《Road Trip! [Kagehina]》Chapter 4


They made their way along the streets of Tokyo, getting lost in the bustling twists and turns but eventually finding the desert cafe. "There it is! Look!" Hinata pointed, grabbing hold of Kageyama and dragging him along, pushing open the glass door. The cafe was very much volleyball oriented, with volleyball themed drinks, food and decoration. "Ahh Kageyama! It's even cooler inside!" Hinata exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement.

"We were supposed to take a break from volleyball, stupid," Kageyama rolled his eyes, but kept quiet while they were being seated as he usually let Hinata do the talking. Once they had sat down the waitress offered them large menus. "When you're ready to order just let me know!" She said with a smile, walking away to serve other customers. Hinata began to read off the menu, as loud and as over-enthusiastic as ever. He held it openly, and suddenly exclaimed, "Kageyama look! You can get 'setter sundae's' and 'spiker sodapops',"

Hinata couldn't help but to read energetically off of the list, eyes glimmering. Kageyama was also in his own world, sifting through choices. But the orange-haired boy just seemed to get louder and louder, Kageyama was beginning to notice all the sideglances and sometimes little laughter at the boy's enthusiasm. He interrupted him before Hinata could go any further, "I do have eyes, y'know," He pointed up at them, before resuming his search down the menu. After a few minutes of silence Hinata asked, "Kageyama, do you know what you'd like?", and with a nod from Kageyama he called the waitress over to take their orders.

"Welcome to our special Volleyball Desert Cafe, how can I help you?" The waitress smiled at them and followed every procedure as she was taught. It was mandatory to present them with that same issued, practised greeting no matter who they were. "Uhm.. can I have the Volleyball Court Cake?" The waitress nodded, scribbled a few notes down on pen and paper and turned towards Kageyama. "And for you?"

Kageyama stuttered, he had it planned out in his mind but it was now all awash. "U-uh, can I have this," He pointed to something on the menu named 'libero lolly'. "Sure thing! I'll make sure to deliver it as quickly as I can," The waitress smiled, walking away to go and organise their meal.

"Kageyama, that looks yummy! Can I try some?" Hinata asked, referring to the colorful ice lolly shaped like a volleyball that Kageyama had recieved earlier when the waitress returned. Kageyama considered it, and then nodded, holding it out and allowing Hinata to lick it quickly. "Ah it's so nice!" Hinata smiled, a content expression written all over his face. Kageyama looked away, embarrassed as he saw Hinata smile so brightly at something he had offered. "Want some of mine?" Hinata asked, offering a piece of his "Volleyball Court Cake" out to him. Kageyama nodded, opening his mouth as Hinata put it in as if he were feeding a child. Kageyama nodded, "it's not bad," he remarked. They chatted away for a while, rather, Hinata chatted away while Kageyama listened and responded occasionally.


Eventually finishing their meal, the woman came back to give them their receipt. "Did the happy couple enjoy themselves?" She said with a wink. The two sitting at the table froze, Kageyama's entire face went red while Hinata stuttered softly "I-Uhm- We're not.. Dating.." Kageyama glanced at Hinata, Is he blushing? Kageyama could have sworn he saw a blush on the smaller one's cheeks. The waitress looked shocked, and apologized over and over again "I'm so sorry! You just looked so comfortable and close to one another I just assumed!" Hinata laughed awkwardly while Kageyama sat opposite in silence, his blush just dying down. He chuckled to break the ice a little as the waitress walked away with an embarrassed face after they had paid for their food.

"Ha ha.. It'd be weird if we dated, right Kageyama?" Hinata joked, but Kageyama was still a little quiet as they walked out of the cute cafe. They made their way along the streets, walking through various markets and browsing through different shops. Each and every one was indivual and interesting on it's own, and Kageyama had to convince Hinata from buying anything too stupid or unnecessary.

After walking aimlessly they eventually found themselves in a a massive park area, full of long patches of grass, gathered flowers and ponds dotted about. The park was beautiful, with tall trees that made a forest in the center. "Kageyama, send me a few tosses!" Hinata asked with a grin. "Dumbass, we don't have a volleyball," And at that, Hinata laughed, pulling one out of his own rucksack. "Did you empty your stuff out and bring that instead?!" Kageyama was taken back a little, but not really suprised. Nothing would seperate Hinata from spiking, and he in himself had been feeling an itch to toss a few volleyballs recently. "What? You told me to pack something important before we left and I sort of.. freaked out?" Hinata giggled, clutching onto the volleyball. "Fine. But tomorrow leave that at the hotel! If you're going to bring a rucksack, take stuff that you'll actually need!" He grunted, catching the ball as Hinata chucked it to him.

