《Far Too Little (Age Regression)》18. Phone Call
When I was younger, before Ricky, I was involved with some very shady people, a gang of sorts. I would receive a name and address from an unknown number every once in a while and it was my job to they didn't exist the next day.
After every job I would receive a letter with 15,000 dollars.
I had a big family, middle child. Only my older brother knew, he introduced me to job, there was an opening and he thought I could take it.
One day the gang I worked with fell through, someone must have switched. Police showed to our door demanding to see David, of course being confused as fuck to see a '15 year old'. I was never convicted, they thought the name was fake but my family knew.
I was thrown out pretty soon after that. I still had my money, clothes on my back. I took a train for a while till I felt like getting off. Asking around the town I was in, I learned about the vampire community.
In my hometown vampires hid who they were, alot of faked deaths and de-aging bullshit that I didn't want to deal with. But here the vampire community is accepted even catered to, maybe out of fear but it's a sweet deal.
Either way I met ricky and it's been good ever since.
I didn't tell Ricky the real reason I was kicked out for a long time. I said it was for being gay, which couldn't have been further from the truth, they were very accepting people. I miss them sometimes but they threw me out, not the other way. So I have a right to be mad.
I may not have talked to my parents or most of my siblings in a hundred years but I still had contacts with my brother. He brought me into world of crime so the least he could do was gimme a call every year asking for life updates if I needed anything. His annual call is coming up but this time I've got something to ask him for.
I would never think of using my ties to help with 'her' because its messy and ricky doesn't really approve and usually Jessica never follows through on her threats. She talks big but eventually leaves us alone. This time was different though.
We had told Andrew about the threat and that they should probably lay low but Andrew thanked us but refused our offers of money for days hed spend off of work, stating that he had loads of vacation days. He assured us they'd be fine.
That was until about a week passed. And we got a call. It was early afternoon on the weekend so I was just hanging about with Ricky while Wren was taking a nap.
Ricky tosses me the phone as he was busy getting everything out to make cookies with Wren. Every since Wren, Ricky hasn't been meeting up with his 'gal pals' and I've finally convinced him to bring Wren and hang out with them. He insisted on making cookies though and I'm not complaining.
I answered the phone, it was Andrew
"Hey Andrew! how's it going?"
"Not great, our house was broken into"
"What? Are you ok?"
Ricky's attention was grabbed and he tried asking and figuring out what was happening but I put a finger to his lips to shush him
"Yeah, yeah were fine, just a bit shaken up. Jam and I weren't home when it happened but they left a note"
"What did it say"
"To give up, hand him over and I'd even receive a 'cut', I cant believe this shit. I reported the break in, leaving out the note obviously. We're on our way to stay with some family for a while"
"Ok, if you need anything just call and dont worry, I'll deal with this"
"Don't do anything without an alibi"
Andrew joked and I laughed
"See ya man"
I hung up the phone and Ricky immediately hounded me with questions. I explained what Andrew had said and he slid down in his chair. I knew what was about to happen so intervened before it could.
I held Ricky's face to mine
"Dont you dare blame yourself, I know what your about to say and no, it isn't your fault, it's that bitches fault and I-"
I sat on the edge of the chair he was sitting on, and pulled him into me and hugging him tight.
"-will not take a break until I know she is dead. I mean it. We've made excuses before but she has hurt this family for long enough"
"David, what are we going to do?"
"You and Wren, are going to make cookies and go out with your gal pals, I will make some calls, papas got some work to do"
I gave ricky a kiss and he sat up and leaned it, prolonging and deepening it. We eventually separated
"I love you"
"I love you too"
Ricky took a peek at the clock and groaned
"Shoot I let him nap for way too long"
He hopped off my lap and skittered off to get Wren.
I heard the struggle to wake Wren up and soon rick returned with a very disheveled Wren in his arms, lazily holding his main stuffie.
"With bed head like that, you're starting to take after your Daddy there bubba"
Both of them pouted, I laughed and stood, walking over and messing with wren's hair even more.
"Baby you know what's next?"
" wha?"
You're gonna turn into a dinosnore just like Daddy"
Wren squirmed around while Ricky pointed at me then out the door.
"You, out of my kitchen"
I feigned shock
"What? Wha'd I do?"
"You come in here and make fun of completely normal sleeping habits, OUT"
Wren giggled and mimicked Ricky
"Fine, but this isn't the last you've heard from me!"
I left the kitchen, ruffling up Wren's hair as I went.
As I headed for my office I heard Wren ask
"Where papa going?"
Ricky answered
"Boring business Papa stuff, come on baby bear, let's make cookies"
I sat down in my office and started my boring business Papa stuff, dialing my brothers number.
It rang a few times before it was picked up
"David? You never call, what do you want?"
"Good to hear from you too Louis"
"Cut the shit, what's wrong?"
"Fine, I need your help"
"I'm all ears"
"Alright honey, mix slowly"
I held the bowl as Wren, sat on the counter, mixed the butter and sugar together. I was excited as hell, the girls have been begging to see Wren in person and it would be a good opportunity to try and get Wren more comfortable in public.
