《florence - enola holmes》own way of doing things...


it's only right- wallows

enola says to no one in particular.

i look at her, slightly confused, as a memory unlocks in my brain.


"and, look, she's made this herself." mrs. lane says to the two very confused girls.

-end of flashback-

enola looks at me, finally meeting my stare, with a look that just makes sense.

hey, maybe it's twin powers!



we both quickly climb out of our beds and run to the small desk we share.

enola opens the drawer as i pull out the wooden box we were given for our birthday.

from mother.

i'm snapped out of my thoughts when enola snatches the box from my grip.

"enolaaaa." i whine as she's already sitting on the bed with the box set in front of her.

"floraaaa." she teases back.

i run over to the bed and sit across from her, the present in between us.

she eagerly opens the small drawer at the bottom of it and pulls out the papers we've seen once before.

she fumbles with some sort of spinner as i pull out the lovely book.

enola flips the spinner and decides there's nothing interesting.

"book please." she asks. i hand her the book i never got the chance to read as she flips through the pages quickly.

she throws the book down as i open up the wooden box.

she pulls out the pencils and slams them down against it, looking down.

i look at her in sympathy as her eyes brighten up.

i look down to where she's looking and see a piece of paper with some sort of symbols on it.

we look up at eachother, as i slowly reach out for the mysterious paper.

i hold it infront of me, reading the words.


"alone dan ecnerolf." i read aloud.

"that's our names." enola whispers loud enough for me to hear.

i'm now sitting in front of an old trunk, as enola hands me the word game.

i eagerly grab the bag and dump it out in front of us.

"m... s..." enola continues to quietly read the letters aloud as i find the corresponding game piece.

"a..." she continues as i run my finger above the pieces to find the letters.

"c." she finishes.

we both lean back to take a look at the letters.

"try it backwards." i say.

enola and i both take the letters placed at the end, and place them at the beginning.

we continue to switch the letters until we've finished.

we let out a sigh as i begin to read it.

"chrysanthemums... my in look... florence and enola."

it didn't make much sense...

enola quickly reaches past me to move the words in a different order.

"florence and enola look

in my


it read.

i look at enola with a slightly shocked look as she returns it.

-flash back-



mother's room.




-end of flashback-

i look at enola with a smile on my face as she wears one as well.

enola and i are sneaking out of our room as quietly as we possibly can.

enola goes in front of me as she takes her first step out of the room.

as her weights shifts to her front foot, the floor creaks beneath her. i cringe at the loud sound.

she continues on with our oil lamp in hand, as i follow behind her.

we walk to mother's room and she lightly places the lamp down on the table, as i open "the language of flowers" book we were given.


"chrysanthemums, chrysanthemums." i whisper as enola looks over my shoulder.

"the bestowing of chrysanthemums indicates familial attachment and, by implication, affection." i say slightly louder as i analyze the page.

i place the book down and pull all the flowers out of the vase, looking through them.

enola grabs the vase and pours out the water, smelling, and looking underneath it.

she places it back down as i put the flowers back inside.

we let out a sigh as i look up.


mother, florence, and enola were all painting flowers.

-end of flashback-

"my chrysanthemums." i whisper turning to enola and tapping her arm.

she gasps and picks up the oil lamp as i pick up the book.

we walk towards mother's art wall, full of the thousands of painted flowers on her wall.

"not the ones she bought." enola says following behind me.

"the ones she painted." i finish as we bring the oil lamp closer to one particular painting.

i take the framed painting of its stand and look at it.

i flip it over, and feel along the back.

i feel something inside so i rip off the paper backing to find a rather thick envelope.

i put the frame back down to its designated spot, as i bring the envelope closer to me.

"enola & florence" it had written on the front.

i hand it to enola to let her open it.

she pulls out the contents and hands the envelope to me saying. "money. she must have left a message." as she flips through the money.

i look down at the envelope to see something else inside.

i pull out a small piece of paper with a painting of a beautiful blue flower on it.

"our future is up to us" i read aloud.

"what future?" enola asks.


"there are two paths you can take, enola and flora." mother says to her two young daughters.


or the path others choose for you." she tells them.

-end of flashback-

enola picks up the oil lamp and turns to face the opposite way i am.

i turn identical to her as she looks at me with an excited smile before turning away.

she says, causing me to let out a soft chuckle.

'our mother was quite intelligent wasn't she?' i think to myself.

enola stands next to me, letting out a sigh.

we're stood in front of sherlocks old trunk.

enola opens it and takes out two pairs of clothing.

one for her,

one for me.

enola takes out the clothes, neatly placing and patting them in her arms.

she places a hat on her head before placing one on mine and closing the trunk.

she drops a boot as i laugh and pick it up for her.

"do you need me to carry anything?" i ask the struggling girl.

"i'll be quite well, thank you flora." she responds with a smile.

thank you so so so much for 900+ reads! i cant thank you all enough and i know some of you may be wondering.... when is the only reason i'm here going to be introduced?

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