《For-Getting You》Chapter 32. Erika


"He is here, and he remembers me" she said in herself, she was happy to see him and the fact that he remembers her made her even more happy, from that day she wanted to meet him again not to just see him but also for apologizing him that she left like that without even letting him know.

She was not understanding it but she was feeling excited for some reason the reason is not school it made her nervous, she is excited that they'll meet again and she won't have to find friend she already know him, she enters in her class it's her favorite literature she loves reading books, she showed her papers to teacher, the middle aged women with grey eyes a pointy nose and thin lips, she must have look beautiful in her youth she still looks good.

After seeing her papers and greeting her she ask her to go to seat, she looked around and sat on an chair right next to a girl who was sitting her head down.

"Hey where did you came from?" said the girl looking up

"Excuse me" Erika was confused by her reaction,

"Oh no it's just when I slept no one was sitting here and when I woke up you are here it almost seemed like you manifested from somewhere" she said laughing,

Erika couldn't help and smiled "No I'm not some goddess who'll manifest I came when you were sleeping"

"Not my fault after seeing this I couldn't help it" she said showing Jane Eyre yawning,

"It's a good book"

"No doubt it is but for that you have to read it whole and I can't.... I mean I can read but it's too long I'll be 90 when I'll complete it" she joked,

"I know it's long but it has a great story how love overcomes every obstacle and besides you can see movie if you want" Erika replied smiling,

She smiled widening her brown eyes she have an chubby face her cheeks goes up as she smiles her nose small looks cute she have an very pretty and cute childlike face "I'm Mary Christie" she said taking out her hand,

"Erika Dashwood" they both shake hands.

"Nice to meet you at least now I finally found a friend who'll help me in it" she said waving book in her hand as they both laugh.

"So you are new in town" Mary asks as they grab a seat to eat,

They both sit keeping their salads and juice in front of them "No I'm not new I'm mean my father and brother already live here, when I was seven my parents got divorced and mom moved to Atlanta I was bought up there, but a month ago my mom died in an road accident and my father bring me here to live with them"

Mary give her an sympathetic look "I'm sorry"

"It's alright"

"Don't worry now that you are here I'll make sure that we both will enjoy our life and together we'll make our best memories of high school and friendship what say" Mary asked enthusiastically showing her hand for and high five,

"Done" Erika smiled giving her high five, smiling she looked ahead of us and her heart skip a beat Troy enters the cafeteria wearing black jeans and V-neck grey sweatshirt it fits him perfectly showing his firm muscles,with his friends behind him, she looks at him and it almost seems like he owns the place with everyone passing smiles at him girls drooling at him everyone already knows him and he is quite famous it's obvious by everyone's reaction, everyone wants his attention he is also smiling sitting on table with basketball in his hands as he twirls it the same guy who was with him in morning is also sitting beside him saying something that they can't hear.


"Already impressed by him" Mary's question got her,

"Ah.... What?" She replied shocked,

"Oh come on I saw you staring at him and it's pretty much obvious he is amazing" Mary took a bite in her salad.

"Who are you talking about?" Erika really don't want to talk about him,

Mary smiles wickedly "You know by the way his name is Troy Adams basketball captain, two years senior to us, handsome, charming, helping, caring and a perfect guy he is one of the popular peoples of highschool, and beside him is his best friend Erik Simon he also plays but he is weird" Mary narrates about them and a girl with model like figure beautiful face walks towards Troy hugging him and pecking him on cheek,

For some unknown reason a twinge of jealousy runs in Erika, she is shocked at herself why is she feeling this she don't even know him properly, they have just met once and now he is not even looking at her "And who is she?" she wants to know her, she wants to know what relationship they have.

"Sarah Ashley cheerleader she is the only girl Troy talks with everyone says they are together though together they don't give the perfect couple goals" she chuckles.

Troy sees Erika sitting there and a smile naturally shines on his face,

"Is he smiling at you?" Mary asked all shocked at seeing Troy smiling at her.

