《For-Getting You》Chapter 37. Proposal


"What should I do" with a huff Mary fell on her bed.

"You should just tell him" her friend said casually,

"It's not that easy, it's even tougher than maths" Mary replies rolling her eyes.

"It's not that tough Mary, You both know each other for two months, you like him he likes you, I think it's pretty much enough and you both should now just confess it"

"It's not that easy it's pretty complex you don't know what happened that day" she replied in annoyed tone.

"Then enlighten me will you" Erika raises her eyebrow folding her arms on her chest.

She sighs "Alright" she starts telling her.

One Week Ago

"So Mary I hope this equation is clear to you" he asked his eyes still on books,

Mary didn't listen what he said but kept looking at him, she just can't help it, she is captivated by him.

"Mary I'm asking Is it clear now?" he asked again snapping in front of her eyes.

"Ahh.. Yeah totally" she wanna say the truth but then he'll get angry that she was not listening and maybe will leave, and that is the last thing she wants, but it's not her fault, whenever she's around him it's impossible concentrate, now days the more she spends time with him the more she is falling for him, but do he feel the same for her, her mind is always roaming over it.

"So if this equation is clear to you then solve this one" he gives her the book, notebook and pencil, he knows very well that she was not paying attention.

"This one" looking at the equation and thinking of his reaction when he'll know that she didn't get a word what he said as she was busy drooling at him scares her.

"Yeah this one Mary you need to find x in it" he looks at her narrowing his eyes.

She keep thinking and looking at the equation as if its gonna get solved by itself, she came up with an idea "Done" solving it she gives it back to Erik.

Sceptical of her he takes the notebook in his hand, he looks at the her, she smiles at him like silly "What is this" he shows her the solution.

"You said to find x here it is" she replies smiling.

"I asked you to find by solving it not by pointing it here" he looks at her with serious expression, containing his laughter, he cracks up laughing at her weird joke.

She looks at him laughing along with him.

"You are a thing" he laughs shaking his head "Sometimes I wonder if you are real"

"I'm hundred percent real see" she gets closer to him laughing.

Seeing her too close Erik's laughter ends, and Mary's as well, they both look at each other, Erik's eyes goes to her eyes to her lips, a feeling awaking inside him wants to kiss her but he stops himself. Sensing his nervousness Mary leans in capturing his lips, quickly but gently, her action took him by shock but feeling her lips on his he relaxes, the hands who wants to push her grabs her waist pulling her on his lap. Their lips moves in sync, her sweet taste making him wanting more, Erik looks shy but she finds him excellent kisser, totally opposite of his self which he shows to everyone, she loves when he is shy and all but she likes his this side as well.

They break their kiss, breathing bit heavily, Mary is happy about this but this has left Erik confused, he didn't want to be in an relationship right now and he have never seen Mary in that way, yes he likes her, she is beautiful and funny, he likes spending time with her but loving her, he looks at Mary and her hope and happiness filled eyes "It's wrong" he says in his mind, putting her back on her bed he leaves with saying "I'm sorry", she sees him leaving with him a tear leaves her eye. She was so happy seconds ago and now this has hurt her, why did he left like that? Maybe he don't like her? Questions starts wandering in her mind.


"So this happened?" asks Erika after hearing her whole story.

"Yeah and he is avoiding me from that day and I'm confused what he wants" she huffs in annoyance.

"What you feel about him?" she asks all serious.

"I love him, really love him, sometimes when I look at him it seems he don't love me and sometimes it feels like he do" Mary is hating his behavior.

"I think you should talk to him even I think that he loves you the way he looks at you says it all" Erika tells her friend.

"Then why he is hiding it, God I wanna slap him" she says irritated.

"Don't slap him talk to him he himself don't know what he really wants, today is their match tell him that you love him I'm sure he feels the same"

"You sure" Erika nods in reply, hugging her only friend.

"Erik what's wrong scared that the rivals gonna kick you" mocks Troy putting his clothes in his bag.

