《Nerd to Beautiful (BTS FF~ Ft. EXO FF)》20


He stopped dragging me once we reached the cafeteria, which was empty.

He walked to a wall and punched it hard making his fist pink.

I immediately walked to him and took his hand gently making sure it wasn't hurt.

He yanked his hand away from me which made me jump slightly surprised.

"Don't help me right now... you said a goddamn yes?!" he slammed his fist back towards the wall.

I jumped slightly again, "Stop... you're hurting yourself."

He slammed his fist again which now made it turn red, "You care now?! You already hurt me enough!" he yelled punching the wall again and groaning in pain.

I froze and pushed him away from the wall... which didn't do much since he barely moved an inch backwards.

I stood in front of him and stared at him right in the eyes, "I never said I cared about you! You were bullying me for so fucking long! I just wanted you to stop punching the freaking wall, look at your hand now!" I said as I grabbed his red hand, "Go to the nurse and get that checked, if I'm that big of a bother then leave me alone!" I let go of his hand and left the cafeteria.

I went to class sat down on my seat and Lisa sat beside me frustrated.

"Don't look out the window there is to many people with cameras." she muttered as she stared at the board.

I sighed and looked out the window and waved a small wave, I had to be nice even if all they wanted was gossip.

Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin walked into the class and stared at me before seating in the seats behind me.


I didn't turn around and stared at the board full with notes.


"Is Sehun going to pick you up?" Lisa asked as she threw me a eraser to get my attention.

"No I brought my car." I said as I yawned.

Suddenly girls started awwing and clapping was heard from the hallway.

Lisa and I looked at each other confused along with the rest of the class.

Some students stood up and walked to the door to see what was going on.

I did too put was held back by someone, I looked at the hand on my wrist confused and realized it was Jimin's.

"Y/n, I have something to tell you... please give me a second." he said with pleading eyes.

"She's in here!" a student yelled before I could answer.

The class got quiet and I looked at the door only to realize it was Sehun with a bouquet of flowers and a smile on his face but it quickly faded when he saw Jimin holding on to my wrist.

I looked at Jimin since he didn't let go of my wrist and realized he was glaring at Sehun, and Sehun was glaring back.

Taehyung suddenly held on to my other wrist making me jump surprised.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around my neck gently and rested his head on my head as he back hugged me.

I was in between 3 guys in front of my fiancée.... what could possibly go wrong...?

A/n~ sorry for any mistakes and for posting soooo late✌︎✌︎♡

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