《For-Getting You》Chapter 31. Met Again


Troy got is home as he enters inside he feels someone's presence in his house, it's definitely a intruder he lives alone have no relatives, thief maybe it's late perfect timing for thief well but tonight he won't get anything Troy don't have anything valuable, he is a poor guy all he have is a heart of gold,

He pick up the baseball bat from the corner tossing it in air and catching it again, ready to hit the guy, with silent steps he walks in living room,

"Ahh!" screaming they both charged at each other,

"Erik!" Troy huffs

"Troy it's you I thought it's thief" Erik said putting his hand over his heart scared,

"I thought the same"

"Why were you entering your own house like its a bank and you are gonna rob it" They both fell on his couch,

"And why did you break in like a thief" Troy said arching his eyebrow,

"I was waiting for you as you were not picking up your phone"

"Yeah you know my phone is just it works whenever it's wants" he replied

"Troy maybe you should consider buying a new one"

"You know it's waste of money and I don't have money to waste bro and it works" Troy knows how to manage and be satisfy with what he have,

"I can gift you a new phone on your birthday" Erik argued,

"Firstly my Birthday is gone and secondly you are my brother like best friend not my rich sugardaddy who needs to exploit me" Troy jokes,

"Come on my parents love you like their own" Erik is always behind Troy he is a true friend his family also loves him after all they are friends from childhood.

"I don't want to take advantage of it" Troy told him, he would never want to take advantage of someone's love,

"OK bro now would you tell me where you were?" Troy's face lit up in a smile thinking about it thinking about her, "Woah..Woah are you blushing or wait just tell me" Erik was getting impatient now he is always like this keen to know everything.

"I was with a girl" Troy picked out the photostrip showing Erik,

"She is beautiful and cute you two look like two love struck teenager already" he mocks,

"I just met her I'm not in love with her but"

"But what?"

"But when I was with her I was enjoying every moment of my life, it's not that she is most beautiful girl I have ever seen it's just she was so different from others there was something about her which was making her in her simple floral midi to look like no one else maybe it was her innocence maybe it was her childlike spirit, she looked too fragile at the same time she was strong as well, moreover she was different" she was in his eyes while he speaks about her,

"Seems like you are, what else you did what's her name?" Erik teased him.

"Shut up dude we just spend the day together and enjoyed it and I don't know her name" he said and start walking in his backyard,

"What you mean you were together enjoying your time but you don't know her name?" Erik was shocked,

"Yeah I know it's weird maybe she knows my name thanks to Kitty but I was so engulfed in her company that I just couldn't ask it and when I thought I'll just ask it she was gone" Troy still thinking why she left like that,

"Did your Cinderella left her shoe or sandal for you or threw it at you" Erik jokes,


"No she didn't besides she maybe a Cinderella but I'm not Prince Charming, Now would you tell me what your girlfriend said?"

"Yeah She called me to tell me something very important that's she is breaking up with me" Erik was upset he was laughing,

"I'm sorry man" Troy stopped in his track giving his friend a bro hug "Are you alright"

"Yeah I'm good after all not my first breakup" he said sarcastically,

"Erik don't be sad bro if she left you then she had no idea what she have left it prove that she didn't deserve and God don't wants you to be with that girl, I'm sure that one day you'll find a girl who will truly deserve you and truly love you who will never leave you who will always be at your side" Troy reassure him,

"When will she come when I'll be 90?" he huffs,

"Soon very soon" Troy was certain that Erik will find his true love real soon after all Erik is a great guy an great friend and an kind human,

He nod "It's getting late I should leave, what you'll do?"

"I'm just gonna work on this beauty" Troy points at the car in his backyard,

"Dude it's night you should go to sleep have some rest, don't you get tired you study hard for the scholarship, you play in team you are the captain and then you fix cars you are juggling with too many things at same time don't you get it" Erik said with concern over his face,

"I know but studying hard is not something special that only I can do you study hard everyone does that, I play because I love basketball I'm the captain it's my duty to be good, and fixing cars is my job, it helps me earns to pay my rent, for food etc.. etc" Troy thinks its not a big deal "Trust me I'm not the only one working while studying many people do that and people far better than me" Troy opened the bonnet of car,

"I only know you so far" they both chuckled, "You can ask your father for help" Troy stops hearing his father's name, "I didn't want to offend you Troy but he is your father he'll help you"

Troy sighs "Yes he is my father but where is he? He is not here with me and I'm not offended from him it's just that he was not there when I needed him the most, when I was a child, now I'm grown up I can take care of myself, and I also don't wanna bother him he have a wife, he have a son, he have a perfect family I don't wanna intrude he is happy with me out of the picture and I'll keep it that way" he put his hand on Erik's shoulder, "Now I gotta work I'll see you tomorrow Good night"

"Good night" Erik was touched by his friend's words by his kindness his father do wrong to him but still he don't hate him, "One last question you wanna meet your Cinderella again?"

