《For-Getting You》Chapter 33. Obsessed


He just can't get her out of his mind, the feeling of her soft small form hugging his body, the warmth she was spreading in him, her beautiful innocent face so close to his, her soft breath fanning his face, and her voice he wants to hear her moaning and screaming his name, he just can't forget how scared she looked after meeting him, her fear gives him power it excites him she'll be an perfect submissive girl, his girl.

"Where are you?" he snaps in front of him.

"Yeah.. I'm here" he replied straightening on his chair.

"You were thinking of someone James must be a girl" he puts the files in drawer.

"Your sister" James said quickly,

"What" he asked arching an eyebrow, James is his friend but he knows how he is with girls and speaking him about his little sister pisses him.

"Calm down Ethan, I meant your sister seems to enter in your life out of the blue" James know very well that Ethan is extremely caring for his family and the way he was reacting with his sister it's clear he loves her a lot, if he'll know about his intentions he'll kill him though they are partners and friends but it won't stop Ethan from taking his life.

"She didn't after divorce my mother got her custody and she was with her in Atlanta but now when mother is no more we can't leave her there alone so she'll live with us now" Ethan feels bad thinking that he was not with her mother, regretting it maybe being with her could have made him an better person.

"So she'll live here with you forever" James wants that, Ethan nods in yes "So don't you think she can be a problem, I meant what if she'll know what we do about your business" James is happy knowing that she will stay her forever and he'll have her all to himself.

"She won't know anything just that we owns pubs and bars that's it nothing else" Ethan said a little stressed from his friend's words.

"So we are gonna leave the drugs out of it" James relaxes on his chair.

"Yes and don't you dare to speak a word in front of her" Ethan puts his hands on table with a thud.

"Scared she'll tell your father" James snorted.

"I'm not scared of my father but I don't want to hurt my sister" Ethan replied all serious,

"Don't worry partner" He replied casually.

"The consignments are ready?" Ethan scrunches his eyebrow.

"They are already dispatched Ethan and I checked them they were strong" James inhales.

"James we sell drugs you don't have to use them I don't want you to get addicted" Ethan sits on his chair.

James shakes his head thinking in himself there's just one addiction right now and her name is Erika.

"Come-on stop playing like an old men, even old mens are pretty active these days" he chuckled,

Erik runs towards the net throwing the ball in it "See that old mens always have experience" he laughs a fake laugh.

Troy throws the ball again in net scoring again.

"I think it's enough for today" Erik breathes putting his hands over his knees catching his breath.

"Okay" Troy let's out an breath, they both starts walking towards the bench grabbing their water bottles, Troy sits on one of the bench looking around the place they usually came to practice, he pours down water from his bottle over his face wiping the sweat "I talked to her"

Erik stares at him confused "You mean that girl?"


"Erika her name and thank God I didn't listen to you and talked to her or it could be too late and for your kind information she not only remembers me but was quite happy to meet me" Troy says proudly.

"Good so what she said?"

"We talked about that night she apologized for leaving like that and I invited her in your party on weekend" smile never leaves Troy's face as he speaks about her.

"So she'll come?" Erik enquires,

"She said she'll think about it, though I'm sure she'll come" Troy is getting the vibes that she also wanna spend time with him.

"If she's gonna come then you should give her the address how you'll do it? " his questions annoys him a bit but he knows Erik is right, Troy was also thinking the same.

"Even I was also thinking the same, no worries, asking her number would look clingy so I'll give her my number tomorrow" Troy speaks excited from the thought of seeing her again.

"You mean number of your mobile" Troy nod "You mean the same phone which works whenever it wants" Erik mocks.

"Yup and I know it will work" Troy smiles.

Her stomach growls from hunger but she wants to have dinner with her brother so have to wait, all alone in her huge house sitting on sofa watching TV. Her inner self thought of eating it alone but she controlled herself.

She was about to sleep but the voice of front door woke her up.

"Sorry I'm late" Ethan apologize entering the house.

"I thought you'll starve me to death" Erika huffs,

"I'm sorry my little sister now come-on let's eat" she smiles at his brothers words, then enters the last man she wants to meet.

"I hope I'm not interrupting but I'm also hungry so can I" dinner is just an excuse in reality he wants to talk to her he wants to hear her soft voice.

She wanted to eat her dinner alone with her brother but saying no to someone is not what her mother taught her, three of them sits on huge dinning table with Ethan sitting on the head chair and James and Erika on his sides facing each other, the maid serves them food.

She dig into her lasagna moaning a little at the taste, his brother smiles at her but she have no idea that her small action had made James troubled from inside her moans are so sweet I can hear them all day all night he thinks in himself he is getting obsessed with her.

