《For-Getting You》Chapter 34. For the First Time


"Come on, come out now are you gonna spend your whole life in there" Mary screams applying mascara.

"I'm here" Erika says from behind her, she turns around,

"Oh someone looks gorgeous tonight I'm sure Troy won't be able to take his eyes off of you" Mary teases her.

Erika giggles looking in mirror of her room, the red lace top with cream colored waist high short flared skirt, her outfit hugs her perfectly showing off her curves she paired it with red stiletto "You also look great Mary"

"Ahh Thank You" she smiles, wearing an black top with little silver sequins on it half tucked in her short blue ripped denim shorts and black and white sneakers, she is also wearing many bracelets in her right hand and rings in other, she have applied limited makeup on her face but a little dramatic eye makeup "Come on let's get you ready now" she pushes her making her sit on her bed and starts doing her makeup.

After Erika telling her that she wants an light makeup, Mary does her a light makeup, which make her skin look more bright, pink and radiant they both left their hairs open.

"No we are ready lets go we'll be late" Erika speaks walking to door, Mary grabs her hand "Wait, wait not before an picture" Erika agrees, Mary keeps her hand over her friend's shoulder taking their picture in her phone.

"So you are ready ladies" says Ethan seeing both of them coming downstairs. They nod "I hope you two remember the rules" he stands in front of them.

"One, don't drink anything suspicious"

Erika repeats his words he said to her yesterday after allowing her to go in the party "Don't talk to strangers okay"

"You are forgetting that come before midnight or your magic will disappear" Mary jokes.

"That's also an condition be on time call me if there's any problem okay now go and enjoy" he pats her head and they leave.

Leaving for party she bumps into James "Sorry" she speaks lowly and start walking again trying her best to avoid him.

"Wait Erika where are you going?" James voice came from behind right before her seating in car.

"I'm going in a party" Erika replies sighing,

"Like this" James says looking at her clothes, he likes her in it, it shows her curves he wanna hold and those legs making him crazy but he don't want anyone else looking at her he only wants himself looking at her touching her the girl right next to her also looks tempting.

"He is your father" speaks Mary unimpressed by him.

"No he is my brother's friend" She replied

"Then you shouldn't be worried man" Mary says nonchalantly,

Erika controlled her laugh the way Mary speaks to him is funny and the face he have now is icing on cake "Exactly I can wear whatever I want, you don't have to be my fashion consultant let's go Mary" saying they slips in car leaving him alone.

Fuming in anger by her disobedience he sees her going, he wants to punish her, and even hit her to make her an obedient doll. He gets inside the house still angry, "Ethan" he calls his name, Ethan comes from kitchen with coffee in his hand, he also wanna beat him how can he be this relaxed and okay with Erika going out in night wearing those clothes.

"What's up man you look like a hot girl had turned you down" he chuckles sitting on sofa switching on the TV.

He sits on the other one "You seriously allowed it, of Erika going in such party wearing clothes like that"


At first Ethan felt strange by his behavior but he thinks that maybe James is worried about her because he thinks him as a family and Erika as a sister "It's a party at her school's friend, seems harmless to me besides she is not alone so calm down"

James gets by his stern words that he must have felt weird by his behavior and controls himself "I mean we don't know what kind of guys can be there it's for her own safety I'm talking about"

"No-one will dare to touch her and I'm her brother I care about her, but I also care about her happiness and freedom and I would never take and let anyone take it from her I want her to enjoy her life as much as she want" he speaks confidently shutting James up.

They reach at party, Erik's house is at synergy lane, it's an quite big house, with a small lawn and swing in it, it looks very nice "His house is not as big as yours but, See I told ya they are rich I wonder how Troy's house look like I'm sure it'll be classy" Mary says as they walk towards his house.

The sound of music can be heard from inside in the lawn the voices can tell that everyone in there is enjoying the party they both enters, the house is filled with people's guys laughing on something, girls talking and everyone dancing on Elle goulding burn.