"Nothing" he sighs.

"Hey Is everything good" Troy asks concerned "are you feeling good" he sits in front of his friend on bench facing him.

"I'm good but I'm confused"

"Why?" Troy narrows his eyes.

"Mary" he sighs, "We kissed and I think she likes me but I.."

"You what?" he asks.

"I don't see her in that way"

"You think she is beautiful?" Troy asks again.

"Yeah not just beautiful but extremely beautiful" Mary's face comes in his mind.

"You think she is stupid?" he asks again.

"No she is amazing and funny she is not stupid alright" he says quickly.

"Then what's the problem" he speaks showing his hands in surrender.

"It's just she is not my type" Erik huffs.

"Look Erik you are my best friend but I see Mary as my sister so if you are just playing with her then I'm warning you" Erik cuts him off,

"What you think of me Troy I would never hurt her it's just she is not my type"

"I never understand this notion of types I mean come-on how can we just tell someone's type we are talking about a girl here not about some things or stuff which have their different types, Erik we are talking about Mary and I think you really like her and why not, she is amazing I have seen how you look at her how act around her just don't run from commitment and relationship give it a chance give her a chance" he tells his friend squeezing his shoulder "Now let's get ready for the match"

They both leaves for match little they know that someone is listening them. He comes from behind the lockers "Oh so my stupid ex-girlfriend wants to date this idiot Erik, good but you can't move forward not without paying for insulting me in party, now just see what is Nick gonna do"

Erika and Mary enters the basketball court students already sitting there talking and chilling, coach wandering here and there whistling at players telling them something about their game strategy.

"Erika you sure he'll say yes"

"I don't think anyone can say no to a beautiful girl like you" hearing her friend's compliment she giggles.

Erika is happy seeing her excited but a part of her is also scared because of uncertainty she prays in her heart for her.

Before grabbing a seat they both look at the team looking for Troy and Erik.

"Hey looking for me" a voice comes from behind her,

Erika startles at the voice and turns around loosing her balance, Troy grabs her hand saving her from falling, she looks at him looking handsome in his jersey, the feel of her hand always do something to him that he can't figure out.


"I'm sorry are you alright" he asks concerned.

"Yeah I'm good" he let's go of her hand looking embarrassed.

"Thank You for coming, it feels good to see someone cheering for you" he speaks looking at poster in her hand.

"Everyone is here to cheer for you look" she points around.

"You are not everyone you are special" he says lovingly, his words made so many butterflies to fly in her "I gotta go see you after match"

"All the best" she says and he leaves nodding.

Today he'll play more hard, he always play hard to make his team win but today it's special as this the first time Erika will be watching him play and he wants to be in his best.

"See that Erik didn't even come to meet me he is still hiding because of that I hate him" Mary says feeling bad.

"You love him" she squeezes her friend's hand reassuring her.

A voice of ding comes from Mary's phone, she checks it and the notification is enough to make her smile,

"What is it?" seeing her smiling Erika asks.

"It's a text from Erik" she replies opening his message which reads "meet me in music room after match want to talk to you, love Erik:)" she looks around to see him, and finds him standing with his teammates listening to coach but looking at her smiling lovingly, this makes her so relaxed after that kiss this the first time he is not avoiding her but smiling at her, atleast it's a good sign.

"It's great look he is already happy" she says.

"But what if he just wanna meet me to say that he don't love me" she makes an sad face.

"I could have think that but after seeing his smile I don't think so that's he wanna talk about why don't you just enjoy the game and think good" she raise her eyebrow.

"Okay you are right" she replies still looking at him smiling her childish smile.

After an amazing dance by the cheerleaders, the match gets started, with both the teams standing in front of each other Erika notice an familiar guy in rival team, thinking where she have seen him, she finally recognize him as the same guy who was fighting with Troy that day, so he is from rival team, it have been weeks since that fight but that guy still have some fading marks on his face, the scene of Troy beating him like crazy plays in her mind, it scares her, she is not a fan of violence, and seeing Troy like that was terrifying to her, Thank God after that day Troy is keeping himself out of these fights and stuff, Erika also found out that though Troy is an amazing guy but he usually gets in an fight and when he gets in an one he lose control, he have some anger issues sometimes, she wants to know why but she never asked it.

