《Stuffed Animals (Ghostface x Reader)》2 - GUTTED


"Casey Becker and Steven Orth were found brutally murdered last night by Casey's parents. Police are currently investigating it, looking into phone records...", The news droned as you made your sandwiches — one for now and two for lunch.

Of course you were shocked, but you never knew either of the victims. If anything, you were curious.

The glaring question was who did it?

It was someone who knew them, at least well enough to know Casey's address. Someone careful, who had watched long enough to know when Casey's parents had work, when she'd be vulnerable.

It wasn't an impulsive murder, you knew from experience. Despite the mess, it was clean in its planning.

You packed your lunch and headed to school, walking again. As it got colder, you would be driving more, so you made the most of your walks.

News vans and cop cars were lined out blocks away from the school. Reporters crowded the sidewalks and less than a quarter as many police were trying to keep them at bay. Students were struggling to get past all of the reporters and journalists, and you wondered how a fight hadn't broken out.

You saw Sidney and Tatum pushing through the crowd, and walked over to join them. Sidney clearly had some anxiety about all of the newspeople, and you could see resentment wash over her when she noticed one reporter in particular.

"God, can you fucking believe her?" Tatum hissed.

"Who's that?" You asked hesitantly.

"That's Gale Weathers, some mega-bitch reporter." She scoffed.

"She wrote a book about my dead mom and called me a liar. Now she's here, chasing the next hot story." Sidney seethed mockingly.

"Oh... shit..." You muttered, "What the fuck?"

The three of you continued to push your way through the crowd and into the school, splitting up to go to your classes.

Your first class was Anatomy & Physiology, a science class you'd specifically chosen. It was one of your favorite classes, and you were one of the teacher's favorite students.

You knew plenty about the body and how it worked, but every now and then you did learn something new in class, so you cared enough to pay attention. To you, bodies were puzzles — elaborate, moving, working puzzles.


After that, you had P.E. with Stu. You'd be lying if you said you didn't steal glances at him every now and then. You'd also be lying if you said you didn't notice him doing the same thing.

For gym, you changed into a tank top and bike shorts. Your butt didn't hang out or anything, but the shorts definitely hugged your figure, showing off your hips and butt. You knew you looked good, which made you love that class even more.

"Hey Y/n," Stu drifted over to you after the class ran laps for a warmup, "Ever thought about cheerleading?"

You laughed, "No, I don't like showing off my ass in little skirts like that."

"You don't?" He joked.

"Not to everyone." You teased, wandering away to grab a weight for your lunges. Stu and Tatum were pretty much just sleeping together with strings attached, but either way, you wouldn't do anything while they were still together. Despite your feelings, you weren't a homewrecker.

Lunch could not have come sooner. Your stomach growled all throughout your math class, but it didn't embarrass you that badly because everyone else was hungry too.

When you finally sat down at the fountain, you were the last one there. The rest of the group had already started talking about their days. "Hey Y/n!" Sidney called out.

"Hey!" You smiled as you sat on the ground, in front of Tatum's legs. You pulled out one of your sandwiches and began eating.

"Did they call you in to talk to you yet?" Randy asked.

"Yeah, but I didn't know either of 'em." You hummed.

"Did they ask if you liked to hunt?" Stu asked Billy.

"Yeah, they did, they ask you too?"

"Why would they ask that?" Tatum asked.

"Cause their bodies were gutted." Randy stated plainly.

"Thanks, Randy." Billy rolled his eyes as Sidney looked down at her hands.

"They didn't ask me that?" Tatum scoffed.

"'Cause there's no way a girl could've killed them." Stu laughed like it was obvious, and you laughed at him thinking so.

"That is so sexist! The killer could've easily been female, Basic Instinct." She swatted at him.


"Eh, that was an ice pick. Not exactly the same thing." Randy chimed in. Of course he'd point that out, you thought to yourself.

"Yeah, and those two were completely hollowed out. It takes a man to do somethin' like that." Stu smirked.

"Oh really?" You hummed after finishing your first sandwich. So far, this had been the most entertaining conversation you'd heard all day.

"Of course. No girl has the guts to take out a person's guts," Stu giggled at his joke, "They're too sensitive."

"I dunno," Billy chuckled, "Y/n's looking like she might go for it, Stu." He then noticed your sandwich, as did Stu.

"Hey," Stu whispered like it was some secret business deal, "If I apologize can I have some of your sandwich?" The boys loved your sandwiches, and if you were honest, the second one was usually packed for them.

You pretended to think about his offer as if you hadn't already decided to, before giving Stu half of the sandwich. Billy made eyes at the other half, and you wordlessly handed it over.

"Sorry, girls, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Stu jokingly apologized, and you nodded, laughing.

"How..." Sidney started, "How do you... gut someone?" She finally asked.

The group was quiet for a moment. "You take a knife and you cut from the groin to the sternum, like a deer." You answered flatly. Sidney looked at you, wide-eyed. "My parents used to take me hunting a lot as a kid." Her eyes softened a bit, but you could tell she was unsettled. Stu, however, had sparkles in his eyes as he stared at you.

"Hey Stu, didn't you date Casey?" Sidney asked after a moment.

"Yeah, for like two seconds."

"Before she dumped him for Steve!" Randy laughed.

"I thought you dumped her for me?!" Tatum turned to him.

"I did! He's full of shit!" Stu kicked Randy.

"Well do the cops know you dated her?" He sneered.

"Are you trying to say that I killed her?" Stu stared him down, almost daring him.

"It would sure improve your high school Q." Randy snorted.

"Well Stu was with me last night." Tatum bit her lip and leaned back against him as she said that.

"Yeah I was!" He laughed, squeezing her hips.

"Mhm, yeah, was that before or after he sliced n' diced?" Randy was really getting into it.

"Fuck you, nutcase, where were you last night?" Tatum hissed.

"Working, thank you."

"At the video store? I thought they fired your sorry ass." She rolled her eyes.

"Twice!" He smiled.

"I didn't kill anybody." Stu said.

"Nobody said you did." Billy chimed.

"Thanks buddy!" He laughed.

"Yeah, besides, it takes a man to do something like that." Randy mocked.

"I'm gonna gut you in a second, kid!" Stu flinched towards him.

"Did you really put her liver in the mailbox?" Randy mocked in a nasally voice, "'Cause I heard that they found her liver in the mailbox, right next to her spleen and her pancreas!"

"Randy, shut up, I'm trying to eat here!" Tatum scoffed.

"Yeah, c'mon, liver alone!" Stu joked. "Liver! Alone!" The two of you cackled, but Sidney got up and quickly walked inside. "Liv- Ow!" Billy punched Stu in the arm, "Liver. Liver! It was a joke!" He called out.

Your laughter had died down under Billy's glare, but Tatum went off to comfort Sidney. You looked between Billy and Stu.

Stu was definitely guilty, that much was clear to you, and you were almost certain of Billy as well. If he wasn't guilty, he definitely knew.

Knowing that, your guard was up. For some reason, though, you didn't distrust them. Obviously there was a certain level of caution — only idiots ignored the if factor — but you felt relatively safe with them. You felt that your experience outweighed theirs, and you figured you had a pretty good chance against them.

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