Erik and Troy laughs at one of their team mate's joke, they are standing near Foosball table, Troy looks at the girl he was waiting for, wearing an red top and cream flared skirt looking like a princess she is, he can't take his eyes off of her, she is looking around the party, unknown that he is looking at her, it seems like the rest of the crowd fades away and it's only Erika he can see, it's like she is the only one who matters, like she is the only one who is here for him, like she is the only one who should be here, like she has come in this world for him, but why he is feeling this about her.

"So she is friend with that awkward girl" says Erik looking at Mary,

"You Know her" Troy didn't know he knows Mary.

"Yeah weeks ago I met her in Starbucks she spilled her dark coffee on my girlfriend" Erik tells Troy who laughs on it.

"Let me get them" saying Troy goes to her "Hey"

She looks at Troy who is coming to her, he looks handsome in his black faded jeans with white tee a skull drawn over it and an back leather jacket, he kinda give a bad guy vibes but his innocent blue eyes and charming smile speaks about his goodness.

"Hey" he said that sound a little nervous to her,

"Hey" Erika replied smiling,

"You.. You look beautiful" he looks at her with soft eyes,

"Thank You, you also look very good" her cheeks were red from his compliment, she really liked how he appreciates how she looks and his eyes never seem to travel down her body he always looks at her face, his way is different from others, it never disgusts her, whenever he see her it make her feel beautiful and pure.

"I'm also here" Mary rolls her eyes.

"Hi Mary wow you look cool" Troy said quickly looking at her embarrassed.

"Thank you, you don't have to be embarrassed I told her that when you'll see her you won't be able to take your eyes off of her" Mary elbow her "See I was right"


Erika also elbow her, asking her to shut up,

"What that was supposed to be a secret" she looks at Troy "Sorry my bad forget what I said brother" saying she leaves waving at few girls.

Troy was happy that she talk about him and wanted to see him "Come I'll introduce you to my friend"

She nods following him, Erika looks at his friend who is playing table foosball, he look charming wearing light grey sweatshirt with an grey infinity scarf and a black Bennie cap, Troy goes to him dragging him to her, Mary comes with an drink in her hand stands beside Erika.

"So ladies meet Erik my bestest buddy, and Erik this is Mary" Erik smiles but a fake one to Mary, who was already frowning seeing him, Erika couldn't understand why they are not please to meet each other "And this is Erika"

"So you are the famous Erika, I'm Erik our name sound familiar I hope you are not my long lost sister or somethin" Erik mocks smiling this time genuinely, Erika and Troy chuckled while Mary passes an fake smile "I hope tonight you won't disappear Miss Cinderella"

"How can she Mr. Goose the coachman is busy throwing a party" Mary jokes sighing.

"Excuse me" says Erik annoyed but her words make Erika to control her laugh and an laughing Troy, Erik stares at Mary who is proud of her joke "At least Cinderella have her mice with her" he says with an smirk and wiggling eyebrow.

"You called me mice, do I look like a mice" Mary says angry looking at him with her head up to look him in eyes.

"Do I look like Goose" he repeats her words looking down at her, they both look like wrestlers ready to fight but they look cute, for a moment they give each other staring contest then leaves in different directions.

"She is weird"

"He is weird" they both speak in unison and then laughs, "Let's grab a drink come on" Erika nods following him in the big kitchen filled with snacks, drinks and people of course.

On the counter a guy standing giving fruit punch to everyone, Mary is also sitting there sipping a beer, she offers it to Erika who denies.

"So what you drink?" Troy asks,

"Babes you can drink anything we have beer, vodka anything you want" says the guy before her casually.

"I don't drink alcohol" Erika never likes it, thinking of loosing her consciousness scares her.

"Just like Troy" comes Erik patting Troy's shoulder putting his hands over them, "Mr. Saint also don't drink" he jokes,

"Really" Erika couldn't believe it he have seen guys but have never seen anyone of them who don't drink,

"Yup" Troy don't feel that someone will make fun of his not drinking policy, he don't like it he thinks it hurts you from inside " Yeah I have seen many people drinking and then talking about their past like Erik who after few shots starts calling me his Grandpa" Erika giggles at his remark, her soft giggles chimes like a melody in his ear he can hear it forever. He hands her a can of Pepsi and opens one for himself "That's our drink" he says and cheers.

