" he said putting the burger and shake down,

"Thank You" Erika said smiling.

"It was an great idea of hanging out together" Mary said happy because her friends are here with her.

"You both should have gone on a romantic date without us" Erika replies, Troy nods agreeing with her.

"Nah.. That's no fun in it, it's too much fun with everyone together right love" Mary nods at Erik.

Troy looks at smiling Erika and notice she have sauce at corner of her lips, he looks at her how adorable she looks eating her food enjoying every bit of it unaware of everything else this is one of the many reasons he likes about her, she is selfless, she doesn't care about looks and beauty all the time though she have plenty of it, she just don't care about all this.

He picks up the tissue wrapping it around his finger, taking it towards her lips, he can feel her soft lips, he gently wipes the sauce from the corner of her lips, while Mary and Erik looks at them with mischief.

"Thank You" she murmured, she was taken back at first from the feeling of his hand over her lips, but then she realised he is trying to wipe the sauce off, he wiped it so gently, she really likes how much he cares for her, as he was wiping it she couldn't help but to look in his eyes which were looking at her softly.

"Aww look Erik learn something from Troy" Mary said hitting him with her elbow.

"Love I don't need to learn I taught Troy all this or do you think a brawler like him can be this soft" Erik teases his friend.

"Speak wisely or this brawler will make you a crawler" Troy replies smirking,

"Let's go bowling" Mary said excitedly.

"Yeah great idea love, it'll be fun let's see which team will win" Erik looks at Troy and Erika narrowing his eyes.

"Okay" they said in unison.

They all enter the bowling alley of big mall, Mary still having her drink in her hand Erik stealing sips from it again and again, she slaps him jokingly to stop him but he then starts nibbling on her face.

Seeing them both Erika and Troy smiles on how cute they look.


"I hope you are ready to lose Troy now watch it" Erik shows two fingers pointing from his eyes to the pins in front,

"I hope you know how to hold the ball" Troy replies smirking.

He makes an face and picks up the ball, swinging it he let's it go, the ball rolls towards the pins, making all the pins fall.

"Woah" Mary exclaims in excitement, hugging Erik.

"That was amazing Erik" Erika says clapping as Erik bows down dramatically.

"Scared Troy come on boy if you won't be able to do this good then it's alright we all are good humans we won't judge you" Erik squeezes his friends shoulders mocking him.

"Don't teach your father son" patting Erik's cheek he stands up and grabs a ball, he puts it in front of his eyes seeing the target for straight line, he swings his arms and let's go of the ball it rolls down hitting the pins but one pin shakes on it place, Erik and Mary looks at it that it'll not fall with Erika waiting with anticipation for it fall it falls Erika jumps up from her chair happy for him.

"Not that bad bro" Erik says Troy shakes his head smiling.

"My turn" Mary picks up the ball excited and throws it at pin, making all of it fall except the two of it, she makes an fake sad face.

"I don't know how to do it" Erika says as they all look at her to go.

"It's alright I'll teach you I taught Erik look how good he is" Troy jokes standing up.

"Good one" Erik replies

"Look hold the ball like this, with you thumb, and your ring finger here and your middle one in this" he teaches her from standing behind her, she listens his instruction carefully and with full focus though his musky smell and closeness distracts her a bit "Now swing your arm like this and then let go of the ball" he speaks still holding her hand in his supporting her, there hands swings and she let's go of ball, she keep looking as the ball goes towards the pins hitting them making all of them fall.

She jumps in excitement, she did it with his help but this is for the first time she have done a perfect strike, she hugs Troy in excitement "Thank You" she says her arms around his neck,

He is shocked at it but happy, smiling he looks at Erik and Mary who are showing thumbs up to them, frowning he laughs, before he could hug her back she breaks it and looks at the ground embarrassed.

They keep playing for few more hours the competition they came for was gone it was just laughs and friendship there, the four of them were enjoying every second of their togetherness.

As they comes out of the bowling alley they see the huge ice skating rink which is built in the middle of the mall, After saying no for like hundred times Erik agrees for it.

Mary knew how to do it she shows it swirling on it, Erik keep standing in the corner holding the fence for support, Erika also learn skating in school but Troy was a bit scared as he was not a pro in it, Mary skates effortlessly towards Erik and holds his hand helping him to skate slowly.

"You know how to skate" Troy asks,

"Yeah my mom taught me to though I'm not as good as Mary she is amazing" Erika looks at her friend who is helping Erik dealing with his wobbling legs.


"Yeah but you are good, I won't lie but I'm kinda scared" Troy says gasping slightly.

"Of what?" she asks,

Before he can answer he falls with a thud "This"

Erika laughs looking him, he makes an fake laughing face and then smiles seeing her laughing makes him forget that he just fall "It's not a way Erika you should help me and you are laughing at my misery"

"You are everything but miserable, I think you are imitating the pins" she says still giggling.

"Though I hate falling" saying he starts shaking her legs and she fells on him,

"No Troy stop" she says but all in vain as she lands on him. He is half sitting and she falls on him her hand over his chest, their faces close and they look into each others eyes.

"My turn to laugh" saying Troy laughs,

"You are an asshole" saying she starts to hit his chest, her soft hands makes him laugh even more.

Swiftly he grips her both hands in his big one "I'm not a fond of falling but with you I would like to fall over and over again" he says softly his words gives her goosebumps, with his fingers he takes her lock of hair tucking it behind her ears, she blushes at his gesture and manages to get up.

"Tonight was amazing" Mary says as they walk out of the mall,

"Yeah totally fun" Erika smiles.

"So see you tomorrow pals I have to drop my girl" Erik puts his hand around Mary pulling her close.