"I do but I don't think so she'll want to meet me" saying he start to work on car's engine,

Erik smiles and leaves praying in himself may Troy meets that girl again this is for the first time he have seen his friend so smitten by someone, he knows Troy from childhood he have always seen him working, running and working hard to achieve everything, he have never seen him enjoying his life like other guys of their age, he also don't have anybody expect him in his life, he wants his friend to fall in love to enjoy his life to enjoy his love to have someone in his life who'll love him unconditionally.


With her sandals in her hand she tiptoed in her house without making any noise, a single noise will be enough to woke him up and she don't want it.

"Well.. Well sneaking in silently so I won't wake up but darling I'm already awake" his voice comes from behind her, like a child caught cheating she turned around,

"I.. was.. I.. didn't want to disturb you so I was going like this" She fumbled,

"I'm here in front of you put those sandals down now care to tell me where were you venturing young lady" he asked arching his eyebrow,

"I went to see the"

"Fair" he interrupted her "Didn't I say I would take you there on Saturday"

"Today was Saturday" she said innocently,

He felt genuinely bad now he approached her and cups her face"I'm sorry Erika I totally forgot, you know your brother sucks now would you forgive me"

"I'm not angry on you and my brother does not sucks at all he is the best" he smiled at her,

"But still you did it today but no more going out alone dad is out on work so I'm in charge here little sister" he messed up her hairs, "Did you had fun I can see you won games I guess" he looked at the teddy in her hands.

"Yeah.. We.." he looked at her "I mean I enjoyed it I won it in shooting"

"Really my sister knows how to shoot I thought I would teach you" he said

"I do know it" she said thinking about Troy how he helped her winning it, and teaching her.

"I know Erika I was not there with you in your childhood we didn't spend that together but now when you are here I'll make it up to you I'll be the best brother" he said looking at his little sister hugging her like she is his child he loves her like that just like a father loves his child, they both have same colors of hairs blond, but their skintone is different he is tan, Erika is fair, she got it from their mother, they don't share same eye color as well her eyes are brown, her brother's is black he got it from their mom, they do share same long thin nose, it has been few days she had came here and have seen many girls coming to meet his brother but he just fly them off, and why not his brother is handsome with blond hairs black eyes a long nose sculpted features though he looks rude but he is very caring about his family especially about his sister. "Now it's getting late go to sleep you are ready for your school on Monday?"

"Totally Good night brother" she replied lying she is ready but she is very nervous about her new school, how it's gonna be, how the students will treat her, will got any friends or not, will she like them, drowning her in thoughts she took her bath, after getting dressed for night she falls on her bed, she looked at the picture strip one more time seeing them both smiling and making faces like kids it bought smile on her face, Troy his name is so different just like him he is so different from others, will she meet him again, she open drawer beside her bed putting the picture in it.

When she learn that now she have to live with her father and brother she was nervous, and why not she is back after ten years, She was seven when her parents got divorced her mother got her custody and she spend her childhood in Atlanta big city, that urban life she was pretty used to it but she is not addicted to it though she is liking here she still miss her home where she used to live with her mother, thinking that she would never see her home and her mother again a tear made its way from her eyes, falling on her pillow "I Love You Mom" she murmured before sleeping.

She can't believe it's today, today is her first day in high school, and she is beyond nervous, inside her she was cursing Sunday to get over so fast, she looked herself one more time in mirror, everything is good her hairs cascading on her back, her cream floral dress with brown boots and an jacket over it, she has applied a little amount of makeup "I can do it" she said to herself, she grab her bag and leave.

Coming downstairs she is looking for her brother, but he is not in living room she goes in kitchen finding him sitting on counter stool, he seems like doing something on his phone she can't see it, standing behind him she is ready to surprise him she walk towards him with silent steps hugging him from behind "Good Morning" she chirped.

He is surprised but Erika got scared because he hugged him thinking he is her brother but it's someone else, the guy looked at her their faces too close for her liking panicked she get back bringing distance between them, the guy stands from his seat staring at Erika, his eyes rakes her from tip to toe, she don't like the way he is looking at her.

"I'm.. sorry.. I thought.. you were my brother" she shutter,

"I would never want that" he said in his husky voice.

She didn't get what he means, before she could ask, her brother came.

