《florence - enola holmes》this one!


i don't know you- the marías

enola yells as she grabs my hand and i grab tewkesbury's.

she yanks us off the train, as we all jump to our deaths.

the man in the brown bowler hat reaches out for tewkesbury, just missing his coat.

tewkesbury screams as loud as a girl, as we tumble down the grassy hill.

i grunt as i feel little pebbles pressing into my skin through my shirt.

we tumble down for quite some time, until we slow down.

before enola almost goes over the edge, she grabs onto an enormous piece of stone to stop herself.

we're all panting, as we try and recover from our fall.

the train whistles as it continues on, over the water.

i brush off my clothes as i hear an awful lot of sound coming from next to me.

i look over to see tewkesbury making the most noise a human possibly could, brushing off his pants and groaning in pain.

i look over at enola who's looking his way as well, resulting in me looking back at him.

"you do make an awful lot of noise, don't you?" i ask the boy.

"well, it turns out, being thrown off a train hurts considerably more than you might think." he says scoffing.

"and i've lost a button."

third person pov-

"so now we've lost them all." sherlock says, analyzing the flowers on his mothers table.

"i presume they have no clue as to where they've gone, mrs. lane?" sherlock asks her.

"no, they found their bicycles." mrs. lane tells them.

"planted so as to send us in the wrong direction." sherlock says with a slight smile.

"this isn't as fun as you might think, master sherlock." mrs. lane begins.

"they have your wits. they both run rings around me just as easily as you once did, but..." she pauses.

"yes?" sherlock questions.


"they know nothing of the world. i must admit to being quite seriously concerned for the girls." she tells him.

"mycroft will make sure to find them."

"well, mycroft isn't blessed as you are.

as they are.

a matter of great bitterness for him and not a small part of the cause of this mess." she says as sherlock walks towards the flower painting.

"enola and florence are special. they both have such a good heart." she continues as sherlock adjusts the painting.

"they've even left money on my bedside table."

"money?" sherlock asks her.

"you've already abandoned them once, sir.

i'm asking that you don't abandon them again." mrs. lane tells him before exiting the room.

sherlock stands in confusion

he picks up the vase on the table in his mother's room and looks at it intensely.

florence's pov-

"you do know you've entirely ruined phase three of our plan?" enola says walking quickly next me, as tewkesbury is behind us.

"phase what? who the hell are you?" he asks us, coming beside me, as we continue walking.

"look, i believe our recent brush with death deserves me at least a name." he tells us.

"enola holmes."

"florence holmes."

he looks at us amazed. "holmes... like sherlock?"

"and we're undercover, so forget we told you that piece of information." enola tells him as he gets rather close to me.

"undercover working for him?" he suggests.

"undercover from him." i tell the curious boy.

"hence why you're dressed as a boy-"

"hence why you are to say nothing." i exclaim walking in front of him to slap him in the chest with my hat.

we look at eachother for a moment before i continue.



"thank you?" i ask gesturing towards enola, who's quite a ways in front of us, since this was mostly her help. "you're supposed to say thank you."


he looks to me. "for what?"

i look to enola with wide eyes and walk towards her, leaving tewkesbury standing there.

we make our way down a large hill, surrounded by grass.

"we should think about sleeping soon." enola tells us.

"agreed." i say.

"we should think about eating soon." tewkesbury says.

enola turns to look at him. "we have nothing to eat."

"of course we do enola." i tell her.

"exactly." he says looking at me.

"arctium lappa, which you'll know as burdock.

very tasty." he tells us.

"uhm, and then there's trifolium." i say pointing in the grass. "clover."

"you know about plants as well?" he asks me with the biggest grin on his face.

"of course i do, much more then she does." i tell him gesturing towards enola.

"and is that... yes, i knew it!" he says running away and kneeling in the grass. "mushrooms!"

he picks one up and begins to observe.

"agaricus lanipes." we say at the same.

i look up at him with a straight face before looking back down.

"the princess." he says still looking at me.

he hands it to enola as i turn to look at her.

"delicious." he adds.

"if you can get a fire started, we can make us a feast." he tells enola, gesturing to me.

"fine." she sighs, walking away.

"i'm not entirely an idiot, you know." he says walking beside me, before enola stops and looks at us.

tewkesbury and i walk around the field, as enola attempts to make a fire.

"how do you know so much about nature?" he asks me.

"i was never a big fan of being inside," i tell him. "or sports. so i spent a great deal of time outside, exploring."

he chuckles a bit and continues "same goes for me, i've never liked to be in my house, so i stayed outside, in the woods."

i look at him with a smile before we continue looking for foods.

the fire crackles in front of us as i take a bite of the food we've made.

i can feel tewkesbury looking at me from my left, yet there's nothing i can do about it.

"i've been thinking." enola says from the right side of me. "you need to disguise yourself a little. how do you feel about your hair?" she asks him.

"i've never cared for it." he says looking at us while throwing pieces of grass into the fire.

enola looks around a picks up a rock.

"cut it off with a knife. of course you will." he scoffs while gesturing his hands.

"can you at least cut it florence? you seem like you won't hurt me as much." he jokes looking at me with big eyes.

"i suppose i could." i smile at him.

enola begins to sharpen the knife on the rocks she found.

"who taught you how to sharpen it like that?" tewkesbury asks her.

"my mother."

"your mother is very different to mine." he tells us as we all laugh.

"who taught you about flowers and herbs?" i ask him.

"my father, and you?"

"no one. we never really knew our father." i tell him.

"my fathers dead too." he tells us.

"i'm sorry." we all say at the same time as he looks me straight in the eyes.

thank you all so much for 1k reads! i cant even explain how thankful i am for all of youthis is sadly going to be my last update for tonight, but i'll write as much as i can tomorrow!

i hope you all have a great day !

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