"Done Daddy!"
The butter and sugar were mixed well together.
"Well done baby bear"
I kissed his cheek and he giggled.
I cracked in the egg and Wren once again mixed. I didn't let him mix up the flour, knowing it would get everywhere.
"Yes baby boy?"
"Layur can me ooo an papa eat da cookies owside an look ah da staws?"
Wren doesn't outright ask for stuff often that so it was a pleasant surprise, but it was a shame I'd have to say no.
"Of course we can look at the stars tonight baby bear, but we need to save the cookies for Daddy's friends, me and you are gonna meet them tomorrow. We're gonna get lunch and I swear it'll be so much fun"
Wren stuttered over nothing, looking nervous, he shifted around, pulling at his t shirt and scratched the back of his hands. I held both his hands to stop him scratching, david said he'd buy mittens to try and keep Wren from hurting himself. I rubbed his hands soothingly
"Wren it'll be ok, they've been dying to meet you and if you feel overwhelmed in any way we can take a step outside"
"Of course honey-"
I took Wren off the counter and nuzzled him
"-my top priority is your feelings baby bear, dont you forget that"
He looked up at me with his huge eyes
"Thank you Daddy"
"Its no problem baby, you want a little chocolate?"
"Mm hmm"
He hummed into me, I held a chocolate chunk to his lips and he took it before immediately spitting it out
Wren whined and I suppressed a laugh.
"Oh I'm sorry baby bear, that was dark chocolate, I suppose you dont like it"
I couldn't help but laugh as he puffed out his cheeks and pouted, crossing his arms for emphasis. I grabbed a bit of milk chocolate from the bowl of mixed chunks, yet to be added.
I offered it but Wren pouted and shook his head even more.
"Its not dark little bug"
Wren intensely inspected the small chunk, before nibbling the edge. He stopped tasting it before eating it all, giggling to himself. I giggled too and tickled under his chin.
Wren pointed to his high chair that earlier he insisted his stuffie stay in while they bake
"Stuffie wan some"
"Oh yeah, well then we have to give him some"
I took a few more chocolate chunks from the bowl and put them on the tray. Wren huffed
"What's wrong little bug"
Wren hid into me and mumbled
"Wren honey I need you to speak up a little"
"He got more than me"
I straight laughed but quickly regretted it and Wren whined and tears threatened to spill.
"Hey hey hey, don't cry baby bear, you can share with stuffie, I'm sure he'd let you"
Wren gave his cutest thinking face before smiling and nodding. I took stuffie from the high chair and strapped Wren in, then handed him back stuffie.
Wren was now far more interested in the chocolate and stuffie than baking so I finished off the batter, spooned it out and put them in the oven.
During the cleanup David came back. Wren was absorbed in a little game he had made with stuffie so he didn't notice his Papa until David lifted his hair
"Hey bubba"
Wren looked up and his hair flopped back down over his face
"Hiya papa"
Wren immediately got back into his game and david chuckled. He walked over and leaned on the counter next to me. I was washed dishes and motioned for him to start drying, which he did.
"So how's Louis?"
I had only ever heard small things about David's brother, he didn't have any pictures so for all I know hes a two foot fairy and I like imagining it that way.
"We have alot to talk about, not in front of Wren"
I nodded, Wren already knew too much about our situation and I didn't want to ruin his innocence further.
"Oh a bit of good news"
David ran out of the kitchen and returned with a small bag and set it on the table.
"What's this?"
I dried my hands took the bag. Opening it up there was a pair of pink baby mittens for Wren.
"Aw they're adorable! Thank you honey"
I hugged david and gave him a kiss before turning to Wren, who was quizzically looking at the mittens
"What dey Daddy?"
"I'll show you baby, hold out your hands"
Wren looked hesitant but i gave him a reassuring smile and he did. I put on the mittens and Wren acted like a confused puppy, shaking his hands and around and flexing his fingers while giggling
"They soft!"
David sat next to Wren and brushed the hair out of his eyes.
"I made sure they were soft for you princess and to keep daddy sane I got..."
He pulled out a few more small bags
"All the colours"
I squealed as I opened the bags and imagined the possible outfit combinations. David laughed and turned back to Wren.
"Bubba these are gonna stop you from hurting yourself if you anxious scratch"
Wren tilted his head before running his hands along his arm and touching his face, realising that he couldn't feel anything outside the mittens he whined and pouted.
"Baby bear you dont have to wear em all the time but they'll help I swear"
"Oki daddy"
"Now what do we say?"
Wren took his stuffie, which had been sitting next to him, into a big hug. He was obviously happy that the mittens didn't stop him from hugging.
"Thank you papa"
//time skip(I'm not lazy I swear)//
"Bubba we're going to get you ready for bed now, so that you can be all comfy and cosy outside looking at the stars"
Wren excitedly clapped his hands and held out his arms for David to pick him up. David did so, carrying him to the nursery with me in pursuit with a wrens medicine.
It was cold outside so grabbed a fleece onesie, it already came with boots and mittens so there was no need for the mittens.