"I have talked to them they agreed on our terms, they wants to meet tonight" he said putting his phone in his pocket "You are ready Good Morning my baby sister, sorry I know I promised to drop you to school but I have some work today"

"It's okay brother I'll go by myself" she replied,

"No.. No.. You are not driving the roads here are very different from Atlanta driver is waiting for you outside go with him" the guy cleared his throat to show his presence in room "Yeah.. Erika meet James Hudson my business partner and my best friend I know he looks weird but he is less weird in real life and James it's Erika my sweet little sister" he speaks giving her a hug,

"Nice to meet you Erika" the James guy said he is tall and well built with strong features and piercing greyish eyes, long nose, thin lips with a sharp jawline he have that all bad guy looks black leather jacket and light beards, that kinda make Erika feel uncomfortable, he have an dominant aura around him with his stone like face with hardly any expressions over it just observing eyes running at her, he looks good but no match with Troy, why is she comparing them they both are way to different James is even older then them he looks of same age of her brother.

"Same" she said in a low voice "I'm getting late bye brother" trying to run from embarrassment she left quickly, she thought in herself what if he'll tell Ethan about what happened I mean it's not a big deal but my brother will be so embarrassed by this though it was a mistake.

"Still here" the voice behind him said she turned around and James is standing in front of her observing her,

"Yeah just going" she sees that his brother is still inside the house "I'm sorry what I did it was a mistake"

"You have already apologized besides I liked it I wish if my every morning would be like this" he replied teasingly, he is liking her way too much maybe because she seems so submissive and weak she looks scared of him like deer is scared of a wolf.

She gulped "It would be good if you'll not tell about my silliness to my brother"

"Don't worry I won't tell Ethan" he come closer to her bring his face near her ear "Our secret is safe" he whispered huskily, he smelled her while stepping back.

His stare was already troublesome and this closeness took everything at another level, she wanted to push him, he for some reason scares her, she just want to run and hide from him "Thank You" saying she quickly got in her car asking the driver to drive.

"Nice ride" Erik mocked from his car,

"It helps me to reach school before ya so it's nice" Troy replied putting his helmet on his bike,

Coming out from his car Erik looked at his bike "I'm shocked man I still remember when we found this in junkyard I never thought it'll ever start"

"And now it runs" Troy completes his words, he nods.

They both enters together in school with every girl looking at Troy, passing him smiles, batting their eyelashes at him surrounded by all the beautiful faces still his mind is thinking about one girl, the girl he met last week.

"Dude you have magic in you"

"Why?" Troy was amused by his friend's remark,

"You can fix cars it seems like you are God of cars and you bring out life in them, then you are also God of love for girls" Troy chuckles, "Every girl likes you ask one of them to date me"

"I can but they'll just date you there will be no love and when theres no love in relationship then what's good in it" Troy answers in serious tone,

"Maybe you can also made them love me trust me bro you can fix anything" Erik is proud of his friend,

"If I can be God If I could fix everything then I'd have fix everything in my life making it a bit less miserable, I'm no God Erik" he let's out an dark chuckle.

"Your life is not miserable at least not now when you have an Cinderella in it" Erik wiggled his eyebrow,

Troy shakes his head smiling "She can be Cinderella but look at me do I look like Prince Charming I'm half-pint Greasering"

"Oh come on you wanna meet her again" Erik grins,

"Yeah I do but how I mean she would not just bump into me" Troy said looking at Erik and he didn't see someone coming he bumped into a girl,

The books and papers she was holding fell on floor cursing in herself she starts picking them up bending down.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't see you coming I wasn't look...." saying he bend to help her but his words got stuck in his throat as he look at the girl in front of him, it was her it was indeed the girl he was thinking of the were talking about.

His one self was certain that's it's her and one was thinking it an hallucinations but both of were happy to see her again he kept looking at her thinking she'll disappear.

The bell rang and she picked her everything up and leaves quickly.

"Troy she's gone come on" Erik said, Troy get up,

"Did you see her"

"No not properly" Erik was so busy in noticing his friend's weird behaviour that he didn't noticed the girl "Was she beautiful"

"Yeah but she is the girl" Troy said thrilled and unsure at the same time,

"Yeah she was definitely a girl" Erik was not getting what he meant to say,

"No I mean she was the same girl I met in fair"

"Cinderella" Erik said widening his eyes mocking, Troy sighs that his friend don't believe him,

"You don't believe me I'm gonna talk to her" he was about to go but Erik stops him grabbing his arm,

"Wait....Wait are you sure it was her" Troy nods in yes and then in no "Yeah maybe it's just a hallucination"

"Why would I think like that why I would see her in someone else" Troy was confused and Erik was making him more.

"Because you are thinking of her all the time she is in your mind that's why maybe you are seeing her in others" He argues,

"What if she is real" Troy wanted to see her again,

"Then if she's real then she'll be in our school with us you can find and talk to her easily" Erik was certain that it's Troy's imagination,

"You are right if she is here then I'll meet her easily" Troy smiled thinking about her.

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