《Road Trip! [Kagehina]》Chapter 12


"K-Kageyama?!" Hinata called out hoarsely, both hands reaching towards him as he tilted. Stumbling greatly on a large rock, the smaller boy fell on his side, and as he did he was shoved back by pure force of the stormy wind. This gave him unsteady balance, and momentarily his eyes caught Kageyama's. Panic.

Then he fell.

Kageyama had been stuck, frozen, in the matter of seconds Hinata had fallen off. His body stiff and all considerate thought paralyzed. He then dashed forward, faster than he had ever ran before, with an intensely sick feeling jittering up and down along him. Dust clouds filled with dirt trailed behind him as he pushed through the wind, and the oncoming rain. It drenched him throughly as he reached where Hinata had fell, instinctively diving over the edge with no regards to his own safety.

He hit the water with the sea crashing over his head. The violent waves brought have back under every so often, as he flailed around to gain his balance. Once he had calmed down slightly, he looked around, tears clouding his vision. It had all happened so suddenly, so stupidly quickly, he had no time whatsoever to devise a proper plan. "K-Ah-Agh-Gey-Eugh!-Yama!" He heard a distant, croaky cry to his right. Kageyama's head turned rapidly, pushing through the water powerfully as he swam towards the noise. His body felt heavy, heart rushing and mind pulsing with thoughts, worries, questions. The water was filling his throat and his nose, it made it throb with pain as he coughed loudly. Two familiar arms were waving, thrashing about in an attempt to keep himself above water. "!" Kageyama yelled as loud as he could.

Hinata couldn't see. The water clouded his vision along with his distressed tears, and his throar hurt from swallowing so much water. It had all happened in such a fast blurr. Was kageyama here? He could hear someone come closer. Suddenly, someone grabbed his arm. Then his waist. Then he pulled Hinata closer, wrapping one arm ever-so-tightly and pulling the spiker closer. Hinata knews these hands. Knew this figure, this touch. And he opened his blurring eyes, coughing repeatedly, clinging to his special spiker tightly. He prayed that Kageyama was okay, and that they would be safe soon.

The waves were still furiously knocking against Kageyama, but he was using all his strength to make sure Hinata didn't get hurt. The rain poured down on them, and Kageyama looked around worriedly. He had Hinata now, thank God. But where would he go now? The beach was too far, he could only make out the line of yellow if he squinted. He then spotted a small opening in the cliff, a cave that seemed to be protected by a large barrier of rocks. It was safe from the sea, and the waves weren't going to get any higher anyway so it looked fine. Kageyama pushed his way through the violent waters, with a determined heart he hauled both of them up. Putting Hinata up first, he then grabbed onto another rock to lift himself out of the water, but then slipped back down. He had banged his chin, and cursed under his breath, trying again successfully.


"Are you okay?" He whispered, with Hinata responding and a small nod. He could tell Hinata was hurt, and therefore Kageyama carried him carefully inside the small opening. The entire cave was slippery, with drops of water echoing every now and again. The stone felt cold, but the rain and heavy waves were only distant noise now. Kageyama lay Hinata down slowly, the most concerned expression ever written all over his face as Hinata spluttered out another round of water. Slipping inbetween realms of consciousness and unconsciousness, Hinata looked up at Kageyama affectionately, never giving up on his setter. "You rescued me.." He spoke tiredly yet fondly, while Kageyama nodded, pulling him so that Hinata's head rested against Kageyama's lap. The cold stone made Kageyama shiver as he leaned against it, but he didn't care about that right now. "Did you think I was going to just let you go like that? Don't be a dumbass," Kageyama teased, stroking Hinata's head slowly with a soft touch. "Kageyama, it hurts.." He frowned, spluttering again. His chest and throat felt like they were on fire, and everything else but Kageyama was spinning in his vision. He had taken in too much water and hit the ferocious waves with such a great impact, but the pain seemed to be dying down now.

"It's okay, we're gonna be okay. It's okay, I promise, we're okay. We're fine." Kageyama reassured Hinata, though the words were more reassuring to himself than anything. He hoped that Hinata was going to be alright.

Kageyama allowed Hinata to rest, not moving to keep the smaller one asleep. He on-and-off dozed, checking on Hinata every once in a while to make sure the spiker was resting as well as he could in a place like this. Around an hour later, Hinata woke, and his body refused to let him sleep again. Hinata was crying silently, and it took Kageyama a few minutes to notice until he looked down. Seeing him stare at the ceiling so blankly, so tiredly.. It shattered Kageyama's heart.