"Oh come on let's dance" Mary drags Erika with her on dance floor, she tries to stop her but you can't stop a drunk Mary "Woo let's dance girl" they both dance on Martin Garrix Animals, while Mary dance like forgetting about everything around her it's clear she loves to dance, Erika dance lightly and not that much she is shy and it's hard for her to dance openly in front of a lot people she don't know but she enjoys this she looks at Troy who is standing in corner looking at her smiling, she wonders why he is not dancing she wanted to know if he can dance or not Erik is talking to him swaying slightly on the spot he is standing.

"I think it's enough" shouts Erika the loud music making it difficult to speak, Mary nods.

After taking pictures with Mary and Troy and Erik, she enjoyed every bit of it, She was certain of one thing now that she have few peoples she can be certain of. Sitting on sofa with Mary she sees around, looking at everyone.

"Enjoying?" Troy comes

"Yeah I have never enjoyed any party like this before" She use to go to parties with her friends in her previous school but they always judged her calling her oldschool but her new friends don't do that and she know they would never.

"Wanna go for fresh air" Troy asks anticipated for her answer.

"YEAH.... Trust me I need it" she tells Mary who is good talking to few girls and drinking her drink.

The cool crisp air hits her nose making it slightly red, inside its full of people and outside its no-one just like their hearts outside there are so many people's but inside their heart it's empty, the voice of loud music still can be heard from inside, the night is peaceful with light cool breeze blowing, she feel a bit cold out here but the coldness was vanished and a warm feeling covers her body, she looks at her shoulder finding Troy's Jacket on them, he sees that the wind is cold so he gave his jacket to her. Soon the cold was gone she inhales the fabric which smells like him it's soft on her skin his strong intoxicating smell makes it feel more comfortable. She walks towards the swing standing in his garden and sits their.

"Thanks" Mary says sipping her drink she stir her drink a little looking around.

"Hey what are you doing here?" an awfully known voice spoke.

"Hi kick" says Mary drunk but still in her state of mind.

"It's Nick" Replied the guy unimpressed by her joke sipping in his drink.

"Yeah hi Dick" she joked again "what are you doing here do they know you have sneaked in Erik's party"

"I'm invited after all I'm in team" he shows off she rolls her eyes,

"So they are tired of winning and wants to see how to lose so they took you in team thats cool" she mocks,

"Oh come on you are still angry on me" he spoke coming closer "You shouldn't forget after all we dated"

"Yeah we dated for a week and you cheated twice" she states being honest.

"Come on you were not giving me that so what can I do taking it from other girls was the only way to fulfill my needs" he speaks proud of his ill deeds.

"So you mean sex is the only thing that bounds two people in an relationship" he nods "you are not Nick you are sick"

"I'm not and besides its not always important to be an relationship at all we can still have fun" he speaks and touch her hand disgustingly she tries to get out of his grip but he don't bugde.

"Nick what are you doing" Erik'voice broke his grip, "Leave her go" he says like he is his teacher, oh he is also the vice captain, not wanting to leave he stares at Mary one last time in anger and leaves "wait" he stops in his tracks Mary looks at them, he snatches bottle from his hands "not good for you now leave" feeling angry he leaves, he wanted to fight with Erik but leaves as he knows Troy will get involved in it and he have seen him fighting, he kinda scares him so he leave. "Your welcome" he speaks leaning on counter beside her.

"Thank You" she says drinking.

"You drink I thought you just drink coffee" he chuckles saying sarcastically, she giggled understanding his words "Aren't you underage for this" he arches his eyebrow.

"Same to you" she says taking another sip,

He shrugs his face "I'm sorry for my behavior I was out of mind"

"It's alright but I'll forgive properly on one condition" she says smiling on her plan.

"What? I hope it's not like slapping or stuff" Erik was confused a a bit scared from her mischievous smile.

