《✓ QUIXOTIC | L. PARTRIDGE》Stay? • Tewksbury


(you're enola's friend and went on the whole adventure... and ended up falling of tewksbury...obviously)

sorry if i don't get the dialogue right... i'm writing at 11 at night.


I walk up to the gate, trying to hold back my smile as I see the young Viscount, the one I have grown so fond of, all fancied up. "Congratulations, you finally look like the nincompoop you were born to be." Enola jokes as we near him.

He smiles softly at the pair of us.

"No, you look good." I compliment him.

"Very...dashing." Enola says as he puts his hand on the gate.

"this is good." I tell him.

"The vote is in an hour, it's um... it's quite exciting." He says.

We lock eyes and I have to look away, and my heart beats a million miles an hour.

Enola looks between us and sighs. "Y/n, I'll wait over there. Near the bikes." She tells me and walks away, giving us some space.

I look back up to meet his eyes. I smirk slightly and say, "I'm not supposed to bow or anything, am I? Now you are whatever you are?"

"Arguably you always had to bow. You just chose not to."

I laugh slightly, trying to mask my emotions of the thought of having to leave the young Lord.

"And where you and Enola are staying? Are you comfortable? You're not still living in that terrible lodgings house are you?"

I smile again and shake my head. "No. We used the reward money your mother gave us-"

"Which you reluctantly took." He cuts me off, smirking a bit.

"We found somewhere new." I say.

"Well, mother has said that there's, uh, there's always room for the two of you." He says, his voice becoming more serious.


"Your mother clearly hasn't spent enough time with me." I say, trying to keep the conversation light-hearted.

He smiles and looks down, his look begging me when he asks, "And what if it was I, that asked you to stay?"

I look into his eyes, my mouth slightly open in surprise.

Could I stay with him?

Could I possibly have a future with him?

I look over my shoulder to see Enola, watching us intently. She raises her eyebrows and motions with her head to answer him. I sigh. "I kind offer, but one I must refuse. I cannot leave her Tewksbury, she has done so much for me." I say delicately.

"I understand." He nods, looking at the ground with a hurt expression.

I put my hand over his, my eyes taking over every inch of his face.

"When-When will I see you again?" He asks, his voice wavering.

I scoff playfully. "You're not rid of my yet, Viscount Tewksbury, Marquess of Basilwether."

He takes my hand, which his still over his, and brings it to his lips, placing a delicate kiss on top.

As if to say goodbye.

I take a deep breath, unable to meet his eyes.

"That's enough! Y/n!" Enola cries running over to us. "You must accept his offer!" She says, taking my hand.

"But- What about you? I can't leave you alone." I ask her.

She shakes her head with a smile. "Y/n, My name is Enola. Mother named me with a purpose. I'll be fine on my own." She assured me.

"Oh, Enola you've done so much for me." I say sadly.

She pulls me into a hug, Tewksbury standing their awkwardly, but we pay no attention to him. "You're like a sister to me." She says. "All I've ever wanted for you was for you to be happy. Even if this stupid boy makes you happy." She laughs.


"Hey!" Tewksbury calls.

"He does. This stupid boy makes me really happy." I tell her, laughing from shock and nerves.

"I'm standing right here!"

Enola holds up her pointer finger and shushes him. "I will miss you, Enola Holmes." I say sadly.

She gives my hands on more squeeze. "Until we meet again, Y/n Y/l/n, and to you too, Viscount Tewksbury, Marquess of Basilwether." She nods to the boy, who smiles back.

With that, she walks away, with one final wave.

I turn back to Tewksbury, a smile creeping on my face. I go around to the door, Tewksbury following me and we crash into each other's arms. "Thank you, Y/n." He says as we pull away.

"For what, Viscount Tewksbury?" I ask, our eyes never leaving the other's.

"For giving me a chance." He smiles softly.

"A chance for what?" I ask cheekily.

"A chance for this" He leans down and places his lips onto mine softly.

My eyes widen for a moment before fluttering close, my hand cupping his cheek. We pull away breathless after a few moments. My other hand rests on his chest. "Don't you have a vote to get to?" I ask, looking down, our faces still close together.

He nods and pulls away from me, my hands coming to my sides and playing with my dress.

Oh, the things you do to me Viscount Tewksbury, Marquess of Basilwether.

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