The game is going thrilling, with everyone cheering and whistling, Erika don't have much knowledge about it, she is just enjoying because of her school's team and Troy. Mary is going crazy for Erik, he is good at throwing the ball in the basket but nothing can compare Troy he is fast very fast, and his few dunk shots were phenomenal, she literally got amazed at his jumps it seems like he can fly.

But still the rival team is ahead, they need more baskets to win.

"Go Erik Go" shouts Mary.

"Mary there are four more players there but you can just see Erik cheer for everyone" Erika says teasing her friend.

"They all don't matters to me, I can just see Erik and no one else" she makes a face squeezing her nose.

The match is at crucial stage, time is running and they need three points, Erika never really liked matches and all but today she is watching it with utmost interest, she is worried for the winning, the whole crowd's breath seem like its stuck in them.

Troy knows that winning and losing are part of game, and he plays to give his best, to enjoy it but it does not mean that he don't feel that winning is important he likes to win, he wants to win, his team have been winning from last two years and he don't want to ruin the flow. He have to do something, snatching ball from his opponent he marches towards their basket dodging the rival players, Mason tries to push him, he saves himself from that thanks to his speed, keeping ball in his hand he jumps with rival guys and Mason jumping in air to stop him, to the audience it looks like everything is in slowmotion he jumps high in air like a eagle and throws the ball in basket, because of his amazing shot the score boards changes with their win.

The whole crowd starts cheering, the whole court fills with voice of hooting and claps, cheers of joy everywhere, the team picks up Troy on their shoulders, with cheerleaders dancing and crowd clapping, Troy with a smile on his face looks at the crowd, he is looking at crowd but everyone is disappeared he can only see Erika with a beautiful wide smiling clapping, her eyes are shinning as if she have won the game, this is a very small thing but not for him, not for a guy who have never seen anybody, cheering for him in crowd with no family no one to see him to pray for him, but today seeing Erika cheering for him praying for him happy for him makes him flooded with emotions.

They both look in each others eyes, lovingly. Mary sees them smiling she looks around for Erik who is no where to be seen "He have left, I should also go" she thinks in herself leaving without telling Erika. With everyone in basketball court enjoying the win the school looks empty the lockers rooms are empty only Mary there, it looks creepy but she is too excited to notice anything else excited to meet Erik she goes towards music room with speedy steps, her heartbeat racing faster than her, "Today I'll tell you that I love you Erik" she says in herself smiling.

Before she could go any further a hand comes out of from one of the classroom, the hand grips her arms harshly pulling her inside, she tries to scream but another hand covers her mouth making her screams huffs, the room is dark she can't even figure out which class it is, she just knows that the person who did this is not Erik, the guy locks the door throwing Mary on floor, she falls on floor her elbows endures most of the impact of it, she cries in pain, before she could recollect her from one pain another creeps it's way into her body, as the guy get hold of her hairs pulling them harshly, "Leave me it hurts" she says in cries.

"Really I thought you like such things" a familiar voice whispers in her ears.

She turns her face to look at him and her instincts correct it's Nick, "You how dare you do it leave me Nick or" her hate for him doubles she warns him.

"Or what will you call that Erik he won't come here no one can save you as no one knows you are here, or will you scream but I want you to scream my name" he speaks disgustingly in her ears licking it and grinding him on her back.

She struggles to get out of his grip, her phone starts ringing, she knows it's Erik, he get her phone from her pocket, holding her both hands behind her back restraining her to get it, he laughs "Oh looks it's Erik shall I tell him that you won't come as you'll be cumming here" saying he cuts his call throwing the phone on wall breaking it in pieces.

Helplessly she stares at her phone anger fills her she swings her head back hitting his nose, his grip instantly loses and she runs towards the door.

