《Nerd to Beautiful (BTS FF~ Ft. EXO FF)》5


Everyone stayed silent until the bell rang and most of them left.

BTS was still standing with buckets in their hands.

"Lets go babe" Taehyung's girlfriend pulled on his sleeve.

He nodded and put his bucket down before leaving with her.

The rest of BTS stayed silent while I continued crying, they put their buckets down and left.

I finally stopped crying and continued trying to free myself from the chair.

Everyone left but the girl from before that helped me escape earlier this morning.

She walked to me with a pocket knife in her hand and freed me.

"Are you the famous singer from Americ.." I didn't let her finish but I nodded my head.

"Oh my, those are some big idiots here let me help you," she took off her backpack and started rummaging thru it, "my name is Lisa and I'm a big fan of yours this is my first day of school here in Korea"

She handed me a big towel.

"Thank you Lisa and welcome" I smiled at her, "I'm sorry but could I ask you for a favor."

She nodded

"Could you go to room 203A and grab my stuff from the seat by window in the back of the room just tell the teacher the nurse sent you" I said while putting the towel over my head so it covered my body all the way to the knees.

"I'll come right back" she left

I started humming a melody while looking at the cars that passed by here and there.

After about 5 minutes Lisa came back with my backpack.

"Thank you a lot Lisa." I said while rummaging in my backpack and pulling out my phone.

I dialed Chen's phone number but he didn't answer.

I can't call Sehun he is probably fixing someone's hair right now.


I dialed Baekhyun's phone number he picked up after the 5th beep.

(On the phone)

"Hello Baekhyun speaking"

"Baek I'm sorry but could you bring me clothes and take me home today" I looked at Lisa and smiled slightly

"You owe me big time" he hung up

(End of phone call)

"Let's try to sneak you out" Lisa said patting my back while I sighed

"Yeah but you don't have to help me anymore you have done so much." I smiled at her.

"What are you talking about your songs changed my whole life, now let's go." she flung her backpack on and I did the same.

I still had the towel on my head so all I was showing was my legs from my knees down and my face.

Lisa went thru the hallways first to check if someone was there and came back for me when she thought it was safe.

She was stopped a couple of times but we made it outside safely.

I looked around making sure we were alone but there was a few students. I walked with her to the entrance trying to avoid them.

Baekhyun's car was parked not so far from the entrance to school. I walked outside of the schools gates followed by Lisa.

There he was leaning on his car with a bag in his hand.

When he realized it was me his face changed from relaxed to plain shocked.

I would've laughed but I didn't feel like it after what happened.

I took the bag and got inside his car before he could say anything.

I got off of the car wearing-

"Baek do you have any wipes" I looked at his shocked face.

"That's the singer I know" Lisa smiled at me

Baek nodded and rummaged in his car I put the dirty clothes in the same bag he had handed me.


He handed me a small bag full of wet wipes, "just in case of emergencies" he said with a proud smile.

"Right" I wiped my face with one and it was completely covered with food coloring.

I continued wiping my face and body until I looked nice and clean and the wipes couldn't remove anymore.

"I'll buy you more wipes, sorry for using most of them." I smiled at Baek

"Yeah Yeah but you owe me more then wipes." he smiled back.

"I ship!" yelled Lisa catching people's attention.

Baek and I looked away from each other but glared at Lisa, she just giggled.

"I have a water bottle you could try cleaning your hair." Baek said as he rummaged in his car.

He gave it to me and I flipped my hair over my face while facing the floor at a 90 degree angle, I carefully dumped the water on my hair while scrubbing with my fingers.

"Wait!" Lisa yelled again making me stop, "I have shampoo in my backpack."

She reached into her backpack and pulled out a bottle of shampoo and another water bottle.

"I'll help you wash your hair, Baek could you hand me the towel she used." she stood in front of me.

Baek put the clean side of the towel around me so I wouldn't get my clothes wet.

Lisa poured shampoo on my hair and scrubbed while I held it away from me.

She then poured water slowly until all of the shampoo was off, I looked at the floor as the water with food coloring cane off.

She scrubbed more shampoo and poured water slowly again.

"You are all done" she took off the towel from around me and used the clean side to dry my hair.

"Now your hair won't drip so much water." she said while I stood up correctly.

"Thank you Lisa" I smiled at her and heard Baek fake coughing, "and Baek" I smiled at him to.

"We are not done" Lisa said rummaging in her backpack.

I looked at her confused

She pulled out makeup, "we are going all the way"

I nodded and smiled at her as she led me into the car.

A/n: sorry for any mistakes ✌︎✌︎

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