I gave the bottle of pills to David as he was changing Wren out of a wet diaper, he finished wiping him down and quickly put one in before Wren even noticed what was happening. David taped up the thick night time diaper and stepped aside, allowing me to get Wren dressed.
I grabbed a blue pacifier and clip, attaching it and letting Wren suckle on it.
I picked him up, david grabbing his blanket and topsy. Before heading outside we made a stop at the kitchen, I opened the tin of cookies and let Wren pick one, he was a good boy today he deserves something sweet. We also heated up Wren's bottle of milk.
David held the backdoor open for us and we sat down on the porch. I wrapped Wren in his blanket as he gazed up. The stars weren't as plentiful as out in the woods but they were still there.
We didn't talk much, just snuggled up as a family watching the stars, occasionally munching on cookies.
I looked put over our garden, it was a mess. I loved the outdoors and always wanted a nice garden but it got really weady and too big to deal with so its gone to ruin. But you can still sit on the porch and that's nice all I need.
I took out Wren's pacifier and offered the bottle which he latched onto and lazily sucked. David rubbed Wren's tummy as he drank and I rested my head on his shoulder.
We stayed like this until Wren bottle was finished and he was practically asleep in my arms.
I stood to bring him inside, but he whined around his pacifier.
"Dadi nooooo
Sing pwease"
"Ok baby bear"
I sat back down and david smiled at me, whispering "softie" in my ear.
Traveling in a fried-out Kombi
On a hippie trail, head full of zombie
I met a strange lady, she made me nervous
She took me in and gave me breakfast
And she said:
Do you come from a land down under?
Where women glow and men plunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover
Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was six foot four and full of muscle
I said, "Do you speak-a my language?"
He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich
And he said:
I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover
Wren snored in my arms and I stopped. David leaned in.
"How is he already turning into you"
"I would shove you if I wasn't holding him right now"
We carried Wren off to bed, making sure he had all he needed before we headed to the sitting room to talk.
We both sat down, knowing what was about to happen. I took a breath.
"Hows Louis?"
"Well, he said he'd help us and he wasn't exactly pleased that I never told him about jessica"
"Oh, do you know what he's going to do?"
I didn't exactly know how to ask.
I had weird feelings about all of this. I mean, I was fine with getting rid of Josh but Jessica is on a whole other level. If something were to go wrong, shes well connected and could ruin us. Plus she has a son, me and david attended the baby shower. I've never met the kid, he's probably a spoiled brat, but I couldn't in my right mind leave a child without their parent.
"I dont know, and I know you're worried about stuff that could go wrong and complications but we can ask him as many questions as we want tomorrow"
"Wait, what do you mean tomorrow"
"Louis is a very busy man, but he has his schedule wide open for personal matters for the next few days"
"David I'm dumb, rephrase"
"He's going to stay with us for the next few days and end our troubles"
"What?! You need to run these things by me David! I mean, I'm ok with him coming but theres no time to plan"
"Dont worry sugar, I knew you'd worry so I have a plan. Louis is going to be here tomorrow morning, around 11, ok?"
I nodded along "ok"
"We keep it light with Wren around, hes knows about Wren and we won't talk about anything bad with Wren around"
"Good, hes too precious"
"Absolutely, then when Wren goes down for his nap we get to business, you can ask any questions you want"
Then when Wren wakes up from his nap, you and him go off with your gal pals as planned. I wont have you ditching them. They've been blowing up both our phones to get you out, it's very annoying and you obviously miss them"
I laughed, true they had started calling david when I didn't pick up.
"Then while yous are out, I'll talk gritty stuff with Lou, cause I know it'd make you uncomfortable"
"Oh and were gonna have to rope Louis into some fun activities with Wren right? He's gotta have his fun uncle "
"Of course, his fun, hitman, uncle"
I laughed and fell back into him and he wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling into my neck.
"You wanna cuddle for a bit?"
"Fuck yeah"
David kissed me and we stayed cuddling until we were to tired and headed to bed.
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Eddy Chen and Brett Yang, friends since forever and till forever.But does forever really exist?They say you write your own story, so did Brett and Eddy pave way for the correct ending? As life takes its own turns, Brett and Eddy find themselves in different places and situations. Man proposes and God disposes, they might say. Bound by feelings and emotions, Eddy gets pulled closer to Brett who keeps moving further and further away. Will destiny's string tie them together or will it snap? _Author's Note:1)First work on wattpad. Though the story is based on real people, the plot is completely fictional. And I have absolutely no intentions of mocking or copying anyone but since the human brain thinks stuff that is already known to them, if I accidentally write something that's already been written please do inform me. 2)English is my second language but I think I'm good at it(?). 3)If I make you cry, please don't kill me. 4)No NSFW but maybe in any future works.(If you came for that, sorry) Edit- some chapters have the slightest nsfw and have been marked, but all they contain are kissing scenes, so don't be scared. I'm pretty sure you've read even more graphic things. 5) The story description will be edited after the story ends to fit even more.6) Pay attention. And don't kill me.7) Got Instagram too now, please check it out. @/interesting.twosetter8) completed 24/2020
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