"Where is she? She is not picking her phone as well, maybe she is still angry on me and that's she is doing it, I should call Erika and ask her" Erik says to himself walking in the music room, he dials Erika's number and she picks up "Hello Erika Where's Mary? Is she with you?"

"No she left to meet you, why you are asking she didn't come to you" she asks concerned for her friend.

"No it's alright I'll find her you don't worry" saying he cuts her call, for some reason it worries her, he leaves the classroom to find her.

"Bitch the game is over now, I should teach you lesson that what you gets if you insults me and hurts me" saying he runs towards her grabbing her hairs harshly and throwing her on table, she screams but no one comes.

He puts his hand over her mouth, muffling her sounds, she tries to get up with his body hovering over her makes her caged, she tries to hit him but fails as he starts assaulting her neck, she shakes her head erratically, she looks at the stained glass fitted on the door and she catches a glimpse of Erik passing by this makes her more tormented a tear leaves her eye seeing him.

As he starts shuffling with his belt her head goes blank, a shattering voice brings her back and stops him in his track, he turns around see, she looks at the glass pieces on floor and Erik opening the door through the hole he did by breaking the glass, a hope runs down her body seeing Erik there, his hand have blood on it as he punched the glass and the remaining glasses have also hurt him, but he don't feel any pain all he can feel is the pain Mary have gone through.

Nick froze seeing Erik standing in front of him, he grips him from his collar slamming him on wall "How dare you touch her, didn't I warn you to stay away from her" Erik speaks in anger that Mary have never seen, the table is turned as now Nick struggles, Erik punch him in stomach, a yelp comes from his mouth, he throws him on the table, he falls on the ground along with tables and chairs, he tries to get up but Erik's kick stops him, he get hold of his collar and makes another punch to hit him on face, but seeing his already bleeding and bruised face he stops himself, he don't like to fight or to hurt someone, Erik is among those who'll say sorry to end the argument rather than fighting, but he can't stand when someone tries to hurt a girl, in anger he leaves his shirt leaving him on floor.

"What is going on here?" says a teacher with few other students beside him "So another fight you two in office immediately we are going to call your parents, I can understand Nick but you Erik when did you started all this, look at his condition it is totally unacceptable"

"Mr. Morris it's not Erik's fault, Nick was trying to rape me, at the right time Erik came and saved or" Mary speaks to save Erik but stops in mid by her sobs, pushing everyone Erika comes covering her with her jacket and embrace her to calm her down,

Mr. Morris looks at Mary with an sad expression and picks Nick up, "I'll make sure you'll get expelled, and Erik violence is not solution of things you should have informed us but anyways Thank You, everyone go home now" saying he takes Nick with him.

Troy comes and pats shoulder of his friend as everyone starts to clap for him "You could have told me Mary is like my sister I would have break his every bone" Troy was fuming inside his anger was bad than bad, he really wanted to punch the soul out of that Nick.

"It's alright bro, I taught him a good lesson" Erik says smiling slyly. He goes towards Mary, he touches her shoulder lightly so he won't remind her his touch, she turns around to face him, she keeps looking on floor avoiding his gaze "Mary look at me"

She avoids again, as he insists she looks at him, he wipes the tears from her cheek, "Why are you crying, you are crying over his disgusting act, when he didn't cry on hurting you then why are you crying and hurting yourself" he cups her face "Hey you are my Mary who is strong and fearless, you don't have to be like this I know you can protect yourself but remember I'll be always there to help you, because I Love You" hearing his words she looks at him with tears in her eyes, these are words she wanted to hear but now it feels like he is saying because what she faced "And I'm not saying this because of all this but this is what I wanted to say when I asked you to meet me, I was an jerk that I walked out that day and avoided you after that, these distances made me understand what you mean to me, how much you matters to me and I'm not sorry for kissing you even you are the one I would like to kiss when I'll take my last breath I Love You Mary" he poured out his emotions to her excepting her to say something.

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