《For-Getting You》Chapter 30. Beginning


"Well can't we just walk a bit fast" annoyed Erik said to him,

"Erik calm down we are almost there don't worry you won't be late" Troy replied calmly, walking in the same speed, he is liking the weather today it's August but the wind is cold, well in place they live it's normal surrounded by mountains, beautiful scenery, snow and fascinating Aurora Borealis.

"Finally we are here" Erik looks at the crowded fair,

"You wanted to come in fair to meet your girlfriend I get that but why did you bring me here, I just can't get it" Troy sighs,

"Because you are my best friend, and my girlfriend said she wants to say something important, and I think she's gonna say that she loves me" Troy stares at his friend who seems lost in love "So as soon as I'm gonna hear it I want to tell you that I don't think so I would be able to control my excitement"

"Yeah right" Troy shake his head,

"And beside what you would have done at home anyway?"

"Well I could have worked on car or study" Troy is always thinking about work, he works hard for the scholarship, though Erik is right what he would at home all alone, Troy don't have anyone but Erik who is always by his side he is not just his friend but he is like a brother to him his family loves Troy,

And no matter how much Troy says he didn't want to come here, he won't commit it but he himself hates being alone he is not capable of it, well you can't blame him when you have spend your childhood alone no one will want that.

"So I'm going to meet her OK, after that I'll call you and we'll leave cool till then you enjoy fair" Troy nods his head as Erik disappears in crowd,

Troy looks around and start to walk,

"Welcome to the Anchorage Annual Fair" the loudspeakers are chanting,

This fair is a every year thing making it an part of this city's history, all the people come to visit the fair, to see who's gonna win this year's farming competition, every family comes to see the fair with their kids but Troy sees the family with longing eyes because this the thing he never had.

"Troy" cute baby voice bring him back,

"Kitty you came here to see fair" Troy sits on his knees to get to his little friend's height,

"No daddy works here" she points at his father, who is standing in his shop of cotton candies and balloons,"Come on with me" the five year old drag him to her father's shop,

"Troy came alone don't you have a date" Kitty's father Bob asked,

"Well my date left me to meet his date" he said mockingly,

"Don't worry Troy I'll date you" Kitty said Troy took her in his arm,

"I'm not that lucky to be your boyfriend" Troy made an fake unhappy face,

"Hmm, but don't worry you'll find someone like you"

"Hope" saying he put her down waving bye at them he left smiling.

Troy looks around everyone in fair looks so happy, enjoying rides, snacks, games, circus, Ferris wheel everyone looks happy it's make him happy too, he loves to smile, that's the reason he pass the smile to everyone looking at him.

He believes that one should never be sad even in difficult circumstances one should always be happy the circumstances will change from bad to best.

He is busy seeing around that he didn't see someone coming and bumps into something or someone,


"I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going" saying he looks at the person, it's a girl, with a balloon in her hand covering her face or which was because of their colliding the balloon flew from her fingers straight in sky, she jumped to get it but she is so small and petite that her effort got in vain.

She stared at Troy, a bit angry that he is tall, he could have easily caught it, after all he is the one who bumped into her, but Troy just can't took his eyes off of her, he himself don't know why but he is drawn towards her.

"Couldn't you just see where you are walking? Look what you did?" she huffs like a child,

"Yeah.. I'm sorry I didn't" Troy said nervously, it's not like he is talking to a girl for the first time but this is for the first time he is nervous,

Sensing his nervousness she smiled "It's okay it's my fault as well" saying she start to walk,

"Wait!" Troy made her stop in her tracks "It's my fault and I would like to amend it"

"Really, don't worry, it's fine" she again turns to walk, with him following her to stop,

"But I really wanna help, please" he insisted again just because he wants to spend more time with her, he wants to know her.

"Would you enlighten me how you are gonna do this by flying?" she arches her eyebrow,

"Well.. I'll start with buying you another balloon, cool" he smiles at his idea,

"OK" she said,

They both start walking together as Troy guides her to the shop,

"Troy you came again" kitty said cheerfully as Troy picks her up in his arms,

"Yeah and this time I wanna buy a balloon"

"For yourself?" the little girl asked smiling,

"No for her" He points at her,

She passes an smile at the little girl, she was really liking the way he was talking and treating the young girl,

"She is your girlfriend then buy her this one" kitty points at balloon written will you marry me on it,

Troy was embarrassed and so was she, she was looking everywhere but him, Troy cleared his throat answering his little friend "I think that's to early" he smiled winking at her,

"Okay then buy her this one" this time she was not asking it but she handed him an heart shaped balloon with I Love You written on it.