Troy start standing up to meet Erika but before that Erika grabs Mary's hand leaves the cafeteria, Mary confused at her sudden action follows her without uttering a word.

Troy sees them leaving he wanted to go and talk to Erika he wanted to follow her but Erik's words comes in his mind that what if she don't wanna talk to him, what if she don't even remembers him, that'll just make him fool in front of everyone and in front of her as well, he'll definitely meet her but it's not the right moment.

"Wait stop girl" Mary stops walking as they get out of the cafeteria "Why are you running like Troy is a vampire and wants to kill ya?

"Ah.... It's just.... You didn't show me the library so let's go" Erika says changing the subject, she starts walking graving Mary along,

Mary stops walking "You know Troy right?"

"Won't you show me the library" she insisted.

"Library can wait trust me it's just books there not Chris Evans dancing in there now come on tell me" Mary asks arching an eyebrow.

"Okay" she sighs "I met him at the fair we bump into each other and then we talked, spent the whole day together enjoying and wandering in fair then I left cool that's the story"

"Seriously so it means he know you very well" Mary was thrilled to know this she wants to be popular and if Erika gets popular she'll also get famous in high school.

"Yeah he do but he don't know my name"

"What are you kidding you are saying you both were together for a day and he don't know your name are you sure it was not a dream of yours" Mary couldn't believe how can they spend time with each other without knowing each others name.

"I knew his name I mean I heard a kid calling him Troy but he didn't ask my name and I didn't tell him you don't believe me see" Erika takes out picture she cut from picture strip they clicked.

"It's so cute you both look adorable I mean did you see how he is looking at you so lovingly Aww I want someone to look at me like that" Mary let out a fake cry.


Erika giggles at her behavior "I know you must be thinking its weird that we talked about everything but our introduction but we were just so in to the moment of fun and togetherness that all the other things didn't matter what matters was just each others company"

"It's amazing it's like I'm reading an Wattpad romantic novel" they both giggles "Everyone will be thrilled to know and girl if everyone will know you are together you'll be famous and so I after all I'm your only friend"

"No I don't want you to tell anyone" Mary looked at her with an questioning look "besides we are not together we just spend a day together and I don't think so he'll like to talk to me especially when he have a hot girlfriend so I don't want to make fun of myself so promise me you won't tell anyone"

"Promise but still he looks at you like he really likes you" Mary said making an sad face with downing her lips,

"No come on let's go" Erika starts walking dragging her.

The only thing on Troy's mind that he should have talked to her but why did she left after seeing him both the times maybe Erik is right maybe she don't wanna talk to me, but maybe she is just shy and wants me start it but what if I'll go and she'll say that she don't know me, I'll make a fool of myself maybe I'm thinking to much and it's for the first time I'm thinking this much, I should just stop thinking I should go and talk to her.

"Troy.. Troy" a voice called him,

"Yeah" he said quickly looking at his teacher "Yes Mr.Patriks"

"I have been asking you a question but you seem to be in deep thought would enlighten us what were you thinking about" he asked curtly.

"I was thinking" Troy thinks for an excuse "game yeah I was thinking of game",

"Troy you are a nice student and do great in game but physics is important even in your game so you better pay attention in class" the short man said with wrinkles appearing over his half bald head,

Troy nods as he sees through the window he sees her walking with earphones on, it almost looks like she is in her other world enjoying her music smiling in her own, as soon as the bell ring dismissing the class Troy didn't waste a moment he opens the window jumping from it.

The whole class stares at his action but he was so determined to meet her that he didn't care in himself he was glad that the class was on ground floor or he would have get himself hurt, running into almost everyone, with people stopping him to greet him, his teammates throwing ball at him that he throw back at them, finally a little out if breath he get to her she was now right in front of him standing leaning against an tree enjoying his music, she is looking at sky smiling it seems like she is imaging something or someone, he starts walking towards her maybe she is thinking or talking to her boyfriend no she don't have an boyfriend it doesn't look like that he thought in himself theres only one way to know it I have to talk to her.