They spent a good few hours there, following the same routine: Toss, Spike, Hinata collects the ball, Toss, Spike, Kageyama collects the ball. This was done on repeat until they were sweating in the summer sun. Exhuasted, they then made their way to a nearby pool of water to cool down, it was refreshingly cold, and a gentle breeze randomly brushed over them. The same breeze that makes you go, "Ahhh," as it washes over your face. Hinata dangled his feet over the edge of the stream, laying back and sighing tiredly. Kageyama joined him, in his mind his thoughts were swirling around, but at the same time he felt a wave of calm.


They napped for about half an hour, until Hinata woke at the sound of a group of birds all fluttering away at once. It was dark now, the lights in Tokyo seemed close but distant at the same time. The sky was a melt of dark colours that were painted behind shining stars and a full moon, and the streets that had been once full of people were now empty. "K-Kageyama.. wake up!" Hinata whispered, shaking Kageyama by the chest quickly. There was nothing but an eerie silence surrounding him, and as Kageyama woke up he could see the distress in Hinata's face. "What's wrong?" Kageyama asked, stretching out after taking the short nap. "I-it's dark a-and kinda scary.." Hinata mumbled before adding, "And cold," Kageyama sighed, standing up and looking around. "You're afraid of the dark? Tch. Let's just go back to the hotel now, then, before something grabs you," He teased with a grin. Hinata countered him, "I'm not afraid of the ! Just things the dark!" Taking no notice to what Hinata had said, Kageyama led Hinata through the park, remembering only as much as the way to the entrance. We're just gonna have to guess it from here... Kageyama thought. "Whaaat?! But that's scary!" Hinata whined, clinging to Kageyama's arm. Crap, I had said it outloud. Kageyama thought, as he had no intentions of making Hinata even more afraid than he already was.

They walked through several dark streets, with each turn of a corner Hinata squeezed Kageyama's arm just that little bit tighter. Hinata looked up at Kageyama, finding the same stern expression as always to be comforting in an odd way. But at that moment Kageyama was struggling to keep his cool. He felt fuzzy, almost as if he were ill. And his heart beat rapidly. Kageyama would just have to wait it out; assuming it was another one of those random pains.

Kageyama, unusually, liked the closeness the two now had. It was strange, but Tobio was just beginning to understand and accept it. Being with Hinata made him feel warm and welcome, as though someone understood and was always on the same wavelength as him. And now, and Hinata held his arm tight for protection, Kageyama felt strong. He also felt a sort of desirable need to squeeze Hinata lovingly, and reassure him. Though, he knew that would come off as a little strange, and rather touchy.

They eventually found the hotel, able to track it by it's unique design compared to the surrounding buildings. Sugawara was standing on the hotel's steps with Daichi, and when he saw them he dashed towards them with a mix of anger and relief. "Where were you?! I tried to ring you, but neither of you picked up!" Sugawara was almost yelling, he looked a little tired. "A-ah, sorry," Hinata mumbled, and let go of Kageyama's arm slowly. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and his eyes widened, he had about twenty miscalls. "It was on silent.." He said, almost disappointed with himself. "At least you're okay. I was- we were, worried sick!" He exclaimed as Daichi caught up to them. "You should be back here by nine at the latest, unless it's a whole group activity." He shook his head and smiled, "Everyone else is in their rooms now, you should go, too. We'll all be visiting Tokyo Tower tomorrow, too. Just so you know," he winked, before turning back and walking in with Sugawara.

Hinata sighed, glad to be back. It had been a hectic day for both him and Kageyama, and he was just about ready to collapse into his bed. He groggily followed Kageyama into the lift, and waited as they went up several floors. After unlocking the door to their room, Hinata changed quickly and dove into bed without a word. Only pausing to mutter "Night Kags.." To then drift off to sleep.

Kageyama blushed at the nickname, this guy was such an idiot.

But he was an adorakable, lovable, beautiful idiot. And Kageyama's blush only darkened at the thought. This guy was such a dumbass. A big stupid idiot. But was that the reason Kageyama loved him so dearly?

"Don't call me 'Kags' you dumbass.." He responded, though it wasn't as though Hinata would be able to hear him.

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