He wanted to correct her once again but at the same time he don't want to make her feel sad, before he could say anything, she took it from Kitty "Thank You princess" she said and kitty smiled.

Troy really liked the way she talked to Kitty, paying for it they leave but not without Troy kissing Kitty.

"She is very cute" she was still thinking how kitty was laughing with Troy, Troy now she knows his name she found it perfect for him, though she haven't tell him her name you can say she don't want to..

"Yeah she is"

"Who is she?"she asked out of curiosity as Troy was so fond of the kid,

"They live near my house, I have babysit her couple of time as well, she is an angel" she was really liking how easy to talk and friendly he is and he loves kids, her mom used to say if wanna see how good a person is see how he treats kids, her own brother don't treat kids like Troy, even Troy is the first guy who have act like this for some unknown reason she likes it.


"So what's next?" He rubs the back of his neck,

"Well I'm gonna go to Ferris wheel" he nods "Would you like to join me" she asked and Troy was feeling giddy like a child as she asked him to stay.

They both got settle on the Ferris wheel, "Are you scared?" Troy was not scared at all but he wanted to know if she is okay,

"No this is not the first time I'm doing this" she was adventurous and Troy was liking it, an positive vibes were coming out of her like she is personification of happiness in herself.

As they went up she closed her eyes hugging the balloon, it seems like she was praying something, Troy was confused at what she wanted to do but he didn't disturb her after a minute she let go the balloon, she was looking up at it smiling,

"That's why you wanted the balloon?" he asked curious,

"Yeah, I know you think I'm mad" Troy was not thinking anything like this he believes everything has its reasons he never judge people "my mom used to say when I was a child that if you miss someone who is not with you anymore just send you love to them through a balloon or skylights they get it and you'll feel good from it so as now she herself is not here anymore I thought I should try it"

Troy's eyes were blurry due to tears forming in them, but he controls them he don't want her to see them, but he really understands how it feels when your mother.. He have been in this situation it just he was too young to remember it, remember her but still he misses her a lot.

She thought maybe he is crying as his blue orbs almost look like a ocean with water in it before she could see it he turned his face aside.

"Trust me I'm not mad though a bit crazy" she said lighting the mood making him laugh, "Have you ever felt it?"


"That whenever the wheel goes down it seems ticklish, like there are thousand of butterflies in your stomach ready to fly out" her eyes shining in excitement.

Troy shake his head in no, he have never felt anything like that.

"You will I'm sure give me your hand" saying she extent her little hand out for him, he stared at her giving his hand in her closing them together, "Good now close your eyes and feel it" he did what she said the wheel went up and start to come down and Troy for the first time felt this sensation.

"It's weird" he said laughing along with her,

"Look you did it" she said with her bright smile, Troy never had this before but this time he did, but he didn't know this butterflies were because of the ride or because of her company.

They get of off the ride laughing like kids, though Troy love to smile but this is for the first time he is laughing like this, she is also enjoying her stranger friend who is no strange, she finds him just like herself.

Talking about things they were roaming around in fair "Shooting" she said holding his hand dragging him with her,

"You wanna play this game" he asked looking at the game stall of shooting, the thing you shoot is yours, before he could pay for the game she paid.

She took the gun with plastic bullets in her hands, it's was fake but it was heavy, he was looking at her amused by how small and fragile she was, she shoot but failed, Troy chuckled.

"What.. You are gonna laugh or you'll help me remember we are team" Troy walked behind her to teach her how to shoot, he could have did it himself but he wanted her to do it, he don't want her or anyone depended on anyone.

He was standing behind her, she could feel the warmth from his body, the strong and musky smell of cologne was engulfing her like a blanket, his fingers slowly made their way to her hands touching her arms lightly, she felt like a feather is touching her, if someone else would have done it she could have freaked out but Troy's touch was not like that, he touched her lovingly.