Erika is enjoying her me time listening "thousand years by Christina Perri" on the lines day we met the moment when she met Troy comes in her mind she walks imagining their time together, she leans against the tree and as the line watching you stand alone plays in her ears she opens her eyes only to find Troy standing in front of him smiling slightly, for one second she thoughts it's her imagination she smiles at him.

Seeing her smiling proves one thing that she remembers me and she is happy to meet me Troy was happy with her reaction "I take it that you are happy to see me"

Startled to find him real she comes back to reality with his velvety voice which makes her to pause her song.

"Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he chuckled,

Oh my God his chuckle is so perfect I can listen it whole day she was impressed by him "No you didn't.."

"Well if I didn't then why are you running from me" He came straight to point,

"No I'm.. I'm not" embarrassed by her nervousness she looks at ground like a circus of ants is going on there.

"I'm glad by it because scarring you is the last thing I want besides I don't think so I look that frightening" he jokes and they both laughs.

She really wants to tell him that neither she is scared of him nor he looks frightening, frightening reminds her of his brother's friend she met in morning what was his name, anyways but Troy he is not frightening to her she feels protected around him though they have met twice but still theirs some sort of connection between them which takes her to him and whenever she talks to him, whenever he looks at her she feels safe she feels an unknown emotion and feeling growing in herself, she don't know what emotion is this but she knows one thing that's this for the first time she is feeling it.

"I'm sorry" his words left her confused,

"Sorry for what?" her eyebrows scrunch in confusion.

"For being monotonous that day" his sparkling blue eyes squint,

"No you were not" She was shocked why did he think like that not one second passed that day that bored her "what made you think that?"

"When I left to get ice-cream for us you took your chance to run away me that's why" he said with an mischievous smirk over his face, he don't know why but he really likes to tease her in a good way.

"No I didn't run away it's just it was late and I had to go I wanted to tell you but you were gone, I even wanted to spend more time with you but" in hurry to explain herself she rambles without realising what is she saying,

Troy was looking at her she looks adorable when she rambles and the words that she wanted to spend more time with him touched him, he have always been alone in his life, his own father left him after that he started to think that no one wants to stay with him.

"I'm sorry I mean I wanted to stay but" realising her words she looks embarrassed.

Troy keeps looking at her with a smile "But had to go" he completes her words moving his head slowly "it's alright, I was certain that we'll meet again and here we are so now I can ask you the question I wanted to ask that day"

"What?" she asked all confused about the question, a part of her excited about what he is gonna ask.

"May I know your name please" he asks with his toothy smile showing his perfect teeth.

She sighs lightly shaking her head "Of course myself Erika.. Erika Dashwood nice to meet you Troy"

He chuckles knowing that she knows his name "Nice to meet you again Erika" her name is as beautiful as her it suits her,

She smiles lovingly at him her smile is so beautiful Troy could'nt take his eyes off of her,

"So liking the school made any friends?" he asked clearing his throat.

"Yeah school is good I got an friend her name is Mary" he nods listening her "You are quite famous here"

Shaking his head he let out an chuckled "Yeah I'm the team captain so everyone knows me, I talk to everyone so everyone likes me but what about you, do you feel the same?" he asks raising his one eyebrow, for some reason he wants to know what she feels about him.

She laughed lightly in herself "You are not that bad"

"Not that bad" he repeats her words smiling "It's my best friend's birthday on Saturday he is throwing a party if you are free you can come you can also bring your friends with you it'll be fun what say"

"Hmm.... I'll see if I could I can't promise" she didn't knew if her brother will allow her or not.

"Okay but in case you come promise you won't disappear like Cinderella" he chuckled.

"I can't promise for that as well" they both laughed "I gotta go now see you later"

"Bye Erika" he bowed like a gentlemen to tease her.

"Bye Troy" saying she leaves Troy looking at her with a smile over his face.

There was something that they both were feeling for the first time, and they could'nt figure it out what was it why after meeting Erika he wants to spend more time with her, why she feels protected and home with Troy, they don't know anything, they don't know what fate holds for them, how they both will change each others life for forever.

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