《Road Trip! [Kagehina]》Chapter 5


Kageyama was tired, but after a good night's sleep he felt as though he could do it all again. He turned his head towards where Hinata would have been, though for some reason the opposite bed was empty. Cracks of sunlight were seeping through the closed blinds, making parts of their room light up in a brighter color. Once he felt awake enough, Kageyama sat up and climbed out of bed to investigate.

It didn't take long to find the ginger boy, he could hear the pitter-patter of water falling onto the bathroom floor, making it obvious enough that Hinata was taking a shower. Suddenly, the water stopped and there was a pause for silence. The door unlocked, and Kageyama shuffled back a bit. Hinata looked suprised, but continued out the door "Eeeh?! You're awake already, Kageyama-kun?" Hinata had walked out with only a towel tied round his waist, his hair was scruffy from being dried and one hand was running through it. Kageyama blushed a little, he wasn't sure how he felt about Hinata being shirtless so openly; it made him incredibly flustered. "Put some clothes on, stupid! The blinds aren't even shut!" Kageyama yelled with a serious face, it was the only way he knew how to cover up this weird emotion he held.

Kageyama turned to their little kicthen space, pouring a bowl of cereal. His mind was so caught up that his bowl almost overflowed with milk, having luckily realized this before it trickled over. As he made his breakfast his mind was elsewhere, and Kageyama couldn't get the thought of Hinata shirtless out of his head for the entire morning. So much so, that, whenever Kageyama saw him, a small blush formed on his cheeks. After doing the normal morning routine, the two boys headed downstairs to meet the rest of the group, who were discussing day two of their summer road trip. They slid into discussion easily, or, Hinata did, and Kageyama waited until the orange-haired boy could usher him into the conversation.

"We'll go to the very, very, top, right Asahi?" Nishinoya exclaimed enthusiastically, his eyes almost like an excitable flame that couldn't be put out. His fists were clenched, as though he had punched the air in anticipation. "Uhmm, I'm not too sure about that.. Heights and tall buildings aren't exactly my best friend," Asahi mumbled, almost in an apologetic tone. Nishinoya grabbed one of Asahi's hands in his smaller ones and said, "Well as long as you're with me, everything will be perfectly fine!" And at that, Asahi smiled appreciatively. Nishinoya had always reassured him with his excitement and casual talks, always knowing just what to say, too.


Meanwhile, Yachi was talking with Kiyoko about the tourist attraction they had visited yesterday, which was apparently a traditional Japanese garden that they had both enjoyed. Ennoshita had just spotted Tsukki and Yamaguchi arrive from the lift, giving them a nice wave and a nod as the pair made their way over. Sugawara and Daichi noticed, too, and walked over to greet the indifferent first years.

Sugawara called for everyone's attention, but not so loud so that everyone else in the lobby was left undisturbed, and the group slowed down to a silence. "Today, we'll be heading up to "Tokyo Towers"! Now, we know not everyone is very fond of heights, but we still want people to have a good time! So if you really dislike heights and want to stay fairly low, head with Kiyoko, and if you don't mind going high up, but don't want to go too far, stay with Daichi, and if you want to go to the veeeeery top!" Sugawara used his hands to motion going from the bottom to the top, "Then come with me!" After some indecisive choosing, everyone in the team had found their groups. It was going to be a long trip by tube to Tokyo Towers, and a good amount of queing. The team were excited to get there, and had been provided packed lunches made by Sugawara and the two managers incase the queue was really long.

After standing in line for roughly an hour, and having eaten their lunch, it was finally time for Karasuno to venture up Tokyo Tower. The building was much bigger than expected, and the lights on the side were bound to make the building look pretty at night. "Guess I'll see you later then, Kageyama!" Hinata said with a smile and a cute wave. Hinata was going with Daichi, while Kageyama was heading up straight to the top with Sugawara. Everyone else had wanted to go with Daichi, and progressively make their way up to meet Kageyama and Sugawara at the top. And only Yachi had gone with Kiyoko, neither of them were afraid of the top, but wanted some 'girl time' instead. This was a concept completely out of Karasuno's comprehension, so it seemed. Kageyama was thankful for this, though. I finally have some time to think, he thought with a tired sigh.