"Good Night Take Care" they say in unison leaving Erika and Troy alone.

"It's 10 I should also go"

"Mind if I walk you home" Troy offers his help he knows she can take care of herself but he wants to spend more time with her and her going alone doesn't sound good to him.

"It's alright"

"I insist or maybe you wanna get rid of me" Troy says.

"That's impossible" she smiles and they starts walking.

They both walk side by side, near park, Troy with his hands in his pockets walks beside her thinking what he should say.

"The weather is great" Erika looks around at cold autumn night.

"Yeah but the real beauty will be in winters, snow and beautiful auroras" Troy replies.

"You have no idea how much I'm waiting for that, it has always been my dream to watch them" Erika speaks.

Troy keeps a note of it in his mind "Erika what do you think of love"

She was not expecting this question,

"Though I don't know about it much, Well I think Love is a blend of different emotions" Troy squints his eyes listening her "Passion, jealousy, hate, pain, fear, care, we all feel these emotions but when one falls in love with someone this emotions make their way and connects two persons, and all these emotions starts flowing inside you in your veins, then love takes control over us and all these emotions becomes more strong sometimes they also hurt us but the person who is in love does not care about pain, all it cares is of person they love" she says looking him who is already looking at her.

Before he could say anything a cold drop fells on them, Erika looks up in sky, the drops starts falling on them smiling she spreads her arms and swirls happy by the rain, he keeps looking at her, how happy she looks just by rain, she seems like a child enjoying drizzle, he have seen many girls but no one was like Erika sweet innocent, simple and loving, whenever he sees her his every worry and troubles vanish, people say girls like diamond but this girl in front of him was so different who was trying to catch the diamonds of water falling from sky, all these things he feels for her are messing him up, he made up his mind that tonight he will tell her everything he feels about her.

"Look it's raining it's amazing" she says giggling taking the drops in her hands "I love rain, I love dancing in rain don't you like it?"

"I have never did it though I'll like to dance but every dance is incomplete without a music" saying Troy plays

Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran Everything has changed, putting the phone back in his pocket "Would you like to dance with me" he bows like gentlemen do in ball, Erika smiles widely giving her hand in his.

Her soft hands fits in his big one, his other hand on her waist, her other hand resting over his shoulder, they both look at each other smiling enjoying each others company, they both move slowly on the music, Troy swirls her around, she moves away dancing and he pulls her back, she gets close to him putting her one hand on her chest and other round his neck, the rain drops falling on them, breeze blowing softly hitting them, Erika feels cold but the heat that's radiating from Troy comforts her.

His fingers softly touches her face removing wet loose strain that's sticking on her face, her lips slightly parted he looks at her eyes,

"This is my favorite song" she says softly.

"It become my favorite from the day we danced on it in Erik's party" he says they both still swaying slowly.

"You remember" she is shocked it have been months and he still remember that night.

"Forgetting You is impossible for me" he says and her heart starts beating faster "You said love is a blend of emotions, all those emotions all those things you said I wanna tell you that I feel them for you, the moment you entered my life, not a day have gone when I didn't think about you, I see your face whenever I close my eyes, I tried my best to ignore these feeling I'm having for you because I know I'm a mess and clearly not good for you but now I can't keep them in me anymore I can't let my love for you unspoken" he speaks strong emotions fogs his eyes.

"Say it" she says in almost a whisper.

"I know it sounds strange that I'm saying it suddenly but my feelings for you are certainly not sudden, even if you don't like me then you can reject me it won't change anything between us, Erika you came in my life like drizzle of rain on dried land, I want to tell you that since I found you I'm lost.. in you I Love You I have never loved anyone as much as I Love You" he speaks every words with every ounce of honesty and love poured in it.

He keeps looking at her waiting for her reaction as she doesn't react, he thinks in himself that maybe she don't like me and starts loosing his hold from her, but before that Erika leans into him capturing his lips, her kiss full of passion makes him aware for her feelings, her soft lips feels so good, he kiss her back with same passion, she breaks the kiss catching her breath, she smiles at him "You fool you thought I don't love you, and silly me I was hiding my feelings for you because I thought I don't deserve you, Yes Troy Adams I'm madly deeply in Love with you" her words gives him the biggest smile, as he again starts kissing her, breaking the kiss he looks at her, she laughs and he picks her off ground, and swirls, she opens her arms looking in sky as the drops fall on them drenching them from tip to toe, slowly he puts her down, putting her down her face brushes with his, they look into each others eyes Troy place an pure gentle kiss on her temple, as she snuggles up to him his arms embracing her.

They walk side by side holding hands, smiling and talking, his leather jacket over her small form, "Your castle came princess" he speaks looking at her house "Good Night I'll come to pick you up tomorrow"

"You don't have to, we are together it does not bound you to pick me up and drop me" she says putting her hands round his neck.

"I want everyone to know that we are together" he speaks holding his hands around her waist.

"Oh really"

"Yeah you have no idea how happy I'm, I wanna scream I Love Erika from the top of my lungs, so everyone could hear it" he says and she giggles.

"I think you should shout tomorrow or you'll wake my family in there see you tomorrow Good Night Love You" she pecks on his lips.

"Good Night, Love You more" he laid kiss on her temple and she walks in her house.

Reaching at her doorstep she turns around to see him once again he is still standing there looking at her lovingly, she waves bye, he reciprocate her action and walks away.

Feeling happy than ever she opens her door, she gets in locking the door behind her she leans on door thinking about Troy's word playing the whole scenario in her mind again she smiles in her own.

"Erika you are late" she comes out of her trance turning around to face the familiar voice.


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