He hugged her from behind putting his hands over her small ones, she shivered a bit, he took her finger on trigger, he kept saying something but she didn't listen any of it, she was so lost in the moment, she was experiencing this first time, she looked at him he look more handsome now, from close he have beautiful and peaceful eyes, a prominent nose, perfect lips and smile and a well sculpted jawline, he could become an GQ model she thought in herself, she kept looking at him he was focused on teaching her that she didn't learn.

The gun shot bring her back and she was thrilled that they have won a price, smiling she face up to him again who was already looking at her with a smile on his face, their eyes met each others.

"Congratulations young couple you won" said the old shopkeeper with big moustache, they were embarrassed by looking at each other at his remark is just like cherry on cake, her cheeks were crimson, she was shy he saw her blushing finding her even more beautiful with that color, he would lie if he'd say that he is not embarrassed he was looking down as there is a modern art on ground,

"Here you go" the man have a teddy bear, she was happy like child, she was a child innocent, playful, cute, and shy Troy thought in himself, he took the teddy bear from him paying him for the game.

He extended the teddy bear towards her, smiling she took it, thank god they didn't see teddy bear is holding a heart with I Love You written on it they would have been more embarrassed.

Enjoying each others company, they were laughing on random stuff, jokes that he cracked and the silly rides, Troy never lived his childhood properly but with her in this moment he is living it, she was also feeling same, never talked to any guy always kept like hidden treasure for first time she was enjoying life with him.

"Let's get ice-cream" saying he took her near ice-cream stall, she was smiling and he was loving it, he was staring at her that he didn't see ending up bumping into someone, "I'm sorry" he said craning his neck up to see the tall well built men in front of him, Troy is tall but the guy is walking bag of muscles, the men was strong no doubt but with a ice-cream cone sticking on his nose is just not right,

Everyone is laughing at it even she is, the men looked around glaring at Troy he is fuming in anger, he removes the ice-cream from his nose and get hold of Troys's collar the laugh was gone now, "You little rat" he spat at Troy, Troy knew how to fight but he don't want to fight it'll just ruin his perfect day, "I'll break your bones" he threatened,

Troy chuckled "You can't"

"So you'll stop me kid look I'm stronger than you" the men is proud well he is,

"Yes you are but I'm faster" saying in next moment Troy get out his grip footing on his foot, he hold her hand in his "Run" saying they both run into the crowd with the men trailing behind him.

He looked everywhere, thinking they are gone he left, they come out from their hiding spot, they both looked at each other and start laughing at what just they did "It was fun" he laughed

"You are fun" she said and then silence falls between them, sitting in carriage of carousel they looked in each others eyes, the ride is stopped there's no one on it expect them.

Carriage decorated with golden lights with them sitting in it just looking into each others eyes, without saying any word, it seems like they are talking in silent words, they look like a pair from fairytale.

Troy's phone rings bringing them back to reality, he check his phone fumbling with it,

"I think we should" she said looking shy,

"Yeah let's go" they came out from the carriage, both feeling awkward by the moment of intimacy they had, Troy rubbing his back of neck "Let's go there" he clears his throat, she nod putting her loose strain behind her ear.

"Let's click a picture to remember this day" she said enthusiastically,

"OK" they both enters in photo booth, they clicked random clicks, laughing, looking at each other and making faces.

"Aww they are so cute" she said looking at the picture strip in her hand "I think now we can have a ice cream" saying she start walking, Troy was about leave but another picture falls from the photo booth machine, it's a strip of two pictures in which she has her eyes close and Troy looking at her lovingly with a smile.

The picture bought a smile straight from heart on his face and he put the picture in his pocket.

"You wait here I get them" Troy said going to buy ice-cream, he was happy this day was weirdly amazing for him and he enjoyed every single bit of it it's so strange they spend the day together but he don't even know her name, well they were so busy in talking about everything else that he didn't ask her name, he'll ask it now he thought in himself.

"I'm coming" she said on her phone, she want to tell him before leaving, she wants to thank him for making this day an unforgettable but she have to go, without waiting for him to come back she leaves looking at him again.

Troy came back with two ice-cream in his hands "Sorry took time it was crowded" but when he looked up no one was standing there he looked around but she was gone.

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