《Road Trip! [Kagehina]》Chapter 2


(( Picture was taken from http://yoshi-x2.tumblr.com ))

It had been a long drive for the team, but for Hinata and Kageyama it was nothing more than a short nap.

Hinata woke first, rubbing his eyes, disgruntled. His vision focused and stopped the hazy blur of the first few moments of consciousness, noticing a small and soft blanket wrapped around him. It was warm, welcoming and felt way too comfortable. Shouyou almost fell right back asleep, his body enveloped in such a nice feeling he wanted to sink further into.

His eyes followed it up to a sleeping Kageyama, who's head was resting on top of his. Tobio's right arm was loosely held around Hinata, who stayed still in order to keep Kageyama asleep. Hinata smiled and closed his eyes in some sort of satisfaction. Normally he would think about moving away, sitting apart from Kageyama to have his own space again. There used to be such a fine line between them, when they sat on the coach it was as though they had to edge away from eachother as much as possible.

But the duo were quick to discover how much more comfortable it was when you weren't trying to slink away from your volleyball-rival-friend during a two hour drive. And eventually it got to the point where sleeping against eachother was a casual occurrence, and sitting next to eachother was absolutely mandatory.

But it had never felt like this before- for some reason, today felt much, much different. Hinata assumed it must be the blanket, or maybe the fact that Kageyama had his arm draped around him lightly. It wasn't that he felt uncomfortable, it was quite the opposite if he were being totally honest. After all, they were pretty close to eachother. So much so that Hinata could faintly feel his breath across his pink cheeks. But he was too cozy, too relaxed to even be bothered to move.

The middle-blocker felt as the vehicle travelled around corners, lumps and bumps in the road. He could hear it's quiet rumble and the wheels push through the gravel and dirt that scattered occasionally along the road.

He sighed in disappointment as the car slowed to a halt, with everyone quieting down to listen to their captain. Were they already here? Surely they hadn't been in the coach for that long? It had only seemed like ten minutes ago the freak duo were fighting for their beloved window seat. It had almost resulted in a wrestling match, but Tanaka's stern glare and nod towards a practically terrified Yachi had shut them down within seconds.

Daichi stood up, as far as Hinata could tell with closed eyes. He had this sort of strong way of moving, and every step was a strong one on it's own. They were easily recognisable, and Shouyou confirmed his assumption was right when the male began to speak.

"We've now arrived at Nekoma! We'll be sleeping overnight in the same rooms as our last practice week trip. And don't stay up too late; we're leaving early tomorrow!" Daichi concluded, as Hinata could hear several simultaneous unbuckling of seatbelts and people reaching for their overnight bags.

The middle-blocker opened his eyes fully. Sitting up, he turned to his right and gently shook Kageyama's chest, calling his name for him to wake up. It took several long and tiring tries before Tobio actually responded, and even after that he dozed right back off to sleep.


"Kageyama.. Kageyama!" Eventually, the other's eyes fluttered open, staring right back at Hinata's wide and hazel eyes. He looked confused for a second, and Shouyou could tell he was recollecting his thoughts before the tension in his expression relaxed, and the plan of their day had set in.

Kageyama's eyes then dragged down, realising his arm was around Hinata and retracting it quickly with the smallest blush and the world's quietest apology ever heard. Hinata had gotten him to repeat it so many times until Kageyama's rought grasp was on his head, squeezing as he yelled, "I SAID SORRY, YOU DUMBASS,"

They both sat up straight; Kageyama looked out the window and analysed Nekoma's tall school buildings. The setter followed it's clever structure, admiring the way the gyms all linked like one big clockwork system- he dreamt of how great it would be to hve gyms like this over in Karasuno. How much more time could be spent practising, how many more club members they would have... The list went on, and was only interrupted when Shouyou exclaimed:

"Time to go, Kageyama!" With that shining smile, it left Tobio dazed as the middle-blocker stood up quickly, slinging his bag over his shoulder in one solid motion.

"Grab your over-night bag, Daichi said we'd be staying to sleep here. And in the same rooms as last practice! So I'll let you sleep closer to the door this time, if you'd like," He had chuckled, mostly at the drowsy expression on his setter's face, walking down the aisle inbetween the pairs of seats. He turned back to look at Kageyama and pulled a face, gesturing for Tobio to pick up the pace. "Hurry up, stupid!" He teased, running out and jumping past Sugawara, who stood waiting by the door.

Daichi had a register in his hand, the two working like parents to make sure everyone was safe and accounted for. This trip had been rather difficult to organise, so it was their jobs as captain and temporary co-captain to keep it organized. "Stupid.." Kageyama muttered under his breath, still a bit dazed. He wondered what Hinata had thought when he woke up. His arm had even been holding him! But Kageyama dismissed it, it wasn't anything too unsual. And who cares? They were just teammates, maybe even friends. It wasn't like he would get any funny ideas from it. The setter tucked the blanket back into his rucksack and stood up, being the last out of the van, which reassembled much more of a mini coach.

The Nekoma team had gathered round and already mixed with Karasuno. A joke from Tanaka broke the silence, followed by roaring laughter from Ryuu and Nishinoya, and qued in the loud and noisy talk from both groups. Daichi and Kuroo ordered them both into opposite rows, so that each team was lined up to face eachother as if they would in a match. "Thank you very much for letting us stay here," Daichi nodded with a smile, as the rest of the team bent forward and added "" They were then run through their short routine talk-through, they were told by the captains that,

"Dinner was at 7, be there on time or no food. (This was followed by some very irritated grumbles)

They were all allowed to roam freely around school grounds, as long as they didn't bust into any locked rooms or break anything.