"What's wrong?" Kageyama whispered.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault. I was being careless.." Hinata croaked with a tragic expression.

"You dumbass, it's my fault. I was the one who suggested we race in such a stupid storm,"

"No, it was my fault!"

"It was my fault!"


The two then burst into laughter. It was silly, really, they wouldn't ever quit with their bickering. But it's what made their relationship so sound and secure. Their trust in that no matter what gets said, the truth is that they cared deeply for eachother. The sound of their cheerful laughter echoed in the cave, and blocked out the sound of the terrifying storm outside.


"What are you like," Kageyama sighed, running a hand through Hinata's hair. "You mean, what are you like," Hinata grinned weakly, prodding Kageyama's chest playfully. He felt the drenched fabric that stuck against his torso, it was damp and cold. "Are you okay now, though?" Kageyama asked, noticing Hinata's instant mood-lift after sleeping for a while. "Mmhm, my throat feels better, but my chest isn't too good," Hinata replied quietly, using Kageyama to help as he slowly sat up properly again. Hinata shivered, and wrapped Kageyama's arms around him for warmth. Kageyama sighed, this guy requires so much care, but pulled Hinata close anyway. Kageyama, no matter what, somehow always made exceptions for Hinata. It came naturally, and Kageyama never realised how he prioritized Hinata before himself.

"Can I kiss you, Kageyama?"

"W-what? Why that so suddenly?"

"Is it a problem?"


Hinata smiled up at the setter, who had small rosy cheeks. Hinata nor Kageyama had ever kissed someone romantically before, and were both fidgety towards their first kiss.

It was shy, and gentle, as Kageyama cupped Hinata's cheeks and brought his face closer, kissing his lips gently with his eyes squeezed shut. Hinata's eyes were also shut, as he felt the setter's soft lips against his own ones. The pulled away after a short and sweet moment, both slightly impressed with themselves for managing to kiss the other.

"Thank you, Kageyama," Hinata muttered, with Kageyama still embarrassed like the giant nerd he was. They slept like that, with Hinata's face buried against Kageyama, and Kageyama's arms loosely holding around Hinata.

(Totally could have put a little soft smut here but I might not get around to it and, either way, it won't be cannon in the story)

The storm had calmed later that night, and as the sun rose up in the sky to signal the early morning, the cave was lit up and dried in the warm summer sun. The light shone on the duo, and the sea was gently swaying once again. That morning, Kageyama and Hinata were no where to be found at the camp. Their tents were empty and sleeping bags left abandoned. Sugawara, Daichi and Asahi were scrambling around in distress, ordering search parties in the early hours to the old camp, the coach and along the beach. Meanwhile, Hinata and Kageyama were oblivious, still in a deep sleep after their exhausting fiasco. Sugawara and Daichi ran along the beach, looking out for any traces of the two. The sea had gone right out, leaving a massive area for the two to run along. An hour later, they spotted the small opening hidden inbetween the cliff rocks, and manoeuvred their way up along the slippery surfaces. Eventually, they peered around the corner, and spotted the two closely entwined at the back of the cave opening.

The sun shone directly on the two as Sugawara and Daichi dashed over, calling their names, making them wake with a start. "A-agh!" Kageyama yelped, spotting the two third years inches away from his face. Kageyama protectively pulled Hinata closer before he realised who they were, and let him go with an embarrassed expression. Getting back to the camp had slipped his mind that night, though it wouldn't have really been an option. "We were worried sick! Where on Earth did you go?!" Sugawara asked with a relieved tone, sighing as Hinata explained their situation tiredly.

Sugawara and Daichi were crouched on the floor, intently listening to the story. Occasionally they would give eachother side glances and winks, especially when it got to the part where Kageyama and Hinata confessed- though Kageyama suggested they "skip over that part because it wasn't important,"

"Ah, I see.." Sugawara nodded understandingly, while Daichi yelled, "But don't do it again! We were so worried!" He whacked both their heads, but smiled. "Now, let's go get the rest of the camp regrouped, hmm?" He suggested, holding a helping hand out to both of them. Sugawara laughed, also standing up and ready to go. Hinata and Kageyama followed them, walking out the cliff. Sugawara and Daichi were holding hands, Kageyama noted. But Hinata also had the same idea, and as the two quietly reached for one anothers' hand, they laughed, interlocking them with a small smile.

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