"You were very hungry" smiling asked Ethan "And still waited for me"

"I was famished but I wanted to have dinner with you" She replied food in her small mouth, as she speaks James noticing her every move like a hawk.

"I'm sorry Erika" he sighs "Dad is always out on work I got an habit of coming late after all there was no one waiting for me but now you are here I promise this is the last time I have come late"

James don't say anything but inside it bothers him deep down he fears that for his sister Ethan can leave this life ending their illegal business and he don't want that. He don't like that she is changing her, he believes that men should not let their emotions change them.

"How was your day my baby sister I hope no one bothered you" Ethan take sip of his water,

"Yeah if a guy or a girl ever bothered you can tell me.. I mean us we'll take care of it" James speaks,


"It was good and no one bothered me everyone is so good and helpful" she answers glaring at James finding him too interfering but Ethan found him harmless thinking that maybe he is just worried like a brother only if he could know his true motives.

"I also made an friend her name is Mary" She continue telling her brother about her day but she didn't speak about Troy though he wanted to but not in front of James.

Ethan laughs at her jokes, his phone rings "Excuse me I gotta take this" saying he goes out of the room,

Leaving Erika alone with James and awkward silence, alone in front of him makes her uncomfortable, she masks it but he scares her.

"So liking the new city" he asked putting his both hands on table,

"Yeah, it's beautiful city the scenery are beautiful" she replied genuinely.

"If you ever wants to see anything you can tell me I'll love to take you there" he speaks menacingly.

"No thanks I'm an independent woman, I can go on my own" Erika never likes being dependant on someone beside she also like to wander alone in her own company.

"You look too little to be left alone" he teases her,

"I'm not I can take care of myself" she retreats back.

She is usually silent in front of him but tonight seeing her outspoken side is turning him on, for talking back at him he wants to spank her senseless controlling himself he sighs. "You have a boyfriend?" he wants to know if there's some guy so he could get rid of him.

"Excuse me" she really don't like him asking personal questions, it's her private life and she don't consider him close enough to talk about these things.

"I just asked out of curiosity because I don't think so your brother will like you having a boyfriend, I mean the way he is protective of you I don't think so he'll appreciate it" James speaks taking bite in his food.

"You don't have to worry about it" though Erika don't have any boyfriend even she never had any, it doesn't mean she would never date anyone or she don't want a boyfriend it just she is waiting for the right guy and she knows his brothers happiness lies in her happiness he'll never forbid her from loving someone.

Before he could say anything else Ethan comes back, the rest of the dinner passed in brother and sister talk. After dinner James talked a little to Ethan, Ethan walks him to door.

"See you tomorrow partner" Ethan nods "Good night Erika" he says with menacing eyes.

"Good night" she speaks still upset from his words. She sighs of relieve as her brother closes the door.

"You don't like him don't you?" asking he chuckled.

"Is it obvious" she makes an innocent face.

"Did he said something to you" his eyebrow scrunches,

"No it's just he seems a little to interfering" she sighs.

"He is my friend and partner Erika he is always there in my every decisions and works maybe now he is used to it and that's why he is interfering in your life as well" they both stands in front of the huge glass door which led to their lawn, the night is peaceful with clear sky moon shining stars twinkling and cold light breeze blowing, they stands in front of it looking out.

"Brother can I ask you something" he nods, "Apart from this weird friend of yours do you have someone else who is close to you?" though now she is here but she don't like his brother being alone.

"What are you trying to ask dear" he asks smiling understanding her meaning.

"I mean do you have girlfriend" she asks curious.

"No" he said with no emotions at all.

"So you have never dated or loved anyone" she don't know why this bothers her maybe because that James said her brother will never understand her if she'll ever fall in love with someone.

"I did loved a girl we were together since high school" he speaks staring into distant.

"Where is she, she lives here?" she asks excited to know more about.

"She used to" He answers in a low voice "After passing highschool I got addicted to money and work and didn't give her the time and love she deserved, your brother sucks that's why she left" he chuckled darkly.

"My brother don't suck" saying she hugged her brother from his side "You still think about her"

"Not even a moment goes when I don't think about her and how different my life could have been if we'd be together, I'd leave everything for her she'd never left me" he said.

"I love you brother" she feel bad for her brother she wish If she could find that girl again, but now she is certain of one thing that his brother understands the joy of love, the pain of love it's clear that he understands love.

"Love you too little sister" he kiss her hairs.

Mary stares in awe at the house in front of her, "Oh My God so beautiful house" she says in herself. She knocks at door fixing her black tank top and loose Blue Jeans before knocking again she fix her black Bennie straightening her brown lose hairs spitting her gum. A maid opens the door "Hey Good Morning I'm here for Erika"

"Good Morning Ma'am please come in" she steps aside from door giving her space to enter.