"You excited, Kageyama?" Asked Suga politely with a pat on the back. "It's funny how both us setters wanted to go straight to the top. D'you reckon it means something metaphorically in a way? Perhaps, I don't know, setters reach for the top first? Ah, but that's such a silly thought," He rambled a little, but Kageyama didn't mind at all. As they walked inside the lift that would take them up, and up, and up to the top, Kageyama leaned back against the wall, thinking about what his mind had chosen to rush over and ignore within the past few days.


"Something wrong?" Asked Sugawara, who joined him against the wall and folded his arms. Kageyama was surprised, he hadn't even said anything yet and Sugawara already knew something was up! Kageyama supposed being able to work in a team, and read attacks and blocks, and more importantly emotions had been an acquired skill for the third year. He nodded a 'yes' and asked, "How did you know?"

"It was just an intuition." Sugawara replied with a wink, and added on with a smile, "But I'm all ears if you need someone to talk to,"

And this was the moment Kageyama finally spilled out everything that had troubled him over the past few days. "It's become more and more of a problem over the past few days," sighed Kageyama, "Whenever he get's close to me, or touches me, or does something cute, I can't help but feel all warm and cozy and yet at the same time it's like... like my stomach's in a knot and I'm super self concious." Kageyama pursed his lips and gave of his signature Kageyama face, utterly embarrassed by the strange words that had left his mouth. "And.. this is about Hinata, then?" Suga asked with a smile, it was obvious enough that it was true, but Sugawara found it funny Kageyama hadn't even mentioned a name yet. Kageyama stuttered a little, shit, was it that obvious? "Y-yes..". He looked down and shuffled about awkwardly, waiting for Suga's response. Instead, Sugawara burst out laughing, getting a few strange looks from people who were also in the lift. After he had finished giggling, Sugawara apologised for 'Being a bad senpai' and continued on. Putting a hand on Kageyama's shoulder and leaning in closer, he said softly with the biggest smile one could ever have,

"Kageyama, this is going to sound reaaally clichéd, but I think you might like Hinata a little more than just friends.

What you described to me, it's simply love,"

The words had rang through his head.

All day.

Love? Was that really how he felt? Part of Kageyama honestly believed what Sugawara had said. It made sense, after all, he had been feeling strange the past few days. And it seemed that whenever Hinata was around, Kageyama's aim was to either impress or protect him. He couldn't quite come to terms with it yet, but the feelings he had seemed quite evident now. Perhaps he really did like Hinata that way.

and the mental cycle continued, as Kageyama lay on his bed, with his hands under his head. He couldn't sleep. Since returning from their trip, Karasuno had dispersed to their rooms, and it had taken all of his strength to keep this discovery from the other boy. He would have to tell Hinata eventually- there was no way he could live with this tormented feeling of uncertainty. It would probably affect his volleyball playing, and Kageyama couldn't have that.

Something felt new and different and missing. It was dark, and from a few footsteps away he could hear Hinata tossing and turning in his own small bed. "Kageyama.." Hinata called his name quietly incase he was asleep, "Are you awake, Kageyama-Kun?" Hinata asked once more, and Kageyama answered back. He grumbled a 'yes' and listened intently. "I'm cold, Kageyama," Hinata mumbled, trying to think of a solution to his shivering body. "Can I climb into your bed? It'll be much warmer.." Hinata pursed his lips and waited for Kageyama to answer. The suggestion was a bit of a gamble, after all, the two were both guys, and subconciously yet conciously had feelings towards one another.

It took a few minutes of deadpan silence before Kageyama answered bluntly, "Okay."

Hinata laughed a little while climbing under the blankets with Kageyama, it had taken him that long to give him such a simple answer. Resting his head on one of Kageyama's arms, as it was under the pillow, Hinata's heart beat quickly. For some reason, it felt nice to Hinata when he was close to Kageyama. He enjoyed it very much, it made him calm and happy and every other positive emotion you could feel, but all at once. His stomach was full of butterflies, but after calming down Hinata was able to drift to sleep. Kageyama could hear Hinata's soft breathing pattern, and felt the heavyweight on his arm. He managed to match the smaller one's breathing with his own, and closed his eyes gently. With Hinata, he could easily dream in peace.

Now it was obvious enough that the two had gotten unbelievably close while still managing to stay in the friendship zone, and both of them had no problem with that at all. But Kageyama was still undeniably tormented, confused as to whether he really loved Hinata, or just considered him a best friend. He decided to talk with Hinata that morning when he woke up, a sleepy ginger sitting up with messy hobbit-hair, rubbing his eyes.

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