. Everyone was expected to be awake by 9 at the latest, for Karasuno wanted an early start."

After the rules had been explained, everyone went off to lay their sleeping mats and blankets down in their corresponding rooms. Well, to be truthful, they weren't really proper bedrooms, but rather small empty areas in a large building just off of the school. Hinata and Kageyama walked in together, the room was just about big enough for the two of them. Hinata laid his sleeping bag against the wall, while Kageyama received more space by the door, just like he had been promised. "I feel.. so tired.." Hinata yawned, stretching out a little. Kageyama shook his head in disbelief. There was no way this guy was tired already! "You napped in the van, dumbass." He paused to think of something to soften his tone a little, he had no reason to be angry at Hinata right now. "But if you need more sleep then I can wake you up for dinner," Hinata shook his head and smiled, determined to stay awake. "I'll be okay!" He bounced up and dashed out the room, heading towards the outside feild where everyone had gathered. "W-wait! Dumbass! You got a head start!" Kageyama complained while chasing after him hurriedly.

Outside, the air felt cool and calm in Tokyo. It was different compared to Karasuno's home, but all the while it was a strange yet relaxing experience. Alot of the two teams were laid out on the small hill part, looking up at the constellations in the sky. Without anyone realising earlier, the sun had set. And by the time they reached Nekoma earlier the sky was full of stars and a bright moon lighting up the center. Hinata looked around and grinned, he could hear various ongoing conversations. Kuroo patted Tsuuki on the head, ruffling his hair "Now see, if only Bokuto had been here! We could have..." And on the opposite side was Yachi and Kiyoko, who were being crowded by a small group of flustered team members. Nishinoya and Tanaka stood on guard, before Asahi gently pulled Nishinoya away with an embarrassed and apologetic expression. Yamaguchi was hovering about, sticking closely to Tsukki, but also sparking small conversation with Nekoma's captain. A barbeque was being started by Daichi and Sugawara, whilst Kenma sat in the corner playing on his console. The air was filled with the delicious smell of cooking meat, and the large group were at their limit of patience.

To Kageyama, Hinata was usually his gateway to talking. The only person who could introduce him and make Kageyama seem somewhat friendly. Hinata would tolerate all of Kageyama's stern expressions and critique, and still give him that precious smile. Hinata had stopped running and faced Kageyama, who was now red from the sudden sprint. "Hurry up! You're so slow, they should've called you the king of slow running," Hinata laughed, while grabbing his wrist gently and dashing into the open ground with him. The barbeque was in full swing now, and the selection and smell of meat cooking was plentiful. The two rushed over, grabbing a plate and piling it with food. Wasting no time, both of them had almost covered theit plated entirely! "Don't take too much, everyone else will want to eat too," Sugawara chuckled, interrupting them with a pat on the head. They nodded, unable to not smile back at Suga as they made their way to a small empty patch of grass.

Everyone else had taken their spots on benches, some on the small patio-like step by the closest door. The rest, along with Hinata and Kageyama, were sprawled out along the grass. The two captains stood chatting by the grill, discussing tactics and laughing along with all the other third years. Asaahi was sat on the grass close to the group by the barbeque, with Nishinoya above him, seemingly styling his hair. Hinata sighed happily, this summer break would be a good one, he could tell. He wanted to say something important, something sentimental. Something Kageyama would remember. But he couldn't think of anything, and chose not to, as he finished his plate of food with a full stomach. Lying back, Kageyama watched as Hinata closed his eyes. He knew the idiot would fall asleep, it was inevitable. Hinata had been up texting him all last night, while Kageyama had slept, being so excited for this trip had kept him wide awake. Plus, once the poor boy exerted all his energy in one go he would often grow tired spontaneously. Kageyama put his plate down once he had finished, and watched quietly over everyone. Around thirty minutes had passed and all the food was gone, and one by one people had retreated back to their rooms. Hinata did evidently fall asleep, and once it was time for everyone else to go, Kageyama tried to wake Hinata up. "Hinata, wake up, dumbass!" He muttered while shaking Hinata's chest a little. He sighed, this was no use. There had to be another way to get Hinata to wake up! And so Kageyama sat, waiting for everyone to leave and use the showers and bathrooms.

Once everyone had left, Kageyama took the opportunity to lift Hinata up bridal-style and carry him to their room. Hinata was lighter than Kageyama thought he would be, allowing him to walk past the quiet school corridors in peace. He turned the corner to their room, which was pretty lonesome seeing as no-one else's was nearby. Kageyama was thankful for that, though. If anyone had seen him carry Hinata in such a way he would have been so embarrassed! Although he could have played it off and explained the situation, he still felt like it should all be done in secrecy. Opening the door to their room, Kageyama laid down Hinata gently. The smaller boy didn't wake as Kageyama left to get ready to sleep, and when he returned Kageyama tucked him up in his bed. An urge inside Kageyama wanted him to cuddle up with Hinata in the comfort of a room to themselves, but he brushed it away pretty quickly, not wanting to disturb the peaceful sleep he was in. Kageyama shuffled over to his own bed, turned off the light and let his head fall onto his pillow. Sleeping restlessly, Kageyama had a rather peculiar dream..

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