"Thank ya" she enters looking around the huge place, wooden flooring, white colors gives it an clean spacious look, the huge glass window and a huge glass door fills it with light, the furnitures, the decors everything looks expensive though few things a bit too much, Erika is wickedly rich yet she is so down to earth and simple, thinking she turns around and finds a guy looking at her with files in his hands, he is wearing an navy suit shirt with black jeans his hairs a bit messy he looks like Erika, maybe it's her father but he look a little younger than that she thinks in herself.

"Who are you?" he asks with an confused look.

"Mary" before she could Erika speaks from standing up on stairs wearing tight black jeans, white top and an black leather jacket with ankle boots her blond long hairs cascading down "Mary you came brother this is Mary my friend and Mary my elder brother Ethan"

"Hello" she said with an smile and he nods,

"Brother I'm going to school with Mary and she'll also drop me home" Erika tells him smiling.

"OK but in any case you have drivers number you can him he'll come to pick you" he speaks she nods "It was nice meeting you Mary, have fun girls"

"Your house is beautiful I didn't think you'll be this rich when I met you" Mary speaking walking up to her car.

"Its all because of my brother" She replied opening the door and slipping in,

"Your brother is nice what he do?" she wants to know what he do.

"He owns clubs names Nocturnal" Erika Speaks

"Really that is one of the best clubs in town, oh my so we can throw parties there without paying" she says all excited.

"Perks of being my friend now let's go before" they both laugh,

"Before what?" Mary starts the car leaving for school.

"Before my brother's annoying friend comes" Erika speaks looking at herself in mirror.

Laughing at her joke they enter the school.

"I need to go to the library" Erika tells her friend.

"Okay we'll go after this lit class" Erika nods and they both go in their class.

Touching books lightly as she sees to find the book she is looking for, though she loves to spend time with her new friend Mary, but as she is in her class she enjoys her me time as well with her other best friend books.

A hands grips her hand pulling her in corner, pinning her against the side of shelves, her heart beats becomes high, and she is scared but not hurt, the person griped her hand but not harshly, scared she looks at the person and finds two blue sparkling eyes this time sparkling with mischief, seeing Troy in front of her she calm down.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he speaks genuinely feeling bad for making her sacred, he never hurts anyone and Erika is not anyone but someone, someone who is very special.

"You did" she says catching her breath.

"Sorry" he holds his ears like a child he looks strong but she finds him so adorable doing this and giggles.

"It's alright" they both giggles, hearing footsteps he fingers on his lips signalling to quite, the footsteps goes silent, he peeks and find no-one, he sighs facing Erika again, he looks at her beautiful face looking at him her skin flawless, her big eyes staring at him, pink lips slightly parted, he can look at her forever and will never get tired of it, this the first time he is having such thoughts for someone, these are not sexual at all they all feel so pure, pure like her.

They both keeps standing close to each other looking in eyes, he can feel her breath on his neck, she have never been this close to any guy no guy have made her feel like this, the closeness makes her embarrass she looks down avoiding his gaze. She is shy the pink color creeps it's way on her cheeks, she looks like a rose when she blush.

"I.. I.." he thinks what he wanted to tell her, "I came here and saw you.. And.. Wanted to see how are ya.."

"I'm.. Good" she replies fumbling,

"Yeah.. So.. Are you.. Are you gonna come in party" he also feels awkward.

"I haven't think about it yet" before she answers further a voice interrupts her.

"You are throwing a party and inviting us of course we'll come" Mary speak excitingly.

"Hey, Yeah I mean not me but my friend is throwing a party but both of you are invited" Troy says smiling widely at Mary "I'm Troy Adams"

"Everyone knows you I'm Mary" she replies.

"So if you'll come so here's my number give me a call so I could send you address, I gotta go I have class, it was nice meeting you Mary" she nods taking the number from him, he turns to Erika "See you" smiling lightly.

"Yeah see you" Erika reply softly watching him leave.

"Girl" Mary screams in excitement Erika hushes her, she realise she is in library and down her voice "I just can't believe we'll be going to the party of most popular people even we are freshers and they are seniors all other girls will burn in jealousy"

"They all are seniors I don't think so we should go" Erika don't want to be look like an unknown between the knowns.

"No we are going there it'll be so much fun, we both will be so popular and besides I'll be with you so no worries" she argues.


"No buts Erika didn't I say we'll make the best of high schools memories so we are going in party" Mary tries to convince her friend.

"Okay" Erika finally agrees jumping enthusiastically Mary hugs her, Erika laughs, the more time she spends with her the more it feels like Mary is not just a friend but a sister to her.

"By the way what you two were doing in corner" she asks breaking the hug smiling wiggling her eyebrows.

Erika laughs at her expressions.

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