《Road Trip! [Kagehina]》Chapter 13 (End?)


"Yoo-hoo!" Sugawara called with a wave, as all four jogged towards the team scattered along the beach. "We found 'em!" Daichi grinned, letting go of Sugawara's hand as they went off to herd to group. Everyone's heads turned in unision as they walked over. The duo instinctively let go of one another's hands, too. "How are we going to tell them?" Kageyama asked, hiding his mouth with his hand as he whispered. "Tell them about wha- oh, right," Hinata whispered back with a small grin, the two standing there rather awkwardly. "I don't want to say anything just yet.. Ack! What if Daichi or Sugawara say something!" Hinata whisper-yelled, before speeding off towards Sugawara, with Kageyama running behind to catch up with Daichi.

"U-uh-Sugawara-Senpai, please don't mention, Kageyama and I and how-how we're- you know-" Hinata stuttered frantically, aiming to express the right words before the tired team members met them. Sugawara nodded, an understanding expression written on his face as he watched Hinata freak out a little. He noticed Kageyama make a return and looked up. Kageyama walked up from behind Hinata and asked softly, "Got there in time?" With a small nod from Hinata, the two sighed exhaustively. "Why are you two sighing?! We got woken up early to start searching for you all because you'd gone!" Tanaka half-yelled, but it was one of those 'I'm-annoyed-but-I-don't-really-mind' kind of yells, and accompanied a daring smile. "Yeah! Where did you even go?" Nishinoya asked, perched on Asahi's back. "He's a look-out tower, apparently," Asaahi rolled his eyes, but chuckled when Nishinoya let out an enthusiastic "You bet I am!" And punched the air. But really, they all, including the ace himself, knew it was Noya's excuse to get a piggy-back-ride from Asahi. Tsuki and Yamaguchi then made their way over casually, not having really bothered at all with the search. "So where did you go, anyways?" Yamaguchi asked curiously, putting a finger to his lips. Kageyama and Hinata looked at each other in dismay, they hadn't planned a backup story "I-uh-we-we jus-" "They went for a stroll, Hinata wanted to do more spikes so they practiced that for a bit and then took a walk. They found a cave in cliff and looked around, but by then the storm last night had arrived and the tide was too far in, they couldn't get back until now." Daichi covered excellently, even though everyone found it odd that only Daichi was able to explain the situation, nobody chose to question it. Additionally, it was a wonder that the two boys were suddenly best friends again, considering everyone had noticed their short separation.


"Well, I think we're all just glad we didn't loose our crazy duo!" Ennoshita encouraged, receiving nods and approving comments from the others. Kiyoko and Yachi were particularly thankful to have the pair back, much to Tanaka's jealousy. The sun was almost completely out of the ocean's grasp as the empty sky welcomed it, the waves softly flowing up and down. "I'd say we've spent enough time here, too. Let's pack up! C'mon, quickly now!" Daichi clapped and dashed off to sort out his tent. Everyone else sped away, working to take down tents and check their bags and luggage. "That was dramatic," Hinata laughed as he and Kageyama took down their tent. "I'm just glad everything is okay now," Kageyama smiled inwardly, glancing up at Hinata every now and again. Even though they were dating, Kageyama still had those butterflies. His heart still pounded and every time Hinata smiled brightly all Kageyama wanted to do was hug him tight, even though he would have to wait until they were away from the group's sights. His mind was still messy at the thought of kissing him and his lips could still remember the feeling of Hinata's softer ones. It all drove Kageyama absolutely insane, how this small spiker had him so completely wrapped around his finger. But then again, it was the same for Hinata, who was head-over-heels for his beloved setter.

Somehow, Ennoshita had miraculously managed to call in a taxi van that could take them to the next town, everyone being far to tired to walk there.

Later that day, as they were about to board the coach, the two had taken a peek at the other at the same time, resulting in Hinata covering his face with embarrassment, and Kageyama looking the other way. "Stop looking at me like that, it's cute," Kageyama murmured, making Hinata blush a little. They climbed on together, and took their seats, making sure to place themselves side by side at the back. Kageyama took his soft blanket out, sensing Hinata's tiredness. His chest was probably still sore from all the water, and Kageyama wanted to make sure he recovered quickly. Sugawara and Daichi were the last to climb on, slamming the boot of the coach down and shutting the door behind them. Sugawara was checking in on everyone as the taxi driver started up the vehicle, while Daichi scrolled along his phone casually. The coach was filled with noise, but Hinata could only focus on the sound of Kageyama's heart beat, as his head lay against Kageyama's chest. The coach started with a rumble, it was time for a new place- a new destination.


But where would that be?



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