《Road Trip! [Kagehina]》Chapter 1


It was a warm summer's evening, the sun just touching the hills in the horizon as the sky melted into a pink and orange tone. Hinata smiled, took a deep breath and felt refreshing air fill his lungs. The wind rustled, and the trees replicated it's invisible movements. Hinata felt so happy, so, so undeniably, profusely happy. He reached a hand out towards the sun, clenching the air gently as if he were holding it. The sun was a volleyball, and he was itching for the feeling of a spike.

Kageyama watched him for a little while, his little face, smiling and happy, what an idiot. Though he wasn't sure who the real idiot was in this situation, really. Kageyama liked to think he was in sync with Hinata, his most entrusted team member. He also liked to think he knew what was going on in that crazy spiker brain, and that he could tell what Shouyou was thinking- how he was feeling. It made him feel like a better setter, but most of all it made him feel closer to Hinata. There was a certain something that felt so undeniably charming to be the one who was closest to the middle-blocker, and it only left Tobio subconsciously trying even harder.

Though, this time it wasn't really all that hard. His movements were easy enough to read, and if that brilliant, shining expression didn't scream 'let me play volleyball' then Kageyama didn't know what else could. Tobio had picked up on the fact this this small, yet extravagant boy would glimmer and dazzle, as though he were the human embodiment of the sun. It worked, in a sense. He was really annoying to look at- maybe he could consider it hurting his eyes sometimes. His excitement was just too bright. But he was also warm and large, not by height; but by personality and talent, a relentless heart that could never quite quit.

"Dumbass, this road trip is so we can take a break from volleyball, not spend even more time practicing!" Kageyama interrupted his tranquil moment with a quick "whack" on the head, followed by a chuckle from Tsuukishima and a giggling Yamaguchi. Low muttering could be heard from behind the duo, but the pair didn't bother to turn around and defend themselves.

Obviously, Tsukishima had made some sort of snarky remark. Maybe this time he had said how stupid the pair were, maybe how they were volleyball-obsessed idiots, or had he brought up the time they failed their exams? They were delinquents. Scrubs. King and shrimp. They'd heard it all, and learned to let Tsukki have his little sarcastic comments.

Kageyama turned towards Hinata, the smaller one now rubbing softy where he had been hit. "Ooooow Kageyama! There was no need to hit me!" Hinata yelled in slight annoyance, though for an unknown reason he could never stay mad at Kageyama for too long. It was something he had learned to accept right off the bat. Even though his partner was grumpy by default, a mean, often-angry setter- Hinata felt it was always unfair to stay too mad at Kageyama for too long. Sure, he had had fights with him along the line, and be had held his ground. But somewhere inbetween Hinata would always find himself giving in, even apologizing in some cases.


And as though they appeared from the back of a big van that held their luggage on que, out came the rest of the team, calling the four first years over towards the gym entrance. Tsukishima supposed they had heard the ruckus, and could only wear a smug face as Daichi threw a stern look in the freak duo's direction.

But forget all that, today was the day they would embark on a new adventure as a team! And Shouyou couldn't be any more impressed, the mention of a road trip had sounded so blissful to him. All these years Hinata had longed for a team, people who were just as passionate, those who also longed for their feet to remain on the court- to keep that feeling fresh. And what better way to build up a team's friendship further than a roadtrip? The third years had been the one to suggest it, obviously, and had somehow managed to convince Kiyoko to come. Sugawara's bribe had been that she needed to protect her dear kouhai, poor manager Yachi. What would happen if she got lost; all alone?

Everyone gathered within a few seconds after quieting, it didn't take too long after all- they were used to this routine from practice. Daichi stood upon the step by the door, clasping his hands together softly, while Sugawara was just below him- but close enough.

Yachi and Kiyoko were standing up at the front, too, but were clutching their own suitcases. Yachi's was filled with a vibrant mix of colours, pastels that clashed but somehow worked all together; Kiyoko's was simple, dotted with black and white stripes.

The rest of the group gathered in a semi-circle around the four, assuming the captain, vice captain and managers were now also deemed group-leaders, as Daichi spoke, "I hope you've all thoroughly checked your suitcases, because once we're gone there's no going back. This will be a long trip around parts of Japan we've never been to before!"

He paused to allow a loud and enthusiastic cheer from Tanaka and Nishinoya, who jumped in the air while yelling "Allllright!" Before continuing, Daichi took the opportunity to re-adjust his grip on a rather large roadmap, one that he and Sugawara had spent a long time looking down upon; having made marks for all their journey routes and hotels.

"Our first stop will be a quick visit to Nekoma. Just to say hello,

And at that comment, Koushi smiled at the small pang of outrage that held on Kageyama and Hinata's faces. Oh, how would the boys cope on a volleyball-free road trip? Though, he thought, they would probably coax them into playing a game somewhere along the line.