"You have to dance with me" she screams because of the loud music.

"Dance me, I guess you should slap me but not dancing" he says.

"OK no dances no apologies" she starts walking,

"Alright Alright" he gives him hand and she takes enthusiasticly.

"Where's she?" Mary looks for his girlfriend.

"Who?" he asks

"Your girlfriend I wanted to say sorry for that day" she thinks when she spilled her coffee on her.

"It's alright you don't have to we broke up and even now I wanna say thank you for that" she laugh at his words,"but I wanna say sorry to you"

"What for?" she keeps swaying on music.

"I called you awkward behind your back" he don't know why but he wants to be honest with her, maybe to see her reaction as her ex used to get angry on his honesty.

"Ohh that's alright I also called you weird behind your back so we are fair" her bluntness makes him laugh,"You know what"

"What?" he asks,

"You dance very bad" she says and they both laughs.

She is sitting on the swing, swinging it lightly he looks at Erika who just look like an angel swinging "Since childhood this have been my favorite swing my mom used to take me to park everyday when I was in Atlanta" she controls her tears thinking of her makes it impossible to life sometimes she wish if she could go to her.

"So why you came here?" he wants know everything about her.

"After divorce I used to live their with my mom but I lost her on an car accident, I was left alone so there was no other choice but to come and live here with my dad and brother" she speaks looking forward.

"I lost my mother when I was born didn't even got the chance to even see her or talk to her, I'm sure they are in peace and looking at us so if you'll cry she'll cry too and if you'll smile she'll smile" he never let's anyone in his past he don't want anyone to see him sympathetically but he knows Erika can understand it after all their pain is same.

She hears his words and looks at him it looks like she is looking in mirror, she can't believe how much similar they are, not just their likes and dislikes but their pains and sorrows every person who meets her and hears her about her reason of leaving Atlanta sympathies but never understands, he is the first to do so and it touches her.

"I'm glad you enjoyed tonight" he said changing the subject, he don't want her to cry as she is about to.

"Yeah I met so many nice people, it was great but I didn't meet your girlfriend" as much as she wanted to avoid her she also wanna meet her.

"I would have loved to introduce you to her" his words hurts her "If she exists" he knowingly gave the pause in his words to see her reaction and it was just he expected, she is happy now and shocked,

"What? But I heard Sarah is your girlfriend" she said fumbling,

He laughs "Sarah no she is not my girlfriend yeah She is a girl and a friend but we are not together I mean she is nice girl, she is already in a relationship with a guy who is in Italy for studies and she is off to meet him that's why she didn't show up"

"Ohh I heard it in school and thought that" she says a bit embarrassed.

"Its alright not for the first time I have heard a rumor about me atleast this time they paired me with a beautiful girl like Sarah, the worst rumor I have heard about me was that Me and Erik are together" she cracks up laughing at his words "Yeah seriously I mean even if I would have been a gay I still would have never dated him I mean he is like a brother to me" he completes laughing with her.

They both fell silent looking at each other "It's getting late I should get going" Erika gets up from swing and he follows her, they go inside for Mary who is laughing and dancing with Erik who is also laughing but dancing bad.

"I think they agreed with each other" he speaks in her ear, she nods "Let her enjoy if she wants I'll drop you"

"No I can't leave her alone like this" she can't leave his best friend alone.

"Don't worry she is with Erik the most nice person I know, just let her know that you are going, Erik will take care of her trust me he won't hurt her he is kinda person who if kills a fly won't be able to sleep in night" she chuckles and agree.

Telling Mary she comes out with Troy again "Erika" she turns around "before you go can I have a dance with you" he speaks sincerely.

"Here" she asks looking around lawn.

"Yeah" she nods and he takes her soft hands in his, her hands feels like he is touching rose petals.

Everything has changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran playing inside the house and they dance on it outside, the song relates with them the moment they have came in each others life everything has changed, he never thought of any girl like he do now, she never believed anyone but now she wants to believe him, he never has felt something like this for someone, she has never felt this much protected with someone but now everything has changed.

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