

xv. Matrimonial Success

only to be greeted by the lords the next day, chastising them about the rickety trains and which stations have higher quality in their engineering and reliable staff. With all the outbursts and lectures, the lords never failed to mention or if not, express their worry for the group.

Lord Leucrion was the most furious one. He even hired a search party to find the man who, from the story of the four, pushed them off the train. It took Guineviere's wit with flirting to tone his temper down a tad bit for their endurance.

Lord Allistair was as worried as they were. He told the Castlerenian's servants to give them extra care that day — not forgetting to mention to never tear their eyes away from the four.

Lord Theron wasn't all that bothered about it. In fact, he even asked them about every single information to his delight and entertainment.

The four were devastated and stayed up all night in Y/N's room trying to create a strategy, but nothing would work without them sacrificing their main and only effective one. L/N and Tewkesbury never even slept as they thought of plans. This happened for a week. Nothing.

They could never find a way to stop the marriage without defeating their enemies at the same time.

⋆·˚ ༘ * 🕯️

The day came when Tewkesbury had to leave and go back to Basilwether. Y/N has never felt so scared, mad and grim in weeks. She didn't want to let her lover down, nor does she ever want to lose him at all. He meant a greater deal to her more than anyone could ever know.

So, she again stayed up late and didn't sleep as she tried to come up with a plan, tears staining in each parchment she wrote on. The girl stayed like that until the morning came. She has a plan.

But...a plan that might ruin everything with her friends and people that trusted her. She didn't care at this point. She just wanted Tewkesbury back to her.


⋆·˚ ༘ * 🕯️

Y/N had a hard time getting off her horse as they arrived in Basilwether church where thousands of people are to witness the matrimony of their dear marquess and lady. The girl clutched the letters in the pocket of her blue dress of silk, chiffon and organza. She was ready to do it anytime soon.

She has to, right?

"Y/N?" Enola called and held her hand out for her friend. She took it and got down, slowly walking. L/N was about to step inside when Tewkesbury appeared. He grabbed her hand much to her dismay. Some people saw this and were left in a state of incredulity as to why he did it boldly in front of them.

'Are they together again?' They all thought.

The girl in the blue dress looked at the young lord in his matrimonial suit. She didn't have any idea there would be a possibility that he could look even more perfect, but here he was standing before her eyes. Seeing him like this made her heart ache.

She should be seeing him in his stupid frock suit when she's wearing a wedding dress to match. She should be the one walking down the aisle to marry him in front of the hopeless society. She should be the one to recite the vow to him, not Lisette.

Her eyes started to water. "What's happened?" She inquired. The Marquess raised his index finger to his lips as he nodded for her to follow him.

She looked around and fixed her gaze back to him. She didn't care about what people might think. She just wanted to have her last moment with Tewkesbury before everyone considers him a husband of another woman.

The boy dragged her somewhere near and quiet without anyone to see them. He immediately pulled her in a tight hug and started sobbing.

"I'm sorry," he said and placed his fingers on the delicate strands of her hair. "I'm so sorry. I really am. I tried to find a way; I promise I did. I just — I'm sorry I failed you. This is my fault. I promised, and I couldn't." The marquess pulled away only to embrace her again, capturing her lips longingly. "I love you so much. I can't let you go — If only, maybe we could — " he stammered between the kisses.


Upon letting go, they exhaled sharply.

"It's fine, Tewkesbury." Y/N whispered in his ear as she hugged him again tightly, smelling the sweet scent of his wood-scented cologne. She sniffled and wiped the tears that trickled down her face. "I love you more than anyone has the capacity to, and you're lovable already. That's saying something." She laughed against her true emotions.

"But if the world really doesn't want us to be together, we can't do anything. We'll just have to leave each other be." She added.

This only made Tewkesbury hold on to her even more. "No, no, no. You know I can't do that. I can't live without you, Y/N." He mumbled.

She pulled back from the embrace and cupped his cheeks, wiping his tears with her thumbs. The girl looked at him, noticing the sincerity and sadness in his eyes as she searched them. "You have my heart for eternity. I'll have yours even in another life."

The girl took a long deep breath and sniffled right after tears started escaping her eyes. She couldn't bear seeing him in a state like this and so can he. They both interlocked their fingers with full affection just like they did after Y/N cheated on death.

"I adore you."

"Until the very end," they both whispered.

And so, they accepted their fate of being separated forever despite their broken promises that the stars hoped on. If only there's a way to rewrite them, they would.

They're nothing but forbidden lovers that only share a kiss behind the curtains after a show. Only the walls can hear their vows and only the night sky witnessed how they lay their hands upon each other.

Or so we thought.

⋆·˚ ༘ * 🕯️

"Dearly Beloved and Honoured Guests: We are gathered here this day in the sight of God and the company assembled to witness the giving and receiving of the marriage vows.

Marriage is an institution ordained of God and is not to be entered into lightly or in jest and only after much consideration.

Do you, Marquess Tewkesbury of Basilwether take this woman, Lady Lisette of Deliarine to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked.

Tewkesbury gulped and looked down to Y/N who sat between Enola and Guineviere as they both held her hand. She swallowed her spit and blinked.

The girl slowly nodded, gesturing for him to say, "I do." Upon saying that, Tewkesbury couldn't help but feel his heart shatter.

He's marrying someone else in front of the woman he loves the most.

Lady Tewkesbury seemed to be unhappy with this marriage for she supported Y/N and him more than this Lady of Deliarine.

The priest then turned to Lisette who seemed more nervous than before. Her eyes switched between Tewkesbury and someone in the crowd no one could tell who.

"Do you, Lady Lisette of Deliarine take this man, Marquess Tewkesbury of Basilwether to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love, honour and obey, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked.

She couldn't answer. The girl looked at the boy and the priest.

"I ", she stuttered. The girl anxiously clutched her bouquet of flowers before tugging a nervous smile on her face.

"I don't."

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