"And then we will continue on to a big area in the center of Tokyo, not too far from Nekoma." He grinned, stuffing the frail map away in his rucksack with slight awkwardness as everyone watched him earnestly. "Into the van, quickly now!" Sawamura exclaimed, a little flustered after all those eyes had gazed up at him while he struggled with such a small task. However his train of thought was abruptly redirected, watching and admiring as Sugawara took charge and requested a queue by the vehicle's door.


He let people in to take seats in pairs, With Yamaguchi and Tsukishima sitting near the middle. Nishinoya and Tanaka threw rock, paper, scissors to find out who would sit next to Kiyoko, Tanaka evidently winning as he gave out a rather satisfactory yell. Noya sat with Asahi opposite Tsukki and Yamaguchi, and Tanaka and Kiyoko up at the front beside Sugawara and Daichi. Yachi had taken a seat beside Ennoshita, but just behind the Kiyoko's, insisting she didn't need to sit with the manager, who was deeply concerned for Yachi. The poor girl had only been manager-in-training for a couple months and they were already off on a rather long trip.

They had managed to rent out a driver and coach to take them to Nekoma, and then to their first hotel in Tokyo. Hinata and Kageyama were left to take their places at the back, Hinata complaining under his breath as Kageyama won the race to grab the window seat. He had wanted the window seat! This trip had to be perfect, after all.

The spiker sat up straight, absolutely ecstatic at the thought of new and thrilling adventures with all his new teammates. He wondered what sort of shenanigans they would all get up to, and smiled to himself sweetly. The car started with a rumble, followed by loud cheers as they drove out of Karasuno's parking lot, onto the open road.

Around twenty minutes into the journey the sun was halfway beneath the layers of tall and small buildings. The road was zipping past them, like flashes of colour all blurred together as they drove faster on the empty motorways. Shouyou yawned, as his eyes wandered over to Kageyama, who was staring silently out of the window, one arm against it and his hand held under his chin. Hinata thought he looked very cute like that, oblivious and carefree. There wasn't the usual look of anger or annoyance or general frustration. Kageyama looked like an entire burden had lifted, and he could just think.

The middle-blocker blushed, before shaking his head and pulling his gaze away. It was unusal of him to think of such things. Especially about Kageyama! Though part of him couldn't bring himself to look away.

But he was restless and tired, and couldn't help but slowly let his eyes flutter shut, giving Kageyama no warning as he shifted all weight against the taller boy.

Kageyama was about to yell at him angrily before realising Hinata was asleep, his eyes had dropped down to the boy who leaned against his arm. Deciding against it, his stare glazed over his features. There were things on Hinata that he hadn't even seen up till now, and the closeness helped Tobio analyse his face down to the very last detail.

Hinata looked so much more vulnerable while asleep. His expression was even more innocent and adorable than it had been to Kageyama, and a small pink shade spread clearly across on his face. Pursing his lips in embarrassment, he reached for the yellow bag beside him and pulled out a small travel blanket. Placing it around the both of them before wrapping an arm around Hinata and pulling him closer subconsciously, okay, maybe on purpose.

Nonetheless, Kageyama closed his eyes and rested his head back, wondering how on Earth Hinata had fallen asleep so quickly with all the chatter inside the van.

He could hear Noya speaking proudly to Asahi, who was patient and listened carefully to his every word. Tsukki was silent, ear-phones on and watching as the scenery whizzed past his window. Yamaguchi was sleeping soundly against a travel pillow he had brought along, one of Tsukki's ear-phones plugged into his ear too. Sugawara was leaning against Daichi, half asleep, whilst Daichi read a volleyball magazine contedly. Tanaka had already used all his pick-up lines on Kiyoko, who, had declined them all and cleverly responded to each one. He was now spending his time thinking of newer ones while Kiyoko made sure Yachi was okay sitting behind her. Sometimes Tobio would notice the hired van driver look back momentarily; he mentally apologised to the driver for the noise he had to put up with so far.

Yet somehow Kageyama felt a sort of peace, a happiness and tranquillity like never before. Being snuggled slightly up with Hinata made him feel warm inside, though he wasnt aware of it, and because of this he was able to sleep easily. His head was tilted slightly against the top of Hinata's, more or less using his fluffy hair as a make-shift cushion.

When Daichi went to check on everyone at a gas stop, he had chuckled at the sight of the two being so cozy with one another, and paused to take a picture. For the team, of course. Definitely not to show Sugawara later. It was no wonder the vehicle had gotten so quiet; the freak duo had fallen asleep!

The group had gotten off for a short toilet break -much to Tanaka's demand - before resuming what was left of their journey to Nekoma.

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