《Far Too Little (Age Regression)》Hey dudes


Hey broskis

You're not gonna believe this but..

I'm even more of an idiot than I first thought hehe.

I dropped my new phone in the bath...


The speakers dont really work on it anymore and the headphone jack straight up doesn't.

But the worst part is how I reacted. I felt so stupid and i hated myself so so much. But what really got to me was that I was so upset. Cause it's just a phone right.

My parents always say I'm addicted to it but it's more of a coping mechanism cause whenever I get sad I listen to music but I cant do that anymore and it's all my fault.

I completely relapsed and I'm so mad at myself.

I'm really sorry using this as an opportunity to vent.

But basically updates might be taking a while cause I dont know if my phone will get fixed if it even can get fixed.

On the bright side my mom sorta realised how much it affected me and she mentioned just getting a new phone if we cant fix it. So I'm tying to look on the bright side.

Either way thank you all for putting up with my slow butt and I'm really sorry

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